Valentine's Day part 1


Aggie: You can do it solo

Queen Poppy and King Branch: But then you'd be all by yourself

King Trollex: So it'd be more fun to share this one with someone else!

King Quincy and Queen Essence: Together we will soar across the sky and beyond!

Delta Dawn: So turn up your voice!

Queen Barb: Stand up and sing along!

All Normal Trolls and Magic Musical Trolls: All different voices, our melody's ringin'
We're living in harmony! Yeah, we're livin' in harmony!
Our song is much stronger with every Troll singin'

We're livin' in harmony!


In Harmonious Land, it's Valentine's Day, and love is in the air. Love with family, love with friend, and most of all, love with romantic partners. Trolls bought flowers, treats, and writing Valentine cards.

At the condo, the Normal Trolls, Poppy, Branch, Smidge, Biggie, Val, Melody, Synth, Laguna, Rhythm, Blues, Lownote, McJagger, Delta, Holly, Gust, Buckaroo, Clampers, and Dante, were participating on this holiday as well as they decorated the place with red, pink, and white hearts, and flowers. Some also baked goodies with heart shapes, and most of them are red pink.

Aggie: Ring those chimes
It's Valentine's
Let's spread the love with these pals of mine
What a day I'm living on cloud nine

Come on, guys, let love shines
Let's get this condo looking mighty fine
'Cause today is Valentine's

"Okay, let me get this right," Poppy wanted to guess for herself, "Valentine is a holiday with lots of love with family, friends and romantic partners?"

"Yep," Aggie nodded.

"Wow, it's like Pal-entine's Day!" The Queen of Pop exclaimed.

"What is Pal-entine's Day?" The Master of All Music asked.

"It's also a holiday, a Pop Troll holiday, celebrating the wonder of friendship. Then, we fired a confetti of blue and white hearts, Half of the tribe will get blue hearts, which Trolls will be 'Askers'."

"The Asker asks their Askee, with white hearts, to be their Pal-entine, with an elaborate Pal-posal," Branch added.

Aggie then explained, "Well, we don't have Pal-entine's Day here, just Valentine's Day. The day of love and hearts. There's also the asking part, but when they ask you to be their Valentine, it means they ask you on a romantic date. And if you don't have a romantic partner, you can ask one of your friends and family to be your Valentine. Just one. It's like a date, but a friendly date."

"Aggie, this is exquisite. Knowing Valentine's Day is a great way to learn more about Harmonious Land," Dante chuckled with excitement.

Then, Delta came out of the dining room with a tray of heart-shaped Valentine's Day cookies, "Who wants Valentine's Day cookies?"

Suddenly, a few Normal Trolls quickly grabbed one cookie each, and Delta noticed the tray has one cookie left. She then asked between Gust and Holly, who finished decorating the walls with hearts.

"Would eithuurr ov y'all care faw the last Valentine's Day cookie?"

"Oh, yeah," Holly answered.

"Oh, yes, please," Gust said.

When the two country Trolls were about to grab the last cookie, their hands touched against each other. When they realized this, they quickly yanked their hands away from each other.

"Whoops, sawry," Holly told Gust.

"Oh! ay didn't..." Gust blushed as he told Holly, "Y'all ken have thay ...uhh last cookie, Holly Darlin'."

"That's okay, y'all done got ta it ferst. Ya should have it," Holly said.

"Naw, naw, naw, naw, ya ken have it."

"Oh, naw. Ay insist. Y'all have it."

"Naw, it's all yours."

Then, Gust spoke to himself in his mind, "Definitely nahwt because you're mighty cool, ayn' this here is ayy desperate attempt ta win y'all's heart. Who done said that there? Stop a-talkin' ta you! You're messing ever'thing up!"

Holly then took the cookie, and split it into half, "Here. We ken split it," She gave the other half to Gust as she ate hers, "Whel, ay bettuurr get ta my roawum. I'm gunna bake something darn good faw this here Valentine's Day," she galloped towards the elevator, and pushed the button to go up.

"I wonder what she's baking?" Melody wondered.

"Probably a surprise. For now, I'm almost finished with my valentine's guard for Trollex. He's gonna be so happy," Aggie said excitingly while pulling out scissors and red and pink papers.

Just then, behind Poppy, Branch felt a little nervous with his heart beating, but it's now or never to ask Poppy. He poked her shoulder as Poppy turned around, and Branch knelt down while holding a pink heart, "Hey, Poppy, can I ask... will you be my Valentine's today?"

Poppy was so touched as her eyes sparkled, "Aww, sure, Branch, I will be your Valentine!" she helped Branch stand up, and kissed him on the cheek before hugging him.

Then, Rhythm got Blues' attention, and asked while holding a white heart, "Sis, will you be my Valentine?"

"Oh, dear sis..., I was going to ask you the same thing!" Blues squeaked while holding a pink heart.

The sisters smiled as they hugged each other.

Laguna then nervously asked her boyfriend while holding a heart-shaped cookie, "Will you be my Valentina, McJagger?"

"Of course I will," McJagger broke the heart-shaped cookie into half while hugging his girlfriend.

"Will you be my Valentine, Val?" Melody asked with a grin.

"Okay," Val shrugged, but seriously accepted Melody's proposal to be her Valentine.

Aggie asked Gust, " Who are ya gonna ask ta be y'all's Valentine, Gust?"

Gust then said, "Oh, uh, nobody."

Aggie screamed in disbelief, " What?! Ya don't have ayy Valentine?!"

"Nope. Ay definitely don't have anyone speciaal that there ay mighty, mighty wan-ta ask. Okay, bye!" Gust was about to gallop away...

But Smidge noticed a pink card on the Country Troll's pocket, "Then why do you have this card in your pocket?"

"Hey, don't touch that there. It's private!" Gust shouted.

But the card was dropped on the floor, and suddenly came to life with eyes and mouth, and said, "Hey, it's me, a card! I have a very special message for a very special lady."

Card: You're cool, you're funny, you're awesome and smart
Your super rad antics have won my heart
We can go to the park or maybe the zoo
I'm cool going wherever if I'm hanging with you

You're the one that made my heart beating
Will you be my valentine...

Before the card opened to reveal who Gust wanted to ask to be his valentine, he gasped, and quickly stomped the card down. "Whel, that there were weerd. See y'all, latuurr."

When Gust thought the card was "dead", the card opened, revealing a letter with a doodle sketch of Holly inside.

Card: Holly Darlin'

This made the other Normal Trolls' jaws drop.

"Ya want Holly Darlin' ta be y'all's Valentine?!" Aggie squealed as she screamed with rainbows coming out of her mouth.

" Ay done knew the whowwl tahm," Buckaroo smirked.

"Me too," Delta added.

Gust sat down in shame as he covered his face with his hat, " Ay'm so embarrassed!"

"I'm sure Holly Darlin' would love ta be y'all's Valentine. Come, let's go ask huurr raheet now," Aggie grabbed Gust's arm, wanting to drag him to Holly.

"Naw! I'm too scared!" Gust yanked his arm away, "Every tahm ay try ta ask her, ay get all nervous. It just nevuurr seems like thay ...err perfec mowment."

Aggie then thought of something, "Hmm. Then we'll just have ta make thay ...uhh perfec mowment ourselves."

"What are y'all a-talkin' about, Mastuurr Aggie?" the Fun Sheriff asked.

"We ken sed it up just faw ya. Thay ...uhh mowment will be so perfect, there's naw way you'll get sceered. You'll melt huurr heart!"

"Really? We ken do that there?"

"Ov course! Ay have ayy thousand darn good ideas faw perfec mowments. That's why they call me the Matchmakuurr! (Matchmaker)."

"Who calls ya that there?" Buckaroo asked.

But Aggie ignored that question as she wore a pink heart costume, "This here is gunna be so much fun! All aboard faw Valentine's," She lifted Gust, and put him on her back, "Chug-a chug-a choo choo!"


In Poppy and Branch's room, Aggie led Gust there with Buckaroo.

"Okay, if y'all want Holly ta be y'all's Valentine, you've done got ta faheet faw it. Literally!" She showed Gust a dangerous obstacle course across the room with arrows, spikes, flame throwers, blades, and fake dangerous critters made out of cardboard. Branch made the traps, and Poppy made the fake creatures, "She'll be so impressed by y'all's jumps, ayn' punches, ayn' kiks, ayn' hat a-throwin', it'll be the perfec mowment!"

"Uh, if ya think so," Gust said.

"The Matchmakuurr knows so!" Aggie winked, "Now go! Faheet y'all's way ta Holly!"

"Okay, Valentine. Here ay come!" Gust galloped across the obstacle course, dodging every trap that almost killed him, "I'm on my way, Holly!" He then punched and kicked carboards, breaking them into pieces.

"Great! We done got y'all's heart pumping!" Buckaroo exclaimed proudly.

"Ayn' look, it's Holly out faw an evening stroll," Aggie said as a cardboard of Holly stood up.

Seeing Holly cardboard made Gust blush.

Aggie whispered, snapping him out of his daydream, "This here is the perfec mowment. Ask huurr ta be y'all's Valenitne."

"Oh, uh, yeah," Gust nervously walked towards the cardboard Holly, pretending that he's talking to the real Holly, "H-howdy, Holly. S-so, h-h-how are you—"

"Naw tahm faw awful small talk! You're suddenly interrupted by evil spies who are here ta break huurr heart!" the detective pointed.

Lownote and McJagger appeared, pretending to heartbreaking spies

"Yeah, we're here to ruin the mood!" McJagger cackled.

"Heartbreak, heartbreak," Lownote said.

"Naw one breaks Holly's heart on my watch!" Gust growled as he blocked between the cardboard Holly, and Lownote and McJagger, and ready to punch them.

"Aah! Spy escape!" McJagger quickly ran away.

Lownote didn't know what to do as he was too cool to run away from a fake moment as he threw a ball of glitter smoke bomb on the floor, and walked away.

"Kind try loneliness spies!" Gust then tackled Lownote down, "Y'all's heartbreaking days are ovuurr!"

"Oh, Gust. I'll help!" Buckaroo mimicked Holly's voice while carrying Holly's cardboard, and galloped towards McJagger, kicking him like Holly kicked him.

"Ah! I've been hit!" McJagger fake-cried.

"The spies are defeated. Now's y'all's time, Gust. Ask Holly ta be y'all's Valentine, "the Matchmaker said.

Gust then quickly talked to the Holly cardboard, "Oh, uh, say, Holly Darlin', ay think you're cool and—"

"Gotcha!" McJagger trapped Gust with a net, "Haha, too slow!"

Gust sighed in defeat.

"Hmm, maybe combat's nahwt thay ...uhh perfec mowment," Aggie realized this.

Lownote and McJagger beat Gust with baseball bats, "Heartbreak, heartbreak, heartbreak, heartbreak."


Later, in Aggie's room, Aggie took out some flashcards with drawings on them as she explained her plan to Gust.

"Okay, so Holly is as happy-go-luky as Poppy, right? What do awful happy trolls like? Colaws. What something with colaws? Paintings. Thus, we're gunna make ya into ayy painting, ayn' give it ta Holly. Boom! Perfec mowment."

Gust was now sitting on a red couch with a rose on his lips, "Are ya sure about this here? It doesn't mighty seem like Holly's thing"

"Ov course, it is. Who wouldn't wan-ta be valentines with someone so artsy ayn' cultured? It's classy. It's refined. It's just..." Aggie made a flying kiss, "Mwah!" She then explained more with Biggie wearing a beret, holding a paintbrush, and standing in front of a canvas, "Biggie will paint thay ...err painting faw ya!"

"I do like painting." Biggie admitted.

"It just seems like ayy little much," The Fun Sheriff said.

"Nothing's too much faw holly Darlin'!" Aggie shouted "Now, give me powuurr!"

Gust was now doing a pose as Biggie started to paint.

"Sensitivity!" Aggie shouted as Gust did another pose.


"Uh, ay don't know what that there means."

"Hmm, this here mowment's still nahwt perfec enough," Aggie thought so as she yelled above "Lowuurr thay ...err cupid!"

Delta then lowered Dante, who was dressed as a cupid while holding a bow and arrow, and a bunch of grapes, with a rope, just above Gust, "Cupid incoming."

"Ay don't know if that's mighty necessary," Gust still doubted about this plan

"Hark, I am cupid, and love is in the air," Dante said as he was acting.

"Dante, it's ayy painting, nahwt ayy play," Aggie scolded.

"Yeah, don't ruin this here faw me," Gust told him.

"Apologies," Dante scoffed, feeling offended.

While her aunt lowered Dante, Clampers popped out of her hair, and noticed the grapes Dante held, "Oh, those grapes looks tasty. Snack break!"

Clampers wanted to reach for Dante as Delta accidentally pulled Dante up. The rope lassoed Clampers' leg, sending her upward when the rope slipped from Delta's hands. When Dante crashed on Gust's couch, Clampers crashed as well, causing the couch to snap into two, and the three Trolls flew in the air before crashing down. Gust, Clampers, and Dante groaned in pain

"Yeah, grapes!" Clampers noticed the grapes, and ate them

"Well, at least the painting turned out great," Biggie said.

"Let me see that!" Aggie looked at the painting Biggie painted.

The painting showed Gust holding a bunch of grapes, sitting on a couch, with words that said, "Holly Darlin! I think you're Grape!" There were also red hearts in the canvas, and another phrase said, "Strong Troll" with an arrow pointing Gust. Lastly, there was a sign at the bottom that said, "U + Me = Valentimes?"

Seeing the painting isn't good enough, Aggie made a deadpan face, and threw the canvas away, "But this here still isn't the perfec mowment. We'll have ta bust out the awful big guns. Something dramatic, something awful huge. The pinnacle av Valentine's askitude!"


Later in the afternoon, The Trolls were now in a blimp, floating above Magikina City as Branch drove the blimp.

"Ayy blimp!" Aggie said, "So, get this here," she took out a flashcard of a blimp, "We swerve in on this here blimp," she showed another flashcard of the blimp with fireworks and lasers, "We've done got lasers, we've done got ferewawks," Then, a flashcard with Holly seeing the blimp, "Holly sees it, ayn' she's like, 'Oh, who's that there cool guy in thay ...err sky?'" A flashcard showed the blimp landed next to Holly, "Thay ...uhh blimp lands," Another flashcard showed Gust jumping out of the blimp, surprising Holly, "Ya jump out, ayn' you're all like," Next flashcard showed Gust with a dialog bubble that said, "me=cool u=cool2", "'Holly Darlin', i'm cool ayn' you're cool. Let's be Valentines. ' ayn' she's like ...," Next flashcard showed another drawing of Gust and Holly with Holly's dialog bubble said, "YAS", "'hek, yeah!'" The last flashcard showed the blimp with Gust and Holly flying above the bright cities of Harmonious Land "Then y'all blimp off above thay ...err braheet lights ov thay ...err cities," Aggie then told Gust, who was now wearing a tuxedo that Satin and Chenille made, "There's naw mowment mawe perfec than that there."

"Ms. Matchmaker, ay appreciate all the help a-tryin' ta make the perfec mowment, but this here all just seems ayy little ovuurr the top," Gust told Aggie.

"Ready to release the doves, and cue the ribbon dancers, Aggie," Rhythm declared.

"It's nahwt ovuurr the top, Gust. It's Valentine's Day, ayn' it's foolproof. We're gonna make ayy mowment so perfect, you'll be able ta ask huurr faw su," Aggie said

"Plus, I've whipped up a playlist of tight Valentine's songs for you guys. Check it," Synth, who was wearing shutter shades, pressed the button to play the song, but accidentally launched the fireworks, "Oops. That was the fireworks. Here we go," he pushed another button, playing a very loud EDM love song.

"Oh, Synth, that song's great!" Aggie commented.

"What?" Synth couldn't hear her.

"Launch doves? Okay," Blues pushed the button, releasing the doves from the back of the blimp, making them fly all over.

"Aah! I can't see!" Branch yelled.

"Now, this party is getting started! Fire the confetti cannons!" Synth pushed the button, where the ribbon dancer Trolls were launched from the blimp as they were all screaming and falling, "Oops! That was the ribbon dancers. I should've labeled these buttons later. Fire the confetti cannons round two!"

When Synth pushed the right button, loaves of bread were launched instead.

"Are those loaves of bread?" Laguna asked.

"Yeah, we were all out of confetti," Synth said.

Suddenly, the doves sat on the blimp, and pecked the bread while creating holes on the blimp, starting a fire.

"Whoa! Synth, this playlist is on fire!" Melody exclaimed.

"No, the blimp is. We're dropping!" Smidge screamed.

"So is this bad beat!" Synth said while playing more Techno songs.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" The Trolls screamed in distress as the blimp crashed into the condo.

The Trolls fell from the blimp, and landed in Holly's room.

"Yeah, nailed that landing!" Val was the one landing on her own feet while the other Trolls fell down, groaning in pain.

"Hello? what were that there noise?" Holly's voice was heard from her bedroom.

Gust heard her as he began to panic, "Oh, naw, Aggie, what do ay do? ay can't ask Holly now. This here is ayy total disastuurr."

"Is it ayy disaster, aw is it..." Aggie smiled excitedly as she pulled Gust's head beside hers to make him look at what she was looking at, "Ayy perfec mowment?"

They saw Holly walking out her room, staring around with tiny fireworks still exploding and doves still flying away. His eyes glimmered wondrously.

"The perfec mowment," Gust blushed and his eyes sparkled.

"Ay done told y'all i'd help y'all out. Now be brave, ayn' go ask, ayn' go ask huurr ta be y'all's Valentine," Aggie told him with excitement.

"Okay, ay ken do this here." Gust said to himself as he got up, and approached Holly.

"Gust, what done happened here?" Holly asked, then noticed his outfit, "Oh hey! what are y'all done dressed up faw?"

"Uh, Holly, ay know you're busy with y'all's baking, but ay just done wanted ta say that there you're my best friend ayn' partner, ayn' getting ta spend tahm with y'all makes me so awful happy. Ayn' ay just think the wawld av y'all! Ayn' ay like y'all's hauurr," Gust blushed while rubbing his arm, "Ay done thought ay would nevuurr faand someone because ay were too focused ov a-bein' ayy Fun Sheriff, but the signs are raheet in front ov me all alawng," he knelt down, and took out the Valentine card he stomped earlier, "Holly Darlin', would y'all be my valentahn?"

"Hi there," the card smiled.

Holly was so flattered as she didn't know what to say. She was speechless, "Aw, Gust, I..."

The other Trolls waited for an answer, and Gust sweated in fear as he thought Holly might reject him.

"I've been a-meanin' ta ask ya this here all day!" Holly squealed in relief.

Gust was confused as so was the other Trolls

"Gust tumbleweed, I've nevuurr been honest with y'all lately, because ay were too nervous ta tell y'all, ayn' I'm afeared y'all done might nahwt feel the same," Holly looked down while petting her own hair, "Ay done had ayy crush on ya since we're in Lonesome Flats, ayn' ay done thought ya was bettuurr off a-bein' single. I'm too embarrassed ta tell y'all my feelings. But now ay were surprised that... ya felt thay ...err same way, so i'd love ta be y'all's Valentine!" She blushed.

"Really?" Gust gasped happily.

"Really!" Holly nodded.

Their friends gasped, exclaimed, squeaked and cried happily for this moment.

Holly and Gust hugged each other for a minute, before breaking apart with red blush on their faces.

"So, should we go out on ayy date?" Gust held an arm to his new girlfriend.

"I'd love ta," Holly accepted the offer as she held her new boyfriend's arm, and walked out of the room.

"Aww, they are so cute together," Rhythm said.

"Yeah, so romantic," Blues added.

"Ha! The matchmaker strikes again!" Aggie cheered for herself, then gasped in horror, "I better finished my Valentine card for Trollex!" She ran off quickly, until she walked back, blushing in embarrassment, "After we fix this whole mess."

She referred to Holly's room with a crash blimp burning, and the walls and windows broke down. The other Trolls nodded in agreement.


Finally, I finished the chapter.

I know this is late for a Valentine chapter, but I've been planning this since before the actual season 2 came out. This is actually the first part of Valentine chapter, so there will be another one soon. This chapter is about Holly and Gust. I kinda ship them, and I think they're a perfect match. Since there was a Pal-entine's Day episode, Valentine's Day is different from Palentine's Day, and was owned by the Magic Musical Trolls (In Trolls Universe).

It is revealed Aggie is the Matchmaker, despite that she has 2 ex-partners. She spoke in Country Accent with country Trolls and Magic Country Trolls only.

This chapter is based on Unikitty: The Perfect Moment.

I don't own anything, except my OC. I don't own the song. Melody Song, McJagger, and Buckaroo Ringer belong to MAsterClass60

I hope you like this chapter very much. Please review

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