
swearing .
college au.
3rd person.

Hunk had been planning this for weeks. The excited samoan was busy with making snacks. Lance on the other side was just happy to see all his friends. He was younger than his partner but that didn't matter to Hunk or Lance. The mousy brown haired not so innocent 19 year old was piling up fluffy blankets and pillows. Both of them were excited, Hunk was a little nervous since he snored and it was often loud. By now they had been dating for a year and a half so the brunette was use to his boyfriends snoring.

"Hey baby whats wrong?" Lance wondered as he held his taller partner.

Hunk smiled and looked down at him a little as he answered being honest. "Oh its just I snore so i think im gonna end up keeping everyone up"

Lance nodded as he comforts his partner with  a soothing tone "Amor its ok, I understand that you'll be nervous about it. We both know at first i was a little annoyed but I got used to it." Lance was really trying to make him feel better.

Little things like that always cheered Hunk up and makde him feel better, he admired that quality that his boyfriend had. You could say they were in love, head over heels. Hunk gave a nod to the smaller male and kisses Lances head.

"Thank you amor, now do you wanna help bake some cupcakes?" A happy cheer came from Hunks mouth. Which was followed by a happy nod from Lance.

The young couple that they were loved the quality time they always had, or whenever they haad the time for. Even if it was as small as a hug or a soft smile from across a busy room. Hearing the words 'help' and 'cupcakes' made Lance giddy with excitement as he knew that he and Hunk would have special cuddle time and a boning momement over simple things. Both loved that exact time when they would and could just spend time together and in each others arms. 

Lance got that cupcake cases out and the mixing bowl as he knew where they were kept. (Hunk was a very clean baker. he had labled all the cupboards so that everyine knew where they were in the kitchen. Which Lance is now thankful for).  Hunk had his hands full of flour  eggs milk oil and  few other things. Lance was practically jumping up and down. Hunk never told lance not to as it was always adorable to see.

Four an egg shells went everywhere as they baked ,none of them caring about the mess as they were having fun. It made them both really happy. While the cakes were put into thier cases by Lance,Hunk was washing up the things he could. Hunk in general was cleaner then Lance when they baked, Lance would always just bake for the fun he would have. 

Hunk washed amd piped the icing while Lance had made and added sprinkles, Soft smiles and loving kisses while they maade food.

A few hours later and cuddles Pidge was the first to turn up soon followed by Shiro. Like usual Keith was always the last to turn up. Keith, whenever Hunk wasn't around would try to get with Lance and make him forget that Hunk was good for him.  Lance hated that he would flirt with him. In all honsety it made him really uncomfortable.  Hunk would see right through him though. Lance would always tell hunk as he never liked Keith.

Lance welcomed them all and Hunk made drinks.

Keith smirked as he saw Lance in short shorts (it was a hot day).

Shiro saw amd slapped his brother the head an growled. "Keith his eyes are up there, it not sexy to be a pervert."

The small group of them set up the room to make it all ok for everyone to sleep there. Hunk and Lance had bought a  sofa pull-out bed, it was well worth it. Hunk ha planned that he and lance would share that as the couch turned into  a bed. Everyone else had a bag for clothes and things, Hunk was nervous becuse Pidge was a girl and they had a small bathroom. Luckily hunk and pidge were close friends , he was only nervous as keith was very weird towards lots of people. 

Hunk spoke up for Pidge to see if shed want to sleep in the bedroom "Pidge if  you want tonight you can stay in mine and Lances room, the door locks"

Without a thought Pidge nodded "please, that'd be great." they both walked to the bedroom so she could put her things down.

Hunk smiled "Oh this might be awkward to say but since last time you stayed over me and Lance thought it'd be nice for you to have pads here and a bin as well"

Hunks kindness always showed and pidge flusteredly nodded "thank you. I really appriciate what you both do for me, and are you sure I can have the bedroom"

"yeah of course the couch is a pull out and Keith is being weird so id rather keep him away from you" Hunk smiles.

An hour and a half had gone by with small snacks and cupcakes shared. There was a knock at the door and Hunk got up and payed for the Dominos pizza he had ordered them, The group had been playing truth or dare. Keith had forced  Pidge to dare him to kiss lance.

Lance agreed only because it was keiths dare. They two of them kissed, lance didn't like it one bit. Keith didn't stop kissing lance and by the time Hunk had came back with the pizza he was already pissed off with how Keith was acting.

"Keith get the fuck off of my boyfriend. The dare was to kiss him not to make out with him." Hunk growled at him as he pulls him off of lance.

Lance jumped in hunks arms and started to calm him down, he knew that Hunnk gets very protective. Hunk was focusing on his partner so that he could calm down.

"you ok baby" Hunk asked knowing lance never liked Keith.

Lance nodded as he focused on helping Hunk relax.  "I love you so much, why don't you go sit in the bedroom for a few minuets with me."

Hunk picke up Lance and walked to the bedroom relaxing when he held his partner in his arms. Unknowingly to hunk lance startedd kissing him. Hunk didn't even stop to question him, Lance knew exactly how to calm him. Hunk an lance made out softly, it was loving an gentle. Lance didn't want sex so he soon pulled away.

"you calmer own baby?" the cuban questioned softly.

Hunk nodded and left the bedroom with them both flustered an bright red.

They all had the pizza and played more games before it was gone three in the morning and Hunk was in the bedroom getting changed with lance as lance was tired. As well as the fact hunk wanted to  cuddle  close with Lance as he slept, he was also sleepy. Lance had bought them matching Lilo and Stitch onesies as a gift every now and then.

Hunk had told everyone to go bed as it was late, they sighed a little but Pidge was already fast asleep so Hunk carried her to bed an tucked her in.  Hunk and Lance  pulled out the pull-out bed while the other two men sorted things out on the floor and tried to sleep. Lance smiled and got into bed with hunk and cuddled his man.  Hunk and Lance were fast asleep within fifteen minuets with Hunk loudly snoring away. This kept everyone awake and woke up Pidge. Well kept everyone but Lance up as he was well used to the sorning hunk had.  Even doctors didn't know why hunk was snoring as hed always snored loudly as a kid.

Hunks snoring was so annoying that Keith woke him just so that they could fall asleep.  Lance had woken up because he needed to go to the bathroom so he heard all the rude things that Keith had said to Hunk.

Hunk got up  for lance and had went to the kitchen, he was upset.  Then he heard Lance yelling at Keith to leave him alone. Lance smiled and went to the bathroom and took Hunk back to the bed and cuddled him.

Hunk was soon fast asleep and snoring again. Pidge was happy to hear hunk snore as it had a rythem to it.  Even if it was loud it was kinda nice to know that her best friends were in love and asleep.


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