Chapter Eleven: Bloody
*******Aurora's POV*******
"You look gorgeous," Jimin said from across the table.
"Umm...thanks," I said, feeling the heat rise over my face.
It wasn't that I didn't appreciate the comment, it's just that he had told me this about nine times since he picked me up twenty minutes ago, and I had run out of ways to say thank you. And in reality, I wasn't even wearing anything spectacular. I left school late because a parent had requested a meeting, and I barely had time to even change my clothes before Jimin was ringing the doorbell.
I was wearing blank ankle boots and black skinny jeans (which had a rip right below my right knee. It wasn't there when I bought them, but I tripped the last time that I was wearing them and scratched up both the jeans and my knee pretty badly when I fell.) I was also wearing a turquoise t-shirt and my favorite, well-worn black leather jacket. It wasn't really cold enough for a jacket, but Jimin made me nervous and this jacket was like a security blanket that gave me confidence.
"I'm not meaning to make you feel weird with the compliments," Jimin said. Apparently he had caught on to what I was feeling. "It's just that black and blue are my favorite colors, and you look amazing in both of them."
"Blue is my favorite color, too," I told him. "Specifically, turquoise."
"Any other favorite colors?"
"Mint green," I told him. "My mom calls them my 'signature colors'."
"You mentioned the other night that you're adopted, right?"
"Yeah. I am," I said. "My parents adopted me when I was 7 months old."
"Did your birth parents...?"
"Did they die? Is that what you're asking?" I tried to clarify, and he nodded his head. "No, they didn't. Or at least, that's not why I was put up for adoption. I don't know what has happened to them since then."
"So you've never met them, then?" He asked me.
"Nope," I answered, shaking my head. "I've never really had any desire to. I don't hate them or anything. I'm thankful that they gave me up so that I could have a better life. And I have. I couldn't ask for better parents than the ones that I have."
Jimin smiled with his head cocked to the side while he listened to me. "Would they be okay with it if you did want to find them?"
I nodded. "Yeah, they would. They've suggested it a few times. I just don't feel like I need to. I have amazing parents, and a little brother and sister that I love more than life itself. I don't need another family, because the one that I have is where I have always belonged."
I sat back out of the way so the server could put our plates in front of us. Once he left, Jimin looked at me again as he picked up his knife and fork.
"I'm glad that you ended up with such good people," he told me.
I cut into my steak, then put some Worcester sauce on it. "I really did. My life could have been so much worse."
"Do you believe in fate?" He asked me.
I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I guess that I do. Why do you ask?"
"I was thinking that everything in our lives led us up to this moment," he told me with a shrug.
I cocked my head to the side to look at him. "You think that us, sitting here together, having steak, is fate?"
He shrugged again. "Couldn't it be, though? Maybe fate wants us to be together."
I rolled my eyes and didn't answer him, since I knew that I would never be fated to be with somebody like Jimin. Instead, I took a bite of my steak and started chewing.
Then I started to cough and I felt like I was gagging because the taste was so bad. I picked up my napkin and tried to hide the fact that I had to spit the piece of steak out in it. Jimin, of course, noticed, though.
"Are you okay?" He asked, concern etched into his brow. "What's wrong?"
I shook my head. "I don't know," I told him. "I think maybe the steak went bad?"
Jimin reached his fork over to pick up a piece that had been cut off my steak, then brought it to his nose. "It smells okay. A little too done for me, though."
I shook my head. "It's how I always order it. Medium well."
"Do you want me to ask them to make you another one?" he asked me. "I don't mind doing that."
I shook my head. "No. I'll just eat my potato and my salad."
Jimin sighed and put his fork down. "Nope. I'm getting you another one."
He waved down the server and ordered me another steak, then he refused to even touch his until my new one arrived.
I reached across the table for his hand. "Jimin, please eat. Your food is getting cold."
He turned his hand over and slid his fingers through mine. "It was already cold, sweetheart." he used his fork to show me just how much bloody juice was running out of it. "I like it cooked for twenty seconds on each side."
"Then what?" I asked him, watching his steak as he flipped it back over.
"What do you mean?" he asked me with a smirk. "Then they...put it on a plate and bring it to my table."
"You're a smartass," I told him with a laugh. "But I kinda like it."
For some reason, his steak looks really good. I don't know why. I have never eaten steak like that. I like mine with no blood on the plate. looked kind of good to me.
Jimin must have seen me eyeing his steak. "Do you want some?" He asked me.
I shook my head just as the server came back with my new steak. I cut it and took a bite, tentatively chewing it. This one was much bet-oh. No. No it's not. I started gagging at the taste and had to spit it out in my napkin again. I frowned as I stared down at my plate. What was wrong with me? I love steak.
Jimin watched me with a frown, then he cut his steak in half and put part of it on my plate. I looked up at him questioningly.
"Just try it," he told me with a soft smile on his handsome face. "For me? Please?"
I nodded my head and cut off a small piece, then tried to put it in my mouth without making a face. I slowly chewed it, ready to be grossed out by it again. Only...this was good. Really good. I looked at Jimin with wide eyes and he just smiled and shrugged at me.
"How did you know that I would like yours?" I asked him.
"I didn't," he said. "But people's tastes change, and I thought that it was worth a shot."
"But now I have half of your food," I said, looking at the half of a steak on his plate.
"We can always order more," he told me.
So we did.
*******Jimin's POV*******
'Want my mate.'
"Not yet. She's still not ready for me to tell her."
'She is. She ate her steak like us. Bloody. Very bloody. Like a wolf. She's ready.'
"That just means that she's starting to change. The more she's around us, the more that her Omega will present. You have to be patient."
'Not patient. Not this time. Want mate.'
"We've talked about this. You're going to scare her off."
'I won't. Omega is my mate. She will know me.'
"Her Omega might, but Aurora will not. I know that you think it's taking a long time, but in reality, it's only been 4 days since I met her."
'Four days is eternity without my mate.'
"You're a drama queen."
'And you're being a selfish dick. Trying to keep our mate to yourself.'
"Like that's even possible. You are with me all the damn time. Unfortunately."
'Be grateful. I make you stronger, faster, graceful, pretty. Without me, what would you be?"
"Uhh...a normal person who doesn't have full-on conversations in their head?"
'Normal is overrated, Park Jimin. We are special.'
"Yeah. Like sitting-in-the-back-of-the-classroom-eating-a-gluestick-special."
'Glue....Gluestick? I do not understand this reference."
"Of course you don't. Because my wolf spirit had to go and be 700 years old."
'Am not. I am 637, thank you very much.'
"What's the difference, really?"
'Honestly...There isn't one. 1322 and 1385 were much the same. Nothing exciting ever happened, until the Lancasters and the Yorks started fighting each other, and that wasn't until around 1455."
"The War of-You know what? Nevermind. There is no reason for you to know that much about British history, so I will not even try to explain."
"You lived in the UK?"
'In a previous life, yes. Several lives, in fact.'
"It must be weird. Jumping around like that, never knowing who your wolf spirit was going to attach to."
'That's....not how it works.'
"What do you mean?"
'Most people don't know this, so please keep it to yourself. But...England, South Korea,* Italy, Portugal, Brazil, Nigeria, Russia, Ireland, the US. Different places. Different faces. Different names. But...they have all been with you, Jimin. Every single time. You just don't remember."
A/N: Since I suck at's two updates in one day. I hope you enjoy. -------Kat
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