Chapter 15

            Murdar felt the Torchwood medical doctor by her side as she ran toward the fighting, she wasn't sure she should trust him but if it changed her final death she would do anything to stop it. At first the Letifer Anguis ignored them, instead fighting against the wildly shooting Dalek and the other one, which seemed to attack more effectively. She stepped into the dark room, hoping they wouldn't find them before they'd made it to the exit. Of course they had to.

A loud snarl rose from the crowd of shadows and she flashed the knife as the lizard like aliens turned to face them. She flashed the knife as they surrounded them while feeling Owen's back press up against hers as they were surrounded but it wasn't either of them that made the first shot.

"Someone else is here." She glanced toward the direction the gunshot had come from.

"Stay together!" Jack's voice shouted, causing her to tense up. "Gwen on my left, Tosh stay on my right."

Murdar slashed at a young Letifer as it lunged towards her with sharp fangs, it yelped as the blade entered its jaw before falling dead as the blade glowed red. The others closed in threateningly before a blast of fire scorched them to their ashy white bones.

"Nice." Owen remarked as their enemies fell around them. "Why didn't you use these to begin with?"

"No time to get them out." She replied before seeing a metal covered Letifer shove its way forward. "Cyberlizard, twelve o'clock!"

She felt sharp metal claws hook around her ankle before pulling her to the ground; her knife was useless as she tried stabbing it. Heat swept over her followed by a robotic roar before the mass of ruined metal crashed beside her. Murdar glanced up at the Torchwood member only to see he had turned his back to her once more to fend off more Letifers. She got back to her feet and continued fighting, not noticing the distance she was beginning to create until a heavy tail whipped into her, knocking the breath from her lungs and bruising several ribs at the least. A scaled snout brushed against her and she flinched as pain burst through her skull.

"You dared to render me a foolish love sick creature! I shall kill you all the more slowly for it! A great beast such as I will not put up with a halfling seducing my mind into acting like a tamed pet!" Serpens' hissing voice made her wither in pain and she could feel blood running out of her ears and nose... then the darkness of the room started to grow darker.

"Time Lord identified!" A Dalek's voice screeched, only increasing her pain. "Exterminate!"

Murdar screamed as Serpens died, his pain only lasted a short while but it was long enough for her to feel his brain shut down from the blast to his skull. She groaned weakly as the heavy form landed on her, immobilizing as the Dalek moved in for the kill. Was this really how she was going to end? Well, she did have to admit that being shot seemed more painless than being ripped apart like in her vision. She stopped struggling and forced herself to watch as the Dalek drew closer... and then was slammed away by another Cyberlizard.

"Time Lord identified... Delete!" It lunged forward and Murdar cried out noiselessly as metallic jaws clamped around her throat, digging her TARDIS choker into her throat.

She flailed against the sparks of energy that short-circuited the Cyberlizard before feeling a strong grip pulling her away. She struggled a bit more before growing tired and allowed the person to take her away. Jack's face came into view as she glared at him, though she couldn't really focus on his face for a few minutes.

"Owen! Owen, can you get over here?" Jack shouted over his shoulder.

A moment later Owen ran over. "What happened?"

"Other than the fact she was crushed under one of those things? I don't know." He shot a few bullets at the aliens. "But we need to finish this, I will not retreat again!"

Murdar hissed before giving a choked cough as she struggled to inhale. She felt Owen's hand run over her side as he felt the ribs beneath before he went to her throat. "Jack, help me with this, she's going to suffocate."

She jerked weakly against them as they maneuvered her head, the pain around her neck increased for a few moments before disappearing... a metallic clatter followed. She stayed limp for a few more moments to catch her breath before jolting upright as she heard a scream. Agony went through her body and she inhaled sharply through clenched teeth as she forced herself to stand.

"Shylah...!" Murdar searched the fighting for her friend.

"She's not here." Jack reported, loading more ammo into his gun and firing it again. "Now stay here and away from the fighting."

"I don't take orders from Torchwood." She snarled, shrugging them aside and limping towards the screaming.

It didn't take long for her to find the Letifers that were attacking her friend, though the dark room didn't help as she kept tripping over bodies strewn over the floor, when she did anger surged through her. The floor was slick with blood and she made out a slumped figure that had been brutally shredded on the floor while the aliens were now turning to face her. She lowered her gaze, Shylah was dead, she'd ran to slow... A memory clicked as she stared at the body and Murdar felt pain go through her as she realized her vision had been, not of her own death, but of her friends.

"Shylah... no, it's all my fault." Murdar could hear the fighting calming down as gunshots rose over the growls and shouts of 'exterminate', she would need to leave soon.

Murdar held up her Soul Knife before bringing it down into Shylah's heart. The blades illuminated crimson before going dim, the red inside was now a little less bright but still nothing happened as she pulled out blade. She stared down as the wounds healed but couldn't find any more signs of life as the wounds finished sealing... she had been to late. Shouting people running towards her made her get to her feet before using one glove to blast a path away and limping down it. There was nothing more for her to stay for.

"Goodbye Shylah, you should've listened to me... You could be alive somewhere else right now." Murdar looked back one last time before allowing her vision to be blocked by Letifer Anguis rushing to kill again.

She barely made it outside and knew something was following her as she went into the alleyways in hopes of leaving her trailer behind. Not that it mattered; she was about to die anyway if she didn't give her body a break. As if to prove it she hunched over clutching her side as the pain worsened, despite that she forced herself forward, dragging herself until couldn't anymore. The silence calmed her as spots danced in font of her vision, she welcomed the lulling darkness.

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