Keith is a bird

On earth most of the population  is half some sort of animal

Hunk is half horse making him a centaur

Pidge is half snake or generally known as a naga

Lance has a fish tail putting him in the category of merman

Shiro has the same features as the king of beasts a lion

And Keith....
He has wings

Keith is an avian, that might seem like nothing to you but for them it's a label


"Fake angel!"



Being an avian is a title, you are nothing more than a object, something to be used abused and thrown away a, punching bag ,human life gone wrong ,as useful as pretty jewelry if your lucky .If your born weak as an avian you won't make it passed the age of six if your born pretty as an avian you will only ever be a toy and if your born strong as an avian then the highest life expectancy is 30 and that's for the luckiest of avians most don't make it passed 17.

The only chance of living you have is to hide there's no other options

flying in the sky is basically running away from a bear, shot down immediately and killed

It wasn't always this way but now it is


Now that we're done talking about they norm of society viewing Avians as property let's actually start this book :)


Keith was lying down in his bed his back aching from keeping his wings concealed

Everyone can transform into "humans" without there respect animal parts  but there are consequences

for mers they have to drink a ton of water to help with not drying out, hunks legs ache until they end up giving out on him and Pidge can get fevers from over heating.

For Keith the longer he keeps his wings concealed the more painful it gets if it's more than two days a rash starts to form Keith can keep his wings hidden for about two weeks but it starts to burn if it's over that

Avians wings are extremely sensitive so they conceal them even if it becomes extremely painful to.

That's just they're culture now

But let's get back to Keith

Keith was fighting with himself, his back felt like it was going to explode from hiding his wings but if he unearths his wings someone might walk to into his room.

Then his back started to burn and he couldn't hold it back, his wings emerged from his back and he relaxed for a moment before instantly getting up to locking then quickly he flopped down in his bed wings spread across the mattress he tried his hardest to not a make any noises like chirping or purring from finally being let out of his restraints.

Think about wearing a bra and having to keep it on for more than two weeks but it gets tighter as the days go on tighter and tighter until your fighting with yourself not to snap that bra and when you do you just feel so relaxed.

That's the exact feeling that Keith is experiencing and he just can't help but let out a little purr from that keeping it low and quiet.

His wings stretched over his back and he laid on his stomach as all his tense muscles relaxed after a couple of minutes Keith lost counts of time easily when he was relaxed
After he relaxed enough he sat up moving his long ass wings behind him if your wondering how big Keith's wings are then...

I found this picture on Pinterest that I like but I don't know who drew it :/

Keith's eighteen years old but his wings are closer to the sixteen years length

Dragging his wings behind him on the ground he first moved his shoulders to be stretched relishing in the cracks as the tension slipped out, He then stretched his leg and arms then back, it went on like this for a little until he sat down back on his bed.

He started grooming his wings lightly as he combed his fingers through the soft feathers messaging as much as he could but he can't really message himself properly he picked out some broken feathers and that hurt like a bitch to remove but they needed to go thankfully there were only one or two.

He kept combing until he heard a voice over the coms

Alluras voice startled him out of his trance"Paladins it's time for dinner please make your way down quickly"he sighed after squeaking from the sudden intrusion of his relaxed state, sadly Lance heard him through the door in his rush to lock the door he forgot to make the doors sound proof

"Did you seriously get scared by the com mullet!"lances voiced ringed through the door by this time Keith had concealed his wings again with them no longer feeling uncomfortable Lance tried to walk into Keith's room only for it to be locked

"Keith why is your door locked?"Lance asked in a confused tone"because I'm changing" Keith answered Dully "oh sorry then see you at diner".

Keith quickly slipped back on his shirt (the one he took off when he first got back from training)and started walking down for diner feeling a little better from not being in constant pain with his wings.


Keith stood in the doorway doing some square breathing

Breath in
Breath out
He walked forward hearing the familiar whoosh of the door hunk was already plaiting the food. Vegetables for him strictly, but meat for Pidge, Lance and Keith got about the same meal both vegetables and meat but Lance got a tall glass of water. (Lmao)

When Keith looked around he saw hunk walking around the kitchen preparing the food with Hoofed feet and a half horse torso, shiro sitting patiently for his meat (diner) with his ears resting on his head and his tail slightly moving behind him, allura and Coran doing the same waiting for their separate food goo's Keith sat down calmly and waited for his own food.

Lance soon Walked into the room blue fish scales colouring the top of his arms collar bone and ears creating a point and webbing to form at the sides of his ears his hands were also webbed but his tail wasn't there it would be impossible to go anywhere with his fish tail but he did sit with it there, any Chance really he could for example when Lance sat down his tanned legs turned into the large fish tail for his tail Lance had a special chair so he could stay on the stupid chair thing it was cushions and circular his tail hung of it a bit, everyone already learned to avoid his tail well avoid from stepping on it and hurting lance the Cushion chair was as tall as the table making him sit at a normal height.

All the chairs were customized for everyone shiros chair had a little circle in the back missing for his tail hunk always slid over a little table thing with pillows on it and pidge had the same cushion chair as lance but a little higher (hehehehheehe)

Speaking of pidge they were slithering into the room right now olive green Naga tail following loosely behind them swaying back and forth as they took a seat sliding into their chair and slithering into a little ball as they waited tongue slipping out every couple seconds"food smells good hunk"pidge said with a smile "thanks pidge"hunk responded everyone couldn't see hunk but they could tell he was smiling while talking just from the tone of his voice.

"Order up"hunk said jokingly as he brought the food down for the rest of his team he placed the food on top allura's and coran's plate first then shiros and pidge's because it would be a real waste if he spilled those big pieces of juicy meat (now I'm hungry :c)he set them down calmly and carefully he then grabbed lances and Keith's plate setting down the food in front of the two hunk then went back in the kitchen and grabbed a big plate of veggies for himself before sitting down and placing it in front of himself.

Everyone thanked hunk and started eating peacefully in quiet until allura began to talk "We recently found a planet with a unique ecosystem one half is spring all year creating over growth and the other  half is always winter resulting in a freezing climate we want you Paladins to see if there are any villages to which we can form alliances."

Hunk and Pidge will go on the east side or the spring side and Lance with Keith will go to the winter side whilst shiro stay here talking to you through communicators"allura finished.

"No way I have to work with Keith! why can't I go with hunk he's the warmest here"Lance began complaining with a pout "hunk is the fastest one here and the largest he'll be able to carry Pidge with little resistance making they're search easier and Pidge can't go into the colder climates did you forget what happens to nagas when they can't stay warm"allura said in the same calm tone"they go into hibernation"Lance said defeated"then Why can't I go with Pidge and carry them instead of into the winter wonderland?"Lance said continuing with his complaints.

"I already said it would be faster if you went with Keith I know he doesn't have any mythical creature traits but I'm sure he'll help and plus it's not like any of your mythical traits will help you in this case"allura stated seeing Lance look at Keith as if he was lacking "hey how does me not being mythical change anything!"Keith said frustrated "it doesn't now stop complaining you'll be leaving to go investigate in two earth weeks"allura finished with enthusiasm.

they all finished their dinner in a calm atmosphere with simple chatter going around the table


Keith was not looking forward to this so many things could go wrong but he just has to get it over with then everything I'll be ok


Hi guys it's your author I really hope u enjoy this book I have so many ideas for it but I'm not sure if I want it to be a short Book or not

Remember that this book was inspired by Texaskoganes wings (klance)

Have. A good day <3

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