Truly His - 3

"I'm interested in you. I want to properly court you Erwan."

"Umm... wait. Just wait Hugh. Are you serious?! Oh God!!??" I huffed and look around feeling delirious from his sudden confession while wiggling my hands on the air.

"We just met yesterday, and this day! How can you tell you wanna court me?!" I exclaimed and face palmed myself.

"Coz, I can tell. Its my choice so be it. Erwan. I. Wanna. Court. YOU." He replied calmly while leaning himself on the chair comfortably.

Holy cow!! He's serious.

"Are you serious?!" I exclaimed while biting my lip. He just looked at me with a smirk on his lips and nodded.

"I am dead serious Erwan. I. Want. You." He tilted his head and went to lean it in his knuckles. He then looked at me with his piercing green eyes.

After he said those, an awkward silenced followed. No one dared to talk, even moved. I fumbled underneath me for my phone and texted Mich. Since I'm good with texting, I just let my fingers touch every button that will convey my message without the jock across the table noticing it and quickly sent it to her.

Please read it Mich! Your gonna be a bitch if you don't hitch!

Well that rhymed...

I kept on glancing around the room and my gaze fell upon the green irises, and quickly I looked at the other direction. He was looking at me like, holy cow!!! His looks conveyed authority just when I took a quick glance. Like he's taming my soul inside me to readily submit to him at any time. Like hell I would let that... I don't want people ordering me around, well except for Mich... So, like I said....

HOLY COW...!!!

I kept glancing on the side where Mich's table were and to my relief I saw her walking towards us. I smiled to myself and thank God, I'm going home now.

"Excuse me Mr. Jaxton. Me and Erwan have to go home now, something came up and we need to be home by now." Mich said as Hugh stood from his chair and I also did. He turned to me and shake my hand.

"It was wonderful having dinner with you Erwan." He said with a fake smile.

I can see that fake smile dude!

I turned around to leave when Hugh grab me and I stop on my tracks, but I didn't turn around. I could feel his presence looming over me behind my back. He leaned close to me and whispered something.

"Too sneaky Erwan. You thought I didn't notice you fumbling underneath? Well, I'll let you off this time, but the next, I dont think so." He said in a threat way of manner and kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight Erwan." He added, before I felt his presence vanished from my back. I turned around and saw him leave from the other side of the room with two bulky man dress in black suit and shades.

Huh, shades, where's the sun? Its already past eight p.m. you know?

"Hey, Erwan, come on." Mitch yelled at me but not too loud. I neared them and spotted David, Mich fiancé and gave each other a fist bump.

"You've grown a little bit Erwan." David complimented me. I laugh a bit, feeling flattered that I've grown taller.

"Well, sleeping all day do get you to grow fast. I recommend it." I said as we laugh together. We got inside Mich's masseratti and David was the driver and Mich next to him and me, on the back.

They drop me on my residence and I quickly slip inside my house. I strode off to my room and quickly took all of my clothes and got in for a shower. After the shower, I slip on some briefs, and some gray sweat pants from my walk-in closet and went to bed without a shirt.

Uughhh, I'm sooo tired....

I tried blinking my eyes but they fell close and soon I found myself sleeping....

Greeeeen eeeyeees....


Beeeeepp.... Beeeeppp....

I quickly bolted out of my bed when I heard my alarm clock banging. I took a quick shower and dried myself. I quickly wore my black skinny jeans with dangling chains, my white long sleeve shirt and a black cardigan. A dog tag around my neck and poured myself an Axe cologne.

I got out of my room while putting my earphones on my ears, one directions song 'nobody compares' boomed on my ears. I looked at my golden G-shock and saw that the time was already 8:39 a.m.

Shit! I'm almost late for first period. I poured myself a milk and drank it without a pause and went to grab a slice of bread. I went out of my house and opened the garage. I hopped inside my black and white Lamborghini and sped my way to school.

I arrived at my university 15 minutes later and quickly hopped out when I manage to find a parking place.

"Hey! my man Erwan!!" My classmate Kenneth greeted me and gave eachother a fist bump. "I'd like to invite you to my house party later tonight. He exclaimed.

"Party? Tonight? But we have school the following day." I asked him.

"Oh, believe me, no seniors will be present tomorrow for they will be having the best hangover of their life." He exclaimed while raising his eyebrows. Well, I haven't had myself a drink for years now. And I don't know why Michelle tried to avoid me from drinking alcohols. But this time no one's gonna stop me.

"Okay! I'm in!!" I replied.

"Hey guys! Harris's in!!!" He shouted to our classmates and they all shouted back in excitement. We all stop when our prof came in and glare at us.

"Quiz!!!" She shouted and we all just groaned.


The day went by quickly and it was already 7 p.m. means time to party. One of my classmates fetch me from my house and we quickly sped off to Kenneth's massive house. Loud disco music boomed inside the house making the wall vibrate.

I hopped out of the vehicle and wave thank you to Colt who fetch me and quickly went inside. Stench of sweat and liquors greeted my nose and the sight of the horny teenagers dancing everywhere. Some of the girls where already naked, making me lick my dry lips. This was going to be a hell of a party.

"Erwan!! Man, sure am glad you did came. So enjoy yourself. I'll just have to tend others okay?" I just nodded at him and I trotted to the mini bar.

I ordered a hard liquor from the hired bartender and quickly gulped it. I grab another one when suddenly I was yanked by some half naked chick. Her huge boobs bouncing up and down on her front making me whistle. We danced on the dance floor like were already making out. I also notice she wasn't even wearing panties coz I can see her pussy whenever she bends down. I kept dancing through the night and kept on drinking hard liquors, making my body burn.

I got out of the dance floor when suddenly the bitch I was dancing with was carried by other horny dicks trying to shove it in to her. So I decided to rest my body on the corner while fumbling on my cellphone. I was really drunk by now and I already look like a hooligan right now from laughing at nothing while I kept on pressing whatever on my phone.

I tried to focus on my screen when I found out, my hands were dialing someones number. The other line picked it up and I kept laughing at the other line while mumbling some alien words to the other line.

Hugh's POV

The sound of my ringtone woke me up from my sleep. Fuck this! Who would be calling me at this time around. Its already past midnight and he just interrupted my dream about Erwan. I swipe the unlocked button on my iPhone6 and answered the call.

"Jaxton." I blankly said. I can practically hear some booming sounds from the other line and constant yelling. When no one answered I ended the call. Prank calls are as fuck! My cellphone went ringing again and I answered it again.


"Hugh!! Good evening! hic!" I can practically hear Erwan's slurred voice from the other line making my gut irritate. Where is he at this time of hour? He kept laughing on the other side that made me more tick off.

"Where the fuck are you?!" I hissed. I change my sleeping clothes and went for my suits. I texted my driver to ready my car and quickly leave out of my nest and fetch Erwan.

"Peek-a-boo!! Hahahah!! Hic!" He replied at me. I heard someones voice on the background talking to Erwan while he just kept on laughing his ass off.

"Hey! Where are you?!" I asked him again. He just laugh at me again before answering.

"Kenneth Mchardens crib." He said.

"Hey, lemme kiss you." I felt my blood boiling inside me when I heard those words from the background before he ended the line. I told Brew to turn the GPS on and locate the house of this certain Kenneth Mcharden which is a few blocks from Erwan's.

Erwan... Your such a little demon. What are you doing to me, to make me feel like this......

To feel something to want to cherish someone when I promised myself not to....

Shit! I'm falling hard.

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