Sweet Dreams

She continued to stare at the floor and Lindsey watched her. He moved closer, slowly, terrified to reach out and touch her. Would she hit him, would she reject him? He did not know.

"Stephanie." he said.

Her hand was still on her belly, her breathing was slow and deep. "I...I don't know what to do." she said, her voice hoarse from screaming and crying.

"We need to get you to the hospital, Stevie. What else is there to think about?"

"I'm not going with you." she said.

"Wh-what? Stevie..." He tilted her face to meet his and she pulled herself out of his grasp. She winced, moving a little too quickly.

"Dammit" she whined, doubling over. Her head hung, her hair nearly touching the floor.

"Let me take you. I know you're pissed, I know you don't trust me and I deserve every last insult you can muster. I'm all the things you said about me and more but please, let me help you."

"No" she said, pushing him away when he tried to touch her again. "I can do it on my own."

"And what- have the baby here on the floor, all on your own?"

"It's called home birth."

"Don't be stupid." he said and he instantly knew that was the wrong thing to say.

"Stupid?! Don't be stupid?!" she shouted, drawing as close to full height as she could, beginning to feel incredible pain. "Fuck off, Lindsey!"

"I'm staying whether you like it or not"

"Leave" She groaned, growling as a contraction consumed her. "Fuck..."

"Let me help"

"You've done enough. Get the fuck out of here!"

"Where should I go?"

"To hell!"

"I'm serious."

"Me too. Anywhere, as long as it's as far away from me as humanly possible! Get out, get out!" Lindsey watched her, unsure what to do. She seemed adamant about him not being around but he couldn't leave her alone. Another contraction made her double over again and he immediately rubbed her back. She moaned in pain, fresh tears falling down her cheeks, soaking the neck of her tee shirt.

"Sway, Stevie. It will help take the pressure off your hips."

"Shut up" she said weakly. "I fucking hate you."

"I know."

"I can't believe I wanted you to do this to me" He chuckled and she shot him a look. He let his face go lax.

"I'm sorry."

"I know you are."

"Does it hurt?"

"What the fuck do you think, Lindsey?"

"I'm sorry, stupid question."

"Mmmm...I can't take this. I need drugs." she cried.

"You're doing great, you don't need anything. You wanted to do this naturally, remember? She's a miracle and we want her to be safe. You said you're afraid of drugs."

"I don't care, I'm in pain. I can't do this."

"Yes you can, you're strong." he said and she started sobbing. "Let me at least drop you off at the hospital. I can call your parents and when they arrive, I will leave."


"Stevie...I'm not going to fight with you but I'm your only option."

"I can call a cab." she said. She was silent for several minutes, letting the words hang in the air before searching blindly for his hand and lacing her fingers with his.

"That's right, squeeze my hand" he said softly. "Great job"

"Shut up."


"I mean it. Zip. Your. Lips." He obeyed, staying quiet. He hated listening to her cry. Wordlessly, he helped her stand up fully and held her, swaying with her through her contractions. He glanced at the clock on the wall, trying to time them. She didn't fight him, probably in too much pain to care. He rubbed her lower back, applying light pressure. She sighed, moaning a little.

"Can I speak?" he asked and she shook her head. "I'm sorry, I will leave you alone." He tried to pull away but she wouldn't let him go, gripping onto him tighter. "Stevie..."

"Please don't leave" she wept. "Don't leave me."

"You wanted me to. I'm trying to listen."

"I'm scared" She looked up at him with red, watery eyes and it hurt him to see her so desperate. She bit her lower lip nearly until it bled, trying to stand still.

"You're having a contraction." he said and she nodded. "Of course you're scared but you will be okay. You're so strong, Stevie and I know you can do this, but we don't have a lot of time. We need to get you to the hospital."

"Okay." she said.

"Is it okay if I help you?" he asked and she nodded again. "I'll go slow" He left her briefly to grab the bag and her long jacket, thinking she might want some coverage. He helped her put it on and she quickly grabbed his hands. She was still crying and he held her a moment, kissing her hair. "You're doing so good" He braced her as they came down the stairs, making sure she didn't fall. To say he was nervous would have been an understatement, but he was happy she let him stay to help. If this was as far as it went, he could learn to be happy with that. He didn't deserve her kindness.

"Linds" she breathed, taking his hand and wrapping it around her belly. He could feel their little girl moving, most likely getting into position.

He finally got her through the front door and into the car. He drove quickly but carefully, offering his hand to Stevie once again. Sitting was torture for her. She needed to change position but couldn't. She whimpered and moaned as she was struck with contraction after contraction. "Amazing job" he said. "You're so strong" She turned and leaned into his shoulder, her forehead pressed against it. "We're almost there."

"Okay." She took deep breaths, exhaling heavily. "Are you scared?" she asked in a small voice.

"No, I have full confidence in you."


"Of course I do. Don't worry." He kissed the top of her head, longing to stroke her hair or comfort her in some way as she cried. He parked and went to her side of the car to help her out. He slung the bag over his shoulder and pressed her into his side. He signed her in, keeping an eye on her as she circled her hips, leaning on the desk. "Can't we do this shit later?" he asked the nurse and she shook her head.

"I don't want my wife standing here in your fucking waiting room in pain. Don't you know who we are?"

The nurse went back to her magazine and he took it from her hands, slamming it down on the desk. "Where is your supervisor?"

"I am the supervisor. I see this everyday, sir. I don't care if you're Lindsey Buckingham or Jesus Christ himself, policy is policy." He huffed, filling out the rest of the paperwork in rushed chicken scratch.

"There" he said, tossing the papers on the desk.

"You have a private room with security." The nurse said, standing up. She got a wheel chair for Stevie and allowed her to sit down. Lindsey watched as she was taken down the hallway, when he heard his name once, then twice.

"Linds? Aren't you coming?" she asked. He looked at her a moment, making sure he was actually wanted, then he nodded, following closely behind. He took the wheelchair over, following behind the nurse where IDs were checked and they were brought into the room. Lindsey took her jacket and put the bag down on the chair in the corner of the room. The sun was up now and the world outside looked so warm and peaceful. He smiled, turning back to Stevie.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, now seeing she was in a hospital gown and her hair was tied up.


"It will be over soon." He stroked her hair. She closed her eyes and seemed like she was really focusing. "Contraction?" She nodded as tears escaped from the corners of her eyes. The doctor came in to speak with them and she was practically climbing the walls.

"Would you like me to check you?" the doctor asked and she agreed to examination, never letting go of Lindsey's hand.

"I hate you." she whispered, clearly in an immense amount of pain. "I hate you so much"

"Oh, I've heard that before" the doctor said with a jovial laugh.

"But she actually means it" Lindsey said.

"Well, she's ready to push. It makes sense."

"I'm what?" Stevie asked, her eyes wide.

"It's time to meet your baby. When you feel that next contraction building, have at it."

"I'm not ready..." Stevie looked to Lindsey and he gave her a broad smile.

"Yes, you are. We waited nine long months for her. Don't you want to see what she looks like? Don't you want to hold her in your arms?" The nurses put her legs into position and Lindsey looks away, feeling awkward.

"Ready?" The doctor asked and she nodded. The doctor counted and Stevie pushed with all her might. She was sweating and Lindsey could tell she was so tired. Her pushing was effective, he could already see their daughter's head.

"Great job. Keep going, you're doing so good." She didn't speak, pushing and crying. He supported her back, helping her sit up. He rubbed her shoulders comfortingly. After a final push, the baby emerged from her, a loud cry filling the air. "Oh Steph, I think she's blonde...and she has curly hair, baby. Oh my god, she's so beautiful!"

"Let me see!" she said. The baby was placed on her chest and the nurse wiped her off a little with a towel. "Oh, Lindsey!" She was crying for a completely different reason now. She looked up at her husband, amazement written all over her face.

"You did it. We had a baby!"

"We had a baby" she repeated. She looked down at her daughter, pulling her up to her face carefully. "Oh, you're so cute! How did we make someone so adorable?"

"It was all you, Steves."

"You helped."

"Great job, mama" the doctor said. "Let's get a weight and length on her and you can have her right back." Stevie nodded, biting her lip as a nurse took the baby away. Lindsey instinctively went to observe what was going on and Stevie seemed pleased with this. He finally did something right. After a couple of excruciating minutes, the baby was returned to Stevie's arms. Personnel was leaving the room so they could bond with their new arrival and it couldn't have come soon enough. Lindsey reached out to touch the baby, dying to touch her, hoping it wasn't just a dream.

"Would you like to hold her...daddy?" Stevie asked.

"Are you sure?"

"No matter what happens between us, she's your daughter and I know you love her."

She transferred the baby carefully into his arms and she made soft squeaking sounds, causing them both to laugh quietly.

"She's precious." Lindsey began to cry and Stevie reached up to wipe his tears. "I love her so much...she's here."

"Crazy" she said and he nodded. "What are we going to name her?"

"I don't know. I read somewhere that Arabella means something like answered prayer..."

"Arabella" Stevie repeated.


"I think I like it. I did say I wanted something grand and princess-y."

"That, you did."

"Do you like it?" she asked. "Arabella Buckingham?"

He smiled, never taking his eyes off the baby in his arms. "It's beautiful. Hello, Arabella. You have the best mommy in the whole world."

"And the best daddy" Stevie said.

"You think?"

"I know."

Arabella had fallen asleep and he placed her carefully in the cot the hospital provided, making sure her blanket was still swaddled tightly around her. He sat on the edge of Stevie's bed and carefully took her hands in his. "I'm sorry for everything, Stevie. You don't have to forgive me and frankly, I don't blame you if you never do, but I appreciate you letting me be here. I'm sure you did it because you were in pain and needed someone...I was the only one around and it was convenient."

"No, Lindsey. I needed you. I'm hurt and I will remain that way for a long time but maybe one day...eventually...." She trailed off, looking over at their sleeping baby. "We fucked up, not just you, me too, but Arabella shouldn't suffer. But I...I think you should go back to your own room for a little while."


"I will keep the bedroom because it's close to the nursery and I need that for my own peace of mind."

"What can I do to help you? Anything?"

"Be present, love her."

"Of course." he said and Stevie nodded, not having much else to say. She was obviously tired and he stood. "Get some rest. I'm sure she will wake you up when she wants to be fed."

"I'm sure she will. Will you be here when I wake up?"

"Sure and hopefully by then your parents will be on their way. I will make some calls."

"Thank you." she said, lying back, her eyes already drooping.

"You're welcome. Sweet dreams." Once he knew she was asleep, he stroked a rogue curl from her forehead and kissed her softly. He watched her for another moment, turning down the blinds to block out some of the harsh light and exited her room.

A/N: A longgggg one but I hope it was worth the read.

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