Nothing To Do With You

Lindsey returns home after spending time at Mick's. It was apparently something to do with the band but Stevie wasn't up to going and Lindsey didn't want to force her. Now that he had learned of her pregnancy, he was protective, even if from afar. The door shuts and Stevie hears two sets of footsteps. She swishes down the stairs in a long black dress. Her hair is down but unstyled, her hand glued to her belly. The moment she sees Lindsey and his guest, she freezes.

"Hey, honey" he says sweetly, motioning her down. She slowly finishes her descent and stands before her husband. He kisses her hair and she tries her best not to pull away from him.

"Who's this?"

"Steph, this is Deidre. Deidre, this is the great Stevie Nicks!"

Stevie extends a hand and shakes the woman's. She is petite and tan with the longest, darkest black hair she has ever seen. The most striking think about the woman are her amazing green eyes. It's hard to look away from them. She is stunning!

"Wow, it is so amazing to meet you, Ms. Nicks! I am such a massive, massive fan!" The woman speaks in a soft, sensually smoky English accent and Stevie feels a pang of jealously. Lindsey watches the interaction, smiling, touching the young woman's back multiple times, even pushing her hair back when it falls over her shoulder.

"It's lovely to meet you too."

"Did Lindsey tell you what he's got up his sleeve?" Deidre asks and Stevie looks to Lindsey.

"No, I don't believe he did. Refresh my memory, won't you, sweetheart?" Stevie forces a smile.

"Well, Deidre is a songwriter and a back up singer. She's sung for a lot of acts all over Europe and now she's hopped the pond, as she says, to make a start over here."

"Right, and I heard from Lindsey about your new album when we were both at Mick's house and here I am. Lindsey said you were working on some songs and maybe wanted someone to harmonize with."

"Honestly, Deidre, I appreciate the offer but the album is basically done." Lindsey knows that's a lie. "Yes, its true I am always writing new material and while I do love to have someone to harmonize with, I have two or three amazing girls who come over all the time just to bounce ideas off each other and sing." Stevie turns to go back up the stairs and Deidre reaches out to touch her.

"Please, Ms. Nicks, it would be an honor just to watch you work. As I've said, I'm a massive fan and I would love to see your process. You are my idol, please, just give me a try." The woman's eyes are pleading and Stevie looks to Lindsey who is giving her a thumbs up, urging her to work with Deidre.

"I don't like set hours, if I want to work, I will call you on the spur-of-the-moment and you must be available."

"I can do that. I will drop absolutely everything. This is a dream come true."

"Alright then. Have Lindsey take down your number and I will be sure to call you."

"Oh thank you, thank you so much!" Stevie turns once again, going back upstairs. She hears Lindsey's voice and she stops, standing behind a pillar to listen to him.

"I told you I could get you in. You're going to be amazing!"

"Thank you, Lindsey. I love her work with the band as well as solo and I can't believe I actually get to work with my one inspiration!"

"Knock 'em dead! Do you need a ride home? I could take you."

"No, I will call a car. May I use your phone?"

"Of course, take your time."

"I'm so grateful." Deidre begins using the telephone and Stevie hurries down the hallway to her room, hearing Lindsey's boots on the staircase.

"Steph?" Lindsey calls out, checking the rooms he passes for his wife. He sees her sitting on her bed in her room and he smiles. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Good." she says.

"I'm so happy you're giving her a chance. She seems really excited to work with you. When do you think you'll be calling her?"

"Are you kidding? I won't be calling that girl."

"What...? But you seemed to really like her."

"You had to have seen through that. I'm not a very good actress."

"She's good, I've heard her."

"I don't care. I have my girls and I am not looking to replace any of them."

"What is this all about? Why are you being like this?"

"First time you talk to me in two days and you're arguing with me?"

"I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this. You're acting nuts!"

"Me? I'm not the one hanging all over some girl! You did the very same thing two years ago, Lindsey and I'm really not interested in a repeat. I don't need the stress and I certainly don't need the heartache. If it has slipped your mind, let me remind you that we are still dealing with Lydia. Didn't you promise me she was 'really good' too and that she's 'such a huge fan'?"

"This is different. Deidre isn't crazy!"

Stevie laughs, giving him a look. "How do we know? Has she been evaluated?"

"Oh come on, Stevie! You're being ridiculous!"

"I happen to think I'm being pretty reasonable. You have to understand why I'm not jumping at the chance to work with someone you've introduced me to. It didn't really work in my favor the last time I trusted you. As independent as I am, I still need you Lindsey and I'm doing my best to forgive and forget the past so we can move forward as a family" Her hand finds her belly and Lindsey frowns.

"I know but it's different this time."

"I'm not taking my chances. If for some reason I change my mind, I will have her phone number but I am perfectly happy with how things are. I like my demos, I usually like the final product of my songs and I'm more than happy with the man who produces my work with the band. I have everything I want, that's why I don't need to look any further when it comes to partners- in music or in my everyday life. Understand?"

"Yeah, baby, I do. I get it."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

He goes downstairs to show Deidre out, not mentioning the fact that she better not hold her breath waiting for a call from Stevie. He glances at the clock and realizes how late in the afternoon it is. He makes himself a sandwich or two and pours himself a glass of milk. Stevie must have sensed him because she came down only minutes after him.

"Are you hungry?" he asks and she nods.

"Always. Who knew growing a tiny person could work up such an appetite?"

He laughed, leaving his half-eaten sandwich on the plate at the kitchen table to search the fridge for options. She had been picky lately, having very specific and often peculiar cravings. He never knew what he was getting into with her. He lays out a few things and she doesn't object so he continues on his way. Chicken salad on wheat with fresh romaine lettuce is presented to her on a plate and she smiles gratefully, sitting down at the table across from his place.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome" he says, placing a hand on her bump. He takes his seat and continues to eat, both of them silent. She knows she should say something. Lindsey is the love of her life and if she wants to move past this, she has to try. Lord knows he has made many mistakes, many worse than ones she has made but she deemed them forgivable, in time.


"Yes?" he answers, putting his second sandwich down. She smiles as she watches him chew his mouthful and swallow, guzzling down half the milk in his glass. He wipes his mouth and she reaches out to take his hand.

"I know that it seems like I don't trust you at all and that can't be further from the truth. I would trust you with my life, the life of our baby...I know that aside from all of our many problems, you are an amazingly caring, loving, supportive husband. You make me so happy, Lindsey, but on the flip side of that, you have caused me the most pain I have ever experienced." He lowers his head and she squeezes his hand. "Look at me...please." He does and she notices tears in his eyes. "This is hard for me to do, to be here, to be carrying your child when I am constantly reminded of what happened to us. We sleep in separate rooms and it feels like I'm living with a stranger. We were getting better months ago, I didn't want to go back, and that's exactly what we've done."

"I promised you I would change and I've been trying so hard to be the man you deserve."

"I know but I need a little more. I don't like to admit this but Deidre made me very nervous, maybe even a little jealous. A tiny bit." she emphasized. "I wish I could help you understand what I'm feeling..." She's  thoughtful a moment. "I guess part of it is that I don't feel desirable to you anymore. We haven't made love in so long and with my body changing...I will never look like Deidre. I can't compete with her."

"There is no competition. I love you, I love your body just the way it is and you are most definitely not undesirable. I want you so bad, Steph. Emotionally, physically...our connection is broken and I think that's the worst thing about all of this. There are things you can't even entertain because I've fucked with your sense of trust in me and in other women. If all that shit with Lydia had never happened, you would have at least given it a shot with Deidre. You used to be so welcoming and now you shut yourself away."

"With good reason."

"Yes" he says, sighing. "I'm willing to be on a short leash if that makes you feel better. You can come with me and make sure I'm not doing anything you don't approve of."

"That's big of you, but that just shows how completely oblivious you are as to what the problem really is. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with me. I have to re-learn a lot of the things I already mastered when it comes to us. I have to turn off all these false alarms and red flags that pop up every second of the day. I have to let myself be open with people now that my outlook has been changed. I'm not that same naive little girl anymore."

"What does that mean for us?"

"That means be patient with me."

"Okay." he says.

"I'm not really hungry anymore." Stevie says, pushing herself back from the table. "I think I'm going to go lie down."

"Can I join you?" Lindsey asks and she bites her lip. He anticipates a 'no' coming and he prepares himself for disappointment.

"Sure" she says after a long moment. He brightens, his blue eyes shining as she extends her hand to him.  "Come on." He gets up and catches her hand in his, following her up to her room to rest.

A/N: sorry this is so obscenely long! Sometimes when I get inspired, I get carried away.

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