Just like any other 7th year, I was buried in the preparation for N.E.W.Ts, that I forgot to meet Draco at the Room of Requirements to discuss about breaking the curse. You can't really blame me completely though, these past weeks and months I was so invested in everything that I didn't pay attention to studying.
The previous class tests we had, was my awakening. I had to keep my scores up, so that I could do something in life if I live after the war. Me and Anne sat together to study, in the Great Hall. In the rush of catching up and finishing boring assignments, I accidently fell asleep and Anne had to shake me awake.
"We're really late." she said.
"For what?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.
"Meeting up with" she looked around. "Felicia."
"Who's-" I started sleepily but then exclaimed, "Oh yes! Let's run, maybe he didn't leave yet?"
We went to the Room of Requirements, and Draco got a bit mad at us for being late. In the end we all cooled down a bit and Draco said, "We can leave tomorrow, after school. I'll follow in the disguise."
"I don't think the wig is possible though..." I said sadly.
"Why?" the both asked.
"The teacher locked it back. There's no way to sneak inside, it's literally her room. I wish Fred and George were here."
The next day, we were all in a fret. None of us knew if the plan was going to work. Either we would get attacked, or we could successfully get the job done. We all met near the tree that was at the gate, and quietly sneaked to the 'darker' side of Hogsmeade.
Anne and me were quiet scared of the eerie shops, and the weird looking old wizards and witches trying to come close to us. Draco kept a low profile; everyone in the Wizarding World knew the Malfoys. We made him wear a hat so that his face would be shadowed, and his signature shiny blonde hair would be covered.
We got to the shop in the end of Hogsmeade. There was a jingle of the bell when we opened the door. An old woman with creepy looking green eyes and thin lips greeted us. She was short, or maybe it was because she walked bend and hunched over.
"Hello Dearies.... What brings you to this side?" she asked in her shaky voice.
"We need a favour." I asked.
"Oh... I do favours for sure. But I need something in return."
Draco jingled a bag of coins, his face hid by the hat and the hood oh his shirt. The old lady's eyes brightened up on the sight of the money and came closer. "Hmmm quite pretty I sure say... What do you want me to do?"
We explained the curse, leaving out most not important details, that would probably lead to trouble. "I'll go get some stuff, please wait." she said and slowly walked away into another room. She went for a minute inside, and we anxiously waited for her.
Draco hissed and we looked at him. "We've been tricked." he whispered. We heard a windy noise, and there stood a death eater in front of us. We had no other stuff to do, rather than run. We rushed out the shop and so did the death eater.
As we ran around the street, more of them kept appearing around us. We started running to Hogwarts in hopes that it would save us. But we just wasted our energy, because they were already there on the path. Some students freaked out and started running, only for them to get attacked.
We certainly couldn't go that way. "Which way?" I asked. As we desperately jumped on the spot. "The forest!" Anne exclaimed and we ran there without a second thought.
"You think it's gonna work?" asked Draco. "It is getting dark, and no one dares to go in there at the time." she said.
"We could go to that tree house I made for Terrance." I said panting.
"A tree house?" Draco asked. And Anne and me nodded. The tree house area was the perfect place to be. We could see the Death Eaters from the top, but they couldn't see us.
We stayed for a while there, and the death eaters started looking in the forest. Me and Anne (being of age) put up some protective charms. They weren't the strongest, but they could work for sometime.
"Any way we could make them leave?" asked Anne, as she looked out the window over mine and Draco's shoulder.
"Don't think so..." I muttered.
"We'll have to be alert. They may leave at a point, but we cannot leave until sunrise." Draco said.
"Wait- Why can't we just alert Dumbledore?" asked Anne.
"Cause' he's not here. Another one of those short trips. Don't know when he'll return.." I said, walking around the tree house stressfully.
"Tomorrow. Maybe in the morning." Draco said, still looking out the window.
"How do you-" me and Anne started but he already had an answer.
"Cass you already know what I'm trying to do right?" He asked, and I nodded. He turned around to look at us. "I'm keeping a close eye on him."
"What's happening?" asked Anne confused, and slightly worried. "Should we tell her?" he asked.
"You decide..." I said. I knew it was meddling, but there was far too many changes already. Besides, I trusted Anne to keep the secret.
Draco told Anne about his special, yet not so nice mission of killing Dumbledore. She didn't take it very well and backed away to a corner and sat down.
He tried to talk to her again to make it better, but I put a hand on his shoulder and told him to give some time. "But- but- it's Dumbledore we're talking about! And I think he surely will die, with the way you talk most of the time Cass!" she exclaimed in fear.
"Things happen..." I started.
"But you can stop it! You have an advantage! Use it." she said.
"You know I can't do that. I can't change every thing!"
"Sure you can! I'm not picking sides with Dumbledore. But you certainly had some hate towards him."
"What if I did? This isn't about that. And the hate isn't that bad. It's just a very small thing. Like a 0.001% of hate."
"You could save the wizarding world! If the future is You-Know-Who, then you certainly know how it is!"
"Anne, look. I know you want everyone to be safe and stuff, but there is restrictions."
"Or you're just a kiss arse."
"Excuse me!" I said; hurt.
"I thought you were good. But you're trying to be on the good list of both sides. You're helping the order and the dark side."
"For your kind information, those Death Eaters over there came here for me. Not you, not Draco, not Dumbledore. Me." I could feel myself burning up.
"Annalise May Elizabeth. Please think of your words, and what we just informed. Mine makes sense."
"So you're saying that mine was stupid?"
"No entirely."
"So you think it was a bit stupid."
I looked at her confused. I did not know where this was all coming from.
"Ok now both of you. Calm the fuck down. My head hurts." said Draco, and sat down the floor.
"I need some time to think." I said, and headed out the door, slamming it shut behind me. I got down the tree, and sat on the floor of leaves beneath. They were cold, just like how I felt inside right now.
Third Person P.O.V
Draco and Anne were left behind in the tiny space. Draco stared at the door, expecting maybe a Death Eater barging in. Anne sat in the same corner, that she slid into after the fight; her knees towards her chest, and head bowed into her hands on her knees.
She lifted her head slowly and looked at Malfoy. "I did something real bad didn't I?" she asked him.
"I'll tell you the answer if you won't punch me or something."
"I won't."
"I know that!"
"Why did you tell all those things?"
"I didn't mean to! It was an accident."
"A huge one?"
"Yeah. I was worked up. I was scared."
"Of me..."
"No! Of course not."
"That's a lie. You should be. I'm a death eater, who is trying to kill the greatest wizard alive."
"I didn't mean what I said.."
"You definitely debated hard."
"Can you stop being such a- argh!" she clawed her fingers in anger.
"What ever you were thinking of right now, is what you were a minute ago."
"I know I fudged up! Don't have to rub it in."
There started an argument between the two. She stayed on her previous words, of Cassie Smith not doing good things. Draco on the other hand, supported Cassie, and this debate of anger and trust issues went on for 2 long minutes.
"What even is you're problem! Why are you going against Cassie all of a sudden!" he asked angrily.
"Because I love her and don't want to see her hurt!" she said, and covered her mouth in shock.
"I didn't just say that did I?" she asked cautiously.
"Oh you sure did..." Draco said, his face a mixture of shock and a grin.
"Stop doing that weird face. And please don't tell anyone.... Especially Cass." she said frantically.
"If you do love her, calling her a kiss arse wasn't the way to go." he joked.
"Thank you Sherlock. I was totally oblivious to that."
"Who's Sherlock?" he asked.
"Leave it. What should I do?" Anne asked desperately.
"Why should I help you. You were being mean to me."
"I wasn't! Ok maybe I was. I'm sorry... I was hit with this info faster than the Knight Bus."
"You were still mean..."
"What should I d then about it?"
"Do my transfiguration essay of 5 pages minimum?"
"Are you taking advantage of me?"
"Or I tell Cass about you're secret.."
Anne looked at him with disbelief. "That's just rude!"
He shrugged with a smile. "You are a true Slytherin. I mean the hat told you were Slytherin before it even touched your head so...." Anne said.
"Go apologize."
"I don't think it'll work."
"She adores you! You're her best friend."
Anne nodded in a way of agreeing, and headed out the door. Draco looked out the window, with a smile; a knowing smile. Because deep inside, he always knew Anne's secret. Every time they met and hanged out, he always felt it between them.
Now Cass just had to know too. But he wouldn't tell it; he wasn't that bad.
Suddenly the door of the tree house burst open, and a hysterical Anne barged in. "She's gone!"
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