Chapter 34

London was cold and dreary as usual. Snow had not yet reached the city, but the occasional drizzle had scared many people of the streets, leaving them quieter than usual. The first frost was covering the curb and some patches of the road, causing Ringo to drive slower than he normally would. George was sitting beside him, glancing mindlessly through the window by his side as Ringo drove them to the strip club. He hadn't planned on going to work at first, seeing as they had just gotten back from Italy late that previous night, and they were leaving again for Liverpool in the morning – Ringo had agreed to celebrate Christmas together with his parents, as long as George would meet Ringo's as well – and they liked some time alone before they would have to spend three days at his parent's house. But the longer he had stayed in with Ringo, the more eager he had gotten to get out and meet up with his friends before leaving again. Frankly, he had missed them, seeing as they had hardly been apart since he and Paul had first moved to London and it was strange not to see them for so long. So eventually, he had picked up the phone and called the club to say he'd be working that evening anyway. Brian had been more than happy with the news and Ringo hadn't minded it at all. After having sex for five or six times on the same day (maybe it was more, as he had kind of lost count), he didn't feel the need to stay at home the entire evening either.

It had been wonderful, though. George had awoken that morning with his cock stuffed in Ringo's mouth and since then they had been going at it like rabbits only stopping occasionally to eat or have a shower (that latter of which had ended up in steamy shower sex anyway) and to curl up together on the couch to watch a movie. It had been a wonderful lazy day, and although George felt rather sore and knew he was going to feel it during work, it had been totally worth it and the thought secretly pleased him. What was even better was that after he had called Brian, Ringo had flung him on the couch and nipped and sucked at that one spot high up his inner thigh for minutes, renewing the mark that had begun to fade slightly during their short holiday before making him come on his fingers. The bruise was an ugly purple now and it throbbed lightly, but George loved the mark as it reminded him constantly of Ringo and his skillful fingers.

Glancing over at his boyfriend, he laid his hand casually on the older man's thigh and gave him a squeeze. Ringo turned his head to smile at him, before quickly looking back at the road, needing to focus. A smirk appeared on George's lips, wondering what his lover would do if he were to jerk him off in the car, but he didn't try to find out, knowing that probably wasn't a good idea. Especially if they would get caught. So he simply let his hand rest on Ringo's thigh and looked back out of the small window until they would finally reach the club. It would only be a couple of minutes longer anyway.

He hadn't expected Ringo to come to the club with him, but he had promised him he really wanted to. He had said he wanted to see Paul and ask how Muffin was doing as he wasn't going to see her for three days longer, but George knew better than that. He didn't comment on it, though. He knew that Ringo wanted to do his best to be supportive and get used to the whole "my boyfriend is a stripper"-thing. Especially now he knew what had happened between George and his last boyfriend. George was glad that he was trying, though, and even though he knew it was going to take them a while to get fully used to it all, he had a strong feeling they were going to make it work, like Paul and Jane. Just the fact that he was trying, told George enough to know that and to believe that Ringo indeed wasn't like his previous boyfriend. They were going to make it. And if they didn't, George doubted his job would be the cause. They would find a way.

As he had thought, the ride was only about three minutes longer, and soon they walked through the large doors of the club and were welcomed by the familiar surroundings and the usual jazz music. As the club was not yet open, it was quiet and George only saw a few people walking around, most of the workers probably being in the dressing rooms to get ready. He unhooked his arm from Ringo's, and took off his coat as he stepped further inside, his heels clacking loudly on the wooden flooring. It was nice to be back and right away George felt considerably more relaxed. Smiling, he turned back to his lover and offered him his hand, which Ringo happily took, before leading him backstage and to the dressing rooms, where he knew his friends would be, being eager to see them again.

The first signs that his friends were indeed in the dressing room came as soon as the door came into sight in the form of shouting. George couldn't make out what the voices – Paul's and Stuart's to be precise – were shouting about, but he already had a fairly good idea. He rolled his eyes at Ringo, but he was secretly glad not too much had changed since he had left. Ringo, whose face had tensed up at the sound of the heated shouting, now chuckled, realising it wasn't serious and that this was something that actually happened quite often. To George it was almost a miracle he hadn't heard it more often. He pulled Ringo further along with him and carefully pushed the door open, sneaking a glance inside to make sure they weren't about to throw things at each other that could hit them by accident. Thankfully, he could see Paul sitting on the couch, his legs pulled so he could rest a magazine on his thighs, looking rather uninterested in the man in front of him, who was shouting at him and waving his arms about to try to get his younger man's attention. It looked almost comical.

"This is all your fault in the first place, so you can go make it better!" Stuart shouted as he crossed his arms over his chest, giving Paul his best authorial glare, but Paul seemed unfazed. Amused, George beckoned Ringo to have a look, too. The older man went down to his knees so he could look through the gap as well, allowing them both to see what was going on.

"How is any of this my fault, Stu! I didn't set him up, did I?! Besides, I don't get why you're so upset about it. I thought you didn't have a crush on John," Paul shot back as he skimmed through the magazines – a music magazine as far as George could see – not even bothering to look up. Stuart looked taken a back for a moment.

"I-I don't have a crush on John! I have a girlfriend!" he told him, but Paul only scoffed at that, turning another page.

"You're bi, Stu. You told us that yourself. Just admit you want to hold John's hand. It's not going to hurt you, you know."

"Piss off, McCartney."

"Why else would you be so bothered by it? I don't see the problem. He doesn't even seem to like you, seeing as he's taking me to the concert and is off-"

"He's only taking you because you guilt tripped him," Stuart quickly accused, interrupting Paul mid-sentence. This time, Paul did look up, and George could only just see the surprised look on his face.

"Me?! Guilt tripping, John? I swear, you've been working too hard, lad."

"Well, he doesn't seem to like you very much then either!"

"Oh no, he absolutely hates me. He's only been pining after me since the first day we met and has been staring at me constantly since I got this job and tried to kiss me more times than I can count, but he absolutely hates me. Get your head out of your arse, Stu. One fucking date doesn't-" Paul told him, finally putting down his magazine in annoyance to look up at his older friend, surprised when he interrupted him.

"But you love that, don't you, Paul? Keeping him on a leach and holding this power over him. You love the attention, don't you? You're a fucking slut, McCartney!"

"What did you just say to me?" Paul asked, sitting up and throwing his legs over to couch, turning his body to get up. Stuart's hands bawled up into fists, ready to punch if he needed to. Suddenly, however, George felt a hand on his shoulder, making him jump up and turn around in fright. As soon as he saw who it was, he sighed in relief. Ringo, who had accidentally been kicked in the side by George's foot, turned to look as well, grinning as he saw John looking down at the two of them with a curious and amused grin.

"Jesus, Lennon! You scared me half to death, you did!" George exclaimed and John chuckled at that as he hit him on the shoulder in a brotherly fashion.

"Glad to see you two got back well from your honeymoon. Enjoyed yourself?" he asked and George shot him a look, as he slapped John's hand away from his shoulder.

"Very funny, John. But we had a great time, if you must know."

"I bet you had. Dirty bastards. Now what are you two sneaking 'round for, eh?"

"Paul and Stu," Ringo said, from the floor. He had slit down the wall to have a seat while he rubbed the sore spot on his shin. "They're fighting again. About you it seems."

"Of course they are! Who else would they be fighting about! Come on. Let's get inside before they kill each other," John said and the two other man agreed. George hauled Ringo back up on his feet and kissed his cheek as a little apology, but Ringo assured him he was fine. They let John go in first, hoping that if they were throwing things now, it would hit John first.

Thankfully, that wasn't the case. They weren't even fighting anymore. Instead Paul sat sulking on the couch, trying to ignore Stuart as much as possible, while Stuart was sitting on a chair on the other end of the room, sending death glares into Paul's direction as if he was trying to figure out if looks really couldn't kill. Paul's magazine lay at his feet, suggesting that it had been thrown at him at one point, but considering what they had done to each other before, this wasn't as bad as Ringo, George and John had expected. Still, the tension in the room was almost unbearable and neither Paul nor Stuart looked up as the three men stepped into the room and let the door fall shut loudly behind them.

"Come on, guys. This is what Geo and Richie have to come home to? Two pathetic sulking guys sending each other death glares. That's no way to welcome two friends back from their romantic honeymoon, is it?" John exclaimed as he jumped up over the couch and let himself fall down next to Paul with a smug grin on his face. This did catch both men their attention and both looked up to see George and Ringo standing awkwardly by the door, unsure what to do.

"George! Ringo! I thought you were going to Liverpool for Christmas!" Paul said as he jumped up from the couch, suddenly his bright and happy self again. It was almost scary how quickly the guy could change between moods. He walked over to them with open arms and gave them both a tight hug, surprising both.

"Wow, Paul. Missed us, did you?" George laughed, hugging back as well as he could as he tried to breathe normally in Paul's firm hold. He gasped for air when he was released and grinned in amusement as he watched Paul do the same to Ringo, nearly knocking all the air from the older man's lungs as he slapped his back like John had done to him.

"No, but anything is better than these two," Paul answered with a wink and John let out a loud yell in protest, pretending to be hurt by his friend's words.

"And I thought we had gotten quite close since yesterday," he said and George didn't miss the way Paul blushed at those words, making George wonder what John exactly meant by those words, knowing that if he was only teasing, Paul wouldn't have actually blushed. Still, he decided to ask Paul later in private and they moved their little talk back onto the couch, where all five of them sat together and talked about what had happened over the last couple of days and especially George and Ringo's holiday in Rome. They had to keep it short as the club would open in only thirty minutes and George still had to get ready. It had been surprising, when a unknown handsome young man had suddenly opened the door to the dressing room and hovered awkwardly around John, before John pulled him down to sit with him.

"Err... who is this?" George asked, looking around the room to see who was going to answer him. Paul and Stuart looked away from him and even away from John, which made George and Ringo frown and John smile broadly. Which could really only mean one thing.

"He's my date!"

"He's your date? You have a date?" George asked, looking John up and down with a calculating look, before glancing at Paul, who was now secretly shooting rather heated looks at the strange man.

"Surprised, Geo? Why, did you think I couldn't get myself a date or something?!" John snapped at him, and George couldn't help but chuckle at that, before shaking his head.

"It's not that. I just er... hadn't expected it, is all. Considering, you know..." George explained as he nodded into the direction of Paul, who didn't even notice it as he was still looking at the strange man. He, however, did notice and glanced at Paul, suddenly looking a bit unsure and intimidated. John reached for his thigh and squeezed it reassuringly, although it looked almost possessively.

"Well," John started in a fake-sounding calm voice, "I haven't had a serious date in a while, so I thought why not, right? He's name is Daniel, by the way. He studies history."

"Does he now?" Paul asked bitterly, finally looking away and down at the floor, before getting to his feet. "I'm going to get ready before I get Eppy on my arse."

"I thought you liked Eppy on your arse," John joked and Paul shot him a glare before walking away from the group and going into one of the small bathrooms, probably to wash his face and do his make-up. Apparently, this was the cue for all the others to do the same, because Stuart and John got up, too, and Ringo and George followed their example. George watched curiously as John helped his date up and wrapped an arm around his waist, holding him close.

"Hold on," Ringo suddenly said beside him, "if you have a date, why are you here? I mean, you don't have work then, do you?" John looked up at him with a shrug, but George didn't miss that mischievous shimmer in his eye.

"Just wanted to show him around, you know. He was kind of interested. But you are right. This isn't a place for a date, so we're going to go. You boys have fun tonight. And merry fucking Christmas if I don't see you guys anymore. Come on, Dan, let's go." And with that, John let his date out of the dressing room, closing the door behind him.

"Well that was interesting," Stuart remarked as he fixed his hair for the last time in the mirror before following John out, and George couldn't help but agree. He shot a quick look in the direction of the bathroom door through which Paul had disappeared, before he turned to Ringo and pressed a quick kiss to his lips.

"I'm going to get ready. I'll see you at the club itself, okay? I'm just going to get ready," George said to him as he pulled back and Ringo smiled up at him as he nodded and kissed him once more before also walking out of the room, leaving George behind with Paul. He sighed and turned around to get dressed, knowing he had to be ready when Brian would call him up on stage, knowing he was going to be that night's opening act. He hoped he wouldn't cock it up, but with Ringo in the audience he knew he was going to be fine. He just had to pretend it was all for Ringo.

               George studied himself closely in the mirror, wanting to be sure everything of his outfit was perfectly in place, knowing how awkward it could be if it wasn't as he already had so little on. Paul was still in the bathroom, making George wonder what he was doing there, but he didn't want to go in and ask, knowing his friend wouldn't share anything if he was forced to do so. At least he knew it had something to do with Brian and his date, which put his mind at ease, knowing it didn't have anything to do with the time he got drugged and assaulted. It seemed Paul had learned how to deal with that pretty well, but John was clearly still an issue, judging from the fight with Stuart and the looks he had shot John's date and John's little comment about them having gotten "closer", whatever that meant. They were already as close as they possible could be. Unless... But George doubted that seriously. Paul wouldn't. He just wouldn't. Or would he?

Finally, the bathroom door opened and Paul walked out, wearing a fake smile as he stared in front of him with an icy stare. To most people he would have looked simply happy, but George had known him for so long that he knew just how to read Paul. How to deal with him, however, was still a little tricky.

"Alright, Paul?" he asked, looking at him through the mirror. Paul looked up and smiled a little broader, but George could look through it.

"Sure. Glad you came to work. I missed ya, you know," he said and George smiled briefly, before taking a deep breath and deciding just to go for it.

"You and John alright, too?" Paul's face clouded over for a second, before he blushed and looked away from him, turning to his side of the room to brush his hair one last time.

"You noticed that then, did you?" He asked, glancing to see George nod.

"He's got a date."

"That he does."

"You and Stu were fighting about it. Stu said it was your fault."

"Stu is making stuff up. It's not my fault. We just-" Paul broke off mid-sentence, stilling briefly mid-air, before lowering his comb and throwing it back in his bag. "Something might have happened between us. Me and John. He sort of hung around more while you were gone and-"

"And what?" George asked, turning around to face his friend properly. Paul sighed once more, before looking up at George with pleading eyes.

"You have to promise not to tell someone and not to get mad," he told him and George quickly nodded. "We smoked pot."

"You did what? In our apartment? You smoked pot in our apartment while we had an illegal cat running around," George asked, astounded. Paul, however, only grinned and nodded.

"It was only a bit of pot. Besides, we saved you some."

"You've got the be kidding me! Why does no one ask me things? It's my apartment, too, Paul!"

"But you weren't there. You were in Italy having sex with your cute boyfriend."

"Ugh... fine. But I will take that remaining pot. Continue." George said and Paul chuckled briefly, before his face fell again. He swallowed thickly once and took a deep breath before looking George straight in the eye.

"I might have kissed John," he confessed.

"You might have kissed John?!" George exclaimed, not believing his ears. Paul quickly shushed him, but George couldn't really care who heard, "But I thought you didn't want to ruin your friendship! And I thought you were straight!"

"I didn't and I am, it's just... Pot man... makes you do strange things..."

"You've got to be kidding me!"

"I told John it didn't mean anything, of course. He er... I think he got that date to make me jealous."

"And it's working." George said. It wasn't a question and Paul bit his bottom lip as he nodded "yes". George cursed again, before letting himself drop down on the couch and beckoning Paul to sit down beside him, wanting to know everything that had happened.

               Ringo was just in time to catch up with John and his date, wanting to know more about his supposed date with this young man and his crush on Paul. It didn't make sense. They had just been about to walk through the door when Ringo stopped them and asked to quickly talk to John. Both men seemed surprised, but John agreed and promised his date he'd be right back before following Ringo to an empty table, where the older man leaned up against as he pulled John closer to him, not wanting to have to speak up much more than was absolutely needed.

"What are you doing?" He hissed as he pulled John even closer to him by the man's shirt until their faces were only inches apart. "I thought you liked Paul," he added and John grinned at that.

"I do like Paul," he said with a shrug, making Ringo frown. He chuckled in amusement before glancing behind himself at his date to make sure he was far enough away.

"It's not serious. I just haven't been on a date for ages because of Paul and I got chatted up by this fellow and he was cute so I decided why not. And if it makes Paul jealous, that is just a wonderful side effect, isn't it?" he finished with a wink. Ringo was honestly shocked.

"Why would you try to make Paul jealous! That's not going to work, John!"

"Of course it is. It worked out for you and Geo, right. Why wouldn't it for me?" John replied cheekily and Ringo rolled his eyes as he firmly shook his head.

"Jealousy is what got our relationship in trouble in the first place. Besides, you and Paul don't even have anything. What if he's just happy for you, eh?"

"But he isn't. And who says me and Paul don't have anything? He kissed me just last night. He only needs a little push and he'll fall right into my arms. Jealous will make him realise just how much he wants me. And if not... well... I'm going to get laid either way, right?" John said and Ringo gaped at him. He couldn't even say anything when John winked at him and turned back around to his date again, who was patiently waiting for him. He didn't try to call John back as he started to walk away to enjoy his date.

               It wasn't long that Ringo needed to wait before George and Paul got back into the club, fully dolled up and ready for a good day of work. They were talking and laughing at something and seemed happy, which was very different from the Paul he had seen just a few minutes ago. To Ringo it could only mean one thing; he and George had talked about it. Which would mean that George would probably know if Paul had really kissed John. Sadly, he didn't get a chance to speak with George, as the club was already open and both Paul and George were quickly claimed by two strange men, with Paul being lucky and having the handsome twenty-something-year-old. George was less lucky; his had a furry moustache and was somewhere in his late thirties and not even good-looking. He had a beer belly, which made the lap dance George was giving him look a bit awkward but impressive nonetheless. He had to admit, the guy had skills. A strange feeling of pride took him over and he continued to watch George as he rocked back and forth in the man's lap, before moving on to the next who he pretended to ride cowgirl-style. George looked wonderful as he worked, in the dark sultry light with the jazz music playing in the background. After a while it even became easier for Ringo to not pay the client any more attention and focus solely on his boyfriend instead, remembering how gorgeous and sinful he had looked when he had stripped for him some weeks ago after that première and that little fight with his boss – thankfully, he hadn't been fired and Pete had actually apologised for his behaviour the next day at work, not that Ringo had accepted it.

"Isn't it difficult to watch him?" a voice beside him asked. Ringo turned his head in shock, not even having heard anyone approach him, being too entranced by the look of his boyfriend. Paul was standing next to him, drinking a glass of water as he looked at George, too, probably with a more critical eye to see what he was doing right and wrong and what Paul could use in his own routines. Ringo had been quite taken aback by the question and was unsure how to answer it, the answer being not straightforward and rather obscure, even for him. He looked back at George, who was now thrusting his hips up into the guy's face with a blissful look on his face and Ringo felt a flare of jealousy rush through him as he saw the hungry look on the client's face, staring at George as if he was his property.

"It is..." Ringo finally answered truthfully, "But it's getting better. And he looks gorgeous doing what he does." He swallowed thickly as he watched George take his money from the guy with his mouth, biting down the bill suggestively with his teeth as he kept eye contact with him. Ringo swore the guy almost came in his pants. The thought made him chuckle. "And it's good to see how George seems to appreciate the effort, you know."

"I bet the mark on his inner thigh must help, too," Paul said knowingly after a few more seconds and Ringo flushed at that, looking up at Paul with wide eyes.

"How did you-"

"He didn't tell me, if that's what you're thinking. It's kind of hard to miss with the way he's sitting, though," Paul quickly explained, nodding into the direction of his friend as he took another sip from his glass. Ringo turned back to look at his lover and blushed as he saw him sitting on a table, legs spread as wide as he could to show off his junk to the guy who was almost drooling over him. As Paul had said, the mark was clearly visible and for a moment it was hard for Ringo to breath. He nodded and Paul grinned.

"It's not a possessive thing, I swear!" Ringo quickly said as he realised how that might look, but Paul quickly reassured him.

"I know. I've been there, you know. Jane is very sharp little teeth. It doesn't hurt, by the way. Just... feels good, you know."

"That's good to know..." Ringo said, suddenly wishing he had gotten himself a drink as well.

"It's nice knowing to whom you belong. It's sort of like a wedding ring, but less permanent. More kinky. I get it. You don't have to feel embarrassed."

"I'm not..." Ringo muttered, but both he and Paul knew that wasn't true. They watched George in silence for a while before Ringo realised what John had told him about him and Paul. He glanced up at Paul and bit his lip, before deciding to just go with it.

"You kissed John." He simply stated and Paul momentarily froze, before nodding. "You okay with his new boyfriend?"

"I suppose. I'd be happy for him if he'd find someone and doesn't have to long after me anymore. But it's odd... feels like you're getting replaced."

"You're not getting replaced," Ringo said and Paul looked down at him in surprise. "He only wants to make you jealous." Paul smiled briefly at that last, before he looked down at the floor with a frown. They remained quiet for a while, until Paul spoke again, his voice soft and careful, as if he was afraid. The emotion sounded strange on his tongue.

"Richie... D-do you think... sexuality is a fluid concept?"

"Yes," Ringo answered immediately, without even needing to think twice about it. Paul let out a deep sigh at that as he nodded and finally, that familiar happy smile appeared on his face again, putting Ringo at ease.

"Thank you," he said, but Ringo shook his head.

"I should thank you."

"For what?" Paul asked, looking up at him, not understanding what he was talking about. Ringo shrugged and smiled.

"For getting my head out of my arse. I er... I needed that." Paul laughed at that.

"I only did it because of George. I wanted him to be happy for once after... well... you probably know by now," Paul said and Ringo nodded to let him know that he did, "and well, you made him happy, you know. That was all I needed to know. And you're a good guy, Richie, which only makes it even better. I just hope you're going to make it. I don't know what George would go through if you didn't." Paul sighed sadly, but Ringo only smiled and laid a hand on Paul's shoulder, giving him a reassuring squeeze and making him meet his eyes.

"We will make it. I can feel it." He said and Paul smiled back at him, before they both looked back at George, who was watching them curiously as he rotated his hips in a guy's lap. When his eyes fell on Ringo, he winked, making Ringo chuckle. They were going to be alright.

"I love you." Ringo mouthed at him and George mouthed it back, before grabbing a hand full of money from the guy and stuffing it in his shorts.

--The End--

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