Epilogue- A Wish Come True
Lindsey pulled up to the house he had purchased without Stevie. Her eyes lit up and tears fell down her cheeks. "Oh, Lindsey!" she said, overcome with emotion. She turned to him in the driver's seat.
He leaned forward and kissed her. "Do you love it?"
"Of course I do. It's our house...how did you?"
"The new owner had put it up for sale. It wasn't that they didn't love it, but the couple's grown children ended up moving out and they found the house to be too big for them. I was driving by and there was a for sale sign out front. I jumped on it. I know you were sad when we moved because we had decided years ago to raise a family here. This place doesn't have those bad memories anymore. We are better than ever and I thought it was only right that I give my wife her dream home. You deserve it."
"Thank you" she said softly.
"Let's go check it out!" Lindsey hopped out of the car and went to her side, helping her out. She glowed, she was so happy, and a hand was glued to her burgeoning baby bump. They walked up to the front door and unlocked it, stepping inside. It was just how they remembered it. It was as if they never left. Stevie let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, smiling through her tears. It still felt like home. Lindsey took her through the house, watching her touch the walls. "How are we doing, mama?"
"I feel great." she said. "Can we see my music room?"
"Of course, then I have a little surprise for you upstairs."
"A surprise?" she asked as she peeked into the room that used to hold her piano. It felt surreal that she was back inside these walls with Lindsey, their second child nestled safely in her belly.
"Come on" He took her hand and led her up the stairs. "I hope you like what I've done. It was hard to slip away but I wanted it to be perfect."
"Wanted what to be perfect?" Lindsey opened the door to one of their old guest rooms and she gasped. A beautiful pure white nursery was completely set up. There was a new gliding rocker, a crib with pristine bedding. The mobile was made up of soft clouds, moons and stars and the built in book shelves were stocked with toys, books and pictures. Stevie was in tears once again. "Thank you" she told him, kissing his lips ever so softly. He hugged her, kissing her once more.
"May I?" he asked, placing a hand on her stomach and she nodded. He sunk down to his knees and kissed her tiny bump through her clothes. "This is your room. If someone would have told us that your mommy and I would be expecting another baby and moving into our house again, even just a few months ago, I wouldn't have believed them. You are such a gift. When mommy told me about you, I was shocked but so happy. We are doing our best to take care of you and we can't wait to meet you. You're going to be so cute, I just know it and your sister is going to love you so much." Stevie ran her fingers through his curls. "Are you happy?"
"Very. I'm so insanely happy" Lindsey rose up to full height. "I love you so much"
"I love you too"
Months passed and they moved back into their old dream home. Arabella was moved into her original room and it was turned into the girly, pink, princess paradise of her dreams. Toys were everywhere as Stevie leaned in to watch her daughter play.
"Lunch time, baby girl!" she said and Arabella hopped up and joined her mother. Stevie held her daughter's hand, carefully walking down the stairs. Lindsey was in the kitchen, making sandwiches for all of them.
"Hello!" Lindsey said, seeing his daughter. She reached up for him and he picked her up. "And hello to you too!" He rubbed Stevie's belly.
"Thank you for this."
"For what?"
"Lunch. I'm starving!"
"I knew you would be but I did nothing special."
"Don't be so modest" Stevie said. "I appreciate the help, especially now."
"You have enough on your plate. Making an album, raising our daughter practically alone while I lock myself away in our studio."
"You come out a lot more than you used to."
"That's true but I shouldn't spend so much time in there."
"Who are you?" she teased.
"Eat up, mama. We need our little one to grow big and strong."
"I honestly don't think this baby can get any bigger. Your son is already measuring at least two weeks ahead and he's killing my back."
"Oh so he's mine now, not ours?" He cuts her sandwich in half diagonally and hands it to her.
"He's yours when he's not cooperating with the person who is housing him. I've got half a mind to evict him."
"Give him time. He still has a couple months."
"Don't remind me." she said with a smirk.
One evening, after spending all day in the pool as a family and an afternoon BBQ, Stevie went upstairs to get the bath ready for Arabella. She bathed her every night as part of her nightly routine. Their daughter always looked forward to playing with her water toys and getting to step into the mountains of bubbles her mother had created. While the water was warming up, Stevie changed out of her swim suit and into pajamas, piling her hair up on top of her head with a big clip. She would shower later, once Arabella had gone to bed. Lindsey came jogging up the stairs with their giggly daughter, handing her over to Stevie who took off her little swim suit and plopped her into the water. Stevie sat down on the floor, holding her back.
"You alright? I can take over." Lindsey said.
"I'm fine." Stevie said, forcing a smile. Her back was aching terribly, and she was so very tired.
"Let me know if you need me. Want me to stay with you?"
"No, no. I'm okay here." Lindsey kissed her hair and left the room. Stevie played with Arabella and her toys until she started to prune then lifted her out of the water. She dressed her in pajamas and took her to her room. The toddler climbed up into her bed and Stevie read her a story, until she looked up from her page, realizing she was fast asleep. Stevie stood, her back still hurting. "Ouch" she exclaimed, grabbing her lower back. She smoothed her belly, going back to the bathroom to drain the tub. She leaned over and pulled the plug, letting out the water. Stevie felt a large movement from the baby, with an intense pain following, that took her breath away. She continued to try to clean up the towels and put them in the hamper. Standing back up, she felt a gush. She looked down at the floor and her eyes grew to the size of saucers.
"Hey, Steph. Need help cleaning up after Arabella?" he asked. Stevie didn't answer so he grabbed a towel and began mopping up the floor. "I will never understand how she gets water from the tub all the way by the door."
"She didn't." Stevie said, her voice sounding strange to him.
"Then how did...?" Lindsey looked up at her. "Steph?"
"My water broke."
"Let me call the babysitter."
"No, we, we can't do that. It's too late."
"Andrea knew we might call her like this since our little boy is coming any day...or apparently now."
"Call Christine, please" Stevie begged.
"Okay. Stay calm, just breathe." he said and she nodded, clutching her belly. She inhaled deeply then exhaled, repeating the action to slow her breathing. She was beginning to get scared. Could she do this again? Could she really be a good mother to two children? Could she love her son just as much as her daughter? The questions were silly but she couldn't stop her mind from going there. She began to cry, the pain intensifying. Lindsey returned, telling her Christine would be coming in just a few minutes. "Anything I can do to help? Can I rub your back?" Stevie nodded. "Don't be nervous. You're doing so good." He led her into the bedroom and she leaned over their high bed and he rubbed her lower back the best he could as she swayed to manage her pain. "You sound close"
"Mm-hmm" Stevie said, moaning through a contraction.
"I remember when you went into labor with Arabella. There was a lot of emotion tied up in it and I'm happy we got through it but seeing you give birth to our daughter was incredibly beautiful. I know this isn't a picnic for you but I'm so happy that we have gotten the chance to do this the right way. No anger or sadness...just love."
"There was love then too but now there's happiness" she said, rubbing her belly. Christine walked through the door, having a key to their house and instantly going upstairs, not seeing anyone on the bottom floor.
"Hello, hello. Family affair! How are we?" Christine asked, hugging them both.
"I could be better" Stevie said and Christine laughed.
"Of course love, but you will have another beautiful baby in your arms in no time."
"We're going to head out but thank you so much for coming."
"Gladly. When my precious niece wakes up, I know we will have so much fun. I've brought her a present as well as one for the baby so give us a call when the little man is here and I will bring her up."
"Thanks, Chris." Lindsey and Stevie hug their friend one more time then leave for the hospital, ready to become a family of four.
Asher Buckingham was 8lbs, 1oz and 20 1/4 inches long. He had a head full of dark hair and chubby cheeks. Stevie felt a rush for him automatically, putting to rest her fears of not being able to love him as much as his sister.
"Beautiful job, Steph. He's gorgeous."
"Well, of course he is! He looks like his daddy." Stevie smiled up at him and Lindsey smiled back.
"See, cute kid" Lindsey flexes for comic effect and Stevie giggles.
"I'm so happy, Lindsey" Stevie told him, looking quite tired.
"Me too. I'm going to call Christine so we can see our other baby in a few hours. For now, get some sleep. You deserve the rest."
"And you'll be here when I wake up?"
"Of course. Where else would I be? You, our daughter and our new baby boy are my world."
"I love you"
"I love you too" He kissed her and left the room to make a phone call.
Stevie settled under the covers and in a moment she was fast asleep. Lindsey sat by her bedside, looking between her and their son. He felt so blessed and so in love, completely overcome with emotion.
As the hours passed, Arabella arrived with Christine and Stevie woke up to everyone cooing over the new baby. Their daughter was enthralled from the moment she met her baby brother and Stevie knew they would be best friends. She smiled, watching Lindsey proudly holding their son.
"Asher means happiness, which is exactly what he's brought to us." Lindsey said.
"What do you think?" Stevie asked Arabella. "Do you love him?" Unprompted, she leaned over and gave her baby brother a kiss. "So beautiful"
"I can't wait to watch them grow and play together" Lindsey said and Stevie nodded.
"Neither can I."
The excitement didn't die down for the couple. Just six months after having their son, they were signed once again as a duo and began work on an album, putting Stevie's solo project on the back burner. She honestly didn't mind as she loved to work with her husband. Yes, he could still be pushy and try to change her songs (sometimes without permission) but he was much more gentle now. Their kids were often in the studio with their parents, Arabella singing along to anything she could remember the words to.
Touring with their album was hectic with two kids in tow but having dealt with so much heartache and trauma, this was bliss. Staring out into the night from her balcony in some hotel room just outside Paris, Stevie felt a new sense of freedom she had never dreamed of before. Asher was asleep in his roll away crib and Arabella was in the big bed in the adjoining room of their suite. Lindsey popped the cork on a bottle of wine and filled a glass for her.
"Mrs Buckingham, are you coming to bed?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder.
"In a minute" she said.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Have you ever wondered how we ever got to be this lucky?"
"Sometimes but then I stop. I don't want to jinx it. I'm just happy you're here and our babies are here."
"Me too."
"You seem tired. Drink your wine then let's hit the hay."
"Alright" Lindsey slapped her backside and she yelped, giggling before turning to go inside, closing the large balcony doors. She sat next to her husband in bed, sipping her glass of red wine and stealing kisses from the love of her life. She looked toward the doors, noticing a flash of light in the distance. "A shooting star!" she exclaimed. "Close your eyes, make a wish"
The light disappeared a moment later and they both opened their eyes, smiling at each other. "What did you wish for?" he asked.
"I can't tell you or it wont come true. What about you?"
"No need."
"Why not?" Stevie asked.
"Because it already came true"
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