
Hello everyone! Here's a new update! Please make sure you've read the previous chapter before starting this one. When I put it out earlier this week Wattpad's notifications didn't seem to be working quite right. 

Happy Reading! 


Conversion Cont.


Kai ran out the door determined to catch Sheppard, but when she turned the corner he was already gone. Without waiting for Elizabeth she ran for the control room. She had no idea where he would go and their only hope to find him was to get the internal sensors up and running.

"Rodney," Kai called into her radio as she sprinted through the hallways.

"McKay here," the prickly scientist replied, irritation coloring his tone.

"You need to pull up internal sensors and track Sheppard. He escaped and I've already lost him."

"On it," McKay's voice was already hard and focused and she could hear the click of the keyboard through her ear wig.

By the time she and Weir arrived McKay was already working furiously at one of the terminals. Colonel Caldwell was standing over his shoulder. The older man leveled a stormy glare at Kai, but Kai ignored him. Her entire focus was set on finding Sheppard before he did something to hurt himself or someone else.

Ronon however did notice. The large Satedan shot his own glare at the Colonel and stepped between him and Kai. Ronon's eyes landed on Kai's face and he stiffened. Whatever had happened when Sheppard escaped, there was a large red mark blooming on Kai's face. Ronon shifted his weight restlessly. Sheppard wasn't acting like himself. He had always been super protective of her since Ronon first arrived. It would kill Sheppard to know he had hurt her. They needed to find him before he did anything else he would regret.

Kai put her hand on the back of Rodney's chair and leaned down so she could clearly see the screen. Her face still stung, but she was fairly certain her cheekbone wasn't broken.

"Okay, I've got a lock on him," Rodney said, as his fingers flew over the key board. The tracking dot appeared on the overhead screen so everyone in the room could see.

Caldwell crossed his arms over his chest. "That can't be him, it's moving too fast."

Kai grunted. "That's him," she said without looking away from the screen.

Caldwell narrowed his eyes but Weir nodded in agreement. They were the only two who had seen him move in person who wasn't unconscious.

"All right four teams, surround him and close in. I want him stopped. And gentlemen," he said turning to the team leaders standing around him. "Use whatever force you deem necessary. Move out."

Kai went still, her eyes widening in shock. She met Elizabeth's gaze and Weir swung around to face the commanders. "You will only use such force, as a last resort," she ordered.

"That's not Sheppard any more ma'am," Caldwell said coldly. He was scowling at Weir as though she had descended into hysterics instead of the calm order she had given.

"You heard me," Elizabeth repeated confidently. Kai was thankful for her efforts but she knew that Caldwell's men would do as ordered, especially if they were afraid.

Ronon and Teyla followed the others out the door. Ronon hesitated. "You coming?" he asked Kai.

Kai glanced once at Caldwell who looked ready to argue but she stood and strode towards the door. "Yep," she responded before the military commander could order her to stop. She hesitated in the doorway, turning back to Weir. "I would lock down the Stargate. I don't know how lucid he is, but if he's thinking straight at all he might be trying to go after the eggs himself."

McKay grunted. "Fabulous, which would lead him straight here." He grumbled but his fingers were already dancing across the keyboard to do as Kai asked.

"Don't worry, I'll find him before that," Kai promised.

Caldwell made a noise of disbelief in the back of his throat but wisely kept his thoughts to himself.

Rodney looked up and met the Mortii's gaze. He could see in her eyes how determined she was to save Sheppard. If anyone could do it, she could. He nodded once briskly.


Ronon, Kai and Teyla were partnered with five other men from Caldwell's ship. She didn't like working with people she didn't know, but they had to find Sheppard as quickly as possible before any of the other teams found him first and starred shooting.

Kai and Ronon stalked through the halls side by side both on edge. Kai knew that Ronon was just as determined as she was to bring in John safely and she was glad to have him with her. He was their best chance at bringing Sheppard in alive.

They were searching the lower level storage areas when their radios crackled. "Bravo Team you're on deck. Tango is on the floor just below you."

"You heard the man, down the stairs." the marine started to order them.

Kai looked up at Ronon and the two exchanged a long look. Ronon dipped his chin and stepped back into a hall, disappearing into the shadows. Kai climbed the railing to her right and hoisted herself up to the floor above them.

"Ronon! Kai!" Teyla cried as the two of them disappeared. "Where are you going?"

"Let them go," the lead marine growled shaking his head in disgust. It was well known Colonel Sheppard didn't always run the tightest of ships and himself was not one to follow the chain of command. This was especially clear as his private team failed to follow even basic orders in his absence. Caldwell had expressed concern about the alien members of the team and it was clear it was well founded.

Teyla looked over her shoulder one last time after the other two and trotted to keep up with the team of marines. They fanned out as they hit the main floor, all five turning to face the room.

"Stay sharp," Caldwell warned over the radio. "He should be right there with you."

They looked around, their nerves ratcheting up with every passing minute they couldn't see him.

"Anyone have a visual?" the lead marine asked through his comm. No one responded.

Kai had a visual.

She could see Sheppard climbing up the outside grating of the stairwell but she wasn't about to alert the trigger happy marines. When the radio crackled again Sheppard's head swiveled. Kai reached down to the radio on her belt and very slowly turned down the volume. She wasn't sure how enhanced his senses had become.

"Anyone have a visual?" One of the marines asked tightly.

A flashlight suddenly landed on him. "Above us!" Teyla exclaimed.

Kai swore as Sheppard fled, moving with a dexterity the human form should not have possessed.

The others swung their lights onto him as well and Kai took off running for the main floor, hoping to intercede before it became a full on confrontation.

Sheppard dropped from the ceiling landing on the group. He slammed his fists through the squad like they were made of paper. Three fell.

Two more backed up and started firing Wraith stunners at him. He absorbed the energy easily. They threw aside the stunners and reached for their P-90's. Kai pushed herself harder, running down the stairs towards them. She had to stop them before they killed him.

Sheppard launched himself at the two men, knocking them out easily. Then he spun to run the opposite way.

"Colonel!" Teyla yelled but he didn't stop. Sheppard turned to face her but his eyes were unseeing. He started stalking towards her slowly. "Don't make me do this!" Teyla cried desperately lifting her gun with steady hands.

Kai took the steps two at a time and ran straight for Teyla and John. She ran right past the marines without a second thought and it nearly cost her everything.

One of the marines pushed himself up on his elbow and fired a random spray of bullets towards Sheppard. Teyla leapt to the side to safety, but Kai wasn't willing to step aside and let him shoot John. She turned towards the marine, her mouth opening to yell at him to stop, but the marine wasn't watching her. A shadow blocked her view at the same moment the marine started shooting. She flinched as John whirled in front of her. His body jerked as he took the rapid spray of bullets across his back. 

"John!" Kai shouted as fear choked her. 

His body jolted but somehow stayed on its feet. He turned his slitted gaze to meet hers. She sucked in a breath when she realized it wasn't John looking out those bright green eyes. The creature was still in control. She could see the pain in its eyes as it stared down at her. It cocked it's head to the side as though it didn't understand why it had protected her. 

She stared hard into its eyes, John was still in there. He still hadn't moved or acted like he was in pain, and there was no blood. But she still felt like she couldn't breathe, she had to know how badly he was injured. She took a step towards him, her fear making her reckless. He took a step closer to her so he was staring straight down at her. It was difficult to read the foreign emotions on John's painfully familiar face but he seemed both confused and curious about her. 

"John," her voice broke over his name though it was so low, only she and Sheppard could hear it. "We need-" she started to say. She didn't know how much he could understand what was happening, but he suddenly stiffened. His eyes hardened into a cold, predatory gleam. It cracked its neck and turned to pursue the marine who had shot him.

Kai's heart was thundering in her chest. She was losing him. The marine ejected the clip and was sliding another one in as two others were pushing to their feet and lifting their P-90's. She had to get him out of here. 

"John!" she shouted his name so loudly everyone in the room flinched. 

The creature turned to face her, indecision shining in it's eyes. Kai met it's gaze and then whirled around and tore off running for the stairs. She stopped halfway up and turned back to face him. The creature had taken a step towards her but the movements from the marines was distracting. They were still scrambling for their guns. 

"John!" Kai yelled his name again and this time she gave him a hard telepathic nudge. Now she had his attention. He took a more committed step towards her, his muscles coiling. 

"Kai, no!" Teyla called a warning but Kai didn't care. John was still in there. There was no reason the creature would have protected her. She had to get him away from the marines and back to Beckett. 

The creature pounced towards her, but Kai was already in motion. She took off up the stairs, hoping the instinct to hunt and chase would be enough. She dodged through the storage room, her feet pounding loudly against the floor. Behind her she could hear him gaining on her. With a final burst of speed she broke through into the hallway where she had left Ronon. She whirled around to face him and the creature hesitated as though it could sense the trap. It cocked it's head to the side and sniffed the air.

"Come on John," she whispered. "I know you're in there somewhere." 

His eyes met hers once more and he took another step closer, his face pinched up in a frown, it's entire focus on Kai. As soon as he took the last step two shots hit him in the back. He collapsed forward, stunned. His body landed heavily on it's back. 

Ronon stalked out of the shadows. He fired one more shot into John's chest just to be sure. "Get the Doc down here, we have him," Ronon radioed back just as Teyla ran into the room.

She looked back and forth between Kai and Ronon and then exhaled when she saw the Colonel unconscious on the floor.

Ronon looked back at Kai. "You good?" he asked.

Kai nodded. "Next time you get to be bait." Her words were light but she was shaking. She crouched down beside John and gently rolled his onto his side so she could check his back. She slid her hand under his shirt and ran she trembling hand over the warmth of his back. His skin had a strange waxy texture but there was no blood. Kai laid him back down and hung her head as she let out a shuddering breath. 

Ronon snorted, "I'm not the one that smells good," he quipped, but he could see the tremble in Kai's hands as the small woman crouched next to Sheppard. She was such a fierce little thing so much of the time it was easy to forget how vulnerable she could be. She reminded him of his little sister he had lost on Sateda. 

Footsteps pounded down the hall and the group of marines appeared. They all had their guns out and pointing at Sheppard's unconscious body. The transporter door slid open further down the hall but only Kai's ears were good enough to hear it, and she wasn't paying attention to that. 

"Get back," one of the marines barked at Kai. 

Ronon tensed as Kai very slowly lifted her chin. Her storm grey eyes were narrowed and dangerous as they landed on the one who had spoken. The same one who had shot Sheppard. He tensed, ready to intervene if he needed to. 

"I mean it," the marine barked, his voice sharp with fear. "He could wake up at any minute we have to-"

Kai didn't let him finish, she launched herself out of the crouch over the top of Sheppard. She slammed into the marine, knocked his gun away with one hand and slammed her other forearm across his throat. He brought his other hand up like he was going to hit her and she grabbed the wrist and twisted it around, jamming the arm straight and up into the shoulder joint. If the man fought back at all she was going to destroy his joint. 

"You will do nothing except stay away from him" she growled dangerously. Her heart was thundering in her ears, making it nearly impossible to hear the shouts of the men surrounding them. This was the man who made her think she had lost him.  It didn't matter what happened after this, the overwhelming need to make sure John was safe demanded she take action. 

A gun cocked loudly near her ear and pulled her back to the present, reminding her there were other people around them. Colonel Caldwell's angry voice rang in her ear. "Let him go or I'll put a bullet in you myself," Caldwell warned.

She heard the distinct sound of Ronon's gun powering up and switching from stun to kill. "You'd be dead before the bullet hits her," Ronon warned his voice a dangerous growl.

Weir ran up between them. "Can we all please put down our weapons," she exclaimed. Ronon and Caldwell slowly lowered their guns though they hadn't taken their eyes off one another. Choosing to ignore the testosterone induced posturing Elizabeth turned to Kai. "And the marine," she added meaningfully.

Kai stared hard into the man's wide, fear-filled eyes. She put more pressure on his throat and leaned in close so her lips were only inches away from his ear. "Do you know who I am?" she asked casually, though she didn't wait for a reply before continuing. "Do you know what I can do? What I used to be?" she drawled. "If you endanger the life of one of mine again-" she warned.

A warm hand closed over her shoulder. She knew it was Ronon and she released the marine. The man stumbled away choking. He would be bruised but he would live to shoot another day.

Ronon turned Kai around and stared down at her. "Are you okay?" His words were a mumbled garble to even Caldwell who was less than a foot away.

Kai nodded, smoothing her trembling hands over her thighs. She wasn't okay and she needed to get herself back under control. 

Caldwell turned back to Weir his eyes flashing. "Is this the type of team he runs? Their leader's gone for a day and no one can follow orders? I've read the reports about Sheppard but this-"

"He's not gone," Kai growled taking an aggressive step towards Caldwell. "No thanks to your men, who nearly shot me and Teyla. Sheppard took a spray of P-90 gun fire that would have killed me."

Weir sucked in a breath and her eyes dropped to where Sheppard lay on the floor at their feet. There wasn't any evidence of blood. "Is he-?" she started to ask. 

"He's fine," Kai replied. "No thanks to the Colonel's men," she growled, scowling at Caldwell's marines. 

The Colonel narrowed his eyes and took an aggressive step towards her. "You and Sheppard are pretty close, aren't you?" 

Kai froze. The tone in Caldwell's voice made it feel like a dangerous question. Her eyes flickered down to where John lay helpless at their feet. Suddenly, everyone felt like a threat. 

"That's enough," Elizabeth growled sharply as she took control of the room. She stepped between Caldwell and Kai and took Kai's arm. "I'm glad you're okay," she said. "Beckett's on his way and we'll get John safely back to the infirmary. Why don't you, Ronon and Teyla go get something to eat. It will be a while before we have any answers." 


The waiting was the worst part. Kai tried to stay with the others, but she needed time alone. She paced through the halls of Atlantis until she found herself on the east pier. As hard as she tried she couldn't get that moment out of her head. She just kept seeing him get shot over and over again. Unable to wait any longer she headed to the infirmary. She needed to know what was happening. It was the middle of the night and the lights were low. There were guards outside the doors but they didn't do anything to stop her. She was guessing she had Weir to thank for that. Caldwell had made his feelings about her incredibly clear. 

She stepped up next to the bed and sucked in a sharp breath. The blue scaling covered over two thirds of his face now. He looked like he was asleep but there was an IV tree hanging next to him with a steady drip going into one of his veins. She was almost positive they were keeping him drugged. They had strapped him down to the bed. Restraints circled not only his wrists and ankles but also large straps across the tops of his thighs and his shoulders. They were taking no chances. 

She stepped up next to him and very slowly covered his scale covered hand with her own. His skin was feverishly hot beneath her touch. The blue scales themselves felt waxy, but the virus had progressed enough that hard spines lined the backs of his hands and in place of his finger nails were sharp, black claws. Kai laced her fingers with his. An idea had started to form in her head as she walked. She didn't know if she could do it, but she was willing to try. John was still in there, still fighting, and she refused to give up on him. 

It was late but Carson wasn't ready to go to bed yet. He stepped out of his lab and pulled up in surprise when he saw Kai standing beside Sheppard's bed. "Kai dear, what are you doing here?" he asked glancing down at his watch. It was the middle of the night. 

"I-" she started to say, but dragged off looking down at him. She didn't know how to explain so Beckett would understand. 

"Did you come to say goodbye?" Beckett asked gently. "The others were here hours ago." 

Kai flinched at his words. "Goodbye?" she asked as though the word was foreign to her. 

Beckett pinched his lips together grimly as he realized there was a chance Doctor Weir hadn't broken the news to Kai. "Aye. I have him in a medically induced coma. He isn't in any pain, but in twenty-four hours time the damage from the virus will be irreversible."

Kai felt like she couldn't swallow. Tears burned in the backs of her eyes as her throat grew thick with emotion. All she could do was nod. 

Beckett stepped closer to her and frowned when he noticed for the first time the fine sheen of sweat on Kai's hairline. "Kai, are you feeling okay?" he asked. 

Her face was still pinched up from concentrating and her head was pounding. "I'm fine," she assured him too quickly. 

Beckett's eyes flashed from Kai's face down to the Colonel's. "What were you doing?" 

Kai opened her mouth to respond but stopped. She didn't know what to say and she was too tired to lie, especially to Carson. "Nothing, it didn't work," she said pinching the bridge of her nose between her fingers. 

Carson froze as he glanced back and forth between them. "Kai," he started gently. He needed to ask the question, but he didn't want to frighten her. "You told me the only telepathy your people had was through a Bond...Kai dear, have you Bonded to Colonel Sheppard?"

Kai felt like all the air had been sucked out of the room as Beckett spoke the words outloud. She looked down at her hands. "I don't know," she said honestly.

"I was wondering-" he started to ask but he was cut off. 

"Doc," Ronon's deep rumble admonished from behind them.

Beckett flinched and spun to see the large Satedan standing in the door. Ronon glanced meaningfully towards Kai and shook his head at Beckett. Beckett seemed to understand and obligingly stepped back. 

Ronon moved to stand behind Kai knowing she would have heard him. He knew how hard she worked to keep her emotions in check and he laid a large hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. She hung her head and he could feel the tension thrumming through her body. She shuddered as she fought back tears. Ronon grunted and pulled her into a hug. 

"It's okay Little Sister," he said giving her a squeeze as she sniffled. 

Kai was so much smaller than him. It was reassuring to be wrapped up in his large arms, but she couldn't let herself break down. Not yet. Not while there was still a chance. She pulled back and look up at Ronon. "If you and I went ourselves-" she started to say. 

Beckett made a noise in the back of his throat. "It's out of the question Kai. It's too dangerous." 

Kai heard his words, but looked hopefully to Ronon. Of everyone here, the Satedan was most likely to join her on a suicide run. 

Ronon wanted to go, he wanted to do something, anything, but he shook his head grimly there was just no way for them to make it into that cave. He knew how Kai felt about Sheppard, but he wasn't willing to let her endanger herself. John would never forgive him. 

Kai sighed and turned back to the bed. "I can't just stand here while it takes him," Kai said hollowly. "This is going to sound odd, but he doesn't sound like him anymore. His breathing, his heartbeat...even his scent is different."

Carson froze. "What did you just say?" he asked. 

Kai turned back to the doctor frowning. "It's taking him?" 

"No," Carson said shaking his head. "About his scent?" 

"He doesn't smell like him?" she asked frowning in confusion. 

"That's weird," Ronon said.

Beckett pointed at Ronon. "No, no it's not," he said his voice rising in excitement. "Kai's senses by and large are ten percent better than ours..." Beckett frowned up at Ronon. "Well I'm not sure about yours. But her sense of smell is better than all of ours combined, not as strong as the Iratus bug but..." he drew off. He grabbed Kai up in a hug. Kai stiffened, but didn't pull away. "Kai, you're a bloody genius." He released her and reached up to touch his ear. "Doctor Weir, I need to see you in the infirmary right away," Beckett called into his radio. 

Unable to sleep, Elizabeth had been waiting in her office for any news. She arrived in the infirmary less than ten minutes later. "What's going on?" 

Beckett's eyes were shinning with excitement. "I think I have a solution." 


Well...what did you think? I hope you're enjoying! 

Thank you all for your amazing comments and votes! 

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