The Library

Warning: sexual activities ahead

After Stevie was released from the hospital, Lindsey did his best to take care of her. He was attentive and kind, making sure she wanted for nothing, but as she became more independent, and stronger they returned to life as relative strangers. They walked through the house, passing each other without touching or speaking.

On this particular day, she wore a high necked, long sleeved, slightly-above-the-knee length velvet dress with white cuffs, a small white ruffle atop the collar and a wide piece of ribbon that created an empire silhouette. She paired it with black tights and black ballet flats, needing comfort as she grew. Her hair was curly and looked luxuriously soft. Her bangs framed her face and put lots of focus on her big brown eyes. Her lips were plump, plumper than usual and ruby red. Her face was filling out, her cheeks were flushed pink and she looked like the picture of health. A stark contrast to their short time in the hospital. She sipped her tea, looking for a book in his library. Lindsey sat at his desk in the very large room, drinking a small glass of scotch and watching her. She seemed not to notice his stare as she carefully rose up onto her tip toes to look at the books on a higher shelf. She sat her tea cup down and began to climb the ladder. Her foot hit the second rung and he leapt up from his chair, slamming down his glass.

"No, no, no" he said, softly touching her hand that held a higher rung. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I just wanted to read. I've read everything on the shelves in my room."

"I don't want you climbing. You're six months pregnant, almost seven."

"How else will I see what's up there?" she asked, pouting.

"Can I help you, or am I not allowed?"

"You may." she said, landing safely on the floor, picking up her tea cup and saucer again. She took a sip, watching him climb the ladder. His legs were so strong, his butt looking oh so good in his trousers. They pulled tight as he climbed and she couldn't help but stare. She was aroused by him and she let out an audible moan as he turned around to give her a small smile.

"Are you looking for anything in particular?"


"Let me get this straight- you want me to just read off everything I have and let you pick?" he asked, looking down at her.

"If you would, please." she said, smiling sweetly. "You know, it would be so much easier if you'd let me do it myself." She sipped her tea.

"Not while you're pregnant" he said. He sighed, turning around. "I have lots of Stephan King, per your request. Carrie, The Stand, The Shining...they're all up here. Anything like that sound good to you?" He turned to look over his shoulder at her and she shook her head. "How about Sophie's Choice?" he asked with a smirk.

"Don't even joke about that" she said, brows furrowed and stroking her velvet clad bump. The baby was moving so much as she traced the movements with her hand.

"Fine, how about the Seagull? It's a Livingston book."


"Do you want a mystery, suspenseful kind of book or a girly book?"

"What's a girly book?" she asked, finding that phrasing rather sexist.

"Ugh, jeez. You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Only a little. You look awfully handsome up there."

"Well thank you, but you said you wanted a book." He read off everything up there and she shook her head or told him no each time. He huffed in frustration.

"I'm sorry, I just can't seem to decide." she said.

"For the love of God!"

"Will you just take me to the book store? I'm too tired to drive."

"You haven't driven since 1978 anyway."

"That's true" she said, casually sipping her tea.

"You're really milking this pregnancy thing"

"No I'm not, you just won't let me do anything on my own. I'm not made out of glass."

"Might as well be. I'm not letting anything happen to you or that baby. We have worked too hard and waited too long for a child."

"I know. I appreciate you taking such good care of me" she said. He descended the ladder and she watched him again, the muscles in his thighs tempting her. How she longed to touch him, be with him, make love to him. He jumped down the final couple of rungs, ending up right in front of her.

"I like taking care of you" he said. He reached out to take a curl between two fingers, almost examining it.

"Do you like it, my hair, I mean?"

"I do, it's pretty. I think you look really nice today"

"And the other days?"

"Beautiful, always, especially as you grow." he said. He touched her growing belly and felt the baby moving instantly. "The baby is getting so strong."

"Yes, very strong."

"Wild, almost"

She chuckled. "Well, you said once that any daughter of ours would be twice as wild as I am."

"We have a daughter?" he asked and she nodded.

"Yes, our very own little girl."

"Oh my God" he said, stroking her belly again. "How long have you known?"

"I found out last week at my doctor's appointment."


"You didn't have time to go to that one."

"I've never been to an appointment, just one time to the hospital."

"That was very important though."

"I was afraid we were losing her."

"So was I but she's alright."

"I cannot wait to meet her."

"Soon." Stevie said with a yawn, tiring easily lately.

"Do you need a nap or would you still like to go to the bookstore?"

"We can still go. Let me grab my bag."

"I can get it. Afterward, if you're not too tired, we can go to that little bistro you like and have a small lunch. I will get you that piece of carrot cake you are always eyeing and we can celebrate our daughter."

"Sounds like a plan" Stevie said. She headed toward the front door and Lindsey gave her, her purse, meeting her in the foyer. He locked the house and took her to the car, helping her inside. He took her hand only briefly in the car, afraid she wouldn't want the contact. She frowned as he let go, wanting to feel his touch again. She decided to speak up, feeling a little sad. "Lindsey?"

"Yes Stephanie?"

"Why don't you touch me?"


"I mean..." she began, feeling nervous, her palms sweating. "When I asked you to make a decision about us, I wanted to talk about it but you shut me out. I thought we were going to work on getting back to how we were; I thought we would be something more. I miss being your wife, Linds, like in the beginning. We have a daughter coming in a couple of months and I just thought...I don't know, I just thought that when you said we wouldn't be fighting anymore that there would be more love, more warmth between us. We've been strangers. I sleep alone every night and..." She began to cry. "I want you, Lindsey. I miss you." He pulled over to park on the street in front of the bookstore she frequented. "I'm sorry I'm getting emotional, I think it's my hormones."

"Don't apologize. I feel the same way, Stevie. When I left you in your room that night, I ran from you. Same with that night in the hospital. I'm sorry. I was so scared that you had changed your mind and you didn't want me around. We fought relentlessly for years and I was afraid you'd hold that against me. I didn't want my child to grow up hating me so I left you alone. I would only come to you when you asked me to. Today, when I saw you trying to get a book from the high shelf, I freaked out. I don't want you to fall, I don't want you to get hurt and I wanted to do something for you. You go to your doctors appointments alone, you've been shopping for the baby alone..."

"I don't want to do it alone."

"I know that now. I want to do the rest of this with you."

"I'd really like that."

"Let me start by letting you walk the aisles until you find the perfect book. I will carry anything you want to purchase so you can keep your hands free"

"Thank you. I know I was a pain in the ass today but I just wanted you to notice me. I like when you help me with things and you looked so...delicious, climbing up on that ladder for me"

"Delicious, huh?"

"Mhmm" she said, biting her lip.

"You know I watch you, right?"

"You do?"

"Yes. You're stunning, like a living work of art. I can't help but watch you. I've noticed every change your body has made just by your clothes. You're carrying high, your dress tells me that. You're blossoming so much and you yourself look delicious as well. Your curves are sinful."

"You think they're sinful?"

"Oh yes" he told her and she immediately started unbuckling his belt and unzipping his trousers. "What are you doing?"

"Let's go. Books can wait."

"Are you sure?"

"Baby, please."

"What about your carrot cake?"

"After. I need you now." He pulled out of his space, her hand teasing his cock as he drove. He groaned as she began to stroke his length.

"Stephanie, I need to drive."

"I can't wait anymore."

"Where do you want to go?"

"Take me to our picnic place."


"I don't want to wait, Lindsey. Lay with me out in the open, by the lake. Remember when we were dating and we would make love in the tall grass?"

"I do."

"Let's do it again."

"I think those hormones are making you crazy"

"I want you so bad. Don't you want me?"

"Of course."

"Take me to our place" He nodded and turned the car around, driving quickly out of town and up to the lake. She continued to play with him, only stopping when she felt he was close. When they arrived, she jumped out of the car as effectively as she can at seven months pregnant and grabbed the blanket from the trunk. He took it from her, having zipped himself back into his trousers and laid it out. He helped her down onto the ground and sat down beside her, taking off her tights and unzipping her beautiful dress. "Be careful, its expensive and one of a kind. It's Victorian, reworked for me."

"Shh" he said, kissing her. He stared at her in her underwear and bra, smiling at her beautiful body. "You're gorgeous"

"Thank you."

"I love seeing you this way. It makes me want even more babies with you. You carry so beautifully."

"Do you think so?"

"Yes I do." He unclasped her bra and slid her panties down her legs, tossing them aside. He kissed down her chest, softly cupping a breast that had seemingly tripled in size. He lay her down and took a nipple into his mouth, sucking lightly. Her moans aroused him tremendously, freeing myself from his trousers and pushing them down his legs. He kissed back up her chest and neck, nipping at the soft skin there. He positioned himself above her and entered her, seeing she's wet already. She glistened, and he licked his lips. She looked good enough to eat. He moaned as her soft pink walls hugged him as he moved in and out. He couldn't look away from where they joined as she leaned back on her elbows, letting herself succumb to the pleasure. She reached down, circling her sensitive bud with skillful fingers. She was dripping, legs shaking and she was going to come. He could see it in the careful concentration of her expression. He smoothed her brow, kissing her again as he felt her clench. She tried to quiet herself until he whispered "No one can hear you out here, baby, no one but me. Let me hear you." She stopped touching herself and Lindsey picked up where she left off, dying to touch her like this again. She moaned loudly, screaming his name as she rode wave after wave of pleasure. He continued to pump, coming along with her. "You are so beautiful" he told her and she began to cry all over again. She sat up and he withdrew, embracing her.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome, baby. I love you so much."

"I love you too. Will you take me home? I want to cuddle with you."

"Of course I will, I can't wait." He tried to dress quickly and she grabbed her clothes, putting everything back on. He zipped up her dress, and helped her up from the ground.

"I want to do something for you next time"

"What we just had was amazing, Stephanie."

"You are just saying that?"

"No, it was incredible. You have the most beautiful expression when you come." He told her and she blushed. He leaned into her, kissing her lips softly. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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