You Should Know

The next morning, there is a soft knock on Stevie's bedroom door. She has cocooned herself in the bed sheet, as she always does, face pressed into a pillow as she lays on her front. The first knock isn't loud enough to wake her. It's still pretty early. A second knock comes and she stirs ever so slightly. A third knock, much louder this time, causes her to sit up. She looks around, disoriented for a moment, before hearing another loud thud on the door. She grabs her robe from the back of the en-suite bathroom door and wraps it around herself. The knocking ceases but she can tell someone is still out there. She opens the door- Lindsey.

"Hey" she says, her voice soft and raspy from sleep.

"Hey, honey. I made breakfast downstairs. Are you hungry?" he asks, trying to seem casual.

"Is the kitchen still there or will we have to call a contractor to rebuild because of the fire damage?"

"Very funny." Lindsey says with a smile and she smiles too.

"So you made breakfast?"


"Alright, well give me a minute and I will be right down."

Lindsey nods and goes back downstairs. Stevie brushes her hair, looking at herself in the large lighted mirror of her bathroom. When she's satisfied, she steps into her slippers and descends the stairs. She enters the kitchen and laughs.

"What?" he asks.

"Omelettes and cereal."

"I tried, okay? Not everyone can be a good cook like you."

She takes her seat across from him at the table and he gets up to prepare her plate. He places it in front of her and in his defense, it did look good. "Thank you"

"You're welcome. I have fruit, too. Do you want a grapefruit? I can cut one in half for you."

"We'll see how this goes." she says and he nods, sitting down with her.

As they eat, the silence begins to bother Lindsey. "I know I've asked you before, but how's the album coming?"

"It's coming along, it's just...dark. I'm looking for something to lighten it up a little. I was offered a song that I was told could work but I haven't listened through it yet."

"Oh? You don't think you'll like it?"

"No, it's not that. I think I'm coming down with something and I haven't felt like going into the studio much."

"That's a shame. I didn't realize you were feeling under the weather." Lindsey says and Stevie shrugs. "In any case, I hope you feel better and you can get back to work. I know you hate to feel idle."

"That's true. I just don't have to energy."

Lindsey shifts the conversation a little, hoping to brighten the mood. "I thought maybe we could have a party this weekend. A couple of pieces are coming in from Morocco this week for the gallery and I thought maybe we could show them off. That is, if you're up to it."

"That sounds great, Linds. Are these your pieces or mine?"

"I think a combination. A couple of artifacts and your sculptures." he says and she smiles. Stevie drops her slipper and rubs the side of her foot along Lindsey's ankle. He smiles at the contact, taking her hand across the table. "Maybe next time we travel, we could pick out some things together."

"I thought you said it was just expensive junk?" she asks with a smirk.

"It is but if it makes you happy and you like it, I will gladly indulge you."

"You're so sweet."

"Stevie, I've been thinking a lot about our talk last night..."

"You remember it?"

Lindsey chuckles. "Yes, I do and I just want to let you know that I understand. Our relationship is fucked up and I don't want it to be like this either. I want to be open with you and I want you to understand how I feel too."

"I would like that. Any time you want to talk, I'm here for you, always. I love you, Lindsey and I just want us to work."

"I don't want to live without you and hearing you thought about walking out, scared me. I know I threatened you with divorce when I overreacted about my cars, but it was exactly that- a threat. The truth is, baby, I can't imagine my life without you. You're an integral part of me now. We've been a couple for over a decade."

"You're comfortable, you don't like change"

"If it were just that, Steph, I could find a way to live but it's not. I love you so much that it physically hurts to think I wouldn't see you everyday. If you found someone else and he made you happier than I could, that would crush me." he said sadly, hanging his head.

"There won't be anyone else." Stevie assures him with a comforting squeeze of his hand. He still seems upset so she gets up, putting her feet back into her slippers and moves over to his side of the table. She kneels by his side, stroking his face. "I want you to keep talking to me. I want you to be honest with me, whatever you're feeling. I don't want us to go back to the years of torment and faking a happy marriage just so we look good to the media. Fuck the media, okay? I want you to love me like you used to and I promise, I won't be going anywhere." She stands up and he wraps his arms around her waist, resting his head on her flat stomach. Stevie's fingers run through his curls, soothing him instantly.

"I love you" he tells her.

"I love you too." He presses a kiss to her silky night gown and releases her. "Why don't you go up and take a shower and I will tackle the dishes?"

"I can do that for you. It's the least I can do."

"You made breakfast, I can clean up. It's okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Lindsey. The water will make you feel better."

"Okay" he says, pulling himself up from the chair. "Thank you."

"No problem." Stevie says as he makes his way up the stairs. She watches him for a moment before running a sink of hot water to soak the dishes for a few minutes. She turns off the faucet and gets to work wiping down the table and counters. When she's satisfied with the dishes, she washes them by hand. There is something therapeutic about cleaning for her, making sure everything is in order and looks presentable at the very least. She scrubs soapy circles over the last plate with the sponge, rinsing it off and placing it in the drying rack. She releases the water and dries her hands on a small towel. The doorbell rings and a puzzled look changes her features. Lindsey never said he was inviting one of the guys over and she knew her friends should be here either.

She opened the door and her eyes narrow. The woman before her with long blonde hair and blue eyes looks at her almost in surprise. "Stephanie."

"You changed your hair"

"I did" the woman says, shifting uncomfortably under Stevie's dark gaze. "I...I honestly thought you would have left him."

"You would be wrong. What are you doing here, Lydia?"

"I came to speak with Lindsey but I've clearly interrupted something."

"When haven't you? Wasn't that your goal?"


"Save your breath. Good-bye." Stevie tries to shut the door but the woman catches it with the toe of her red high heel.

"Steph, I know you probably hate me but I have something to tell you. I just think you should know..."

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