🕙Chapter 10🕙
Manik's POV
I looked at Nandini who just lied on the sofa and started scrolling her phone. This girl can never get serious about anything, we have to meet her great grandmother and she doesn't even know a bit about what this is about still she is sitting all relaxed. Its time to get her back from her phone world.
" ahhu.. ahuu.. Nanduuuu we need to study not pass time here. So lets give you a background of our secret society. Also you will tell me about important dates from history." My smirking face was annoying her more as her crying face said it all. This will surely be fun.
Nandini-" Listen Manik I know you have no interest in teaching me anything also you hate even getting stuck up with me for this mission. I understand and here we don't have anyone so just leave this. Tell me what I have to learn then I will do and you can do what you feel like doing. As it is you people are not going to tell me everything. So what's the point of telling me in bits and pieces." She was really pissed with us.
" Look Nandini, frankly speaking I have no personal grudge or disliking towards you. I agree I take time to mingle with new people unless n until its part of my business. This entire thing has taken a toll on me from the very start and when finally I started believing that I'm not alone in this but even Alia is there to help me I was relieved. But now with you coming suddenly everything has gone back to the same start point. I'm sorry for my rude behavior earlier. And about not telling you everything then don't you think its very obvious to not tell you anything because you are new here. You can't expect us to tell you everything as soon as you enter also you won't get them because you don't have knowledge about it--"
Nandini- That is why I should know, if you people want me to work with you then you will have to tell me things clearly and give me that knowledge. It is you all being a hypocrite by not telling me anything clearly and then expecting me to just follow your orders. I'm not a puppet here I'm a human." she just cut me in middle and started speaking. Well I hate it when someone gets in the middle when I talk but this girl here is just different. What she said is right, we need to tell her things if not everything.
" Nandini okay I agree you are right. But can we go one at a time. First you need to know a background story of this entire thing. Maybe then you will be able to understand it better? You need to cooperate with us yaar. Like this you will go no where." I looked at her once while she seemed engrossed in some deep thoughts. After sometime she nodded her head in agreement while I sighed.
" So now Miss Diamond should we start the class if you allow me to." I asked in my most sarcastic manner while she rolled her eyes keeping her phone back in her sling bag.
Nandini-" Lets get started with knowing about the origin of this time travel? Who came to know about this first?" And like I knew here goes Miss. QUESTION BANK with her innumerable questions.
" Miss question bank will you please give break to your questions. Okay so now coming to your first question, time travel is not something new. It has been there from a long time but not in abundance, its just that people didn't know about these in details and if someone could have this gift were termed as abnormal or black magic. As you have got to know that there are 12 time travelers of whom you are the last one. Lord William was the one who actually studied about it in mythological books, met scientists and did a lot of research to actually find out what exactly was it and if one could control these powers. Before him there were 4 time travelers each from different blood line and different time."
Nandini-" But why did he tried to find them? And how they use to travel back in time, was it uncontrollable?"
" Lord was the one who made the first chronograph with the help of best scientist of that time. Then he tried tracking his ancestors to know more about this and its power. Every super natural thing has a reason behind its existence. When he was on one of these expedition he met a sage who gave him some papers which had prophecies written on them." I looked at Nandini whos eyes were wide open, I know this girl is not understanding anything and is in complete shock.
Nandini-" What are prophecies? Can't you for once use simple English terms?"
" Its not my fault that you don't know basic English. I think you should work on your vocabulary Nandu." I teased her while she just held the cushion in her hand ready to throw at me.
Nandini-" YOU!!!!! Don't go on my vocabulary, its good only and right now I'm not in a mood to fight with you and also you have promised Raj uncle and moloy uncle that you will not pester me. So tell me what is it clearly." She showed her big big eyes making a pout making me laugh at her.
"Prophecies means prediction. To predict future, these are some quotes or lines about each and every traveler in the line of 12 time travelers and when they come together something will happen which will change the human kind. So Lord had got these and studied it and tried translating it because they were written in other languages. Some in German, some in Sanskrit while some in coded language."
Nandini-" what does these mean? And can I see those prophecies, what does it say about me?"
" Yaa thats what I will tell you today. You should know these prophecies by heart. Its important becasue in them only most of the things you will get to know. Here take these." I handed her a scroll which had a prophesy about the Diamond. The 12th stone.
" The Raven with its wings soaring high in air and its light as bright and fair,
Connect the world of death and God with hearing the dead man sing in the heaven above,
Its scarce knows its strength with the MAGIC OF RAVEN be its wavelength.
When the two world meets with the raven dies and the circle of 12 comes to its bind."
I recited the prophecy as I have learnt them by heart from the very start of my training. Also I love these riddles and mystery stuff, but looking at Nandini anyone could say she had gone into a surprise mode. Her eyes were wide open and mouth hung down.
Nandini-" You know this shit by heart? How can you even remember them? This is so confusing and tricky what were the lords and those people thinking while writing them? Can't they be any less complicated."
" Nandini a prophecy is never a clear format of sentence. As I said its a prediction. So its obvious that it will be tricky and will be interpreted in different forms."
Nandini-" Dugga maa!!!!! kaha phas gayi main. Why all this with me and how will I learn them. Acha what does this mean? Dead man sing, raven soaring high, what is all this."
" They say that the 12th time traveler is the most strongest and also has the MAGIC OF RAVEN which helps in closing the circle of 12. But now I think its all just crap, I mean you don't hold any magic or special power or do you? You are just a simple college going girl who is stuck in this mess totally unprepared. I think they made some mistake with your prophesy." I just kept my legs on the front table stretching them and looked at Nandini who was huffing with anger hearing me.
Manik's POV ends
Nandini's POV starts
I was really reading those lines again and again. But what caught my eyes was about that dead man sing. I don't know what it actually meant but didn't I saw a ghost. Was this a sign of it to be true but then what about the other things? I don't have strength nor do I have and magic. Then I heard Manik saying all that and it made me angry. Who the hell does he think he is to categorize me and say I'm just a simple college girl and no special.
" Oyeeee... what do you mean I'm not special and I am not strong? I have learn boxing when I was in school and about me being special, so I don't think I need a tag from you to be special because I don't even want to be your kind of special with these magic and all. I'm special in my own way, every girl is special. You wont understand as for you only Aliya is special so be it." I stood in front of him where he was sitting.
He lifted his one eyebrow mystically and looked at me as if I have said something wrong. He is wrong in judging me without knowing about me and he should know that I am not going to take whatever he says about me.
Manik-" I didn't mean to offend you Nandini in any way but I didn't find anything different in you as of now so I said that. But wait, what did you meant by me finding Aliya special? Where did she come into the picture?" He made it seem look like he doesn't know what I meant.
" Look don't need to look so innocent, I know you and Aliya have a thing and thats fine with me but what I won't take is you constantly comparing me with your girlfriend aka my cousin and pulling me down. I'm not taking that thing. It's not my fault that she is not your companion in this --"
Manik-" Wohhh.woh wohooo..wait a minute madam, who said that I and Aliya are a couple? I have nothing to do with Aliya, yes I agree I'm comfortable with her because I have known her for 7 years now but this doesn't mean I have feelings for her. I do not compare you girl with anyone for that matter." He just sprinted up from that chair and stood infront of me towering me. I had to crane my neck and look up to meet his eyes which had confusion and urgency to explain things.
" You... you and Aliya don't have a thing? But you seemed so upset with her not being there, in corridor when you consoled her and also in college she was so happy once you met her..." I got back to that time and they did looked like they had a thing specially with Aliya behaving with me and constantly demeaning me in front of him. She did seem to like him.
Manik-" Hell no, I and Aliya are only friends and rest I don't know... one second, how do you know about the corridor talk? You were eavesdropping?" He snapped at me and I just smacked my head in my thoughts for spilling that out. Now what will I say.
" N..no I was not eavesdropping, its just you people who were making a scene in the open corridor and I happen to be passing from there with Moloy uncle. We were heading upstairs but he got a call so I was the one who heard completely unintentional. I think its enough for the day, we should get back to the hall. Its late I need to get home." I just couldn't take his intense gaze on me. He is so damn confusing, one minute he is all teaser, then sweet and now back to rude. I really don't get this multi-polar pillar.
I just took a step back to maintain distance from him when my foot hit the couch and I tripped over on the couch with Manik above me who in reflex came to hold me from falling. I was half sitting- half lying on that couch while Manik's one hand was holding me by my arms while other was supporting himself by holding the arms of the couch. I looked at Manik who was as surprised as I was. For the first time I looked at him up so close and he did seem handsome with those perfect sculpted face with eyes dark brown in color which held so much depth in them ,an aristocratic straight pointed nose, and thin lips. I just snapped out of studying his features when I heard his voice.
Manik-" Umm.. I know I'm too handsome to get your eyes off me but its making me a bit uncomfortable Miss. Rajvansh." his words were as innocent as a new born but his eyes held that mischief which made me push him hard away from me. I was myself embarrassed by what happened a minute ago and his teasing was really make me irritated.
"Shut up, I wasn't looking at you and you are anything but handsome. My taste is not that bad to find you good looking also you are not my type." I specified it clearly. He thinks himself to be some hollywood star with all those looks na, if I'm not his type so he is not mine.
Manik-" Okayyyy... I will take it that way. Well you really have taken my words to your heart." He stood straight adjusting his blazer.
" Don't you think we should leave? Its already been 2 hours." I just got up grabbing my bag and eyeing towards the door.
Manik-" Yaa sure, after you my lady." He did that grand bow down in front of me forwarding his hands in front gesturing me to walk. I actually controlled my laugh but still my lips did lifted from one side looking at his drama.
Manik was asked to stay back as he had to elapse in another time for some work so I was given an off to rest. We had been informed just now that I will be meeting my Great-grandmother after 3 days. So the preparation has started and I need to know everything that I have to tell my granny in a matter of 3 days. These people will surely make me mad one day.
Moloy uncle is escorting me till the car while I was having light conversations with him.
"Uncle, why is it so important to close this circle of 12?"
Moloy-" Nandini as per the scrolls we had got also Lord's order it has to be closed because once it closes there will be something generated which is going to benefit the humankind at large. You are the main key to it. But know as we don't have the other chronograph we will have to find that and also Sanvi and Sidhhant. That Manik is already doing now your job is as you meet your granny make her understand that we need her blood read in chronograph for the good. I'm sure she will listen to you." He smiled at last when we came near the car which came to pick me up.
" Uncle I really don't know whether she will listen to me or not but I will do my best if its for a good cause. See you tomorrow again, good night Moloy Uncle." I hugged him and he kissed my temple lovingly. Moloy uncle is really very sweet and just in some meet I have bonded with him so much. And then he made me sit in the car ready to take me home.
" Mukku do not start again yaar, here I'm telling you about what happened with me and how that monster irritated me and you are finding it funny?" I was in my car and talking to Mukti as I didn't had anything else to do as the ride would take atleast an hour so why not talk to her.
Mukti-" Nanz, it is funny that you literally mocked him for his relation with Aliya. Though it had a good thing that he doesn't feel anything for her and maybe you can have a chance--"
" I don't want a chance you idiot. That multi-polar monster is not my type. And I said that because I didn't want him to compare me always with Aliya. As it is these things are not getting in my head. Now I have to even know about those prophesies."
Mukti-" Hmm.. I want to read them, they seem interesting. Do one thing send me the pics of it next time. Maybe I can find something which they couldn't? After all Manik said right, that they can be interpreted in different meanings." I just hmm-ed and looked at the front to see the drvier had stopped the car.
" Dada, what happened? Why did you stopped the car?"
Driver-" Ma'am I think some accident happened in the front a guy is lying on the road. I will check once you please stay inside." I looked from my window to see a car at the far end and someone lying on the road. I nodded my head and continued talking to Mukti.
Mukti-" Oye, what happened to your car? You didn't reach home yet?"
" No, I think there is some accident that happened so driver kaka is seeing. You don't worry I'm in the car only." We were talking and I shared everything with her. It was almost 5-10 mins now and the driver didn't come.
" mukku, I will meet you tomorrow in college. Good night yaar." I cut the call getting out of the car. As soon as I came out of the car searching for the driver I didn't find him anywhere and so was there no injured person.
"IS someone there? hello? Dada where are you?" I turned around to go back to my car when suddenly someone stood infront of me.
" Just relax, look into my eyes and do not shout. Nothing will happen, you will just feel a tingling sensation." I don't know what happened after that.
"AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!" his voice was heard.
Suddenly I felt like some spell being broken and I saw the same guy tumbling few steps back holding his throat. Next I saw was him just vanishing into the darkness in just a blink of my eyes.
Done for this week. So, how did you liked today's MaNan-lacious chapter. ?
What do you have to say about MaNan Banter?
Do these prophesies really mean something? If yes then what is Magic of Raven?
Who was that person? what happened to him?
THINK, THINK!!! I will see you next week till then keep loving this story.
Your crazy writer
Neha( Satakshi)❤
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