Chapter 2 the reveal
Keith hasn't stop thinking about what happen a week ago he had told things to solider of lotors and she was kind she told him things as well but she never said she was an half breed but then again neither did Keith anyway the next show will be shown to the half of the universe it wasn't going near earth because it was to far away anyway this show cannot go wrong
Keith and the others was made to practice a lot by the time they finish practicing the show was 2 hours away
3 hours later
The show was great it is time for the announcements but the power went out then lance was kick then appear a pink skin girl with 3 different colour as well they was a fight people was exiting and lotor team was winning
"Give up garla" yell allura
"Technically we are only half so I don't know how to respond" answer the girl with the pink skin
"Well fine you have me there" said allura
"Also isn't your new black paladin an half human half garla hybrid" smile lotor
"How did you" yell allura before coran yell "princess only the light went out "
"What" said allura
"I believe you just told your friend secret "smile lotor
There was a yelling like
Allura yell "it can be trust"
"Then take the half garla off "yell the crowd
"How did you find out "growl Keith while turning but when he turn to look at the pink skin girl their faces were close and Keith had to go back a couple steps
"You save Axca and the yellow paladin keep making jokes you really think she wouldn't hear "smirk the pink skin girl
"Oh sorry "laugh hunk
"Not funny" yell lance
"We got to go "shout a blue skin girl
"Coming Axca" smirk lotor looking from Keith to Axca and said "it was nice meeting you" and left
They had to run to the lions then there was an attack and a scream Keith ran out of the lion towards the screams and found a little girl knock out and a creature with no eyes on the ground Keith grab the girl and ran out of the fire and yell" is there an doctor "
A man came up looking mad as if keith had hurt her but Keith put the girl on the ground and said "I promise I didn't hurt her and she needs help so I had to pick her up I wouldn't touch no one child without their parents permission but I had to now please take care of her"
Keith left and went into the fire to get the other one the creature was still there and he knew I wasn't a good idea to bring her to the other so he took her up and run deeper into the fire making sure the creature was still alive and made it out the other side and went into the forest till he though it was safe and put her down and check her pulse
"Wow" said a voice
Keith grab his sword and put it a neck Keith knew who neck it was it was lotor
"What" ask Keith
"What oh you don't know "smile lotor
"What "ask Keith
"That is Narti one of my generals" smirk lotor
"Well still a living creature so I had to and I only want to split your throat "said Keith
"Oh well thank you for saving Narti "smile lotor grabing Narti and left with the other generals
Keith made his way back and saw Voltron they didn't need him anymore so he ran into an alley and a tear fell but Keith all way make sure he doesn't cry so he walk back and Shiro pick him up but as Keith was going inside the girl from earlier yell" thank you for saving me"
Everyone went quiet and Keith stop
"What "yell the leader
"Well it doesn't matter on where one of his parents came from he cannot control that and if we judge him by half of what he is then what is the point of teaching children everyone is different if we are judge by what one of parents are and you don't know if that parent was even part of the garla empire he or she could have come from the blades so yes I am thanking him and I don't see species I see people and he look worry when he found me I was losing concise he probably thought I had lose concise and he had a chance to leave me but he didnt he saw another creature and that probably why he went back in as you said so is that creature alright " said the girl
"yes well i took her to the forest and felt her pulse then i found out she was a general of lotor so it was weird" said keith
they were about to yell but the girl yell "did you know she was even an half breed "
"no she didnt look anything like a garla and there are unsual one thing that the half breed inheeds from one of the parents like my ability to unstand garla techangly and my eyes are silmar to the skin colour of an garla" said keith
"so if you knew you would have left her" said the girl
"what no she is a living creature if i knew i would have bought her here and i didnt take her here because i knew you guys would be scare like you guys look terrifed to find out here was an half garla beside you imgaine one with blueish skin and look kinda lizardly and no eyes "said keith
"yeah got us there" said the leader
"anyway bye" sigh keith
"wait was it your father or mother that was garla "ask the girl
"you didnt just ask that" said hunk
"well acording to the blades it was my mother "said keith
"didnt you know her" ask the girl
"no she left me and my dad when according to him i was about a month or 2 old" frown keith
"i didnt mean to said the girl before keith" said its okay
"really i didnt mean to "said the girl
"really its okay" smile keith
they left and as soon as they land allura said "sorry keith but please leave"
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