End of The year

Loud footsteps came from the hall as the green eyed elf above you tried desperately to calm you down, as you cried in pain. Until the slamming of the door startled both you and the elf making you cry more as a muffled voice yelled and a flash of bright green blinded your already blurry eyes. Hearing something heavy drop to the floor before your father's face came into view. “Now, now puer meus it’s time for you to get up. If you dont wake up soon you'll forget how to.” He said raising his wand at you. Jolting awake just as pained screaming ripped through the room you covered your ears fearfully until it stopped. Turning to where it came from you gasped in shock and confusion as Quirrell backed away from Harry holding his face, which was horrendously burned. Shaking you watched as your former teacher crumbled as he walked forward. His whole body turning to complete ash. In complete shock you couldn't movie as Harry looked at his hands then hurried over to something on the floor before turning to you. Just as he was about to run to your side you screamed his name pointing to the dust clouds swirling around Quirrell's clothes. Forcing yourself up quickly you staggered light headedly just as a face formed screaming bloody murder as it rushed forward right through Harry's body. Screaming you rushed forward barley catching the boy as he fell unconscious, dropping the red stone in his hand. Sinking to your knees under his weight you started to panic “Harry! No, no no no no no, Harry c'mon get up!” You yelled as multiple footsteps made you snap your head over to the entryway. Without thinking you grabbed the stone holding it close to your chest and whipped out your wand just as the first silhouette caught your eye making you scream out the spell Hermione taught you earlier in the year “Petrificus totalus!” You screamed hitting one of the intruders with the spell. Panting out of breath you bent over trying to cover Harry as one of the other intruders knocked your wand out of your have with the expelliarmus spell. Feeling tears burn your eyes you jumped when McGonagall came forward with her wand out then stopped in her tracks “(First/Name)?! Oh goodness are you alright! What's wrong with Harry?!” She yelled running over to you as Snape, Sprout and the other teachers followed suit. Shakely moving away from Harry you hid the stone in your undershirt as your house master rushed over to your side. “(First/Name)! Oh look at you, your scared to death! What were the four of you thinking coming down here! Hurry let's take them both to the hospital wing!” Sprout said helping you stand after Snape lifted Harry off of your lap. Just as you stood fully you again felt light headed making everything blur into darkness. The shaking of the rattle above you did nothing to sooth the pain you were in. All you wanted was your father to come and comfort you. Screaming more you heard loud footsteps come from the hall as the green eyed elf above you jumped shaking the rattle more trying desperately to calm you down. Until the slamming of the door startled both you and the elf making you cry more as a familiar muffled voice yelled making a flash of bright green blind your already blurry eyes. Hearing something heavy drop to the floor as your father's face came into view. “Now, now puer meus no need to cry so much. The pain shall go away soon.” He said slowly taking you from the cradle, hiccuping quietly you closed your eyes as you were rocked slightly from side to side soothingly. Humming you turned on your side before opening your eyes, blinking a few times you sat up gripping your pounding head. Whimpering you looked around finding Harry sleeping on the bed next to yours, huffing you went to move out of the bed when you noticed your bed and side table was littered with cards, sweets, and flowers. Looking back at Harry's bed he nearly had everything you did except for flowers. “Harry, you awake?” You asked softly when you noticed him moving more. Watching him sit up slowly and put his glasses on you smiled and waved when Dumbledore walked in, “Good afternoon, Harry, (First/Name). I see the two of you got quite a few tokens from your admirers?” He asked smiling looking from the gifts to the two of you. “What do you mean by that?” You asked as Harry questioned about the admirers. “What happened down in the dungeons between the two of you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows.” Dumbledore joked making you giggle as Harry laught. “Ah, I see your friend Ronald has saved you the trouble of opening your Chocolate Frogs.” Dumbledore said spotting the open boxes on Harry's table. “Ron was here? Is he all right? What about Hermione?” Harry asked worriedly making you look over “What happened? Did I miss something Harry?” You asked when Dumbledore raised his hand reassuringly “Fine. They're both just fine. No need to worry.” He said making you sigh in relief. “But, what happened to the Stone?” Harry asked making you freeze for a split second as you patted yourself trying to find the said stone when you finally noticed you weren't in your original clothing. Making you look at the headmaster worriedly “Relax. The stone has been destroyed. My friend Nicholas and I had a little chat and agreed it was the best decision all around.” Dumbledore nodded looking at you as you let go of the breath you were holding. “But Flamel, he'll die, won't he?” Harry piped up looking at the professor sadly as he sat down on the bed “He has enough Elixir to set his affairs in order. But yes, he will die.” Dumbledore said quietly as you looked down feel bad about his friend having to die. Looking up you were about to asked a question when Harry beat you to it with his own, “How is it I got the Stone, sir? One minute I was staring in the mirror, and the next…” He said trailing of at the end as you stared confusedly at the two. “You see, only a person who wanted to find the Stone, find it, but not use it, would be able to get it. That is one of my more brilliant ideas. And between you and me that's saying something.” Dumbledore said giving a knowing smile to the both of you. “Professor, now that the stone's gone does that mean Voldemort can never come back?” You asked looking at the Headmaster then at Harry worriedly. “Hmmm, I'm afraid there are many ways in which he can return. But do not worry (First/ Name) Harry will be fine. Now Harry do you understand why Professor Quirrell couldn't bear to have you touch him?” The Headmaster asked as Harry shook his head confusedly. “It was because of your mother. She sacrificed herself for you, and that kind of act leaves a mark. This kind of mark cannot be seen. It lives in your very skin.” Dumbledore said shaking his head when Harry touched his scar. Carefully getting out of your bed you went over and sat next to Harry as he asked what the mark was. “Love, Harry, love.” The professor said patting Harry's head before standing up with a small smile as he was about to leave. “Ah. Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit flavoured one, and since then I have lost my liking for them. But I think I could be safe with a nice toffee...Mm. Alas. Earwax.” He said a little disappointedly before bidding the two of your farewell. Sitting for a couple of seconds in silence you turned to Harry “I'm sorry I wasn't much help, you got really hurt and I couldn't do anything about it.” You said apologizing as you hugged your legs resting your cheek on your knees. Seeing Harry shake his head “You did plenty and you tried your best. Besides we thought it was Snape…Well I thought it was Snape.” Harry said trying to cheer you up making you smile as you grabbed a couple of pieces of candy for the both of you. A couple of weeks later you sat with your table in the great hall for the end of year feast as green banners with snakes on them hung from the ceiling. Looking over at the Slytherin table you gave a small thumbs up to Crab and Goyle as a small congrats as McGonagall tapped her glass making everyone quiet down as Dumbledore rose from his seat. “Another year gone. And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding, and the points stand thus. In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points. Third place, Hufflepuff, with 352 points. In second place, Ravenclaw, with 426 points. And in first place, with 472 points, Slytherin House.” He said as the tables clapped and cheered at their place ment. “Yes, yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last minute points to award. Firstly miss (First/Name) (Last/Name) for so willingly coming to her friends aid when asked and going as far she could to protect Mr. Potter when she felt he was in danger. 50 points. To Miss Hermione Granger, for the use of cool intellect when others were in great peril, 50 points. To Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years...50 points. And to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house 60 points.” He said smiling at the four of you, as you stared wide eyed at the new warded points. “And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award 10 points to Neville Longbottom.” Dumbledore said proudly as you looked back at Neville with a smile be for looking at the Slytherin's who look very upset. “Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe that a change of direction is in order.” Dumbledore said clapping his hands together causing the green banners to change to Gryffindor's red and yellow. "Gryffindor wins the House Cup!” He finally said as everyone stood up to throw their hats into the air. Smiling you saw Draco smash his hat down onto the table looking very displeased making you look at the other Slytherin's who has the same expression. Frowning a little you picked up your hat that luckily didn't land in any of the food and sat back down with the rest of your house as everyone went about looking for their hats and sitting to start eating. After dinner you waited by the doors for Draco and his posse. When you spotted them you quickly pulled Draco off to the side surprising the three. “Oh what do you want?” Draco sneared as you frowned a bit. “I wanted to apologise for what happened. Your house won fair and square, even though most of the points you earned came from your house master. It wasn't right for Headmaster Dumbledore to play favorites. Plus I never got the chance to give you three your Christmas presents.” You said apologetically looking down as the three boys in front of you looked at each other before you looked back up with a small smile. “Ah who cares? We can always win next year right?” Goyle asked jabbing his elbow into Crabs side making him nod. Ignoring his underlings words "What do you mean you got us Christmas presents? That was months ago.” Draco said crossing his arms, smiling a little more “You know, you make it really hard to approach you with it you being nasty and mean so I couldn't find a good opportunity to give you three your presents. But if you don't want it Draco I could just keep it.” You teased making the pale blond huff and stick out his hand. “If it's stupid I'll just throw it in the lake.” Draco said looking away from you ask you pulled out three small Christmas wrapped boxes out of your pocket. Handing each one to there right owners you smiled before turning away and running down the hall to catch up with your housemates “I’ll see you guys next year!” You yelled over your shoulder as you quickly spun around to wave at them. Huffing when you disappeared from their sight Draco looked at the dark shiny green paper in his hand before rolling his eyes and started to open it as Crabbe and Goyle started to unwrap theirs as they headed back to their common room. Dropping the rappings on the floor Draco opened the boxes lid to find a very nice looking emerald ring with a two snake design inside. Making the three stop to stare at the rings they had gotten. After packing you stayed up with your housemates getting their addresses and information to write each other. Laughing with Hannah and Sarah the next morning as Hagrid ushered everyone to move faster on to the train. “Come on now, hurry up. You'll be late. Train's leaving. Go on. Go on. Come on. Hurry up.” Giggling you waved to your two roommates as you stopped to chat with the half giant “Hi Hagrid! Thank you for everything you did this year.” You said making the bearded man laugh “I hardly done nothing compared to you. Now ya better get going before this here train leaves you.” Hagrid joked ruffling your hair when Harry came up with a smile. “Thought you were leaving without saying goodbye, didja?” Hagrid asked before fishing a red album out of his coat pocket and handing it to Harry. “This is for you.” He said as you looked over the top when Harry opened the album to a moving picture of a family of three making you and Harry smile. “Thanks, Hagrid.” Harry said shaking the tall man's hand before hugging him tightly. Making you giggle softly as you waved at them before reaching Hermione and Ron who were at the door waiting for you and Harry “What's he doing over there?” Ron asked as Harry broke from the hug “Oh he's just saying goodbye, no need to worry.” You said as Harry came up “Feels strange to be going home, doesn't it?” Hermione asked leading the group to an open compartment. “I'm not going home. Not really.” Harry said a bit sadly, looking at Ron you then slung an arm around Harry's shoulders “Hey if your house becomes to much. Then your more than welcome to come over to mine! We are just a few miles away just send a letter and I'll have my family come pick you up!” You said happily sitting down across from Ron and Hermione who smiled as the train whistles starting the train. Getting up you opened the window to lean out and wave at Hagrid with Harry joining as well as the gamekeeper waved back as a silent farewell.

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