Chapter 4 - Hostage

"To remove slack rope for your brother's hands, one must be taut." Sans' eyes instantly opened at the sound of the voice, flashing with recognition and staring up at the skeleton on him. Sans scowled at Papyrus till the hand on his mouth was lifted, taking a deep breath in to unleash his thoughts.

"Oh my stars, Papyrus! You scared me! What is your reasoning for this?!"

"It's part of your training. You could be kidnapped at any time so a guard always has to be, well, En guard!" To make the joke worse, Papyrus summoned a bone with a flash of orange magic and straightened, leaning back with the end of the bone held to Sans' cheek.

Still upset and annoyed, Sans bit it with a furious glare at Papyrus, trying to intimidate him. Instead doing that, though, he only achieved a sly grin from the older monster, producing an angry noise as the bone was pushed into his mouth.

"Mmm?! Mmph!" He tried to yell at Papyrus to stop, enraged as the tip of the bone slid across his tongue, kept in place by Papyrus' grip on it.

"If you didn't bite it like that, I would have gagged you with it along the length. Buuuut, since your that stubborn, you can actually gag on it." Sans scoffed loudly, narrowing his eyes and trying to push the object in his mouth out with his tongue, wiggling as well to try and escape.

A simple "tsk tsk" from his brother made him stop, giving up and instead laying in an annoyed silence.

"Good boy. Listen to your new master." He felt uncomfortable with the tone of Papyrus' voice, sounding a little too real then just a mock situation.

Sans tried to say something again but stopped when he felt his arms pulled back, something rough winding around them.

Freaked out and confused, he twisted his neck the best he could to catch a glimpse of what Papyrus was doing.


"You can't escape, because you're being pun-ished." Again, the tone he used worried Sans, though he kept reminding himself that this was his lazy brother, Papyrus, who was only acting out a real life scenario. Right?

"Now, your job is to make as much noise as you can to see if someone can save you." Sans glared at Papyrus as he got off of him, promptly sitting on the floor and watching Sans with that dumb grin of his.


"You need to make more nosie that that. No one's gonna hear you." Sans growled softly before doing so, reminding himself that this was his training. He grunted and tried to yell, producing long, drawn out muffled sounds, almost like he was humming.

Papyrus watched him wiggle, enjoying the way the smaller skeleton's wrists were bond to his ankles by rope, his legs folded with his arms behind and the bone sticking from his mouth.

A flash of white where gray from Sans' t-shirt usually was stole Papyrus' attention from the cute groans, the lazy monster glancing over to see the shirt had been pushed up during Sans' efforts to get free.

Having slipped along his spine, the shirt slowly showed more and more of Sans' spine, working up to the middle before revealing the bottom of his rib cage.

Papyrus grinned wider, his orange tongue slipping across his teeth as he advanced on the small skeleton, pulling him to his orange clad chest in a simple swipe.

Sans cried out in surprise as his skull thudded against Papyrus' collar bone, his large blue eyes looking up to Papyrus in confusion.

He was about to mumble an unintelligible question when pleasurable tingles ran along his backbone, making him squeak.

"Don't worry, bro.. I gotchya back." Papyrus said softly, his cheek bone to the side of Sans face, watching carefully the little monster's reactions.

Cold hands slid along Sans' spine, making him shiver in delight and horror as he felt Papyrus' caress his bones with his finger tips. He couldn't stop a moan that escaped from behind his makeshift gag, pleasing his older brother.

"Remember, Sansy. The more noise you make, the faster you'll get out." Sans called out in shock as Papyrus slipped his hands under Sans' shirt, working gently at his ribs, rubbing and stroking the marrow.

Sans whined loudly as Papyrus nuzzled his shoulder, teeth pulling at his scarf until it came loose. Sans watched pitfully as it fluttered into his lap, forgetting almost instantly as something warm and wet slid across his neck bones.

"Mmmmmnnn!" He let out a moan so lewd that his face flushed bright blue, his soul draining of color as he realized the sound he'd just made.

"You must be howling at the moan tonight, huh bro?" Sans whimpered as Papyrus lapped at his neck, switching between sucking and gentle licks that made him want to make the noise again.

The pleasurable acts continued before Papyrus pulled his tongue away, putting his mouth against the side of Sans' skull.

"Aw, poor Sansy. A Royal Guard, stuck as a hostage, being tortured by the enemy." Papyrus whispered in a mocking tone, grinning at the glare Sans shot at him. He took a moment to breath in the scent of bones wafting from the small skeleton's neck, so different from his own.

"I'll bet you just want me to get to the point, hm?" Sans shivered when Papyrus pulled him even closer, his bottom rubbing against the older's shorts, picking up on a hard form hidden beneath the fabric.

His blush darkened, his mind screaming to escape but his body commanding him to stay.

"On your hands and knees, prisoner." Sans couldn't hide the fear in his eyes as he leaned forward, his cheek pressed to the carpet once again, his hips up to present Papyrus with a stunning view.

Sans squeaked when he felt a hand rub against his back side, his breath quickening as excitement and terror welled in his soul. He made a distressed noise when he felt the hem of his pants slide down his legs, a flash of blue unlike his usual innocent irises sparking to life in his left eye socket.

"Let's see what we-" Papyrus' own eye sockets widened in shock, a cut off holler escaping just in time for his skull to smack against the floor. His vision swam in front of him from disorientation, the blow to his head enough to make him dizzy.

His breath was knocked out of him when weight dropped on his midsection, flinching at pain that jolted through his lower ribs.

"Look who's in trouble now." Sans said, his voice uncharacteristically dark. Papyrus stared at him, unable to comprehend the turn of events.

A whisp of cyan along the lenth of gnarled rope told him, making it snake through the air as if it were alive. Sans was holding the bone previously in his mouth in one hand, curling tendrils of blue magic engulfed the other, one eye dark, when dangerously emraged, both narrowed and glaring at the tall skeleton.

"Sans, how di-" Sans growled and slapped his hand onto Papyrus' mouth, looking irritated by his talking.

"Hostages aren't suppose to make noise." He said, a feeling of dominance rushing over him, spreading a mischevious grin across his cheeks.

"And you're my prisoner now." Papyrus watched with wide eyes, the unexpected change in his brother's attitude working worry into his own soul. He tried to move but realized with a sinking feeling that his soul was actually blue, paralyzing him on the floor.

For good measure, stark white bones materialized out of the floor and interlocked over his wrists, his arms straight out on either side of his body. He could feel the same thing happen to his ankles.

"Now, what's the first thing that a Royal Guard should do with his hostage?" Sans asked nonchalantly, thrumming his fingers against his chin as if in thought. Papyrus could feel beads of sweat form on his skull, running down his face, leaving clear trails of nervousness.

"Take you in, I suppose." Sans smiled down at Papyrus, lacking amy innocence that had been portrayed before hand.

"Or maybe lock you up," Papyrus couldn't help but turn his face away when Sans' came closer, his eyes closing as the younger monster's continued to glare at him.

"But, I have something in mind." Papyrus peeked open one eye to look at his younger brother, swallowing down apprehension. Sans chuckled, something Papyrus had never hear him do and whispered to his dear older brother.

"I'll torture you like you tortured me."

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