Missing Queen (Part 1)

Everyone was gathered in Techno Reef for another rave party.

Trollex was once again playing music with DJ Suki.

DJ Suki shouted, "Ok, y'all. This song goes out to everyone!"

Trollex said to Suki, "I'm really glad we decided to play together again for this party."

DJ replied, "Same."

They then played some more EDM.

Poppy was partying with Branch, who was staring at the sky for a while.

He said, "Poppy, those look like storm clouds. I think we'd better leave."

Poppy just said, "Relax, Branch. We're under the water. How could the storm hurt us?"

Branch answered, "It could create massive waves, whirlpools, and I don't even want to know what else."

Poppy said, "Branch, I think King Trollex would've had us go home if he knew that this was a serious situation. Now, let's just get back to partying."

Branch then said, "I guess you're right."

They continued partying.

Just then, Trollex took a peek at the sky.

He did not like the look of it.

He asked DJ to turn down the music a bit, which she did.

He then announced, "Sorry to cut the party short, but it looks like we're in for a storm. I think we should start heading home."

Everyone did as they were told and started packing up.

King Quincy said to his family, "I'm sure we'll have an even bigger celebration next time."

Prince D said, "Sure, I mean, that's all Trolls live for; Partying."

Barb said to Riff, "I don't get what the big deal is. We love partying in thunderstorms."

Riff said, "Well, maybe it's cool for us, but maybe it's dangerous here...or something?"

Delta said, "Well, hope we've remembered to stock up on emergency hurricane supplies."

Trollzart said, "Luckily for us, we live above the clouds. Storms can't hurt us up there."

Branch said to Poppy, "I knew the storm was bad news."

Poppy sarcastically said, "Yes, you were right. Trollex did say it could be dangerous, but how bad could it be."

Just then, the rain started coming in when they were just about to head home.

The rain was wild and the wind created massive waves that started knocking everyone down.

Trollex shouted, "Everyone, hang on to something!"

Everyone either grabbed part of the reef, seaweed, or each other.

But, it got worse; The swirling wind had created an underwater twister.

Branch tried to hang on to Poppy, but the twister was too strong.

It wasn't long until Poppy was launched far into the open ocean away from Techno Reef by the current.

Everyone watched with horror, "Poppy!"

Once the storm had cooled down, everyone got really frantic about what to do.

"She's gone!"

"Where could she be?"

"Is she still alive?!"

The leaders tried to get them to calm down.

Branch then shouted, "I have a plan!"

Everyone stopped panicking and turned to Branch.

He announced, "I'll go out into the open ocean and find Poppy."

But, Trollex said, "No! Poppy was blown away into the open ocean. In my domain. I'll go after her."

"But, Trollex-"

"The king of Techno Reef has spoken."

Branch agreed, and then Trollex said, "I'll find her. But, if you're really worried, then come looking for us if we're not back by sunrise."

Branch agreed and everyone wished Trollex luck as he started searching for Poppy.

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