Chapter 14
George was trembling slightly as he put his clothes back on. He couldn't wait to see Ringo again and have some time for just the two of them. They hadn't seen each other in days and he really wanted to feel his lips against his own and hear his voice when it wasn't coming rather mechanically through his phone. He wanted to see those twinkling blue eyes and happy smile again. But he was so nervous. For some reason he always felt nervous when he was going to see Ringo. He liked the older man so much, he could not understand what he wanted with him out of all people, but he surely didn't want to lose him. Not this quickly. Not when he had only just found him.
With shaking fingers, he zipped up his trousers, which made it all rather slow work. He only needed to get past his initial nervousness. Once he was with Ringo and he had looked into his eyes again and seen him smile at him, he'd be alright. He knew just knew it. He took a deep breath, looked himself over in the mirror and gave his reflection one last determined nod.
As he hurried along the corridors, he tried not to run, but remain cool (or at least fake it). It was strange how nervous and awkward he was. Especially since he was much more self-assured on a stage. More so even, since he was only meeting his boyfriend! He should not feel nervous about meeting his boyfriend. He knew this, but that didn't make his feelings any less real.
He almost gasped when he saw Ringo a bit further down the corridor, leaning against a wall and checking something on his phone. His face was lit up by the screen and George could see he was smiling, looking like the happy man he had met and fallen for. Already, he felt a lot more comfortable. He walked over, taking deep breaths to calm himself. The heels of his shoes clacked on the floor, making Ringo look up in his direction. Their eyes locked almost immediately and George quickened his pace as they smiled at each other.
"Hey you." Ringo greeted him when George was near enough, putting his phone away in his pocket, angling his face up so he could look directly into George's eyes. George smiled down at him, moving a bit closer.
"Hi." He replied, unsure of what else to say. Honestly, he just wanted to touch him, kiss him. Ringo's smile broadened and he leaned forward, onto his toes, and pressed his lips lightly against George's. His eyes fluttered close at the warm touch, and he melted into Ringo, kissing him back and placing a hand on his shoulder to pull him closer with a soft sigh of relief. He even whined softly when Ringo pulled away from him, leaving his lips slightly parted with want.
"I liked your performance." Ringo said, reaching for George and laying his hand on his chest. George took in a sharp breath at the touch and blushed lightly at the compliment. It was good to know Ringo had enjoyed it. At least it meant he hadn't lost interest in him and still wanted to be with him. Paul had been right of course. He had been foolish to think otherwise. Especially now he could see it so clearly in Ringo's eyes, which had gone dark as he looked at him with so much want and... something else that George couldn't quite place.
"I tried my best for you. Didn't want to disappoint." The younger man said with a shrug and leaned in to kiss Ringo again, who gladly let him. "I-I've missed you." George added against Ringo's lips, not wanting to lose the feeling of his soft lips against his just yet.
"Hmm... you said. I'm sorry I couldn't meet up sooner. I missed you, too. Thought about you a lot." Ringo muttered, also against George's lips, his fingers twisting into George's shirt as if he was afraid he might go away if he didn't. But in this moment, that was the last thing George wanted to do. And now, knowing Ringo had been thinking about him, as well, he just wanted him even more. Wanted to feel him more.
"W-what did you think about?" George couldn't help but ask. Ringo pulled away and the younger man's throat went dry as he saw Ringo was blushing.
"You don't want to know." He answered, making George gasp and blush in turn as he realised what Ringo was hinting at. Quickly, he kissed him again, feeling his cock twitch in his pants at the idea of Ringo jerking off whilst thinking of him. The feeling was strange; it was both arousing and embarrassing but almost in a good way. It made him feel proud even. Ringo's lips parted under George's eager mouth and licked into it, pressing his tongue between his lips. George almost shuddered at the feeling, the ends of his nervous lighting up, heightening every sensation, making him harden quickly.
"Come on." George whispered into Ringo's panting mouth as he pulled away. He looked hastily around the corridor, seeing if anyone was near enough to catch them. "Let's go somewhere more private." He shot Ringo one last meaningful look, which Ringo returned with a hungry one, and grabbed his hand, dragging him with him through the corridor and back to the club itself. When Ringo asked where they were going, he merely told him to keep quiet and peeked into the club. When he didn't see anyone who'd be near enough to see them, he reached for the door next to this one and opened it, before disappearing into it, dragging Ringo with him.
"Erm... where are we?" Ringo asked when George finally released him to lock the door behind them. The room was small, about three by four meters. They walls were a dark red and the floorboards seemed almost black in the dimmed light. There was one piece of furniture in the room; a love-seat that stood a bit away from the wall. It looked very comfortable. Furthermore there was only one large mirror covering almost one entire wall. George turned away from the door with a little smile playing on his lips.
"It's a private room. You know... for when people want a bit more privacy. People won't bother us here, as long as we don't spend too long in here." George explained, reaching out for Ringo and lightly taking a hold of his wrist, pulling him closer to him until they were only inches apart.
"Private room?" Ringo repeated, unsure of what to make of that. He let George lead him towards the seat. He turned his eyes to look at him, almost drowning in his dirty brown eyes that looked so gentle in that moment.
"Hmm..." George nodded, pressing Ringo down when the back of his knees hit the seat, "Well, private enough, at least." Ringo fell into the seat with a soft "oef", but didn't start to complain as George crawled onto his lap, his legs on either side of his thighs, straddling him as he leaned with his hands on his shoulder for support. Ringo's hands came up to George's hips to hold him just in case. His eyes followed George's, being too drawn to them to look away.
"There are cameras, of course," George continued, sounding almost unaffected, which annoyed Ringo slightly, "Safety comes first. There's one right behind you and in the corner over there." George nodded with his head into the direction of the camera. Ringo pulled his gaze away from the younger man's dreamy eyes, his curiosity taking over. He frowned as he saw a little red light in a corner.
"But it's more private than anywhere else." George finished off, moving Ringo's eyes back to focus on him with only his voice. God, Ringo had missed him. He could look at him forever and simply listen to him talk all night.
"And why would people want these... private sessions?" Ringo asked, fingers slowly moving up George's hips, until he could slip them beneath George's shirt to touch his bare skin. George sighed at the feeling and lightly shuffled forward, sitting dangerously close to Ringo's hardening crotch.
"Privacy. Some people get shy. Others are just greedy and don't want to share. Most just like the personal touch. The closeness." George answered, leaning back a little in Ringo's lap to study him, his fingers running up over Ringo's chest until he reached his tie. He tugged at it, playing with it between his fingers. Ringo watched him do so, but all he could think about was kissing them.
"And you do these private sessions?" Ringo asked, taking in a deep breath, already knowing the answer.
"Sometimes. I-" George started, but before he had a chance to finish that sentence, Ringo had pressed their lips together, one hand grabbing his thigh, the other the back of his head. His fingers tangled in his silky hair, ruffling it up as he pulled him closer, applying just enough pressure to let George know he didn't want him to leave. George moaned against him, his body melting into him and giving himself over to Ringo, who felt his fingers twitch with need to touch George. To feel his skin against his own like before, so many days ago. It seemed like ages. George started to lightly giggle against his lips, which made Ringo pull away again. He grinned at George as he saw the man was blushing. He liked that he had that effect on him.
"I like being alone with you again." George muttered softly, looking down in order not to meet his eyes. Ringo's grin changed into a genuine smile, liking how honest George was with him. With anyone else, he would not have been this way. "I wish we could see each other more often."
"Me too." Ringo replied, leaning up to kiss George again, but this time the younger man refused, pulling away and sliding further down his legs, until he was sitting on his knees. Ringo frowned, confused. George opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. Eventually, he closed his mouth briefly, before starting again.
"You look really handsome tonight." He said and even though Ringo knew he had wanted to say something else, he decided to let it slide, not feeling like talking anymore. He smiled at him, catching his eyes and reached out for him, taking George's hands into his own.
"I should be the one giving you compliments." Ringo said, making George blush even redder. The younger man didn't seem to care much about the colour of his cheeks however, instead, he leaned forward, leaning onto Ringo's hands, trusting him to support him and kissed him sweetly.
"I want to take you home tonight." Ringo muttered as they broke away again, their foreheads pressed together, breathing the same air. "If you'd let me, of course." He quickly added, making George smiled and nod eagerly, before kissing him again, melting into him and slowly tangling his fingers into Ringo's hair. He twisted his fingers, pulling at it lightly and softly moaned out Ringo's name.
They stayed in the room a little while longer after that, kissing and playfully teasing each other, both eager for the other's touch, but knowing now was not the time. All too soon, George realised he'd been gone for almost twenty minutes and people would start missing him soon. He pulled away from Ringo slightly, sighing deeply. Right away Ringo understood.
"You should go. I'll wait for you patiently." He said and George smiled half-heartedly at him, not wanting to leave Ringo and get back to work just yet.
"I wish we could go now." He said and Ringo gently stroked his cheek, making George shudder in his lap, where he sat comfortably.
"Just two more hours. Consider it foreplay." Ringo said, sniggering like a naughty schoolboy and George did the same, slowly getting used to Ringo hinting at things like that. It wasn't that he was innocent or anything. Far from it. But talking about those things simply embarrassed him. Especially since Ringo was serious. And thinking those thoughts about him. He leaned in and gave Ringo one last kiss on the lips, before he pulled away and slid off him. The moment he was standing, he regretted it and wanted to crawl back into Ringo's arms. But he refrained. He had to get back to work.
"I'll let get you when we can leave." He said to Ringo, who nodded as he got up as well. They left and closed the door behind them. Ringo went to sit down again at his table, since his seat hadn't been taken from him and George went over some other people to entertain them and get their orders for drinks and some light snacks. He kept his eyes on Ringo as he worked the last of his shift, waving at him flirtatiously whenever their eyes met and making sure he knew he was still thinking of him and his touch as he waited eagerly for the minutes to pass away.
Time, however, didn't seem to be his friend today. The minutes ticked away slowly, making the hours drag on and on. He should almost get to be named best-employee for not just leaving. It was rather tempting. He smiled at some random guy and lightly touched his thigh as he put a bottle of beer in front of him, winking as some other guy pushed some money in his pants, taking the opportunity to cup his arse and give it a short squeeze. George didn't feel like telling him off. He gathered the empty bottles and glasses, put them on a tray and walked off to the bar. When he noticed Paul was there as well, sitting on a counter as he spoke with John, playing with the cuff of his almost see-through shirt. John was standing close to him, only just touching his thigh with his own just so it could have been an accident. George shook his head in disapproval. John should stop torturing himself already. This had been going on long enough.
"Geo! There you are. We thought we'd lost ya!" Paul exclaimed as he saw him approaching. George smiled, but swallowed thickly as he saw John shooting him a death glare. Apparently, he had chosen the wrong time to mingle in their conversation. Maybe that was a good thing. For John's own sake.
"Yeah, where've you been? Sucking that pretty boy of yours?" John teased, obviously feeling sore about George ruining his 'game'. Not that he had any sort of 'game' when it came to Paul. George decided not to give John the satisfaction of answering him and tell him differently.
"Sorry. We err... kind of forgot the time." George apologised to Paul, who only grinned knowingly at him, while John just rolled his eyes.
"I bet you did." Paul mumbled, jumping off the counter to come closer to his younger friend. George fought the urge to flee, afraid of what Paul was going to ask him now.
"Anything you want to share?" Paul asked with a wiggle of his perfect eyebrows. George quickly shook his head.
"No, thanks. But I was going to ask you something." He answered quickly. Paul looked surprised by that, his eyebrows having risen almost comically. "Richie and I... we err... After work we're going back to my place and-"
"You want me to fuck off for a bit?" Paul finished for him. George nodded shyly. A smile appeared on Paul's face, which George hadn't expected. He had thought Paul would start to complain about wanting to sleep after a hard night's work, not to be excited for him.
"Yeah. No problem. I'll just stay behind with John for a bit. Besides, it's not like I'll be getting any sleep if you two are going at it in the other room. The walls are paper thin!"
"Thanks, Paul." George said, but Paul told him it was nothing. When George looked at John from the corner of his eye, he could see he had become a lot less hostile towards him, which probably had to do with the fact that Paul would stay behind a bit after his shift. George wished he could tell John he was being pathetic, but the thought of getting a blue eye wasn't too appealing.
Ringo tried not to look at George while he was tending to other men. It was harder to look at then just see him performing. It was more personal. With more contact, more touching... Ringo didn't like the way some guys would look at George. As if he was nothing more than a pretty thing, there to please only them. Men were selfish pigs, Ringo decided. He felt bad for being one of them, knowing fully well he was sort of being a hypocrite. But he didn't want to be like that. Did that make things different?
He didn't feel as jealous anymore. The burning sensation in his stomach and the twitching in his hands were still there, but less intense. The thought that he'd take that beautiful man home that evening, to have him all to himself and see him for whom he truly was, was enough to make sure of that. Which came as a relief. That didn't mean he'd rather not see George flirting with other man, taking his clothes off and playing them. The power George seemed to have over the other men was something of a turn on, however. Within just a few seconds he could have those man hang from his lips, on their knees and begging silently for just a little more. George never did that to him. George always just let Ringo have what he wanted, as long as he was okay with it. There were no mind games, no power play, and Ringo liked that. But seeing George act this way to other men was great.
As the end of the evening approaching, Ringo left his seat to sit at the bar where John was standing rather alone. Paul had been with him at first, but he soon had left to give some guy with a large beard a lapdance.
"Lucky bastard." Ringo could hear John hiss under his breath, making him chuckle softly. He didn't say anything off it, though. He knew what John was feeling. It must be even harder for him, as he didn't even got to touch or kiss the man he wanted. He pulled himself up against the bar and sat himself down at a bar stool. John didn't even seem to notice him at first.
"You okay, John?" Ringo asked, unsure of how to act around George's friends. He had only met them once or twice before, depending on how you looked at it, and they still intimidated him slightly. John turned his head to look at him and shrugged.
"I'll live," He mumbled, "You though... "
"What me?"
"You got Georgie all worried. Thought you didn't want him anymore." John said, moving a bit closer so they could talk a bit softer, not wanting anyone to hear their private conversation.
"He thought that?" Ringo asked, honestly being shocked. He knew George had missed him, but he hadn't thought he'd actually thought he'd leave him. He felt guilty about doing that to him. He had never meant for him to think that. He didn't want to hurt him.
He turned his head to gaze in the direction of that familiar mop top at the other end of the club, talking with someone he didn't know. He was just as scantily dressed as George, so he must be a stripper, too.
When John cleared his throat, Ringo turned back to him with a slight embarrassed flush on his cheeks. John nodded into the direction of George as he spoke.
"How come you couldn't meet him earlier, eh? Doubt you were that busy."
"I just needed to think. I never meant for him to think I wasn't interested." Ringo muttered looking down. John sighed and poured him a drink, which Ringo took without asking what it was. It burned in his throat. Good.
"I know what you think. George is clever, gentle, sweet, good-looking, funny. He has not reason to doubt himself, but he does. Badly. The job makes him feel wanted, adored. Easy to get fooled." John said. Ringo nodded. He hadn't thought of it that way. George was insecure?
"You know what it's like, though, don't you? Seeing the guy you like flirt and strip for other man, making them fall in love with him, even for just a moment? It's hard. It's- I need some time." Ringo explained with a sigh. John nodded, but didn't say anything. When Ringo looked up, he noticed he was staring at Paul, who was laughing at some bald guy's joke as he sat on the table in front of him, legs spread wide, showing off his goods.
"I want to be supportive. It's only a job. It's not real, but it's hard to believe sometimes, you know." Ringo continued and John nodded again, looking away from Paul. "How long have you been in love with him?" Ringo asked, feeling bold. John looked up at him with wide eyes, like a deer caught in the headlights. A second past before he relaxed again.
"Too long." He mumbled softly and Ringo hummed sympathetically.
"Must be difficult. I at least have the man I like." Ringo spoke. John let out a sad chuckle as he nodded.
"I learned to deal with it. Anyway, I'm done with the pathetic talk. You should know it's just a job. Even if he loves it, it's still just a job. Just talk to him about it, for god's sake." He said to the older man, looking straight into his eyes to make sure the message was received. Ringo sighed deeply, but nodded, knowing he had to. Especially now he had made his decision about the party. He couldn't keep that from George. He'd find out sooner or later and it was for the best he got it from him. They could talk about it, work things out. It was the smartest thing to do, but certainly not the easiest.
"He's really into you, you know. Didn't see him this happy in a while." John told him and Ringo's heart fluttered at that.
He continued to speak with John till the end of George's shift. The club was closing and slowly everyone was moving out of the club, leaving it almost eerily empty. George said goodbye to one last guy at the door, before closing it behind him with a loud sigh. He leaned against the wood to catch his breath, looking so wonderfully gorgeous. His hair was all sweaty and sticking to his forehead, his cheeks were flushed from the adrenalin and his clothing was rumpled and all over the place, making him look perfectly debauched. Ringo couldn't wait to take him home and have him all to himself.
His eyes opened and found Ringo's immediately, catching his eye and holding his gaze as he smiled. He pushed himself off from the door and walked over to the bar. He wasn't walking too smoothly, his feet probably hurting from wearing those devilish shoes all evening. Ringo decided he ought to give him a foot rub when they got home. George deserved as much.
"Ready to go?" The younger man asked, a playful, excited grin on his face when he was close enough. He leaned with one hand on Ringo's shoulder. The heat radiating off his hand alone was enough to make Ringo feel hot himself. He smiled back at him and nodded.
"Ready. Come on, you can lean on me." He offered as he stood up, taking George's arm and laying it over his shoulder of him so George had more support. The younger man moaned as some pressure was relieved from his feet and the sound went straight to Ringo's crotch.
"Let's go home." He said and nodded at John, who waved back with a knowing wink that both men chose to ignore.
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