Good boy bad boy.

3rd person
Hance Bad boy au.

Lance was the peppy, smart and cute  popular kid ,who was labled as a good boy. The mousy brown haired male was seen and known for being 'innocent'. He wasn't the nerd or the dork of the year ,but he was very inteligent. Always a perfect and model student. Never once had he gotten into trouble. Lance Mcclain was honoured and looked up to as well as used as a good example in good examples for teachers to the disruptive students.

Hunk on the other hand was the complete opposite to the fun-loving hard-working freckled male. Hunk was mouth watering and really muscled to say the least. Hunk wasn't the one to smoke, the older male was the most popular guy in school. Hunk was tall, muscled, sexy and a bit on the bigger side of men but that didn't matter to anyone at all.  His long dark brown  hair would be tied up loosely with an orange bandana. All the girls drooled over hunk,they knew he liked one of the people in his art class (which was the only lesson hunks payed attention in). Hunk never hid the fact he had tattoos while being 20 years old. Hunk's tattoos were over one of his pecks to his shoulderand a ring around his arm. He also had another ring around his left arm and to top it all of Hunk had a matching set off tattos on his hips that looked like suns. Of course they were of hunks own design and perfectly unique to him. The dark haired male loved to be the only one with  things. He hated to be copied,if  he'd start a huge fight if the person copying him was caught. Lances secret was he loved the bad boy attitude that Hunk had but also hated that he was rude to others.

It was well known by Lance's friends that he had a huge cruch on the bad guy. Veronica,Lance's older sister and his bestfriend always teased him for it. What Lance and the rest of his year didn't know that hunk had fallen in love with lance from the day they met. Hunk had a secret ,he hadn't always been a bad boy and used to be Lance's best friend. It all changed when hunk and lance had a disagreement and the smaller of the two swore that he'd stop beings Hunks friend. Their friendship ended 2 years ago, which was when hunk had changed his personality.

Hunk and Lance were in the exact same classes but Hunk was failing. Mr Coran (who taught the many sciences the scholl had) spoke to the class about their grades and gave Hunk his most recent test face towards the desk which often suggested a score that he wasn't pleased with. The whole class made a lot of nise seeing thier most popular guy in trouble with his grades.

Mr Coran whispered into hunks ear "see me after class" the older male tweaked at his orange mustache.

Hunk gave a polite little nod.

Mr coran spoke to the class teaching again before the bell went to signal the end of class. "Hunk ,Lance please can you both stay behind a few minuets." the older male spoke softly but confidently.

Both Lance and hunk stayed after class and watched the other twenty eight students walk out the room single-file. It was super silent and awkward as bith men waited for Mr Coran to talk.

"Hunk, son you're failing my class, your going to have to get a tutor. Im sorry but its the only way you will be able to pass this year. Lance has offered to tutor you so please stay after school or go to one of your houses so that he can help your grades improve." Coran's voice spoke as he cecked his folder for his next class.

Hunk nodded and looke at his crush with a soft blush, Hunk was a little shy as he hadn't talked to lance in a few years. "I guess ill see you at my place after school Lance" hunks flutered deep voice echoed a little thriught the empty room.

Lance smiled and nodded "yeah of course, ill message you later on what time ill meet you after school. See you later " the brunette smiled and walked off both his ears and his cheeks were flushed with a crimson colour.

Maths waas next, Hunk absoluetly hated the maths teacher and never payed attention to. Lance was the best at trigonometry so was sat next to Hunk. Mr Lotor would always be unprofessionaland flirt with lance. The whole class  coould tell that Lotor had a boner for the freckeld male. This is where hunks bad boy attitude reaked the most, he wanted Lotor to stop so he threw a book at the teacher.

"Get your head out of the fucking clouds you perv. He isn't intrested in you!" Hunk's deeep voice hissed at the 30 year old teacher.

Lotor's unprofesional teaching showed as he grabbed Hunks leather jacket and the toothpick that hung out of hunks mouth and spat "Get out you dick, think you're so hard" Lotor dropped  Hunk.

Hunk rolled his eyes and walked out flipping the teacher off. Half an hour passsed and Hunk was outside the class waiting for lance. The much larger male grabbed Lances arm and pulled him gently to the corner of the corridoor.  The two shared a small convosation about how thankful Lance was for Hunk sticking up for him. The whole time Lance was blushing,he really liked Hunk.

The best lesson ever for the pair of them was last ,that lesson was art. All the teachers had had enough with Hunks shity attitude to most his lessons but not the art teacher, Iverson was the strictest teacher but also the most caring bout his students, maybe that why Hunks payed ttention nd was one of the best in they year at art. Hunk was dong portraiture so he would always watch lanve as he drew. Hunk had over twenty cute faces that lance ulled while he focused, it made the secret cinnamon roll blush as well as get butterflies.

Veronica teases her little brother  by texting him all day  (specifcally how he had a crush on the bad boy in school ,she loved to take the piss out of her brother. Lance didn't even mind, he'd learnt not to deny it as he would go red and blush thinkin about hunk )  Veronicas teasing continued until the final bell goes to tell the eight hundred students that it was time to go home or to go to some extracurricular clubs that the school had on.

Hunk happily started to walk to his fancy car  with lance. It was long before bith men were surrounded by all if the really popular kids. this made Lance a little anxious as they were like teen royalty. Just on the different sides of "royalty". Hunk was well known for the fancy car or his motorbike. Hunk took off his leather jacket and shirt. All the girls drooled and stared, if heart eyes were real all the girls would hve hearts for eyes. Lance looked at Hunks muscled body and his face went bright red, it had flustered lance.

"h-hunk c-can we g-go now" the cuban stuttered as he tried to calm down.

"of course handsome ~" hunk coed seeing how red Lance was.

Hunk helped Lance into the car and drove to his house knowing his parents wouldn't be home. Lance gasped at how beautiful Hunks house was. Lance had missed being close to hunk like they used to be. Infact they both missed it. Hunk and Lance studied and went over school work for hours.  Lance had noticed hunk wasn't working but he hadn't noticed that Hunk was staring at him with a crimson blush on his cheeks and the top of his nose.

"Hunk please pay attention" Lance blurted out still flustered.

Hunk  nodded  "do you like anyone?" his deep voice was soft.

"I uh well yeah.." the smaller male hesated before answering.

"who"  hunk whispered in his ear.

"Well... why do you care." lance blushed, he was really crushing on hunk.

"Beacuse I like you Lance, and i noticed that you like me, you were almost drooling with the girls at school."

"you do ?" A small gasp ecsaped lances mouth .

Hunk went for the first move. He kissed lance softly, to Hunks suprise Lance kissed back. The kiss slowly turned into more than that, their lips didn't want to part from each other. The innocent little kiss turned into passionate and more intamate kissing. Ths soft sounds of their kisses as  hunk pinned lance to the floor. The kisses turned into make outs and into more  until  Lance pulled away panting.

"Hu-Hunk I don't want to have you think we can just cuddle or soemthing or maybe go on a date. I want to be with you. Be your boyfriend" his soft voice relied through heavey panting.

hunk nodded happily. "Yeah of course"

Lance smiled and let out a soft sigh as he smiled to himself knowing the Hunk wasn't the type to try force himself onto others. The action of hunk nodding and sitting up as he held Lance in his lap made the mousy brown haired male feeling cherished.

Both of them had a talk about why Hunk had changed since they stopped talking and being friends. Then they had out on a movie with lots of cuddles and a few snacks.

It wasn't long before they were snuggled up and fast asleep from  a movie that they had put on. Both of them were really tired.


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