Chapter 23

The next few days were weird. Paul was sick for the next two days, so he and George mostly spend the days together, watching stupid movies and series, playing some guitar and just laying in bed, sometimes speaking, something enjoying the quiet. John and Stuart had visited once as well and most days John would drop of some food for Paul. Paul excepted everything John offered him with a perfectly polite smile, leaving him with a large stock in his closet, to which George was allowed to help himself.

He hadn't thought much about Ringo, however, since the whole business with Paul started. He would still think of him in the middle of the night when he couldn't sleep, but mostly he was too busy taking care of his friends and keeping up with his assignments for university to let his mind wander off. Still, that didn't mean he didn't miss him and wondered if would still have been together had they acted differently.

George stretched himself out on the couch with a loud yawn as he threw his book onto the ground, not feeling like doing any more studying for a little while. He was supposed to meet this girl from his class, Olivia, in an hour to work on an assignment anyway, so he deserved a little break before that. His back already stood besides him on the floor, so he reached out and grabbed his phone to play a stupid little game before going out for the rest of the afternoon.

He had just started playing when Paul's bedroom door opened. The older man stepped out and padded across the room with bare feet. George looked up over the back of the couch to see Paul moving about in an old dressing gown and pyjama bottoms. His hair was messy and he had dark circles under his eyes. He went over to the book case and started looking for a book to read as he yawned loudly.

"Sleepy?" George asked, but Paul shook his head as he glanced at George briefly before turning back to the books, letting his fingertips run over the backs of the books, tracing their title.

"Nah. I'm fine." He replied, but only yawned again at the end of his sentence. George sighed, put his phone away and sat up a bit more, letting his head rest on the back of the couch.

"You look tired." He noted, but merely shrugged. "Are you sleeping well?"

"George, I'm fine. I'm not a little kid who needs to be looked after. You're the baby here, remember." Paul told him with a smirk and John groaned at that last, hating it when Paul or John would say that. It wasn't his fault he was born later than the others! Besides, Paul was only 8 months older than him!

"Well, I'm not the one with a traumatic experience to overcome, remember?"

"I told you, I'm fine. I'm not even tired. You will start yawning too if you spend all day in bed." Paul tried again, trying to make his voice sound more awake and overly excited. It didn't work very well. Besides, George could see there was something wrong with Paul. He had dark circles under his eyes and he looked pale, more so then when he had still been puking every other hour. Also, Paul wouldn't be the only one who was awake at night.

"I've heard you, you know. At night. Walking around. I just want to know if you're alright." He told him and Paul looked down at the book in his hands, swallowing thickly. He closed his eyes briefly and took a deep breath before putting the book back and turning to George with a smile on his face.

"I told you, I- I'm alright." Paul said, but his voice broke mid-sentence, making it more than obvious he was not. He sighed in defeat as soon as he noticed. George sighed and reached out for his friend, beckoning him closer.

"Come here." He said and Paul meekly padded over to him, his eyes lowered, not daring to look at his friend. When he was within reach, George took his wrist and pulled him closer, making him lie down on the couch next to him, allowing him to curl up besides him and hug him if he wanted. Slowly, Paul wrapped his arms around George's middle and laid his head on his chest. George couldn't stop himself from smiling, enjoying the warmth Paul's body was giving off.

"Are you having nightmare?" The younger man asked carefully, his voice almost a whisper. Paul nodded and closed his eyes as he tightened his hold on George.

"I-I can't find sleep very easily and it makes me start to think about stuff. Stuff that... that I don't want to think about. And when I do sleep I get nightmares about it." Paul replied, his voice sounding incredible fragile, which something George wasn't used to. Paul mostly didn't let on much about how he felt, especially when he felt broken or vulnerable. It was uncomfortable to see him like this.

"Have you you made an appointment yet? With a psychiatrist?" George asked softly. Paul shook his head.

"You should, you know. It will help. I mean, you got off pretty well, but it's still a tough thing to deal with get through."

"I know! But I don't like to talk to people about stuff like that. I'd rather-"

"Push it back in my mind and let it slowly consume me until I break down?" George asked, grinning knowingly at his friend, who could only shrug.


"Please, Paul? I don't like seeing you like this. You're not yourself."

"I know... I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry." George said and they remained quiet for a moment. George let Paul think it over in his mind and gently started to draw circled on the back of Paul's neck as he waited for a response. Paul just needed some time to get used to the idea. He hadn't spoken to anyone about most of his problems, so George understood why he didn't really want to go. When his mother died, he wasn't even allowed to morn or go to the funeral. Even now he didn't know where she was buried and until John, Paul had never spoken to anyone about it, saying they wouldn't understand. He wished he could help Paul with any of this, but even though he had had some trouble with some guy as well at the club once, this was different. He wished he could help, but Paul was pretty much on his own with this. He needed to talk to someone. Someone who would understand and help him. Who knew how to do that.

"I... I'll do it. I'll make an appointment this afternoon. You're probably right." Paul's voice suddenly said and it took George a little while to process the words, but when he did he smiled broadly at his friend.

"Thank you, Paul." He said and Paul just smiled briefly, before moving to get up again.

"I'm going to try and catch some sleep. I'm dead tired." he declared as he got up. He swayed lightly on his feet and needed to grab the armrest of the couch to steady himself.

"You should. I'm leaving in a few minutes. You know, meeting up with Olivia."

"Oh right! I had almost forgotten. She's a great gal, you know."

"For our assignment, Paul. Besides, you know I don't like girls." George told him with a roll of his eye, a smile playing on his lips. Paul's been teasing him with Olivia ever since he had mentioned meeting her during a class, despite the fact that Paul knew he wasn't interested in her that way. He supposed it was out of habit, since Paul had always liked teasing him with those things. Ever since they had first met on the bus to school and Paul had thought he had liked a girl a few seats in front of them. Only quite a few months later had George admitted it hadn't been her but her brother he had been staring at, who had been sitting besides her. Still, Paul hadn't stopped teasing him with girls. He had only started teasing him with boys as well.

"I know!" Paul said quickly, grinning, "I just think you would have been a very cute couple had you been straight." George chuckled at that and shook his head as he got up as well, glancing at his watch to see he needed to leave if he wanted to be on time.

"Right. I'll remember that. Now, I'm going to go. I'll see you this evening." George said as he picked up his bag and made sure he had his phone with him.

"Yes! Just... Jane is coming over, remember. To see how I'm doing now she finally got back from her stupid holiday!" Paul said.

"Oh right! I'll keep out of your way, then. And do try to keep the noise down. Some of us do actually want to sleep." George joked and Paul made a face, before stepping forward and giving George a hug, whispering a warm thanks in his ear. George hugged him back and kissed his temple before, grabbing his back, pulling on his coat and going out of the door, only to see Paul disappear into his bedroom again. Without a book to read.

               It was busy at the library. Most of the classes of the day seemed to have ended and with all the assignment and mid-terms coming up, every student spend the rest of the day at the library, reading up on some extra info, working on their essays or catching up on some reading without being bothered. Luckily, the university library comprised of many floors and little nooks and crannies, where one could hide to find some place quiet and deserted. George found Olivia at just such a spot, at the top floor, all the way at the back between the music and architecture books. It was always nice and quiet there.

"Hey! There you are." She greeted him as she saw him approaching. George quickly checked his watch and smiled apologetically at her as he realised he was late.

"Hey. You haven't been waiting for long, have you?" George asked as he put this stuff down and took a seat next to Olivia behind the desk, looking over her shoulder to see what she was up to on the computer.

"No. I kept myself busy. Don't worry about it. Paul or Richie?" She muttered as she closed a couple of tabs and opened the document with their assignment.

"Paul. He's doing better, but he's too stubborn, really. Says he can't sleep well." George replied as he got out a few books from his bag and started opening them on seemingly random places.

"Oh that's too bad. What did he have again?" Olivia asked, sounding genuinely worried about the other man.

"Flu. He's getting better, but he's still under the weather. The lad is hardly ever ill, but when he is, he's ill for a while."

"Poor him. He should have chicken soup. I know it sounds like a lot of bullshit, but my mum always made it for me when I was ill. It really helped." Olivia suggested and George nodded at that, smiling as he went through one of the thicker books, trying to find the passage he had found a day earlier which he knew they could use. Olivia, however, took the book from him and closed it. George looked up at her in surprise. He crooked an eyebrow as he waited for an explanation.

"Are you alright?" She asked, her voice suddenly firm and serious. George nodded, before shrugging, not really sure of the answer now she was looking at him with such intense eyes. It seemed like she would know if he was lying. "Did you call Richie, yet?" She asked and George looked down as he shook his head.

"No... I'm not sure I should, after all that happened."

"George, I know this might be tough, but you want him, and from what you told me, he's really into you to. Besides, there's no harm in trying." She said and George thought about that for a bit before nodding.

"I'll think about it." He said and Olivia smiled at that, glad he'd consider her advice, "Now, let's get to work. I need a good grade." He finished and quickly took the book from Olivia again, eager to take his mind of Ringo now that he had been reminded of him again. But perhaps she was right. There was no hard in trying. What did he have to lose anyway. He didn't have him now and after the conversation he'd either still not have him or have him back! He couldn't really lose anything. But the thought of calling Ringo and apologizing for how he had acted, made his throat dry and constrict, making it already hard to talk, and he wasn't even doing it. He pushed the thoughts from his mind and focussed on his work, being glad when Olivia did the same thing, her dark brown hair falling forward as she typed.

               There were books and magazines scatter all over the floor of Ringo's apartment. In truth, he didn't know what he was doing anymore. He felt awful about what had happened at the club last Saturday, which was now almost a week ago. Since his little outburst towards Pete, he had spend most of his free time going through romantic novels and embarrassing teen magazine as well as watching stupid romantic comedies, in the hope to find a way to get George to listen to him again and get back together with him.

Pete's words were still fresh in his memory, and though it still angered him, he now focussed that anger and energy in finding out a way to get George back and prove all those fuckers at work wrong. If only it was as easy as it sounded. He doubted George would appreciate it if he showed up in the middle of the night with a lame apology written on huge cards made out of cardboard. Most likely, he'd either slam the door in his face or call the cops on him, and neither sounded particularly attractive.

If only he could come up with a way to do something like that, but then something that George would like and find attractive. Something that would make him want him back again. Perhaps make a bit of a gesture to let him know he really means a lot to me. But what? He could hardly ask him to marry him! They had only known each other for a less than six months. But what then? He needed someone to help him. Someone who knew George, who knew him, who knew what they had gone through. Someone who knew what George would find romantic and make him take him back.

He groaned in annoyance and wanted to hit himself in the face as he realised who that person could be. It was so simple and clear, he wondered how stupid he had been not to think of it before that. He just needed to talk to Paul or John! They were so close to George, so they would have to know what would make George forgive him and take him back again. Only... he had heard what had happened the Paul. The news had been shocking and made him realise George's job, wasn't just a job. It was even rather dangerous with so many weird people around. Especially in the city. It was awful what had happened and he wished he could talk to Paul (he had liked him) about what had happened and make him feel better, but he knew he was the last person Paul would want to see.

But even so, the answer was still so obvious. He could just ask John! It was clear John knew what George liked, or he was a good enough pretender at least. He could help him for sure. And John still sort of liked him. Although they weren't friends themselves, he had always felt sort of comfortable around John. And he knew what it was like, since he had a crush on Paul.

Swiftly, Ringo took out his phone and searched for John's phone number. He sighed in relief and texted him immediately, asking if the could talk. It would have to be a day George wasn't working, so Ringo included a list of dates on which they could meet up. Finally, after some time, John replied with a text of his own. The first was rude, asking him if he was stupid for thinking he'd help him. The second, which came quickly after, told him they could meet at the club on Sunday, since John knew for sure George wouldn't be working then. Ringo felt excited, a grin appearing on his face at the prospect of finding a way to get George back. His George. Geo. He quickly texts back a time and it is settled. Now, all he had to do was wait, which was only about 3 days. He could manage that and try to come up with some of his own ideas. Yes, this felt good. Maybe things were lost yet after all.

               George closed the door silently behind him. It was already late and dark. He had had dinner with Olivia after they had finished their work for the day, wanting to give Paul his privacy. They weren't quite ready yet, so they had decided to meet up all day that Sunday as well to finish it up. George already felt more relaxed at the thought.

There were giggles coming from Paul's bedroom, girly and manly ones, which meant Jane was still there. George chuckled at that and took off his coat and shoes, before wanting to walk over to the kitchen for a cup of tea. At the last moment, though, he noticed a small note from Paul. It had been scribbled hastily, but yet George could read it easily.


I've made two appointments like you told me to. I hope you're happy and proud of me. I kind of am. Please don't disturb me and Jane when you're home. If we need to be quieter, just knock three times and we will. Good night!


George smiled at the note and ripped it up before throwing it out. He is proud of Paul, but mostly relieved, knowing Paul would get the help he needed at this point. For now at least. He yawned and decided to instead go to sleep right away, feeling rather tired. He grabbed his headphones and put them on as he changed into something more comfortable and slipped under the covers, letting the music occupy his mind. He yawned and closed his eyes, falling asleep with music playing in his ear, making him feel better right away. Music could always make him feel better. And now he didn't have to listen to Paul and Jane, who were only painfully reminding him of the days with Ringo. He hoped Ringo would try to call again and promised himself that the'd answer if he could. Olivia was probably right: There was no harm in trying.

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