three - blood, sweat, and fresh tears


THE HOVERCRAFT touches down in a barren piece of land quite close to the centre of the Capitol, and we exit.

We walk though rooftops of different colourful buildings, and find two smaller hovercrafts appear there shortly after. I'm asked to board the silver one, while Cadence and Aiden, the smallest green one.

I step on a rung, and the current freezes me into place. I'm being transported back to the Training Centre. I don't have a stylist. No anything.

No one to help me now, I guess Sophie and Marius have left for the Adelaide Woods as well.

I quickly enter my room on the 9th floor to see it the same as before I left. I pull out a random red shirt and checkered skirt from the drawers next to my bed. I guess this will make do for now. I quickly scurry into the lift and down to the interview venue.

I feel small, and vulnerable. As I wait backstage, I hear people yelling and screaming. "GIVE US AN EXPLANATION!" someone yells, probably from the front row. Felicity shushes all of them. "Eunice Seyfield is the victor of the 2nd Adelaide Woods Hunger Games!" she says, and cries of my name fill the room.

I gingerly exit backstage and make my way up to the stage, white lights blinding me. I plop down in my chair and Felicity announces me as the victor, the long hour of the victor's interview beginning, starting with a replay of the Games.

"So, Eunice, I'm sure it must have been quite a shock when both of your allies died," she asks, "how did you feel?"

"The only thing I felt was guilt, to be honest. I promised to keep them both alive until the end... but now I'm here and I'll be able to see them again," I say, and Felicity nods.

"Without further ado, let's welcome the tributes who have yet again gotten another chance of life - Zoey Sinclair and Kunboss Bailey!"

The secret door swings open with a slam, and Kunboss and Zoey run out of it. They run into my open arms, Zoey burying her head in my hair. "I missed you," she whispers.

After we bow (curtsy) to the audience, them still yelling and cheering, we are quickly ushered back onto the hovercraft.


The green hovercraft brings Aiden and I down to an underground building. With instruction, we carefully make our way down to the bottommost floor of the building, where we find food and a temporary shelter.

We huddle in the corner of the room, shivering as the sweat on the jumpsuits cools down and soaks our backs. The unholy feeling of murder has really gotten to me - the freezing cold cuts into my flesh like knives and daggers.

"How do you think this is going to turn out?" I ask, turning to Aiden. "Eunice's allies - they're gonna be brought back. But what about Rylie, Andy, Tristan and the rest of my friends?"

Aiden shakes his head, unfolding a blanket and settling it down on the floor. "Anson too," he mutters. "I miss them all so, so much."

"They were my best friends," I manage to get out through tears, as watery beads well in Aiden's eyes too. "There was supposed to be one alliance of victors. And though I'm not a victor, I survived the games. And they deserved to survive, too."

Aiden exhales and tears flow down his face. I bring the blanket to my eyes and dab gently.

Normally, it's me who breaks down and Aiden who stays by my side to comfort me. This time, I need to stay strong for him...and for Rylie. He wouldn't want to see me cry.

"Thank you, Aiden," I say. "You made me feel at home."

Under the faint light of the lamps that dimly brighten the room, Aiden smiles, the tears drying. "You're welcome, Cadence," he answers.

The things we went through in the arena haunted us, but I understand we are stronger together. I smile back at Aiden before a voice breaks the silence.

Kunboss, Zoey and Eunice come rushing in, holding outfits for Aiden and I as we're still wearing that arena outfit that's stained with blood, sweat and fresh tears.

When I see Kunboss, my heart skips a beat in my chest. Last time I saw him, he was dead. And I killed him. It was me...wasn't it?

They turn their backs as I change into the perfectly-fitting T-shirt and shorts that were thrust into my arms by Zoey. This reminds me of what I'd wear at home, before all of this started.

Amidst the awkwardness, we make our way back up to the hovercraft, flying to a safe house for the time being. When the hovercraft lands, we quickly make our way into it. It's a small plain house camouflaged into the countryside, and by the looks of it it's definitely unassuming. A motherly lady ushers us in and shows us to the rooms - a room for boys and a room for girls.

Guess I'll have to be facing Eunice and Zoey every night almost for the whole day before we can contact someone back at the Adelaide Woods. I wonder how it will go.


I'm out grocery shopping for my parents when I see a glint of silver in the sky. I frown - it's the first time this has happened. Since Byrok took control, there has never been outside communication - I only got my phone because they wanted to monitor me closely... victor priveleges.

So if there are planes coming.. does that mean something has happened? And this specific colour.. it belongs to the Capitol.

I count on my fingers. It's been 3 days since I left the Capitol, and 5 days since the Games began.

The small voice in my head says, "Two days since Kun died, and five days since Zoey." I shake it off though, and wonder if they have a victor already.

Are they here to tell me good news, bad news, or simply to find me because I've done something wrong? But what could it be?

The glint of silver which was originally as tiny as a peck of stardust gradually descends and enlarges until a grand hovercraft emerges from the clouds. It touches down gently on the ground, and two official-looking people step out.

Their blue uniforms are embellished with a small gold pin on the breast pocket. The sound of heels clicking brings me back to my very first reaping, yet the girl who stands confidently in front of me is not that lady who picked the names from the huge reaping ball.

I look up to see a girl, no older than seventeen. Her hair flows casually down her shoulders, and her bangs part around her face perfectly.

"Hello, Gwyneth," she says, and the man next to her nods in assent.

I tremble, not from the freezing wind, but from the direness of the situation. The girl smiles widely, curdling my blood - but also causing me to relax.

Come on, Gwyneth. It won't be that bad. Maybe Eunice won! Maybe Kun and Zoey have been revived! But I can't help but imagine their cold bodies - unable to be saved - in coffins inside that spine-chilling hovercraft.

The girl chuckles. "I'm Natalia, and this is Jamison. We are from Aurore of Byrok, and we are here to help you."

Natalia. Natalia Riggs.. But wait, Byrok?

Aurore of Byrok?


"Rochbok of Byrok will rule," James pushes against me, pinning me to the wall. I can smell his bad breath.


A wave of confusion overcomes me. What are Rochbok and Aurore? And aren't both of them part of Byrok and the New Regime? Why would they want to help me?

Natalia didn't explain this in the call, did she?

I think back to the call, which lasted none but 5 seconds. I remember her saying her name and where she's from and rack my brain for anything else, but come up empty.

"What?" I think to myself, not realizing that I've said it out loud.

"Look, Gwyneth," says Natalia, and drags me into a random cafe, smiling all the way.

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