Chapter 12

George let himself fall down onto his bed with a loud, tired groan, his head buried in his fluffy pillow. The softness of it seemed to engulf him, allowing him to sink into the comfort of his bed after an long evening. It was half past two in the morning and George knew that if he closed his eyes for longer than two seconds he'd fall asleep right there, still fully dressed and smelling of sweat and strange men. Knowing he should at least change, he rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling as he laid there just a little bit longer. Just a second or two. He might even take a shower. He could use a shower.

He felt a vibration in his pocket, and it made George smile instantly. There was only one person who would text him at this hour. Drowsily, he reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out his phone. The bright blue notification light blinding him in the darkness of his bedroom. As quickly (and therefore clumsily) as he could, he unlocked his phone and saw he had received four messages. Right away, a fifth was added to the list.

R: sorry I couldn't stay any longer. I had a fun time. you looked gorgeous btw. want to meet up for coffee tomorrow? xx

R: I mean thursday. can't tomorrow. meeting your boss for the bachelor party. I won't tell him about you sneaking me in to make out with me ;)

R: not that he would have anything to complain about. I did pay you

R: Are you still at work??

R: shit! you're sleeping probably. sorry. I'll shut up now.

R: but coffee?? my pay :)

George chuckled as he read the messages a few times over. He was lucky to have found someone like Ringo, he knew. The guy was adorable and so sweet. And he knew Paul and John approved of him, which was always a good thing. They mostly knew when a guy was bad news. It wouldn't have surprised George if Ringo had turned out to be some crazy maniac, them having met in a strip club and all, but he had been miraculously lucky. And Ringo didn't seem to have any objections about his job, which was something that had scared George at first. He had even paid him! Jane never paid Paul, though... What if Ringo saw him as a stripper still? What if he just saw him as an easy lay and something pretty to look at when he was horny.

Quickly, George forced those thoughts out of his head. He shouldn't think like that! He had no reason to. Ringo paying him was a way to show him that Ringo knew it was just his job and completely separate from anything they had. He should be glad! Not doubt him. He messaged back.

G: love to! got class till 4. so... 4.30??

R: great! do you know that little coffee shop near your university? the one with all those croissants and pastries in the window?

G: of course! they have the best food! see you there?

R: 4.30. don't be late or i'll start without you ;)

G: promise. I'm always on time for food!

R: I'll remember that ;)

G: don't be cheeky! anyway, I'm going to bed. Got a lecture at 10

R: sleep tight. I'll be dreaming of you

G: You better be! xx

He threw his phone aside and wiped eyes. They had gone teary from the bright light. Still, he could not wipe off the grin on his face that had started to develop. Already he was looking forward to meeting up with Ringo again. Just the two of them. It was great that he could see Ringo during work, but it was hard to find some time together and at least some privacy. It would be hard to get some time together, with him having to study and work in the evenings and Ringo with his job, but they'd manage. He just knew it.

When he heard the shower running, he sighed and grabbed his phone again. Paul had beaten him to the shower (not that he had tried very hard) and knowing his friend he would take at least half an hour inside there. At least! No, he'd shower in the morning before his lecture. He was not going to wait until Paul was done. Sleep was much more precious at the moment.

G: next time you're coming to the club you won't have to pay me. Jane never pays Paul...

R: shouldn't you be asleep?? not that I mind you talking to me. and who's Jane again?

G: Paul's gf. just wanted to let you know

R: but I want to pay you. it's your job after all

G: but you're much more to me than just work

R: I know... just feels like the right thing to do. I don't want you to get into trouble

G: thanks but it's not needed

R: but now you can spend even more time with me ;)

G: Cheeky

R: it's the truth. go to sleep now dear. you're going to collapse otherwise. see you thursday!

G: you're a great guy, you know

George chewed his lip as he thought about what else to say. The idea of Ringo giving him money to spend time with him felt weird, but what Ringo was saying made sense. And if he really wanted to give him something, who was he to say no? Still, he felt like he needed to say something, but couldn't find the words. He put his phone away again and got up to change into something more comfortable. He wished Ringo had been able to stay longer this evening. Maybe they would have had the chance to repeat the happenings their first evening they spend together. George grinned to himself at the idea.

               That Thursday, George was about ten minutes late. His lecturer had forgotten the time and no one had dared to raise their hands to tell him. He was always so enthusiastic and him being an old man just made him too adorable. You were always afraid you might break his poor little hard if you said anything to him that was not about how great his subject was. The man was so enthusiastic about what he was teaching that normally, George wouldn't have minded if he went on a bit longer, but this time, he had almost eaten the entire nail of his thumb as he had stared at his watch, waiting eagerly to be told they could go. By the time the lecturer had realised he had gone past his time, twenty minutes had past already, and by the time George had stood outside, he only had five minutes to get to the café, which had proved to be impossible.

When he had finally gotten to the café, Ringo was already sitting at a table, sipping his coffee while reading a newspaper. George took a couple of deep breathes to calm himself down from his running and tried to fix his ruffled hair, before walking over to him with a shy smile, knowing Ringo would probably laugh at how he looked. Clothes ruffled, hair an utter mess, cheeks horribly flushed with white spots all over his face, breathing heavily like some kind of creep, and standing hunched over because he simply was not used to running. It was a lot different from stripping, George knew now.

"Hello." George announced his presence, moving his hands up to unbutton his coat. Ringo looked up at him from beneath his eyelashes, and a smile spread across his face when their eyes met. Soon however, as Ringo started to see the state the other man was in, he let out a laugh.

"Looking good, Geo. The bed look suits you." He said cheerfully. George smiled back at him as he let his coat slip off his frame and hang it from the back of his chair, before sitting down.

"Thanks, luv. You should know, of course."

"And you're calling me the cheeky one!" Ringo remarked and George pretended to roll his eyes at him, but knew very well the older man was right. He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could a waiter came over to take their orders. Ringo ordered a salad and George a chicken sandwich with chips and a cup of tea. Considering it was only half past twelve, and he had had breakfast at half past nine in a hurry before cycling to uni, he wasn't that hungry yet, so he should survive on this. He knew it was still quite a bit of food, especially considering the size of the food the served here, but he had always been a large eater. He just needed it! Ringo didn't comment on his choice, though.

"I'm sorry I'm a bit late. The just guy wouldn't stop talking!" George apologized shyly, being embarrassed to have showed up late for the second real date. The thought that he and Ringo were on a date made him blush, which only increased his embarrassment. He wished he was as confident in real life as he was when taking his clothes of for strangers. It was just so much easier. Less personal, George supposed.

"Oh, don't worry about it! You're worth waiting for." Ringo replied with a friendly smile and right away George felt better.

"So you said." He muttered, the corners of his mouth curling up slightly at the memory of two nights ago- it already seemed like ages. His gaze darted down to Ringo's lips, full and so inviting. Before he could lean in to kiss him, however, the waiter had returned with his tea and told them their food would be there soon. Ringo waved him away with a friendly smile and nod. Sadly, the moment was gone.

"So, how was class anyway? Still enjoying yourself? Job worth it and all?" Ringo asked and George nodded as he cupped the warm mug of his tea in his hand. He hadn't even known they had been cold.

"Oh yes, definitely. It's very interesting and I'm having a good time. It's just hard to combine at times, you know. But the teachers make the morning lecturers after work more enjoyable. I can always sleep in the afternoon anyway."

"Lucky you. I wish I could sleep at work!"

"Technically you could."

"Until they fire me."

"Still, you could." Ringo chuckled at that and nodded as he took a sip from his coffee. The corners of his bright blue eyes wrinkled up slightly whenever he smiled, making him seem even more adorable. George could look at him forever. Then again, he technically could.

"I've missed you." Ringo said softly, breaking a silence. George felt his body heat up at that. He thought he had been crazy to miss Ringo even though he had seen him only a few days ago! It was good to know Ringo was as much into him as he was into Ringo.

"You should come over more." George replied, blushing when he realised how that sounded. Ringo merely chuckled happily at that and nodded.

"If only Muffin would let me." He said. This time it was George's time to laugh.

"How is she? Does she miss me?" George asked. From the corner of his eye he could see the waiter come over to them with a plate with a sandwich and chips in one hand and a large bowl in the other. He leaned back in his seat to make room on the table as the waiter placed their meals in front of them.

"Terribly. You might need to come over to my place more, instead." Ringo replied as he looked into his bowl and licked his lips hungrily at the sight of the delicious food. By the time he had picked up his fork, however, George was also chewing on his second bite. It was absolutely delicious.

               Ringo watched George curiously as they ate their lunch. If anyone had told him the man before him was a gay stripper, he would not have believed them. He looked so... normal. Skinny and slightly awkward, but also absolutely adorable and so handsome. His sharp cheek bones made him look initiating, especially with those bushy eyebrows and his slightly crooked teeth. But he looked so normal, wearing a pair of jeans with a white and blue striped shirt with a leather jacket, larger leather school bag on the floor besides him, loaded with books. His hair was still a mess and had gone a little fluffy. It practically begged Ringo to put his fingers into it.

He seemed just like any other 21-year-old university student and it was hard to believe this was the same guy he had had in his lap not two days ago, wearing the most revealing clothing and making those devilish movements with his hips, saying such sinful things. It was almost like there were two of him. And he got to have both of them. Lucky him.

He loved listening to George talk, though. He didn't say much unless he was talking about something he was passionate about. In this case: guitars. Ringo didn't know much about guitars, but by the way George was speaking about them and the greatest guitarists of all time, Ringo wished he could play as well. And not just the simply chords he could play now, but really play. Like Hendrix or Keith Richards or B.B. King or Eric Clapton. All those guys who George seemed to adore. He wished George would speak of him like that. With pure love, respect and adoration.

Time passed by far too quickly. Soon, their food was finished and George had to go to university again to meet up with some people from his group to work on some project together. Ringo hadn't quite understood what it had been about. It just sounded difficult when he had explained it. He just knew they had to have it finished by the end of next week and they were only halfway done.

"I wish I had more time to play guitar, though. It sometimes seems like all I'm doing is work for university and work and sleep. Honestly, I can't wait for Christmas vacation. Two weeks of just enjoying what I want to do, you know?"

"Hmm. I know," Ringo sighed dreamily, feeling the same way, "it would be nice to not worry about anything for a while."

"Totally. Anyway, do you think you are coming over this weekend? To the club, I mean?" George asked, as he bended down to get his wallet out of his bag. Ringo sighed and leaned with his head in his hand on the table as he stirred the residue of his coffee.

"I can't," He said with a sigh, "I wish I could, but there's this opening night at the theatre and I have to be there."

"Can't you come over after?" George asked, sounding almost pleading. Ringo shook his head.

"Sorry. I'll be busy all day and evening."

"Alright... when then?" George asked. He sounded honestly disappointed, and Ringo couldn't help but feel happy about that. It meant George really did want to see him. Even when he was working.

"I'll give you a call. I'm not sure how busy I'll be next week. I'm sorry, it has been a bit hectic." Ringo said.

"No, I understand. Don't worry. I'm going to be busy too, so really, it's okay. Just let me know when you know more." George said as he got up, carrying his wallet in his hand.

"I will." He said and George nodded.

"I'll pay. I guess I'll hear you, then." He said, but before Ringo could open his mouth to object to that first, he had already added, "No. You paid me at the club, so I'm paying for lunch. It's only fair." Ringo nodded with a thankful smile and leaned up as George leaned down, their lips meeting halfway for a brief, but loving goodbye kiss.

               Ringo stayed behind a little while longer after George had left. He ordered another coffee and paid right away, so he could sit in silence with nobody bothering him. He felt bad for lying to George. It was true that he couldn't come this weekend; the opening of a new play was true. But it wasn't that he'd be busy next week. Honestly, Ringo needed some time to think. To think about him and George and what it was he was feeling for the other man. He liked him, that was for sure, but this possessiveness he was feeling for him was new. He had always considered himself as open-minded and carefree, but now the idea of seeing George take off his clothes for others made him feel weird and somewhat nauseous.

He knew it was stupid. It was only George's job! And it wasn't like he felt anything for any of the other men. Perhaps it would be a good idea not to see George at his work for a while and get used to the idea that this wonderful man actually fancied him. Or maybe he just needed to get over himself and see George at work so he could see it was purely professional and nothing like what was going on between him and George. But Ringo wasn't sure yet which one he should choose. Neither sounded particularly great. He wanted to see George as often as possible, and meeting him at the club was the easiest way to do that. Not meeting him there would mean he'd see him two times a week the most! Perhaps not even once a week.

On top of that, he did not want George to think he did not approve of his job. If it was what George liked to do, he should support him. And he did! He just wasn't used to seeing his boyfriend strip and touch another guy in front of him. He just didn't like the way it made him feel. He just needed some time and figure everything out before sharing his thoughts with George. Things were going well between them. Why should he fuck it up now? Besides, it wasn't like there was anything serious going on. He just needed to gather his thoughts. That was normal, right?

Ringo sighed and stared down at his coffee as he stirred it continuously. The real trouble was the fact that the bachelor party was coming up and Mr Epstein had allowed him to pick out the strippers he wanted himself, which put him in an awkward position. Should he let George work during the party or not? The party would be on a Saturday, which was the day George normally worked, so it would be weird if he suddenly didn't have to without any explanation. Because he could not tell George he didn't want him to do his job because it made him feel weird. He could already imagine his reaction. It wasn't pretty.

Grabbing his coffee, he put it to his lips and tilted it back, drinking the last of it in one go, before getting up to leave. Some fresh air before work would do him good, give him time to think. If he did let George work at the bachelor party, he would get to spend the whole evening alone with him. But then people might figure out he was dating a stripper. Ringo swallowed thickly at the idea, his throat suddenly having gotten extremely dry. 

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