Part 4

Sanskar goes to kitchen store room. He searched the place. But he dint get anything.

San: it shud b here only. I know someone has changed from here. But y everyone is lying me.? Nothing is my imagination. Y everyone is my opp?

Just then he heard some noise. He came out of kitchen. He saw laksh going out of home. He went behind him. He saw him talking in mob. Sanskar felt something is fishy. He kept his hand on laksh's shoulders. Suddenly laksh turned and hides his mob behind.

San: with whom u r talking?

Lak: (acting like Normal) Bhai u know na swara. My gf. I was talking with her.

San: then y r u sweating this much?

Laksh wiped his sweat.

Lak: nothing Bhai. Vo actually no one knows swara is my gf. Only u and uttara know. So I was scared if someone heard my talk.

San: give ur mob.

Lak: y Bhai? U r doubting me?

San: just give it.

He snatched his phone and saw that call was on and it was swara's number. He gave him back.

Lak: I had told na.

Sanskar went inside without telling anything. Laksh heaved a sigh of relief.

Lak: thank God. Hello swara. Thanku. K. GN.

Sanskar came back to his room. He saw Kavita sleeping on bed. He again checked his room. But dint get anything.


(Again he lost in thought)

It was night. Ragini was packing bag. Sanskar came behind and hugged her.

San: wat my wifey is doing?

Rag: packing.

San: it seems like u r in hurry than me for our honeymoon.

He kissed her neck. Ragini turned to him.

Rag: so mr.sanskar. our flight is in early morning. Then when shall I pack? U b in romantic mood always, everything only I've to do.

She pouts.

San: awe, my cutie. Tell me wat to do?

Ragini told him few works.

San: k I'll do. But one condition.

Rag: ??

San: for each work, one hug and kiss.

Rag blushes: u'll never change.

He keeps his hand around her neck.

San: if wife is this much pretty,then I'll never want to change.

Ragini hits him playfully and both hug tightly.

Next mrng ragsan got ready with Their luggage.

Sujata comes to them with arti.

Lak: (teasing) mom they are not going for war. It's honeymoon (he pressed on last word)

Ragini blushes hardly.

San: lucky. Over now?

Lak: wat I did Bhai?

Uttara giggles. Sanskar glared at them. Both kept quiet.

Suj: shut up u both. Both r made for eachother. If someone eye on them, then? Kisi ki nazar na lage mere bachho ko.

Both take blessings from Sujata and ram then left for airport.

In flight Ragini holds sanskar's hand tightly. Sanskar smiles at her.

Rag: y smiling? It's my first time in my life. Wat if something happens and airplane fall down? We don't have parachute also? Pilot won't sleep in between na?

San: oho so many questions? Nothing will happen dear. Pilot Wil not sleep.

He laughs. She gets angry.

Rag: m really scared. I told na, first time m traveling through plane. I scared of height also. I always get nightmare like m falling from from somewhere.

He takes her hand in his hands.

San: do u believe me?

Rag nods.

San: then keep talking with me till we reach, nothing will happen.

She smiles and kept her head on his shoulder. Both kept on talking.

They reached hotel.

At reception he booked room. Receptionist looked at ragsan. She smiles at them and says.

Rec: r u newly wedded?

Ragsan nods.

Rec: u r looking like made for eachother. All d best for ur honeymoon.

They go to room.

Both layed on bed getting tired.

San: Did u hear wat she said.?

Rag: (pulled his nose with fingers) made for each other. Now get ready. M very hungry. M going to get fresh.

Both get ready and went out.

San: so where my wifey want to go first?

Rag: shopping.

San: ladies r always behind shopping only.

Rag pouts.

Rag: (making cute faces) I want to buy gift for all. Not for me.

San: still we have time for that. Just today only we came. Let me take u somewhere.

They reached a place. Ragini saw there was a big decorated garden. It was decorated by balloons, hand made stars, shining things and many more. It was especially for couples. Many couples were sitting there lost in there world only. She liked that place.

Rag: it's beautiful. How did u know abt this?

San: u remember receptionist. She told me. Actually this is not for daily. Ur seeing that restaurant, that owner did this preparation as its his 25th anniversary. It's decorated only for a week. We r lucky to spend time here. see every where all couples r spending their time with love.

Rag: can we come here again? I loved this place very much.

San: of course. Me too.

They sat in garden. They see a couple kissing each other.

San signs at ragini. She blushes. He goes near her to kiss. She stops him.

Rag: cameras r there here. its public place also.

San: (like kid) but they r kissing. Y not us? Let cameras see.

Rag: they r not Indians. We r Indians remember.

San pouts. Rag nods in no.

San: lets go to room once. I'll not leav u.

She smiles. He keeps his head on her lap. She was caressing his hair.

Rag: sanskar. U said yes for marriage at first sight only. Wat u saw in me?

San: only one reason. I fell in love with u when I saw u.

Raq: then?

San: then nothing. Only my love to u. ur love to me.

Rag: u never thought that u r marrying an orphan, who's cast, background no one knows, not even me.

San: first of all ur background whatever it may b., it won't affect me. Coz I only loved u. y r u asking these filmy questions and wasting our honeymoon? Remember, I love u more than anything. You r everything for me. The moment I saw u, u became my world. I loved more in u is u too love me and u do respect of others. Happy now?

Rag smiles.

San: (teasingly) I've advantage of ur being orphan, as I don't have to listen any lecture of in laws.

Rag glares him with fake anger. Then both laughs.

San saw a shop there.

San: let me bring something. We'll have while talking.

Rag: I'll also come.

Both went took few things. By mistake ragini's hand touched to a jar and it fell. Manager comes there.

Rag: m sry, its just an accident.

She was scared.

San: sry sir. U tell us amount of it, I'll pay.

Man: its ok sir, no prob.

San sees rag's hand bleeding little bit.

San shouts in pain: ragini see wat happened? Is it paining? Sir pls give first aid box if u have.

They give to him. He makes her sit and made her first aid.

Rag: its just small wound sanskar. Don't wry.

San: small wound? See this blood. U don't know taking care of urself.

Rag get emotional by seeing his care and love.

Man: u r lucky to have such a loving husband.

Both looks at each other and smiles. They spent some time and go back to hotel.

(sanskar came out of his thoughts)


San: ragini where r u? I cant live without u. come back to me. Pls don't leave me like this.

Sujata comes there. She gives him some sweet.

San takes a bite.

San: mom its same like ragini hand made sweet. Hai na?

Suj: (she was busy in serving sweet to him) yes beta.

San: (loudly) u agreed.

Suj: wat?

San: that it tastes like ragini's hand made sweet.

Suj: u told ragini? I said yes for kavita.

San: but mom I took ragini name.

Suj: sanskar. Obviously u talk abt ur wife only. So I said yes. I dint paid attention in listening name.

San: angrily. Mom y r u so stubborn? U agreed. Now u r refusing to accept truth.

Suj: not me sanskar. U r stubborn. Don't know from where u heard this name ragini. Always its ringing in everyone's ear. If I said means also no wonder. Be practical. Unnecessary don't imagine.

She goes. San sits down sadly.

San: she agreed and refusing. Mom I'll find out at any cost where my ragini is.

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