Chapter 27
It was still dark when Ringo woke up to the soothing sound of George murmuring a song in his ear. The man's fingers were running gently through his hair, combing it backwards before messing it up again, making it as messy as it looked after a rough night. He hummed at the feeling and buried himself deeper into George's embrace as he pried his eyes open.
They were lying in bed; Ringo with his head on George's chest, his arms wrapped loosely around him and their legs intertwined. How they had ended up there, Ringo didn't know, but he didn't really care either. As long as he was here with George, it was all good. Especially when the younger man's fingers were in his hair and his other hand was caressing his bare arm, making the little hairs stand up at the ticklish and yet calming feeling. He groaned softly and let out a loud yawn as he tightened his grip, pulling his lover even closer. Lover. Yes, that sounded good .
"Hmm... finally awake, are we?" George said, his voice thick and croaky with sleep, indicating that he hadn't been awake that long himself yet, either. Ringo smiled as he felt the press of lips against the top his head and let out a hum in reply, sleepiness still rendering him unable to form proper words, let alone full on sentences. He buried his face in George's bare chest and started placing little open mouth kisses on his smooth skin, not avoiding the man's pink nipples. George chuckled above him, wiggling under the attention he was given, as he cupped Ringo's head in his hands and angled it up, making him meet his eyes. Ringo barely managed to hold in a sigh as he stared into those soft, gentle brown eyes, deep and full of adoration and love. Oh, how he had missed seeing those eyes on him. He leaned up for a kiss- simple and sweet- and smiled when George met him halfway, pressing their lips firmly together for a few seconds, before pulling away, his fingers tracing Ringo's bottom lip.
"Good evening, luv." George said with a chuckle, moving his hand to rest in the small of Ringo's back, gently pressing him closer, his fingers playing with the top of the sheets that were draped over their waists. Subconsciously, Ringo leaned into his touch, arching his back as he let his forehead rest on George's shoulder.
"Evening?" He asked, finally having regained the ability to speak, "How long was I asleep?"
"Not long. About an hour and a half. You were out like a rock, though. I had to carry you here. You're far heavier than you look." George said, sounding amused at the memory as he buried of his hands back into Ringo's mop of hair.
"You carried me here?" Ringo looked up at him in surprise. George was so skinny and lanky, Ringo could hardly imagine him carrying anything that was heavy, never mind a full grown man. George, however, seemed to find his surprise amusing, for he laughed at him as he petted his head like one would do a cat.
"I'm stronger than I look, you know. I don't hang from a pole twice a week for nothing. It's a good workout, that is." He said with a wink and Ringo felt his cheeks heat up at the memory of seeing George swirling half-naked around a pole, muscles pulled tight. Although the sight was very attractive and appealing, it also made him feel anxious, despite knowing he didn't need to feel that way. Could he do it, though? He supposed with time he could get used to hear George talk about his job and enjoy visiting him at work, or at least he hoped so. But what if he didn't? George needed someone who could be there for him when he needed them to be, someone who trusted him and knew he was and always would be who George loved, to whom he would return at night and with whom he wanted to share his life. But Ringo did know all that already, and yet...
His anxiety must have shown on his face, as George's thumb gently caressed his cheek as he made him look him in the eye, a gentle reassuring smile on his lips.
"What's on your mind?" He asked and Ringo released his bottom lip, which he had been worrying between his teeth unwittingly. His fingers started to draw little circles and figures on George's chest, feeling nervous to be talking about it, not wanting to hurt George's feelings again.
"I- I just need some time to get used to it. The job." He admitted. Right away he felt a weight falling from his shoulders. George's face twitched for a moment, making him fear he had hit a nerve, but then he relaxed again. He wrapped his arms around the smaller man's body, holding him close. Ringo let out a shaky breath, feeling relieved.
"I know, you do. It was stupid of me to expect anything else. We'll figure it out. If Jane and Paul can do it, we can do it, too." He said with a soft chuckle. It sounded more forced than he had probably intended.
"I should have told you, George. I should have been honest with you. I know I should have, but I knew my jealousy was unreasonable. It-"
"Richie, you weren't being unreasonable. I was being unreasonable. I was..." George couldn't find the words to finish that sentence, to say what he wanted to say. It was difficult to talk about. To admit that he had indeed been scared. Still was.
"It has to do with what happened to you, doesn't it? Why you reacted that strongly when you found out how I really felt and that I didn't want you to work at Pete's bachelor party?"
George could only nod, his throat suddenly dry and constricted, making it difficult to breathe properly. Ringo could feel how strained his breathing was, how tense his body.
"Can you tell me about it?" He asked softly, hoping it could be of help. When George shook his head, he sighed but nodded.
"Not now, Richie. I- I don't want to ruin this with bad memories. I will tell you. Later. Just not now."
"Okay. But I'd like it if you'd told me. I- I want to understand. I want to know you. All of you. And... you don't need to feel scared that I would love you any less for what happened to you." Ringo said, reassuring him by placing a sweet little kiss on the side of George's mouth, making the younger man smile again, his heart lightened simply by that little gesture, those kind words, the feeling of Ringo's body against his, warm and constant.
"Thank you. I will tell you. I want to tell you. Really, I do. I want you to know. I want to be honest with you and try to work this thing out between us. But not now. I want this to be about you and me." He said. Ringo smiled and nodded again, his lips now moving to press against George's. The younger man smiled into the kiss, his fingers grasping at Ringo, not wanting to lose him again. He started to giggle when Ringo moved his body to straddle him, the bed creaking under his weight, legs on either side of George's hips as he sat down on this thighs, hovering over him as he lips started to pull at his, begging for them to open and deepen the kiss. But instead of allowing Ringo entrance, George pulled away from him, needing something off his chest before they would take this any further.
"And I'm sorry about hitting you. At the party. I should never have done that. Ever." He said. Ringo opened his eyes and looked at him in surprise, before nodding and leaning in to kiss him again.
"It's fine, Geo. I know you didn't mean to." He whispered before cupping George's cheek in his hand and bringing their lips in for another kiss. This time George refused, turning his head away. He could see Ringo frown from the corner of his eyes, and God knows he would have loved to kiss him, but...
"I mean it, Ringo. It's not fine. I fucking hit you. I'm awful."
"I know it isn't, luv. But you are not awful. You were angry, as you had every right to be. I shouldn't have-"
"No! I shouldn't have, Richie. No matter what. I should never have hit you. I never hit anyone before and I never will again, I promise you." George interrupted, looking him sternly in the eye, letting Ringo know how guilty he felt about this with just one look. The other man remained quiet for a while, before swallowing and nodding.
"Thank you, Geo." He said, accepting his apology, "But I am sorry for that lap dance. That was wrong of me. I'd been drinking, which isn't an excuse of course, but I didn't know what to do anymore. I was confused and thought that it would perhaps help me to get over you. It didn't, of course, but I shouldn't have done it. Even if I hadn't been caught. It wasn't right and you had every reason to get mad at me. I'm sorry."
"Thank you, Richie."
"And just so you know, I never thought of you as just a stripper or a whore or any of those things you said. I was so focused on not being jealous and being accepting that I forgot that's how people often see you. I only figured that out when it was too late, and I'm sorry. If you really love doing this job, I will try my hardest. We will work it out." Ringo said with a firm and resolute nod, making George laugh at how adorable he was being. He leaned up and captured Ringo's lips with his own for another kiss, passionate and needy. Both men gripped at each other's bodies tightly as they kissed, wanting the other closer and closer as their lips pulled, their teeth nipped and their tongues danced sensually. The explored each other's mouth, marking territory and claiming the other person as rightfully his. Neither could help but smile, however, as they enjoyed each other, making the kiss rather awkward, which only made it better.
The kiss seemed to last for ages, both men lost in each other, until they felt the need to breathe and broke apart reluctantly.
"Can we stop apologizing now?" George murmured into the crook of Ringo's neck, as he caught his breath. Ringo chuckled, his hands coming up to caress George's face, his neck and his chest, needing to feel him after having been separated for so long. He could not get enough of the other man, but George didn't seem to be doing much better, the grip he had on him being incredibly tight as his teeth nipped a little mark in his neck. The feeling made him giggle.
"Please," he replied, pulling George's face out of his neck by his hair as he sat up and looked down at him, "This wasn't really how I had imagined making up, anyway."
"And what did you have in mind, then?" George asked, grinning as dirty thoughts flowed into his mind like an endless stream, weeks and weeks of frustration finally finding a way out.
Ringo could see it in his eyes. They had darkened at his words as he took in the sight of him, hands travelling down his body to come to rest on his hips, fingertip right above the curve of his ass. He considered chiding him for it, turning this into a game, but he decided against it. He didn't want to make this into a game. This was going to be just them- honest and sincere. Still, that didn't mean they couldn't have their fun.
"Hmm... well, it has to do with us in bed." Ringo started, and George winked at him as he moved them further down the bed so he was fully lying down. Ringo had to clear his throat before he could continue, having forgotten just how good George looked when he was beneath him, up for whatever Ringo had in mind.
"What else?" George asked, fluttering his eyelashes as he faked naivety.
"Well..." Ringo said as he moved his fingers down George's shoulders, his chest, his belly until they reached the waistband of his underwear. He tugged at it lightly as he sat up to have a better view, wanting to relish the gorgeous sight before him.
"It would help if we were naked." He concluded, glancing up to catch how George licked his lips at the suggestion. He lightly thrusted up his lips to let Ringo know he could continue.
"Are you sure?" Ringo couldn't help but ask. George nodded, his own hands moving from Ringo's hips to his thighs to caress him and encourage him to continue.
"Please..." he breathed, "I want you, Richie. I've been wanting this for too long already and I'm not going to wait any longer." Ringo chuckled at his wantonness, but didn't comment on it. He merely tugged at George's underwear again, this time pulling it down with gentle tugs, going bit by bit to tease George as much as he could, not wanting to rush through it but enjoy it for as long as he could.
The underwear slid off easily enough. George helped him by raising up his hips, so Ringo could drag them further down, moving down the bed as he slid the fabric down George's long, skinny legs and tossed them on the floor, not caring where, even if they landed on the cat. His mouth found George's ankle and kissed his way back up as he parted the man's legs so he could lay between them. George let him, his legs hanging slack around Ringo's waist as he bended easily- another benefit of being a stripper. When Ringo was close enough, he reached for his shoulder and pulled him back up, eager for another kiss that Ringo gave him gladly. He shivered as George moaned into his mouth, the sound going straight down to his cock. God, he was wonderful. Lightly, he trusted his hips down into George's, his clothed cock rubbing against George's naked one. He earned himself another groan, before George broke the kiss.
"Aren't we both supposed to be naked for this?" He asked, his voice already tight with arousal. Ringo grinned at him, before rolling them over, not giving George any warning in advance and enjoying the shocked cry that escape his throat as he landed on top of Ringo. He blinked down at him a few times, before he finally caught up with what had happened and chuckled. He winked at Ringo and started moving down his body, mimicking what Ringo had done to him. The older man simply laid back and glanced down to see what George was doing. However, his eyes soon rolled back in his head as he watched George nose him through his briefs before taking the waistband between this teeth and dragging it down. His hand were firmly panted on Ringo's thighs, forcing himself to only use his teeth as he took off Ringo's briefs and came eye-to-eye with Ringo's half-hard cock as it jutted upwards into his face.
"Fuck..." George cursed softly as the material slipped from his mouth. Ringo glanced down again, but only just in time to see George dip his head down and wrap his lips around the tip, his hands now taking care of ridding him of his underwear. He let out a deep growl and his fingers quickly found George's hair. He pulled encouragingly as he praised him, letting his mouth rumble on, not caring about what left his mouth as long as George. did. not. fucking. stop.
"Oh... Oh shit, Geo..." He moaned weakly as he felt his cock slide deeper into that velvet hot heath, past those nifty teeth and that teasing tongue, further and further, and finally down the younger man's throat. "P-please... don't stop... so good. God, Geo..." He added and George hummed in reply, shooting shivers down Ringo's spine and shocks of pleasure up his cock. He felt himself growing fully hard very quickly in George's skilful mouth, his finger pulling harder and harder at George's hair to get him to hum again, loving those vibrations.
George glanced up at Ringo with curiosity as he felt him quickly filling up his mouth, making his throat expand around him as he slid him even deeper into him. He looked gorgeous as always, eyes rolling in their sockets as he tried to look down at him and take in the pretty sight George knew he made with his red lips wrapped tightly around the man's hard cock that was slowly pushing in and out of his mouth. His fingers were gripping almost painfully at his hair, but it felt too good to say anything of it. His jaw hung slack and his cheeks were flushed a pretty pink. Slowly, his hips began to move and George had to close his eyes to focus as he started to bob up and down in a slow rhythm, giving Ringo just enough, but not enough that he would be able to come. After all, Ringo wasn't the only one who had fantasised about what would happen when they'd make up again and this had been George's favourite part from the start.
Deciding Ringo had had enough, George started to pull off, letting his tongue circle the man's cock a few more times, before pulling off with a sinful wet plop, making sure Ringo would hear it. The older man let out a needy whine like George had expected him to do, and immediately started begging for more.
"Oh, George... please, luv, please... so good you felt, come on..." He muttered, his voice already wrecked, but George didn't give in. He merely crawled his way up his lover's body, pushing Ringo's legs apart, and placed a kiss on the man's still begging mouth, shutting him up. Almost right away, Ringo's tongue curled around his and pulled it into his mouth, greedy for whatever George had to offer after that too short blowjob. The thought made George smirk, enjoying the power it gave him. Another whine escaped his partner's mouth when he broke the kiss as well, never giving enough.
"Tease." Ringo accused him and George bit back a laugh.
"Don't worry, dear. I've got something else in my mind than a simple blowjob." George told him, making his intentions clear with a little roll of his hips into Ringo's, as he leaned down to lick along the shell of Ringo's ear. His lover practically mewled and thrusted up his hips to meet George's movements as he clawed at his chest, leaving scratch marks that made George hiss in discomfort.
"Yes, George..." Ringo groaned between deep shaky breaths, "do it, please... f-fuck me." He blushed at his own words and George had to take in a sharp breath at the words himself, but fuck all if it didn't do things to him. His cock gave an eager twitch against Ringo's and some pre cum drizzled from the tip that mixed with his spit that still coated Ringo's dick, making their thrusts smoother. He nodded and released Ringo's ear as he moved his lips to suckle on the skin of the older man's shoulder as he hitched Ringo's legs up around his waist. Right away, as if he had received an order, Ringo locked his ankles together in the small of George's back.
"Lube..." George breathed as he rubbed his erection against Ringo's, needing some kind of friction. It took a while before Ringo seemed to have caught on, but as soon as he did he nodded and reached into his bedside table where he pulled out a small bottle of lube. George eagerly snatched it from Ringo's grasp, needing to be inside the other man as soon as possible and judging by the way Ringo's body was trembling against his, he couldn't wait either.
"Hold your legs up." George said as he pulled Ringo's legs further up and tried to press them to the man's chest. Only, Ringo hissed and groaned uncomfortably as his body began to object. George stopped pressing and lowered Ringo's legs slightly as he pressed an apologetic kiss to the other man's neck.
"Sorry," Ringo said, "I'm not as bendy as you are."
"That's okay. Hand me a pillow and hold your legs up as much as you can. If it gets too much, rest them on my shoulders." George said, surprising himself by how well he could form sentences despite his leaking erection and hazy brain. Ringo nodded and reached behind him to grab a pillow. George kissed him as a "thank you" and placed the pillow beneath Ringo's bum, angling it up slightly so he had better access. He sat back and took a moment to take in the sight before him. He was so beautiful as he lay there, waiting and willing, spread wide for him and straining himself to hold up his legs to give George enough room to work, his eyes screwed shut as he chewed on his red and abused lip as he muttered silent words and encouragements to him that George could hardly understand. Gently, he let his hand run down Ringo's thigh to his arse, earning himself a whimper- a fucking whimper- as his fingers grazed over the cleft of his arse and over his puckered opening. It fluttered invitingly under his touch and George had to take in a deep breath as he felt himself get dizzy at the overwhelming sight.
Unscrewing the bottle of lube, he shifted a little so he was positioned just right. He squirted some of the stuff on his fingers and spread it around, before pressing a finger carefully against Ringo's opening. The older man hissed through clenched teeth at the coldness and tried to move away, but George wouldn't let him, grabbing his hip with his free hand and holding him in place as he lightly circled the rim, wetting it and groaning as it fluttered. He let out a weak moan as he watched his finger slip inside, pushing at the rim and watching as Ringo opened up for him, letting out a shuddering breath as he whined at the feeling.
"Doing so good for me, Richie..." George muttered, leaning in to place a kiss at the back of the man's thigh. Ringo nodded at that and seemed to relax- if only slightly- giving George enough space to work his finger further in. He wiggled it around, watching Ringo's face closely for any signs that what he was doing with too uncomfortable or painful and what made him relax or even moan in pleasure. Slowly but surely, Ringo started to relax beneath him, his arse opening up for George as he murmured his name and begged for more, for him.
Soon, George could add a second and moved them slowly in and out of Ringo, before he started to scissor them inside, working him open for something much bigger. Ringo was panting his name, occasionally pushing back against the fingers inside him as his body shook with pleasure and strain of holding this position. Too soon George added a third, but after a kiss, Ringo accepted his fingers gladly inside, making it easier and easier for George to move until Ringo was fucking himself onto George's fingers, wanting and needing more. His cock lay hard and wanting on his belly, dripping pre cum in an almost consistent stream. George, temped to lick it up, instead removed his fingers and lubed up his own cock.
"You ready for me, Richie?" He asked and Ringo nodded eagerly as he thrusted his hips up wantonly.
"Please... oh please... feels good, so good. More..." Ringo managed to moan out and George quickly hushed him with another kiss as he climbed between the man's legs and allowed Ringo to wrap them around his waist again. The man almost whimpered his name in thankfulness.
"Just relax. You'll be fine. You're so good, Richie. Love you so much, you know that." George mumbled as he took a hold of his cock, hissed at the feeling, and lined himself up with Ringo's waiting hole. He rubbed himself up and down a few times, letting Ringo get used to the idea, before slowly thrusting in.
Ringo groaned beneath him, his fingers twisting into the sheets as he bit his lip almost hard enough to draw blood. George laid down on top him, burying his face in Ringo's neck to lick and suckle at the skin there as he slowly sank deeper and deeper into the other man, feeling how he opened up for him and finally started to pull him deeper inside, muscles clenching around him. He flinched when he felt something wet against his ear and he looked up to see that Ringo was crying. He immediately stopped moving and kissed his face instead, trying his best to calm him down.
"Are you okay?" He asked as he kissed away his tears and Ringo nodded as he took a couple of deep breaths.
"Please... move." He asked and George nodded as he did what Ringo said. The man hissed through his teeth, but didn't seem to be in too much pain. George cupped his face in his hands and kissed him deeply, trying to take his mind of any uncomfortableness he might be feeling and Ringo's hands flew up to pull him even closer, needing him. George moved steadily and only broke the kiss when he was fully inside, feeling his balls press against Ringo's arse cheeks.
"Okay?" He asked again, opening his eyes to see Ringo had stopped crying and now simply looked blissful. He nodded and his fingers dug into the skin of George's back as he started to pull out again, leaving only the head in, before pressing back in. "How'd you feel?"
"Full..." Ringo answered truthfully, chuckling at his own words, "Feels good, though... ugh..." His legs tightened around George's waist, urging him to move quicker, and George was happy to oblige. He pulled out again and pressed back inside, muttering curses at how tight Ringo was around him, and repeated this again and again until he had created a smooth rhythm. He took a hold of Ringo's hand and moved it between their bodies, guiding it down Ringo's chest to his belly and just a bit lower, until he pressed Ringo's hand firmly against his lower belly, his fingers disappearing into his pubes and-
"Oh! Oh fuck!" Ringo groaned his eyes rolling back in his head and George smirked, knowing fully well what Ringo was feeling. His cock... moving in and out inside of him... pressing though his belly. "That's... that's..." Ringo tried, but fell silent as George hit that spot inside of him, making his silently gasp before whimpering.
"I know..." George breathed, kissing the side of Ringo's face as he moved faster and faster, feeling how his balls tightened and his cock started to throb, his orgasm building inside of him. Ringo spasmed under him, legs jerking, and suddenly George felt something hot and wet coating his belly. Ringo's cum. He growled in frustration as he realised and forced himself to stop his movements, knowing this was going to get uncomfortable for Ringo otherwise.
"I-I'm sorry... Oh god, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to-" Ringo huffed after he realised what had happened, panting into George's ear as he buried his face in his neck in shame. George shook his head and started to caress Ringo's side as he started to pull out.
"No... it's fine. Really. Just... ugh..." George said, trying to put his own frustration aside to let Ringo know he really, truly, couldn't care less how long he lasted. He was almost completely out, when Ringo suddenly tightened his legs around his waist again and thrusted his hips up, making George thrust back in again..
"No! Just... continue. Please." He muttered and George bit down Ringo's shoulder as he thought about it. Ringo's hands came up to wrap around his body, forcing him to stay against him, leaving George without much choice.
"I could wank-" George started, but Ringo wouldn't hear it, shaking his head furiously as he thrusted his hips up again with a whine.
"Want you to... please, George."
George nodded and slowly started to move again, his heart thumping as he tried to focus on how Ringo was feeling, not wanting to hurt him. But soon his arousal got the better of him, urging him on with his movements and making him tremble against Ringo as he chased his own pleasure, using the older man for his own release as Ringo muttered things in his ear that he couldn't understand, being too far done. He fucked himself quickly in and out of Ringo, his teeth still in the man's neck as he felt his stomach contract again, tightening as his orgasm got closer and closer. He started to curse. His movements became erratic and even when Ringo whimpered as he thrusted in too sharply, too deep, he couldn't stop anymore. Just a little more... a little...
"Oh, fuck! Richie..." George growled softly against Ringo's shoulder, as he spasmed and came quietly inside of Ringo, coating his insides with spurt after spurt of his spunk as he emptied himself. Ringo's lips were on his ear, whispering praises and how much he loved him as he let George ride it out, before they both collapsed on top of each other, breathing heavily as their bodies seemed to melt into each other, merging into one. Ringo whined when George's deflated cock popped out of his arse and some of his cum followed.
George planted kisses all over Ringo's naked body as he was drawn back to earth, muttering thanks and "I love you"s to the other man, who answered them with his own kisses and phrases. After a few minutes, the two began to feel rather uncomfortable and cold, both their cum drying on their skin, so George rolled off Ringo and stumbled into the bathroom to get them a damp towel. His legs were still wobbly from his orgasm, causing him to bump into things along his way.
When he returned, Ringo had already fallen asleep again, looking fully sated with his dreamy and smug grin on his face. Carefully, George slid back in bed and gently cleaned Ringo and then himself before tucking the both of them in and curling his body up around Ringo's. It wasn't long before they were both fast asleep, George with his nose buried in Ringo's hair.
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