Chapter One: BTS ABCs
"Miss McNamara!"
I sighed and turned around, prepared to be asked the exact same question that I had been asked over and over again, since my class started filing into my room this morning.
"Yes, Carson?" I asked, looking at the little boy with a smile. I knew that they were just excited.
"Do you think that it will be Jimin?" he asked me, a huge smile on his little face.
"MY Jimin!" Kingsley said from where he was sitting at his favorite yellow table.
"He's not just yours," Carson told him. "You have to share."
"I'm going to marry him," Kingsley insisted. "So he's mine."
"You can't just say he's yours," Jasmine said. "He's everybody's. Right Miss McNamara?"
I couldn't help but laugh at them. They'd had this exact same conversation since the beginning of the school year, when I first introduced them to BTS.
"But I saw him first!" Kingsley said, his voice getting higher than normal.
"Jas is right, buddy." I walked over to him and patted the top of his head. "Everybody has to share all seven of them."
"But do you think that it will be Jimin?" Carson asked again.
I swear, these kids. The Jimin Effect was strong with 5-year-olds.
"I don't know," I told him. "I was thinking probably RM or JK."
"Oh! JK!" Claire yelled from her seat. "I love JK! He looks like a bunny and it's my favorite animal, so he's my favorite."
"Okay, okay," I said, raising my hands up in front of me. "PreK Pause. It's Round Table time."
"Round table! Round table!" The whole class chanted as they pushed all of their little plastic tables to the center of the room, then formed them into a circle and sat around them.
In my classroom, Round Table is like Circle Time in a normal classroom. But that's not really me. I'm not normal. I like to do things my own way.
"Miss McNamara!"
"What, Laylee?" I asked the little blonde girl who had said my name.
"Can we have a dance break first?" she asked me in her sweet little voice. She was really shy, but she got super excited and came out of her shell during our random dance breaks throughout the day.
"Sure. What song?"
"Can we do the funny Butter where Jimin falls out of the chair?" she asked me.
I couldn't help but laugh. This was always the song that they asked for first. I knew that she was referring to the Butter Hotter Remix. When Jimin falls out of his chair, they always bust up in cute little kid giggles.
As soon as I put the song on, they all started singing along to it. When it was done, they all wanted me to play it again.
"No, we have to start class," I told them. "Maybe later."
"But I want to watch Jimin fall out of the chair again!" Maddie said.
"I can fall out of an actual chair if you want," a soft voice said from the doorway.
All at once, every single head in my classroom, mine included, snapped around to look at the door where the voice had come from. Standing there in all his adorable, sexy glory, was Park Jimin himself.
"JIMIN!" The kids yelled as they jumped up and ran to him, all of them trying to hug him at once.
Jimin laughed as they about knocked him over.
"Hey, let's give him some room, munchkins," I told them.
"Nah, it's okay," Jimin said. He crouched down to their level and one-by-one, gave every single kid in my class a hug.
The only one that was left standing there was Kingsley, and he had all of the sudden gone shy, which he never was.
Jimin flashed him his megawatt smile. "Do you want a hug?"
Kingsley nodded his head. "Yes, please. And I want to marry you."
I couldn't help it, I snorted. Here I was, thinking that he was being shy, but this kid has some serious chutzpah.
Jimin chuckled and opened his arms towards the little blond-haired boy. "How about a hug for now, then we'll see how it goes?"
"Deal," Kingsley said, then he walked forward and wrapped his arms around Jimin's neck.
Jimin hugged him back tight, then ruffled the hair at the back of his head when Kingsley finally released him. "What's your name?"
"Kingsley Jay Bronton."
"Well it's nice to meet you, Kingsley," Jimin told him with another adorable smile.
Kingsley just stood there and stared at him until I touched the top of his head. "Go back to your seat, buddy."
He walked backwards, never taking his eyes off of Jimin, making me laugh.
"Hi," I said, holding out my hand to him. "I'm Aurora."
He shook my hand. "I'm Jimin, but I guess you kind of know that already," he told me with a laugh.
"Thanks for coming today," I said. "They've all been so excited. We even talked about elections and took a vote on which member they wanted to show up."
"And who won?" he asked me, cocking his head to the side a little.
"There were 18 votes for you, and one for Jungkook," I say as I point towards the spot on the white board where their votes were tallied. "It's probably a good thing that it was you, and not one of the other guys."
"JK's my favorite!" Claire exclaimed from behind me. "Cause he looks like a cute, little bunny." She covered her face as she giggled.
"He does look like a bunny," Jimin told her. "He's a good favorite to have."
"Is he your favorite?" She asked him.
"Ahhh...that's a tough question," he told her. "They're all my favorites for different reasons."
"Tell us!" Carson said to him. "Miss Mcnamara, is it okay if he tells us?"
I laugh and nod. "If he wants to."
Jimin walked closer to where their tables were all gathered up in the middle of the room. "Well...Namjoon-Hyung is my favorite, because he's a great leader, and keeps us all in line. Jin-Hyung is my favorite, because he always makes us laugh and he makes us really yummy food. Yoongi-Hyung is my favorite because he's so talented and good at what he does. Hobi-Hyung is my favorite because he makes me a better dancer, and he's always feeding me off of his own plate if he thinks I didn't eat enough. TaeTae is my favorite, because he's my soulmate. He was meant to be my best friend. And Jungkookie is my favorite because he is good at absolutely everything, and he loves us all so much." He pauses for a moment. "Plus, he's really good to cuddle with if you've had a bad dream." He winks at Claire, since she said JK was her favorite.
All of my kiddos were just sitting there, staring at him when he finished. Not that I could blame them. I had always thought that he was hot, but up-close, real life, this man was nothing short of beautiful.
He looks over at me. "And who is your bias, Miss Mcnamara?"
"Uhh....I'm OT7 biased," I say, but I don't look him in the eyes.
"Oh come on, even people who say that they like all seven of us equally, prefer one of us just a bit more. And it's okay if it's not me."
"It's Hobi!" Madison yells from the other side of the circle of tables.
"Maddie, no it's not," I tell her. "I like them all."
"He's our wake-up song after nap time. You LOOOOOOVE him!" she says with a giggle.
Do you know what's fun about PreK kiddos? They say whatever is on their mind.
Do you know what is not fun about PreK kiddos? They say whatever is on their mind.
"There's nothing wrong with Hobi-Hyung being your bias," Jimin tells me with a soft smile. "He deserves all of the love in the world."
"Maddie, one of Jimin's songs is in our after nap list, too," Myles reminds her.
"Oh yeah?" Jimin asks. "Which one?"
"LIE!" Kingsley hollers out to answer his question.
Jimin raises an eyebrow at me.
"What?" I ask him. "They can't understand the Korean lyrics, and we really like the melody. I mean, jeez. I've got Pied Piper and Dimple in their wake-up playlist, too. They don't know what's being said, so who's it hurting? It's not like I put Serendipity on there."
Jimin holds his hands up in front of him in surrender. "Hey, I wasn't judging. I like that you use our songs to wake them up."
"You speak much better English than you let on, Park Jimin," I say, pointing an accusatory finger at him.
"I binged a lot of Netflix on our break and did it all in English with Korean subtitles," he explains. "It's helped a lot."
"I'm sure that you know that I stole the idea from Namjoon-Hyung," he tells me.
"I do, but it's still smart," I say with a smile. "We've been learning some Korean in our class, right kiddos?"
They all loudly say yes as they bounce around in excitement.
"What have you learned so far?" Jimin asks.
"We've got counting, colors, animals, and basic home items down," I tell him. "And we've recently been working on greetings. This is my second year with this class, because I moved up a year. Last year, we learned Spanish, and they're pretty good at it."
"So you have a classroom of 5-year-olds who can speak three languages?" he asked me. "That's impressive."
"Well.. I mean. They know the basics of three languages," I say with a laugh. "But I've still got one kiddo who always says 'my' instead of 'I" when speaking English."
Bentley raises his hand in the air. "Me. That's me!"
"We're working on it, right buddy?" I ask, and he nods his head.
"Still, the basics of three languages is impressive," Jimin tells me, and my class. "You should all be really proud of yourselves. You're so smart."
All of my kiddos beamed and puffed up with pride. It was so cute.
"I don't want to keep you from getting smarter, so how about if I have a seat with you so that Miss Mcnamara can start class?" Jimin asks them.
Kingsley points to the empty seat next to him. "You can sit by me!"
"You can use the chair at my desk, if you want," I told him. "It's the only one in my room made for someone taller than 3 feet."
"Thank you," he says with a smile. "But I want to sit next to the kid who says he's going to marry me."
Kingsley blushes, but his smile is huge as Jimin folds up his body enough to sit in the little plastic chair. It's kind of funny, really. This man is sitting in the middle of all of my little kiddos. He looks like Billy Madison.
"Okay...should we show Jimin how we do BTS ABCs?" I ask them, and they all agree.
"A is for ARMY! B is for BTS! C is for chaotic!" Jimin chuckles at that one. "D is for DNA! E is for Ego! F is for Fiiiiiireeeee! G is for they need a Grammy!" Again, Jimin chuckled. "H is for Hobi! I is for Idol! J is for Jimin! K is for Kookie! L is for Lie! M is for Mic Drop! N is for Not Today! O is for On! P is for Permission to Dance! Q is for Questions! R is for RMMMMM! S is for So What! T is for Tomorrow! U is for Unity! V is VVVVV! W is for Wings! X is for X-ray! Y is for Young Forever! Z is for Zero O'Clock!"
When they were done, Jimin clapped his hands, but he had a question. "X-Ray?"
"I couldn't really think of anything for X," I explained with a shrug.
"You guys get hurt a lot," Kingsley said from beside him, making us both laugh.
"I kinda had to take some liberties with Q and U, as well," I tell him. "But I figured that you guys get a lot of questions in interviews, and you've definitely got that unity thing going on."
"I like it," he tells me. "They told you that we want to make videos with stuff like this, right?"
"Yeah, they did," I say, smiling at him. "I think that's awesome."
"Would you mind writing down your ABCs for me, in case we need some help coming up with stuff?" He asks, smiling back at me.
"I wouldn't mind at all."
A/N: Yes, I am a teacher. Yes, I teach PreK. And yes, we do BTS ABCs. My kiddos love it.
Thanks for reading my story. I love you all!
If you've read my other stories, then you know that I like to end every chapter with some sunshiny smiles.
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