Chapter 2: The Talk, Connie Joins The Crystal Gems
The Talk, Connie Joins The Crystal Gems
(Connies pov)
After the movie me, steven, and the crystal gems walked to my place as me and steven went on about the movie. "it was awesome how they managed to stay faithful to the book unlike most movies I watch" I said as we were walking and then we arrived at my house. I knocked on the door and said "mom! Dad! I have something I need to tell you!" Then my mom opened the door and said "yes what is it conni-" she stopped mid sentence seeing steven and the crystal gems with me "oh come in" she said with an awkward smile and they did come in and they sat down on the couch but steven stood next to me.
"Um misses maheswaran connie has something she needs to tell you" steven said gesturing me to show them my gem. I pulled down the collar of my shirt a bit so that they could see the topaz gem and they gasped. "What does this mean!?" My parents exclaimed in unison "I guess it means im a crystal gem like steven" I replied. "Listen we think connie should stay with us at the temple now that she is a gem considering the temple provides quite a bit of protection for gems considering that anything that would want to hurt her would have to go through us" pearl said to my parents
"Would we still be able to see her?" My mom asked "oh of course you would" pearl said "yeah I live with the crystal gems but I see my dad all the time" Steven added. "Im not sure if this is the best idea" my dad said "dad please let me do this if im a crystal gem it would be best if I could stay with them in case their is an emergency mission or something like that" I begged. "Ok connie you can move In with the crystal gems but you ar still going to school every day" my mom said then Stevens face lit up as I said "thank you mom!" "I'll help you pcak connie we can just bubble your stuff and send it to the temple" Steven added as we went to go pack up my stuff.
(Steven's pov)
I was so gad that connie could move in and I helped her pack everything up. As we were packing I saw a photo album labeled "my time with Steven." I asked connie what it was and she said "oh well I never wanted to forget anything we ever did so whenever we took a picture of something, I put a copy of it in here." I smiled and said "that's cool" I opened it and we started looking through it while the crystal gems were helping connie pack. I kept pointing to pictures saying things like "oh I remember that" or "I cant believe I almost forgot that"
after a bit we finished looking at the album and the gems were currently out of the room. We looked at eachother "man we've been friends for a long time connie" I said "yeah..." she said staring into my eyes our faces got closer and we almost kissed but then amethyst came in saying "hey ste-man we've got everything packed lets bubble it up and send it to the temple" then pearl came in and said "dang it amethyst you ruined their moment" me and connie were blushing intensely and I just walked over to her stuff and started sending it to the temple without saying a word after I was done connie was saying goodbye to her parents
When she was done we left and went back to the temple. After we got back garnet got Connie's stuff for her and unbubbled it. She unpacked her stuff and then she came over to me as I was finishing the preparations for my mission tomorrow "what are you doing steven?" She asked and I replied "well before the thing with that monster happened the gems said now that im getting older I can go on a mission by myself and im preparing for that" she pooked down and said "oh..." then I had an idea "do you want to come with me tomorrow!?" I asked excitedly and she said "sure! I would love to" and after that we took our showers and went to sleep luckily she had a sleeping bag that she placed next to my bed and that was Connie's first day living with us...
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