Blaise Debeste's Trial Day 3 Part 1

DECEMBER 28, 9:20 AM

Dinkey and I returned back to Mr. Von Karma. There was still fifteen minutes before recess was over. I already gave Father the evidence he needed. He will be alright, I'm sure of it. He's still fighting down there. I'm certain he must be afraid just like I am right now. Though, even though I'm afraid, I can't back down.

Mrs. Debeste will be the next witness. No matter what history she has or who she is, I cannot be afraid to face her. I don't know her or her intentions. All I know is that she is a valuable witness. Everyone that Debeste has with him were victims in some form or another. Even Tyler Brook and Sowy Hem were victims, regardless if they were the ones that kidnapped me. I can't forget that.

Father. He was also a victim, even before he met Mother. I thought about what Uncle Ray said in the last trial. Because he had been trafficked, he knew no other family or place to go. He smuggled, because that was his only means of survival. I'm sure it was the same for Father. It's why his job mattered more than anything or anyone else in his life. His only family was where he worked at. He probably didn't realize that there were other people outside of the ring that cared about him. (1)

I remember when I was working on an art project from school. Father was too busy to help me and I thought it meant he didn't love me anymore. I wonder if Father felt the same way at that time, that nobody in the world outside of the ring could ever care about him. I'm sure Mr. Gant would disagree, but just like how I was with my art project, I'm certain Father couldn't see that there were people that loved him. Sometimes it's hard to see the people that love you when you are so caught up in your own problems. (2)

Mrs. Debeste. Like Father, Uncle Ray, Tyler Brook, Sowy Hem and everyone... she too is a victim. She needs someone to pave her a way out of her situation. She may not even realize she's a victim. Whatever the case may be, I have to be strong. I'm a Prosecutor. I stand for the witnesses that don't have the strength to walk to the Witness Stand. Uncle Ray wouldn't have been brave enough to take the stand had Mr. Von Karma not provided security and protection to make sure he could testify safely. I have to be that beacon to pave that path for each witness under the threat of the defendant. I'm certain it's no different with Mr. Faraday.

Opening the door, I saw Mr. Von Karma with Mrs. Debeste. Both of them turned to me and I released my hand from Dinkey's. I need to be the Prosecutor. I walked up to Mr. Von Karma with full confidence. A Defense Attorney is to always smile for his clients. I'm a Prosecutor. My only client is the people. So, I smile for them.

"I handed the evidence needed for Father's trial," I said.

"Ah good. We are just about to work on the testimony. If you have any questions, now is a good time to speak up before recess is over," Mr. Von Karma said as I nodded.

"What do we know so far?"

"Anna Debeste has been married to Blaise Debeste for 13 years. She knew about his association with the ring, though was unaware about the corpses of children in the trashcans," Mr. Von Karma stated.

"What about Father?" I asked.

"Oh, I knew Greg. He and my husband were inseparable. I sometimes questioned if they had some sort of hidden affair," Mrs. Debeste replied with a tiny smirk.

"In other words, they were close?"

"Very. My husband would provide the money and influence for your father to land the job he had as a Chief Detective and he would provide my husband perfect scores on his tests to have the credentials for his job. It was a symbiotic relationship so to speak."

"You seem abnormally interested," I stated. Abnormally would be lightly putting it. It was as if Father's relationship with Debeste was Mrs. Debeste's favorite soap opera show.

"Can you blame me? We women fantasize in romance and passion. I was very interested and envious of their relationship," Mrs. Debeste grinned devilishly. The female demographic is so weird with their fetishes.

"Does that also include intense conflict?"

"Now, you're getting it. Yes, their conflict was especially intense. My husband often spoke about how  foolish your father was and that he would eventually come running back to Blay during those times. Even now, Blay speaks about getting your father back under him. He was a very valuable asset to my husband. He spoke highly of your father's accomplishments and value," Mrs. Debeste explained.

"What about me?" I asked. I had to keep a brave face.

"Hm... yes, it was quite a shock what Mr. Shields said. Then again, I was unaware of his Child Trafficking. I would never have given him a child otherwise," Mrs. Debeste replied, sighing. "Sad really. I was hoping he'd make a wonderful father."

"Do you think he's going to be happy hearing you say that?"

"Oh, most certainly not," Mrs. Debeste smirked devilishly, then laughed. "Though, I suppose the heated drama isn't exciting when you're the one in the line of battle. I try avoiding those confrontations as much as possible."

"Yet, you seem to find it fascinating when it's others?"

"I never said I was a saint, child," Mrs. Debeste  replied, smirking slightly, while flipping her  hair.

"I will value your honesty. Though, for someone who claims to find little interest in Child Trafficking, you seem to find a greater interest in Miles," Mr. Von Karma.

"Ah, so you've noticed. You have good perception, Mr. Von Karma," Mrs. Debeste said, humming with her eyes lit up. Just hearing that was enough to make me almost shaken up. "But yes, I am very curious about what it is my husband finds so fascinating about this child that he'd want to take his life."

"Uncle Ray says it's because I'm untouchable," I said, trying to control the nerves inside of me. I didn't like the way Mrs. Debeste was staring down at me with lit eyes as if I was some sort of goldmine.

"I know. That's why I'm so fascinated. To find someone that my husband could not possibly touch or... influence... that fascinates me. You truly are a diamond in the ruff. You continually surprise me when standing in court against my husband. If Blay truly is intimidated by you, I can see that," (3) Mrs. Debeste stated, her eyes staring at me closely as if trying to read me. Even though I was trying to control my nerves, I could still feel that lump in my throat I had to swallow. It felt as if I was biting into something too big for me to swallow down.

"Is that so? What is it about Miles that you can see intimidating your husband. He is talented, but he is a child," Mr. Von Karma asked. I could tell there was some concern in his voice he was trying to restrain. (4)

"As I said, the child is a diamond in the ruff. My husband may not be smart, but he's very perceptive. Even if he has never seen this child in court until now, it wouldn't take much to find this boy to be intimidating. It's one of the greatest qualities about Blay. A single glance at this child will make you think of a frightened child. By the way he's trembling right now, it's easy to jump to that conclusion," Mrs. Debeste smirked devilishly as I felt my hands turn clammy. I couldn't stop the shakiness of my body. "Though, it's when this boy is afraid that he is the most dangerous. If he wasn't, there is no way he'd be able to escape from my husband's grasp. Just to demonstrate..." She reached out her hand, perhaps to cup my face, but I found myself swatting her hand away out of reflex.

It was then that time stopped for me. I stared at my hand that hit against Mrs. Debeste's hand. My eyes widened as I looked up at her with my jaw drop. She smiled with eyes full of interest as she said, "most children would be too full of fear to react, you know. It's rare for children to have this ability. Usually, they'd have to have been trained or learned to deal with an... intense amount of pressure." (5)

"Intense?" I asked, finding myself curious and fascinated, much like Mrs. Debeste. I couldn't believe I responded the way I did.

"Yes, such as being raised under abusive parents, just to give you an example. Yes, it does cause trauma and mental scarring, but it also creates an immunity as they grow under intense pressure. Something must've happened," Mrs. Debeste stated, this time her face growing serious, rubbing her chin. Could it have been...? I was still staring at my hand, trying to remember any memory of intense pressure I had dealt with at some point. I can't remember anything. I was drawing a blank.

"Rachael Newslayday dealt with your husband's... intense interrogation, while she was pregnant," Mr. Von Karma said as Mrs. Debeste stared back at me, seemingly amused, before smiling.

"That's very possible, especially if that child was still kept alive under those circumstances. The mother often feels what her baby feels inside of her. She must have felt the pain and feelings of her child, while he was still inside her. Blay certainly created fear inside the child, perhaps even the ability to respond to fear. To be able to move and control your every movement. What a gift."

It was then that I began understanding fully. Debeste isn't afraid of me, because of not having anything on me. He could still use my father against me. It was the fact I could respond. It was those that were supporting me. Debeste considered Mother a threat because of her words alone. My words may not have much power, but I also take action in the midst of fear. Was I not inside the elevator with Dinkey not too long ago? Could just responding to fear alone be as dangerous as those we fear? (6)

"Recess will end in ten minutes. I've finished all the questions I need to ask. Will you be able to help Mrs. Debeste out with her testimony?" I asked.

"Most certainly. Will you be ready to show?" Mr. Von Karma asked.

"Yes. There's also Father to wait for. Hopefully, his trial will be over soon."

"Indeed," Mr. Von Karma agreed. "Anyways, let us start with your testimony, Mrs. Debeste."

"Of course," Mrs. Debeste responded.

Mr. Von Karma began helping Mrs. Debeste with her testimony and I helped out until it was time to return back to the courtroom.

9:35 AM

I read over the testimony Mrs. Debeste was going to provide. What she had said before never left my mind. It was like she knew more about me than I knew about myself. I never expected to swat her hand away the way I did. It was a reflex. I couldn't control the movements of my body at that moment and this lady predicted it.

My hands were shaking. It was at that moment I realized I was much more afraid of Mrs. Debeste than her husband. Yes, Debeste kidnapped me and tried to do so again to kill me, but at least I can run from him. He wasn't very smart. Even if he did succeed in kidnapping me a second time, it's not like there wasn't a camera that didn't capture his movements. I'm certain Father would've got a hold of it and used it against him. His wife, on the other hand, knew every movement I would make and we had only just met. (7)

Either way, I can't run from her, even if she can predict my movements. I have to remember that she isn't my enemy. The only reason she's interested in me is the fact her husband wants to kill me. Beyond that, nothing.

The Fancy Judge slammed the gavel, announcing, "now, to continue on with the trial of Blaise Debeste!"

"The Defense is ready, your honor!" Mr. Grossberg stated. I never met him before, but he seems like a nice man. Mr. Hammond never talks much about him.

"The Prosecution is ready, your honor," Mr. Von Karma announce.

"Has the Defense talked with the Defendant to get a better understanding of the case?" The Fancy  Judge asked.

"Yes. I'm sure Mr. Hammond will eventually return to his client, but in the meantime, I will be taking over," Mr. Grossberg replied.

"Very well. Mr. Von Karma, have you prepared your Witness?"

"Yes. I call Anna Debeste to the stand!" Mr. Von Karma declared. I watched as Mrs. Debeste got up from the Witness Bench, then moved to the Witness Stand. She held a confident smile and eyes that were of a snake. It was enough to send me chills.

"What a lovely view. Oh dear, you must have found yourself in such deep trouble, Blay," Mrs. Debeste  said in a very deep, smooth tone.


"HOLD IT!" Mrs. Debeste stated, her lips turning upward before turning her gaze at me. "Perhaps the child should take the bench... just this once."

"M-Me?" I Stuttered. I wasn't as much nervous about people staring down at me or making comments from the gallery. I'm used to that. I was much more nervous about the reason she'd want me to take over. Was she trying to use me against her husband? Did she want to test the waters? I was too scared to know. (8)

"M-Mrs. Debeste, he's only a child!"The Fancy Judge argued.

"Don't let those looks fool you. My husband feels threatened by him to wants him dead. I want to see what he's like when he's taking charge," Mrs. Debeste said.

"Anna..." Debeste seethed.

"Oh dear, it looks like I've upset my poor hubby. Ah, it's so hard being a wife to a Chief Prosecutor. I can't even request anything without being stepped all over like grass," Mrs. Debeste said dramatically, her white gloved hand to her chest and showing a belittled expression.

"Miles?" Mr. Von Karma asked.

"I'll take her," I said with a nod. I'm scared, but I can't back down. I have to remember that Mrs. Debeste can't hurt me. I'm not her enemy. I have to work with her, even if her conditions are unreasonable and have some sort of agenda.

"My assistant has no qualms to meet the lady's request. He is studying to become a Prosecutor himself, so this can be good practice for him."

"Hm... I don't know," the Fancy Judge said skeptically.

"If I need any help, I'll go to Mr. Von Karma," I promised.

"Very well. I suppose I can allow it just for this Witness. Though, the same rules apply, including penalties. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Your Honor," I replied, bowing, before turning to the Witness. "Name and occupation."

"Anna Debeste, mother and Assistant Clerk for Toys 4 Us (9)," Mrs. Debeste replied.

"Assistant Clerk? Seems like a low occupation for someone of your status," the Fancy Judge said.

"Motherhood is a full time job, whereas Assistant Clerk is part time to give me that little extra money for dippers and such."

"Does your husband not help pay for your child's needs?"

"He pays for living, room and board, and I pay for everything else regarding my baby. Besides, I'd rather have clean money to pay for my child, if you know what I mean."

I sighed, not wanting to hear about her day-to-day schedule, I said, "your testimony. I... want you to testify about the trashcans. You stated that you saw your husband deliver them from his truck to the Abandoned Building in Plaintiff Street." I read over the paper in my hand that showed the results of the trashcans. "According to the results of the luminol testing, traces of blood were found. In the trashcans on the Debeste property, there were traces of blood from children that have gone missing years ago. Traces of my blood were also found in the trashcans and corpses of dead children inside the sewer behind the Abandoned Building where you claimed your husband delivered the trashcans."

"Oh dear. You're really in it deep, aren't you Blay?" Mrs. Debeste said with obviously fake saddened eyes as her husband shot her a glare. I guess she's not too afraid of mocking him.

"I'd like you to testify what you saw the day your husband delivered those trashcans," I said with folded arms.

"Well, if I must," Mrs. Debeste said, showing those snake eyes. "It was... say, a month ago when this happened. Don't ask what day or time it was, because I don't remember. Only that it was around before Thanksgiving."

"HOLD IT! So, you would say this took place around the middle of November?" Mr. Grossberg asked.

"Yes. Somewhere around there. Again, don't ask what date, time or day of the week it was. Only that it wasn't a Sunday."

"At least it's not on the Lord's Day," the Fancy Judge said.

"I'd hardly call Debeste a Christian or the type that would care to go to church," I whispered, which made Mr. Von Karma smile in amusement. "You may continue."

"My husband often takes no more than ten trashcans once every month. I never thought much of it, since I had always assumed it was related to his smuggling work he does," Mrs. Debeste continued.

"HOLD IT! So, you knew about my client's participation in the smuggling ring?" Mr. Grossberg asked.

"Of course I knew. A wife knows everything about her hubby, at least most of it. As I said, I thought nothing much of the trashcans, let alone that they had dead children in it. I'd have bought some Lyrall otherwise. The scent was a nightmare! You could smell it from three rooms and upstairs," Mrs. Debeste replied, showing a disgust expression.

"Leave it to her to care more about the smell than what is making the smell," I whispered.

"I see. Continue," Mr. Grossberg said.

"Anyways, that month, there were five trashcans. As usual, he places them in the back of his pickup, then drives off somewhere. But, that day, I saw where he was taking them," Mrs. Debeste replied with a sly smirk.

"HOLD IT! So, until that day, you never knew where your husband was taking those trashcans?" Mr. Grossberg asked.

"I did, but he kept changing locations, mostly because I'd find out. Plaintiff Street was his most recent location. I never said anything about knowing it until now."

"Why not?"

"As I said, he'd just change locations the moment he knew of my knowledge."

"Why would the defendant not want you to know?" I asked. Mrs. Debeste never revealed the location to anyone until now, so it wasn't like her knowledge was of any threat. The only way it would be is if...

"That is the question, isn't it? Do you think my husband would tell me, if I asked?" Mrs. Debeste asked, her eyes lighting up.

"No, but you're a smart lady. Surely, you must know the reason or at least can theorize one."

"Hm.... interesting. And, say I did have this theory on why, how is it important to this case in particular? Surely, it doesn't prove anything important. All that should matter is that my husband never wanted me to know and that should be enough to prove he doesn't want me involved. Unless, of course, you believe there's an alternative reason my husband would keep this dirty little secret from his wife?" (10)

"Actually, I believe you were involved," I stated.


"Involved? You do realize that this is your Witness and, as she said, her husband never said anything!" The Fancy Judge stated.

"Mr. Von Karma and I never said she was a saint. Far from it. She finds out that the trashcans are filled with corpses of children and all she can think about is the smell? I'd hardly call that a normal reaction from a Mommy working as an Assistant Clerk at a toy store," I smirked confidently, hearing the murmurs from the audience in the gallery. I shot a glare at Mrs. Debeste, slamming both of my hands on the bench. "Witness, answer the question, why do you believe your husband never told you the location he was delivering the trashcans to!?"

"Hmph... very well. You want to know what I think the reason is?" Mrs. Debeste asked, showing her own glare before turning it into a smirk. "It's because he knows I could turn him in at any moment."

"Wh-What?" Mr. Grossberg replied with widened eyes. I knew it.

"Anna..." Debeste seethed.

"Don't give me that threatening look, Blay. Even you know I've been wearing the pants in this relationship since the day you said, 'I do.' Even the child fears me more than he fears you. I'm not even his enemy," Mrs. Debeste  humphed, flipping her hair back. "Useless toys are not worth playing with, Blay. Even you know that. It's no wonder Greggy-Dear left."

Debeste growled in anger as his wife cackled almost evilly. I can still feel the chills down my spin. That was when it hit me. I had anticipated that maybe Debeste's relationship with his wife might've been an unstable or abusive one, but I had been wrong to assume it was one way. The difference is as different as apples to  oranges. Unless proven, she will always be the victim of this case. (11)

"Be careful, Miles," Mr. Von Karma warned me as I looked up at him. "Just because she's a lady, that doesn't make her incapable of hurting. Even a woman can do just as much damage to a man as vice versa."

"You can see it too?"

"It's not hard to see what kind of relationship those two share. She may not be our enemy or the mastermind behind the smuggling ring, but that doesn't make her less of a threat. It's clear now why she was so intent on having you takeover the Prosecution's Bench. She's using you to manipulate her husband. To the two of them, it's a game over who has the most control." (12)

"... I see," I replied. I decided to approach something. "Making this claim that you would turn your husband in, does that imply you had a blackmail on him?"

"Blackmail? You certainly know how to not beat around the bush. Blay could learn a thing or two from you," Mrs. Debeste replied, smiling with amusement. I noticed Debeste's hands shaking. "But, what would be considered blackmailing to you? If you mean blackmail as in telling a common criminal that I would turn him in, if he forces me to abort my baby, keep me from Family Reunions or break all of my china, then yes, it is blackmail."

"Th-That's terrible! Debeste, how can you treat your wife so horribly!?" The Fancy Judge rebuked.

"You were certainly quick to call out my husband for that, yet the child was the only one that said anything about me. Tell me, are my actions justified, because my husband abused poor widdle ol' me or because I am a lady?" (13)

"W-We.. I... um..."

"Heh, you men are the same. Always protecting sweet, helpless damsels like ourselves against the misogynists of the world. You certainly were quick to attack Greggy for what he did to the kid's mother. Forget that Greggy had been raising his child by himself for these past nine years, while being threatened by my husband and the Ring, and without any government help for single fathers, if there was one. I'm almost jealous he's not my husband. Certainly more capable than the idiot in the Defendant's bench." (14)

I looked over at Debeste and he was certainly angry and humiliated. I can't say if I feel disgusted or sorry for him. Probably a bit of both. There were no good guys in the Defendant or Witness Stand. I could hear confusion in the gallery. No one could really decide whose side to take. It was a battle between two enemies. The only real victim was the child of these two. I can't imagine living a life where my parents were always beating, manipulating and blackmailing each other. Being the child in the middle of this intense crossfire was enough to make me tremble. What made this even more frightening was the fact I had to be in the crossfire as the one in charge of the Prosecution's Bench.

"OBJECTION! Your honor, I object to the Witness' slander against my client. I'd like to focus on the case at hand," Mr. Grossberg asked humbly.

"Yes. Witness, I'd like to ask you for there to be no slander against the Defendant. This is a trial," the Fancy Judge said.

"Hmph, very well," Mrs. Debeste humphed. Blinking my eyes, I swallowed the lump in my throat and got back in the game.

"HOLD IT! I'd like the Witness to add what she said to her testimony. The one about blackmailing against the Defendant for the things she mentioned," I said. I was still shaken up by the intensity between the couple, but I had to keep ongoing.

"Ah yes! Witness, please add that to your testimony," the Fancy Judge ordered.

"You never miss a thing, do you?" Mrs. Debeste asked, showing a frown. "Yes, I did threaten to turn in my husband, so that he wouldn't do things like forcing me to abort my baby, keep me from family reunions and break all of my china."

"HOLD IT! Is that the only thing you used against my client or is there more?" Mr. Grossberg asked.

"I suppose I do have a few aces up my sleeve. For instance, the Child Trafficking, setting up aborting appointments without my consent, the bruises I hide with makeup, all the fraudulent actions, and much much more. Of course, I've given him a few good ones here and there, not that he would show them. They're much more humiliating for him, compared to me. Of course, there is the Pat Roland Case."

"Pat Roland?"

"I think you're meaning this," I said, presenting the Newspaper Article Serena sent to Mr. Von Karma.

"Ah, so you got a hold of that scandal. You see, my husband was the Prosecutor of that case and had destroyed all the evidence. Every. Single. Last. One," Mrs. Debeste replied with her sickly smile, while flipping her hair.

"Are you serious!?" The Fancy Judge exclaimed aloud.

"Dead serious. Not only that, but poor Patricka fell victim that day. She was trafficked in the ring, after the verdict. She hoped to take down the ring from the inside. Unfortunately, the ring caught her red-handed and she was never seen or heard from again. You can thank the boy's father for that."

"F-Father?" I asked, swallowing a lump down my throat. No, he wouldn't!

"He was the one that destroyed the evidence. Not only that, but he was the one that made young Patricka disappear. He said so himself when meeting with my husband. Even placed it in documentation. Take it how you will," Mrs. Debeste smirked devilishly as she presented what looked to be like a documentation in Father's name. It was all in German though.

"She's right. It's a documentation, signed by Gregory Edgeworth, 16 years ago. This was specifically during his second year at Themis Legal Academy. According to this document, he had successfully rid Patricka Roland for being a hindrance to the Ring. He was issued the order to do the job. Unfortunately, this takes place in another country and the stature of limitation would've already ended, if it were to take place in the states," Mr. Von Karma translated. (15)

"Pity, because there's no stature of limitation for murder in Germany," Mrs. Debeste humphed.

"Not unless it's proven Father didn't murder her," I whispered.

"You think your father lied in this documentation?" Mr. Von Karma asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Just something fishy about this documentation. He did state that there were former smugglers he's protecting. Why would he protect former smugglers that are in hiding from assassination and take the lives of those that need to be taken out? Both seem to contradict each other. That and I can't see Father taking the life of another human being no matter what history he has. He would've said something about it before his trial. Is it possible that the ex smugglers Father is protecting could be those he was supposed to have taken out?" (16)

Mr. Von Karma's eyes widened slightly before giving me an impressed smile. He said, "I never would have thought of that. Do you believe that one of the ex smugglers under your father's protection might be Patricka Roland?"

"I know it. It's the only logical explanation that makes sense. Father would only know of the other ex smugglers, if he had been hiding them before he left the ring. The smugglers were like family. Why wouldn't Father want to protect those he considers family? He's sacrificed so much for me. I can't believe he wouldn't do the same for those people." (17)


"Either way, I think this should be entered as evidence, your honor," Mr. Grossberg requested.

"Of course," the Fancy Judge replied. He entered the extermination documentation as evidence. "Witness, you may continue."

"Very well, your honor," Mrs. Debeste replied. "I saw my hubby drive those things to the back of that Abandoned Building on Plaintiff Street. I didn't see any children, though."

"HOLD IT! What about in the trashcans? Did you ever get a good look at them?" Mr. Grossberg asked.

"No. My husband never allows me near those things. I did see maybe a crack, but no blood. There was some stool on the side of one of the trashcans, but nothing more. I assumed some homeless bum took a dump in there," Mrs. Debeste stated.

"Could you add that to your testimony?"

"Of course!" Mrs. Debeste replied. "I did see a crack, but no blood. I only saw some stool on the side of one of the trashcans. I assumed a homeless bum took a dump in there."

"OBJECTION!" Mr. Grossberg shouted, pointing his finger. I knew he was going to do that. "This contradicts the evidence shown here. Each trashcan was examined and nowhere did it show signs of stool."

"Well, it was about a month ago. I doubt if it would still be there," Mrs. Debeste said.

"That's where your wrong. The Investigation team didn't just test each trashcan and area with luminol, but also black light. It should have picked up any trace of bodily fluid, including human stool," Mr. Grossberg stated, slamming his fist on the counter. "So, why didn't they pick it up?"

"OBJECTION!" I shouted, slamming my hands on the counter. "Actually, I can answer that! See, when a human dies, their bowels release everything and anything inside. Empties it like a garbage disposal." (18)

"Then, how did that piece of stool end up there. If I'm correct, those bodies were supposedly in black bags. Also, how can it have not been picked up by the black light?"

"There might've been a leak. Also, it would make sense, if it was mixed in with blood. Not even the black light would've picked up on the stool, since blood has a much stronger reaction and mark!"

"Interesting, so you think that the stool I saw was mixed in with blood?" Mrs. Debeste asked.

"Yes, but it does bring up one contradiction the Defense failed to point out," I stated, folding my arms.

"A contradiction?" Mr. Grossberg asked, his eyes widened.

"You state that the stool you saw was on the side of the trashcan that you have found inside the crack," I said, then slammed my hands on the counter with as much force as I could muster. "How could you have seen the stool from a tiny crack, unless you were intending on seeing what was inside the trashcan!?"

Mrs. Debeste flinched, glaring her eyes at me. It was like a staring contest between us. That was when Mr. Grossberg asked, "well?"

"Hmph, are you accusing me of something?" Mrs. Debeste asked me with threat.

"No, but the Defense might."

"I believe the Witness intended onlooking inside the crack of that trashcan in order to blackmail my client," Mr. Grossberg accused as I began forming a smirk.

"And, so what if I was? It's not like I knew there were bodies in there. I'd have something to use against Blay on," Mrs. Debeste replied with her own sly smirk.

"OBJECTION! If you had seen a stool on the side of the trashcan, knowing it was from your smuggling husband, I doubt you'd just leave it alone. I believe you knew there was a body in there."

"And, where's your evidence? Even if I knew, what's the crime in knowing there may or may not be bodies in there?"

"You failed to report it to the police when the action came for it."


"What are you accusing my Witness of doing?" I asked.

"I accuse the Witness of Abetting in the murder and transportation of murdered children!" Mr. Grossberg shouted aloud, pointing his finger as Mrs. Debeste glared dangerously at him. There was murmuring in the gallery.

"How dare you!" Mrs. Debeste shouted.

The Fancy Judge hammered his gavel, shouting, "order in the court! Mr. Grossberg, these are very serious accusations, you know."

"I think it's clear from the evidence. The Witness knew of her husband's actions, even using them against him. She also failed to report the transportation of dead bodies. Anyone, who sees a small piece of stool, let alone smells it, would normally look into the trashcan, which she did. If she couldn't, that means that the culprit had stopped her at that moment somehow. Though, knowing where the trashcans were being transported to, I doubt she would've just allowed it to go. Not if she wanted juicy blackmail," Mr. Grossberg theorized.

"OBJECTION! Having knowledge of the bodies does not make her an abettor! She needs to also assist, council, persuade, encourage or council the offender and, so far, you haven't proven she had done either of those things!" I cried.

"OBJECTION! That's where you're wrong. Mrs. Debeste persuaded my client, using blackmail."


"Yes, Miles. Tell me this, how would she have known that her husband was a smuggler without my client's life being at risk?"

"Um... well..." I muttered, then the thought came to me. 

Oh! Ooooooh! Oooooooooooooooh!

"That's right. Anna Debeste is a smuggler herself. Not only that, but I believe she intends on taking her husband's spot as the Ringleader that traffics children! That's why she knew about the incident with Patricka Roland!"

I'm such an idiot! Why didn't I think about that!? Mr. Grossberg is good.

"You have no proof!"

"Her knowledge about her husband and his involvement relating to the Ring IS proof. Even testimony can be just as good as physical evidence!" Mr. Grossberg stated, slamming his fist on the counter. I was taken aback, I had nothing to comeback that accusation.

"HOLD IT!" Mrs. Debeste shouted. "I may have blackmailed my husband, but I have never had anything to do with the Ring or its involvement! This is no more than an attack against me, so that Blaise can take me down with him like he's doing to his so called partner in crime."

"OBJECTION! You can't lie your way out of this one, Maim. You must also pay for your crimes."

"That man tried to kill our child! He has no mercy for children! I did everything I could to save my child over his pitiful wishes! Do you really think I'd be so low as to be involved with trafficking children! You are insane."

"Witness, did you truly not know there were dead children in there?" I asked, looking at Mrs. Debeste in her eyes. (19)

"Hmph, funny, coming from the one that accused me of having knowledge of it," Mrs. Debeste humphed, showing a smirk at the end.

"That was the Defense. I never accused you of anything, only the angle in which you saw the stool," I replied, showing a slight smirk. "Personally, I don't think you were an accomplice to the murder of those children and the accusation that you are involved in the Ring is nothing more than baseless conjecture."

"Then, what is your theory?" Mr. Grossberg asked, challenging me. "Unless you have something to counter my argument, this will be the end of this trial."

"I... have something," I replied, feeling a bit nervous. It was a bit far fetch, but I did have something.

"Really? Mind if you share it with us?" The Fancy Judge asked.

"Um..." I replied nervously. What if I'm wrong? Mr. Grossberg did bring up a good point about Mrs. Debeste possibly being a Smuggler and it makes the most sense. But, I don't believe she helped kill those children and, if my theory is right, then that would mean she's not a Smuggler either.

"If this is too much for you, you can turn to Prosecutor Von Karma. It's alright. You did good, Miles," Mr. Grossberg offered politely.

"Miles," Mr. Von Karma said as I turned to him. "It's up to you if you want me to take over, but know that it's moments like these that will be your greatest challenge. If you don't face it now, you will have a harder time doing so next time."

"Mr. Von Karma..."

"You're doing well. Your father would be proud," Mr. Von Karma said as I nodded.

I turned to the Fancy Judge with bolder confidence. I said, "I... I have a theory. I'd... like everyone to listen."

"Go on," the Fancy Judge said encouragingly.

"W-Well... you see... Mrs. Debeste did see what she saw through the crack intentionally and did follow the truck, like the Defense had stated, but... sh-she didn't abet the Defendant."

"And, why is that?"

"To do that, the abettor would have to assist, persuade, council or encourage. Mrs. Debeste did neither of those things. Instead, she used it against him."

"A-Against... him?"

"You think the Witness did nothing more than use the knowledge of the murdered children in those trashcans for blackmail?" Mr. Grossberg asked.

"That's exactly what I think! Let me ask you, Mr. Grossberg: isn't it odd that the only trashcans with bags filled with blood and has the most notable evidence of murdered children just so happen to have children that died a few weeks ago, and were located on the Debeste property?" I asked as Mr. Grossberg began thinking, then his eyes widened, his face sweating.

"Y-You don't..."

"So, you're saying that the trashcans I found with dead children inside I've somehow managed to take with me, then left them at the property where my darling husband could just waltz in and take them back?" Mrs. Debeste asked with a brilliant smirk.

"No, I think you were keeping the trashcans hidden until the time was right. After all, a wife would know where to hide things from her husband and you knew exactly how and where to hide the noticeable evidence. You hid the other evidence of his dirty work very well. You intended on making sure that, when the time was right, you would throw the defendant under the bus, including my father." (20)


"Actually, about that, weren't you supposed to attend my father's trial as a witness?"

"Only if he had not drug Robert Hammond to the stand. Don't worry, I still have a chance to take the stand. I'm going to give a testimony how your so called father deliberately murdered three people. Of course, the stature of limitation to those murders have ended, but they will have proven his connection to your Mommy's death."

"So, the trashcans on the property were constructed to throw the defendant in jail and you attended as a Witness to Father's trial to make sure my father went along with him for the ride."

"Oh, you are such a smart boy. No wonder my husband is afraid of you."

"I'm not afraid of that pesky little brat, you witch!" Debeste shouted from the Defendant Stand.

"Oh, I beg to differ," Mrs. Debeste smirked devilishly. "It will be nice to raise our son. I'll even spend every cent from your bank account to file for divorce, while you squirm behind those bars with your so called partner. I'm sure Greggy will be thrilled. Then, meanwhile, this child can continue his career path and make sure you stay there, living your life doing community service and paying Child Support, that is, if you avoid the Death Penalty."


"It's not certain if Father will be Guilty or Not Guilty!" I argued.

"Perhaps, but it doesn't seem that way from my end. All I see is two guilty parties. Look at it this way, kid. At least you won't have to worry about your criminal father betraying your trust again," Mrs. Debeste said with snake eyes.


"Anyways, if I'm done now, I'd like to go pay Greggy a visit in the other courtroom. Might as well give him my last goodbye."

"Why don't you say it to me right now?" A voice asked.

We all looked over from the door and there was Father. Behind him was Robert Hammond.

"Gregory Edgeworth!?" The Fancy Judge cried aloud.

"My trial is over. I'd like to take the stand as a Witness and return the Defense to his client," Father requested.

"Heh, looks like it didn't take too long," Debeste stated with a cunning smirk. (21)

"My apologies for my absence. Thank you for filling in for me, Mr. Grossberg," Mr. Hammond thanked, showing a small smile.

"Of course! Are you sure you want to continue from here?" Mr. Grossberg asked.

"I'm certain. There's some unfinished business I need to take care of."

"Very well. I'll be watching from the gallery," Mr. Grossberg replied, leaving the Defense Bench, and switching with Mr. Hammond.

"Back so soon? I wasn't expecting it to end this quickly," Mrs. Debeste stated with a frown. (22)

"Your testimony wasn't needed," Father shot down at Mrs. Debeste, who glared at him dangerously. He looked up at me with a smile. "You're doing great, son."

"Thank you, Father," I replied brightly. I turned to the Fancy Judge. "I'd like to call Gregory Edgeworth to the stand, Your Honor!"

"Ah, but were you only in charge for Anna Debeste?" The Fancy Judge asked.

"The Defense has no objections," Mr. Hammond stated.

"Are you kidding me?" Debeste seethed.

"What's wrong, scared my son will kick your ass?" Father asked with a mocking smirk as Debeste shot him a glare.

"Relax, after this is over, you will return back to what you do best. I'm sure Mrs. Debeste will be thrilled of the Child Support paycheck she'll get at the end of the month. It'll be the only good thing you'll be given to your child," I grinned, feeling a bit devilish at that moment. (23)

"Harsh," the Fancy Judge said, his eyes widened.

"We're off to a nice start. So, what do you say, Bestie ol' boy?" Father asked mockingly to Debeste.

"Fine. Heh, let's see how well your brat does in a real court of law without my wife's meddling," Debeste said, showing a smirk. I could see a far more devilish one from his wife's lips. It was only by seeing the smug look on my face from the reflection of the counter that I realized the reason why. Looking at Debeste, I couldn't help, but look at him with such a bored expression.

I watched Father walk to the Witness Stand as Mrs. Debeste returned to the Witness Bench. I could see the light in Father's eyes and I knew he was given a Not Guilty verdict. More than that, but there was something else. There was... some sort of pride. He held that just from looking at me. That made me happy, so happy, but I can't cry right now. It's time for the final battle.


1. Miles is recognizing that even those that are criminals may've been groomed that way. While being groomed is no excuse for criminal behavior, it also  makes it a slippery slope on how to approach or punish criminals. If someone was groomed as a child to be a criminal, then how do we know that they knew better? It's kinda like the Vera Misham situation. She didn't know what she did was a crime. She thought she was presenting her artwork and showing off what she could do. Kids are like that. All they're thinking is, "look at me and what I can do!" Raymond Shields was no different and he didn't understand what he did was wrong, until he realized it would result in taking the life of an unborn baby. Miles is realizing that not all criminals do criminal things with the intention of hurting others. Even his father had no intention to hurt others and that's how it is with most criminals. 

2. This incident was mentioned in a previous chapter. Again, based on the doujinshi called Quiet Words.

3. What Anna Debeste finds fascinating about Miles is the fact that he's a child and one of the few people that her husband is the most terrified of. Also, Miles is the kind of person to go up against him without hesitation. 

4. What Manfred is the most concerned about is what could result from Miles being a threat to Debeste. Keep in mind that Miles is still a child and Debeste is an adult that doesn't bat an eye to murdering children. Also, Manfred had watched Debeste manhandle and drag Miles away two times against his will. It isn't like Miles has superpowers and can just beat up a grown adult twice his size. If Debeste finds Miles' existence to be a threat and is willing to kill him, he can do that easily. 

5. Not to say that most people wouldn't fight back or swat the other hand, but keep in mind how small Miles is and how big Mrs. Debeste is. Most people, especially children, are unable to respond, if someone twice or three times their size tries to fight them. They're likely to try and shield themselves, run or hide. Miles responds by fighting back and that's what Blaise is terrified of the most. It's the same with other criminals and even animals. Once the opposition arrives and says, "come and fight me!" the other one runs with his tail between his legs. This is something Blaise can't handle. He's used to being behind walls or shields that protect him. That's why Miles was able to grab a taser and tase Blaise. Blaise isn't used to or expecting a small child to try to fight back against him, let alone to do so using a weapon of some sort.

6. That does bring up a good question. A majority of  terrifying animals that attack humans out of fear are often considered terrifying beasts. Humans respond to fear by fight or flight. In the case of Miles,  he instantly responds through fighting, even though the man is twice his size. It brings up the question if humans are more terrifying when they respond to fear by fight instead of flight, even though they may lose. It's no different with small animals like small dogs or pets like mice, rats or hamsters. Are they more terrifying when they run or bite out of fear? Which kind of animals are we willing to train, those that respond by running away or by fighting back?

7. What Miles fears the most about Anna Debeste is the fact she can predict movements that not even Miles can predict himself. With her husband, he's  not the brightest crayon in the box. Miles can find ways to escape him. If he tries to escape from  Anna Debeste, she will likely predict where he will hide and how he will attack.

8. I know I've said this before, but keep in mind that Miles is 8 years old and doesn't have a Prosecutor's Badge. While  he has assisted his father before, it's always been from the Defense's  Bench. For Miles, being requested to take over the Prosecution's Side spells a trap. He doesn't know why, but he suspects Anna Blaise wants him to take over for an ulterior motive. Not because she thinks Miles will do a horrible job, but to use him for her own agenda.

9. For anyone that can guess the reference, you  earn a cookie.

10. This hints one of  Anna Debeste's  ulterior objectives are in having Miles take over the Prosecution's Bench. She knows Miles will think things through logically and  be more  observant with his surroundings during an investigation.

11.  Miles is now realizing that both the Debeste's are abusive to each other. They are just as much victims as they are the abusers. In many abusive relationships, it's unfortunately like that. It can be two ways. It goes for both straight and gay relationships.

12. Manfred Von Karma is warning Miles to  not underestimate Anna Debeste as more or less of a victim or abuser just because she's a woman. Even a woman can be just as physically or mentally abusive to a man as a man is to a woman. Anyone that claims that a woman can't  abuse or beat a man up with just as much damage as vice versa are fooling themselves. While there is a different way a woman can physically and mentally damage a man, the difference is apples to oranges. If a hunter can kill an animal ten times their size with a spear, a woman can physically abuse a man and leave marks on them. This isn't rocket science.

13. This is exactly what Manfred Von Karma warned Miles not to do. Anna Debeste was quick to call out the Judge for playing favorites   and feeling more sorry for the woman than the  man, who gets just as much crud from  her. Anna Debeste is putting up the question if   her abusive actions can be justified, because  her  husband is abusive. It should be no, but we tend to favor the weaker link, which are the women and children. Yes, it is sexist, but  that's  how it works in the real world. Also, yes, Anna Debeste does physically abuse her husband too. She mentions this later on.

14. While Anna Debeste has no moral authority to make any accusations, she brings up a very good point and something I believe is a problem today. One of the things about single fathers is that they do get the short end of the stick. Single mothers are provided with government help and SSI. Single fathers aren't given any help from any government or organization for being single fathers, even if they are running from an abusive relationship. Most fathers are likely to give up their children to the mother, because the mother will be able to provide the child  more help with government help in comparison to the father, who can only get help through Child Support or other means outside of being a single father. I won't say my opinion about this, but I do think it is an issue that  is worth being mentioned. 

15. Basically, Gregory Edgeworth was ordered to kill Patricka Roland. For those of you that have played Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2 will know there is more to the story. But  yes, this will connect Patricka Roland to the events of Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2.

16. What Miles is questioning is if  the ex smugglers his father is hiding were those he was supposed to have killed as an order. Basically, he's questioning if Gregory had snuck his kills to a hidden location to hide them from the Ring. This brings up the possibility if  Gregory might've  hidden the ex smugglers way before leaving the Ring himself.

17. In other words, because Gregory  did so much and made sacrifices, because of his love for   his son, Miles cannot believe his father wouldn't do the same for anyone else he loved and considered family. Also, keep in mind, Gregory also did so much and  made sacrifices for Raymond Shields as well. True, Gregory might've been a smuggler, but he was still capable of loving  others. 

18. It's true. They never show you that in movies, but when someone dies, their bowels are released. 

19. Even though Anna Debeste isn't a client to the Prosecution, it is still the Prosecution's job to protect the rights of the Witnesses. As a Witness, she's claiming she had nothing to do with the Ring and as the Prosecution, Miles has to protect her rights. It doesn't matter if she's a good or bad person.

20. Basically, Anna Debeste attended as a Witness to throw Blaise and Gregory behind bars. 

21. Blaise had forgotten about wanting to take Gregory to the Big House with him looks like. He just wants his wife gone.

22. Anna Debeste knows that Gregory is not  one to give up that quickly. She's also annoyed that  she never got the chance to testify, so she isn't 100% sure of the verdict.

23. Bad News, Debeste. It looks like Miles ain't afraid of you anymore. Looks like you're out of a job.

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