Aggie: You can gaze into the future (future, future)
You might think life would be a breeze
Delta Dawn, Holly, Gust & Buckaroo: (life is tough)
Aggie: Seeing trouble from a distance (Yeah!)
Poppy & Melody: (Go Aggie)
Aggie: But then it's not that easy (oh no)
Trollex, Synth, Laguna & Stereo: (Take you to the future)
Aggie: I try to save the situation
Then I end up misbehaving (ohohohoh)
Cooper, Prince D & Tiny Diamond: (rap) Hey now what ya say now
Bout to put down
Yeah come on and ride with Aggie now
And if the future looks great now
Then everything's gonna change now
Barb, Val, Riff & Demo: (Let's rock!)
Branch, McJagger, Rhythm & Blues: (Alright here we go!)
Trolls: That's so Aggie
Aggie: it's the future I can see
Trolls: That's so Aggie
Aggie: it's so mysterious to me
Trolls: That's so Aggie
Aggie: it's the future I can see
Trolls: That's so Aggie
Aggie: it's so mysterious to me. Yeah!
One morning, at the beach, the Trolls were playing volleyball with Lownote, Holly, and Val at one side, while Synth, Dante, and Aggie were at the other. Both teams scored a tie, and a few seconds of Branch's stopwatch will determine who is the winner.
When Val tossed the ball, Aggie waved his hands to catch it, "I got it! I got it!"
But then, she felt she had a vision as she stared blankly.
Holly winced painfully while looking at her finger, "Ow! ay done broke ayy nail!"
When her vision ended, a ball hit her on the forehead, knocking her down. The other Trolls cringed when they saw Aggie was hurt. The timer made it to zero, declaring Lownote, Holly, and Val the winners.
Synth and Dante helped Aggie get up from the ground while the three other ambassadors came to their side.
"Aggie, what happened? You said you had it," Synth asked.
"Yeah, I did. But then, I had a vision," Aggie explained.
"Well, I hope it was an important one, Aggie," Lownote said with a calm voice.
"Well, what was it?" Val crossed her arms.
"Holly is going to break a nail," Aggie confessed, which caused the ambassadors to look disappointed, "It was the pinky!" But Aggie got a crossed-arm response from Holly, "Hey, ay didn't ask faw these visions."
"It's cool, come on. Let's go get something ta eat," Holly suggested.
"Yeah, we could celebrate!" Dante exclaimed, making the others turn to him, "The fact that we all have our health."
"No, it's cool. I'm just gonna head back to the resort. But we're still on for the Harvest Moon FestiVal tomorrow, right?" Aggie said.
"Mmm-hmm," Holly nodded.
"See ya, Aggie," Synth added.
"Peace," Lownote held his two fingers.
When the ambassadors left, and all of their friends went back to their rooms at the resort, Aggie was then encountered by a Magic Pop Troll whose yellow hair tied into two pigtail buns and have yellow eyes
"I know what happened to you out there," she said.
"Yeah, I missed the ball," Aggie nodded.
"But I know why," the Magic Pop Troll took out a card from her pocket, and gave it to Aggie.
Aggie took it, and read it aloud, "'Quisenberry's Center for Psy..." She stopped right there, and looked up to the Magic Pop Trolls, "For Psychic Research'?"
"Yeah. My name's Darna. Drop by sometimes," the Magic Pop Troll said before walking off.
Aggie was shocked a bit. There were other Magic Musical Trolls who were psychic like her? She knew both of her grandfathers are like her, but she didn't expect other Magic Musical Trolls.
Later, when Aggie went to a building that said in the card, she found the door with Quisenberry's name on it, and was about to ring the doorbell. But a Magic Techno Troll then opened the door.
"Hi, I'm looking for the...." Aggie was about to speak but she was then cut off.
"This is it," the Magic Techno Troll already answered her question.
"Okay, well, the reason I'm here is..."
"I know, I know, volleyball game, had a vision, screwed up, everyone's mad at you, blah-blah-blah."
"Did you just read my mind?" Aggie asked.
"Oh, well, I..." Before the Magic Techno Troll could finish, Darna then came behind him to interrupt.
"Neon, don't freak her out!" She snapped before turning to Aggie, "I told him the whole story."
"Gotcha," Neon chuckled, but Aggie just rolled her eyes, she didn't like to get pranked if unnecessary.
"Neon's a telepath, and a pain in the butt," Darna said.
"That's why I love it here. In school, I'm just a pain in the butt," Neon confessed.
"You'll learn to ignore him. Come on, I'll show you around, Darna offered her hand to Aggie as she dragged her in, and Neon closed the door behind them.
Inside the room, the first thing you could see were a lot of different machines at play. Some were aiding the Magic Musical Trolls in the development of their psychic powers, others were mainly the battery source for those machines and were connected by a lot of wires. Scientists were busy typing away on the computers and studying the fellow MMTs through a series of different trials and experiments to collect data for the research they were doing. In between two battery generators were the office where the main head scientist was, doing the paperwork about his research on the different psychic abilities each MMT had.
Aggie squealed in amazement, "Ooh, y'all's electric bill must be ridiculous! So, What do you all do in here?"
"Well, we develop our psychic skills," Darna explained as she pointed at the Magic Funk Troll, "Like Carlita here. She's a materialization."
Carlita waved her hands in circles in front of her as she made a red ball out of nothing.
"Wow!" Aggie gasped. No Magic Musical has ever done that basically or with a magic object.
"Robin can summon ghosts," Darna pointed to a female Magic Rock Troll, who was talking to someone invisible.
Aggie freaked out a bit.
"She was talking to her great-grandfather," Darna said before moving on to another psychic Troll, "And that guy there can combustionbending, exploding things with his mind, but he can make small explosives if he has to," Darna then pointed to another Magic Rock Troll, which was a male, staring at a marshmallow on a stick, "Hey, Bello!"
Bello held his hand as he was trying to concentrate.
"So, what is he doing? Some kind of experiment?" Aggie asked.
"Uh, no, actually, he's roasting a marshmallow," Darna said as Bellow shot out some kind of energy beam from his forehead, and exploded a marshmallow.
"Did you see that marshmallow?! And then it...and then it poofed?! Am I the only one who thinks that's amazing?!" Aggie squealed surprisingly as she was looking around to see who agreed with her, but there was none, "Well, I guess I am, okay?"
"I guess we're just used to it," the Magic Pop Troll giggled.
"So, what's your thing?"
"Well, I'm a telepath, so I can also read people's thoughts. And I'm telekinetic."
"But, all Magic Musical Trolls have telekinesis," Aggie corrected.
"Yeah, but..." Darna then demonstrated moving a ball without touching and without an aura before booting it down on the table.
Aggie gasped in amazement, "Where's your aura?"
"That's the point, my telekinesis doesn't have an aura," Darna explained, "You're gonna fit right in."
"I don't really know. I mean, everybody seems so in tune with their psychic abilities. I wish I was," Aggie said.
"Then, you've come to the right place," A Magic Classical Troll walked in with his medical coat, "I'm Dr. Quisenberry. Welcome to my center."
"Dr. Quisenberry, this is Aggie Galido, the girl I told you about," Darna said.
"Oh, Aggie. You had the vision. Screwed up the volleyball game," Quisenberry laughed.
Aggie then glared at Darna, "Darna, did you have to tell everybody?"
"Darna didn't tell me," Quisenberry said.
"Oh, did you read my mind?"
"No, Neon told me," When Quisenberry turned to Neon, the Magic Techno Troll just nodded, and the doctor gave him a thumb-up.
"Good old Neon," Aggie rolled her eyes, and Darna nodded.
"Aggie, I believe we can help you. First, we measure your psychic abilities on the Quisenberry Cerebral Oscillator," Quisenberry led Aggie to a chair where a Magic Country Troll had a helmet attached to electric wires, and lightbulbs all over it. When Quisenberry tapped on the controls, the helmet then sparked, almost electrifying the Troll, "Oh, dear me."
"Oh, the Cerebral Oscillator. Wait a second, is that gonna jack up my hair?" Aggie asked while touching her hair.
"Oh, yes!" the doctor responded, which made Aggie a little scared.
"But I already let a few of my friends measure my psychic abilities," she said.
"Oh, but Dr. Quisenberry is an expert, you have to trust him," Darna advised.
Aggie looked at Darna, and she thought she already found answers from Rhythm, Blues, and Laguna, but it won't hurt to try again. Though, she already know she got her visions form both her grandparents, but neither of them knew more about it. They just go with the flow with their psychic abilities. Maybe the center might help her.
Later, while Aggie was on the Cerebral Oscillator, Darna was holding cards with shapes on them to make Aggie guess what she was holding.
"Uh, circle," the colorful Magic Musical Troll guessed.
"No, wrong again," Darna turned the card to show Aggie that it was a star.
"Looks like they're letting anyone in these days," Neon chuckled with Bello.
"Neon, do we have to give you another timeout?" Quisenberry warned.
"Just relax, Aggie," Darna told her calmly,
"You know, I'm not much of a card reader. I'm more of a future see-er," Aggie said.
"Oh, clairvoyant," Quisenberry understood that.
"But, I can't turn my visions on and off."
"Well, we know you can't turn them on," Neon teased.
Aggie glared at Neon as she played the psychic role, "I think I'm seeing a long life of loneliness for you, Neon," which made Neon roll his eyes.
"I'll tell you what, Aggie: let's do this another day," Quisenberry suggested.
But then, Aggie looked blankly as the lights around the room were blinking.
"Dr. Quisenberry! It's oscillating!" Carlita exclaimed.
"That's what oscillators do, Carlita," Quisenberry said before turning to Aggie, "You just had another vision, didn't you?"
"Yes, and I suggest you all have to duck," Aggie suggested as everybody followed her.
When they all got down to duck, one of the knobs of a machine popped out, and bounced all over the room before breaking through the window, leaving just a small hole.
Seeing what Aggie's psychic abilities can do, the other Magic Musical Trolls applauded as they were impressed by this.
"Good show, Aggie! You just registered a 4.7 on the Quisenberry Psychic Scale, and a perfect ten on the Quisenberry thank-you scale!" Dr. Quisenberry offered a handshake to Aggie as she accepted.
"Thank you, but you should see me when I'm all warmed up," Aggie smirked at Neon as a warning.
"I have to admit I had my doubts, but you're definitely one of us," Neon admitted.
"Welcome aboard!" Darna said before she and Aggie were handshaking together.
"Thank you. Oh, my goodness. This is so weird. Normally, I have to hide my visions, but it's great to just be myself," Aggie chuckled.
"Well, you're welcome to be yourself here anytime. We'll meet again after lunch," Quisenberry smiled.
"And afterwards, we all go out for pizza," Neon suggested.
"Um, oh man, I kind of had something planned," Aggie frowned, remembering she wanted to hang out with her Normal Troll friends, but then, she changed her mind, " know what? Nevermind"
"Excellent," the doctor grinned before smelling something, "Ooh, I smell popcorn."
It was revealed that Bello used his mind to make popcorn in the bag.
Back at the resort, Aggie was alone in the dining hall until the ambassadors walked by when they found her.
"Howdy, Aggie," Holly greeted.
"What's up?" Synth asked.
"Guys, did you see what they just put on FunTube? Look!" Aggie showed her friends a video from FunTube where Aggie was staring blankly while a ball hit her head. The clip was edited into a loop. The ambassador burst into laughter, "It is so not that funny!"
"Shameful," Dante cleared his throat.
"I'm completely not laughing," Val added while coughing her laughter out.
"So, uh, Aggie, where were you earlier?" Synth asked,
"I called to see how you were doing but I have to leave you a voice message," Lownote informed.
"Ayn' we wan-ta invite ya if ya wanna hang out with us," Holly added.
"Well, actually, I was out, and I really want to talk to you guys about it," Aggie stood up from her seat, "You know how my visions can sometimes be a problem?"
"Sometimes? Come here, and let me direct you to the screen," Dante pointed to her laptop again where she had to watch herself getting hit by a ball in a loop.
"Yeah, funny," Aggie nodded.
"Man, when you get that vision look on your face, that..." Synth demonstrated her vision look, which caused the other ambassadors to laugh, and Aggie was secretly offended.
"Yeah, it's almost like something really earth-shattering like a broken nail!" Val snickered.
"Oh gosh! by the way, Aggie, me ayn' pinky *clicked tongue* still a-waitin'," Holly wiggled her pinky.
"You done?" Aggie deadpanned.
"Yeah. So, uh, what did you want to tell us?" Synth asked.
"Just that I'm not gonna be able to hang out with you guys today," the Master of All Music said,
"Oh no, come on, Aggie baby. It'll be so much fun! We'll eat really greasy food, you know. You love those food!" Lownote wrapped an arm around her.
"Well, I really just can't make it with you guys tonight. You know, the leaders were still having new magic problems, and you know I'd like to be there for them," she lied to make an excuse to hang out with her new friends.
The ambassadors frowned a bit that their friend didn't want to hang out today for being too busy.
"Well, okay, Aggie, if you're sure," the Country ambassador said as she and the other ambassadors walked off.
Aggie looked back at the video, and she's still feeling humiliated, "Yeah, I'm sure."
Three hours have passed, Aggie hang out with her new psychic friends in a pizza restaurant.
"Oh great. Table full of kids. What a joy," a Magic Rock Troll waitress rolled her eyes.
"Aggie, check this out," Darna said.
"Okay, make it snappy. What will it be?" the waitress pulled out her pen from behind her ear.
"Uh, we'll have a small sausage and a large vegetarian please," When the waitress wrote it down, and put her pen back behind her ear, Neon then said, "Uh, you know on second thought, I think I want to change that."
The waitress rolled her eyes and was about to grab her pen, but Darna used her invisible telekinesis to lift the pen from the waitress' ear. The waitress tried to find her pen from her ear, but she didn't feel it. The other psych Magic Musical Trolls laughed quietly while Aggie thought it wasn't so funny. Darna then put the pen back on the waitress' hair.
"Did anyone see my..." the waitress asked until the Trolls pointed her pen on her hair. She then get a hold on her pen, "My lucky pen. I wouldn't want to lose that."
When the Magic Rock Troll turned around, Darna then lifted her hair that was actually a wig. The psychic Trolls laughed, but Aggie felt awful about it.
"Uh... you all know that was wrong," she said.
"It's so easy to goof on the regulars," Neon said.
"Regulars?" Aggie inquired.
"Well, that's what we call non-psychics behind their backs, and it's easy to name them behind regular Magic Musical Trolls," Robin explained.
"For Normal Trolls, we called them 'normy'," Darna added.
"Speaking of Normal Trolls, I heard that you have Normal Troll friends," Carlita recalled.
"Yeah, especially the leaders!" Neon sighed dreamingly, "Wow, they are so wise, and amazing, and fantastic leaders."
"And I heard one of them is my boyfriend!" Darna smirked at Aggie.
"You are so lucky to have a boyfriend who is a King of the Normal Techno Trolls," an unnamed psychic Magic Hawaiian Troll said.
"But I hope he didn't make you feel weird," Robin added with concern.
Aggie blushed, "Trollex? No, not at all! He loves me! All of my Normal Trolls love me. But few of them get my unusual ability."
"See, that's why it's more fun to hang out with your own kind," Darna stated.
"Oh, now, don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with my friends. It's just that, sometimes, they really don't understand what I'm going through, mostly... five of them," Aggie frowned.
"The regular and normy problem; we've all been through it," Neon said.
Just then, Aggie felt a little chilly, "Ooh, I think I'm feeling something?"
"Is it a vision?" Darna asked.
"No, more like a vibe."
"Just go with it."
Aggie nodded before closing her eyes, "Um, okay, I see five Trolls, but I can't really make them out," Unbeknownst to her, Val, Holly, Lownote, Synth, and Dante were angrily standing behind her, "Uh, they're very angry. Who are they?"
"Hey, Aggie. How's the magic problem?" Val asked.
Aggie's eyes widened when she heard Val's voice, which means the rest of the ambassadors were with her too, and that was what Aggie saw with her "vibe".
When Aggie sent her friends to another table for a private meeting, she explained everything to the,
"So, Aggie, ya met some younguns who was psychik. Why done y'all have ta blow us off?" Holly asked.
"And lie to us? What's with that?" Lownote added.
"I just didn't know if you guys would click, you know?" Aggie confessed, "I mean, you both have totally different interests. You like to hang out together, and-and they..." she turned to see Carlita made powdered peppers all over the pizza, "You know, they-they like to defy the physical laws of the universe."
Val gasped, "Okay, tell em' I did not just see that!"
"Man, I know. Gosh, that was a lot of pepper that Troll made with just her hands in 3 seconds," Synth nodded.
"It's called materialization," Aggie stated.
"Yeah, it's still way too much peppuurr," Holly said.
"Look, you guys have been on my case lately, and I just found some people who understand me, and I..." Aggie was cut off by Synth.
"And you'd rather hang out with those freaks than us?"
The psychic Magic Musical Trolls heard what he just said. Aggie was suddenly shocked by what her boyfriend's brother just said as she stood up, "Freaks? Is that what you call me when I'm not around?"
"He didn't mean you, Aggie, he meant them," Val pointed her eyes at the group of psychics.
Bello then stood up, wanting to blast his combustion beam into the five Normal Trolls.
"Stand down, Bello," Aggie halted him before turning to the five, "Look, I'm just like them, okay? And if they are freaks, then so am I,' she then walked back to her new friends' table
"Well, if you're gonna be like that, let's go, guys," Val said as she and the other ambassadors stood up from their seats, and walked out of the restaurant.
"Lownote Jones is right behind you," Funk ambassador answered.
When Holly was about to leave, her finger bumped onto the edge of the table, and winced in pain, "Ow, ay done broke ayy nail!"
"Pinky?" Aggie guessed.
"Ay don't even care," Holly snarled at her.
"Yes, you do," Neon read her mind that Holly cared for her nail, which the Country ambassador found it weird.
When Val, Holly, Lownote, Synth, and Dante returned to the resort, the leaders were practicing their newly found magic, and they almost mastered them.
"Hey guys, great news. I think we can get the hang of these magic things," Poppy said as a flower grew on Poppy's engagement ring, but then she noticed Aggie wasn't with the ambassadors, "Where's Aggie?"
"And why is she not with you? I thought you guys were hanging out," Trollex added.
The 5 just looked down, and didn't know how to explain that Aggie was hanging out with other Magic Musical Trolls.
"We are, but... she was hanging with her own kind now," Dante scoffed.
"What does that supposed to mean?" Trollzart asked.
"It means... maybe Aggie was happy to be with someone in common like her," Val stated, still having her arms crossed.
"You know what? Forget about it, baby. Let's just head out to the beach," Lownote suggested as they turned around to head to the beach.
But then, pile of rocks formed into a giant wall in front of the five ambassadors as they turned to see Delta used her newly-found earth magic to create a wall to stop them
"Nobody is a-goin' anywhere!" Delta warned, "Now, let me ask ya one mawe time: where is Aggie? thay ...uhh truth, this here tahm."
"Alraheet," Holly sighed in defeat, "We done found out aggie done made some awful new friends who was psychik like them, ayn' we accidentally done called them freaks. Aggie were mad, we was mad, ayn' we done left."
All of the leaders gasped.
"Really? There are other Magic Musical Trolls who are psychic like them?!" Quincy exclaimed.
"That's so exciting!" Trollzart cheered.
"I know, right?!" Barb nodded.
The ambassadors were stunned that it wasn't the reaction they were expecting from the leaders.
But after that exciting chuckle, the mood changed for all leaders when Poppy mentioned, "And did you call them freaks?!"
Now that's the reaction the ambassadors were expecting... just half of it.
"Really?! Why did you say something like that?!" Essence scowled.
"Uh, Synth called them first," Val shoved Synth in front of them
Synth nervously answered, knowing there was no way to escape from this, "I'm so sorry. It's just at the tip of my tongue. I got mad, and..."
"I expected more from you, Synth!" Trollex yelled while pinching between his eyes, "You never called Aggie a freak before... or anyone."
"I thought you guys loved Aggie for who she was!" Branch clarified.
"We know, it's just that..." Lownote wanted to explain, but he was cut off.
"Is this about the volleyball game earlier? Or is it because Aggie was so strange and different?" Quincy recalled, making the 5 ambassadors hang their heads down.
"It's just a stupid game!" Barb scoffed, "I mean, yeah, we all love games, but it's just a game! And Aggie, she's our friend! And she won't be replaced! And now you made her lose her trust in you!"
The ambassadors knew how they treated Aggie and her new friends was a mistake, and they shouldn't treat them so badly, now it ruined their friendship with Aggie. They all mumbled apologetically.
"We're so sorry."
"Yeah, we're sorry."
"Y'all ken apologize all y'all want, but Aggie deserves an apology mawe frawum y'all," Delta reminded as she took down the earth wall.
"Now, we want you five to go out there, find Aggie, and nobody comes back to this resort until you bring her back!" Trollex yelled.
"Whoa, chill, bro, are you playing the king card again?" Synth chuckled nervously.
"You bet I am, bro! Now go and find Aggie!" The Techno king yelled loudly one more time, causing the 5 ambassadors to whimper, and ran off in fear.
"That's a little mean there, fish boy," the Rock Queen whispered to him
"I know, I know, I was... I was just so worried about Aggie," Trollex admitted, worrying for his girlfriend.
"We all are, but we'll think of something for those five once they retrieved Aggie," Essence suggested.
Just then, all leaders, even Branch, felt a vision coming as they all stared blankly to see what the future held this time.
While the ambassadors and the psychic MMTs were fighting to get Aggie back, Aggie was floating uncontrollably around the room in distress, screaming to get down from the air.
After the vision, all the leaders looked away from each other, and screamed, "Oh no!"
This surprised them that all of them were saying "Oh no!" at the same time... coincidentally.
"Why did you say 'Oh no'?" Trollzart asked.
"I didn't say 'oh no', you did?" Barb pointed at Branch.
"No, I didn't," the Pop King shook his head.
"So do we," Quincy stated with Essence went with it.
"Nope," Poppy shook her head too.
"No," Delta added.
"Well, then it looks like neither of us said 'oh no'! Guess it's all good!" Trollex chuckled nervously.
The other leaders nodded in agreement with a nervous chuckle. But they all felt guilty for lying and keeping a secret ever since they each have their own visions (except for Branch as this was his first vision). They all confessed in unison. "I/We have a vision!" They all gasped, "What?!"
"How did it happen?" Barb inquired.
"Ay don't know," Delta answered, "It just done came ta me."
"So did mine!" Trollzart admitted.
"Same!" Poppy raised her hand.
"Mine was returning after I lost my own visions," Trollex explained.
"Well, we can't find a good reason for this, but I bet our vision is Aggie was in trouble," Quincy guessed if the others' visions were the same as his.
"Correct!" Essence gestured a check with her finger.
"Mm-hmm!" Delta nodded with her hands on her hips, "We should go ayn' warn huurr."
"But where would she even go?" Branch pointed out the problem that none of them knew where Aggie was.
"Well, thanks to true love for Aggie, and the tracker app, I can detect where Aggie is," Trollex took out his phone, and showed an app where a red blinking dot on a map is Aggie.
"Since when did you get a phone?" the Rock Queen asked.
"Aggie bought me one," the Techno King smirked.
"She better buy me one too!"
At the Quisenberry center, Aggie was sitting on the Cerebral Oscillator, concentrating on her "vibe".
"I'm seeing myself surrounded by people..." When she opened her eyes, Dr. Quisenberry and the other psychic Magic Musical Trolls were leaning around her face, "Who really need to back up off of me!"
The Trolls yanked away to give Aggie some space.
"Thanks. Okay," she sighed.
"You're tense and irritable, and uh..." Quisenberry looked down at the results curiously, "Down to a 1.6 on the Quisenberry Scale. This bears further study."
He took the results before flying to his private study room.
"Come on, Aggie. It's just us now. Tell us what's up?" Darna asked worriedly as Aggie removed the helmet.
"Nothing," Aggie said sadly as she gave the helmet to Darna.
"That's not what I'm getting," Neon said while reading Aggie's mind.
"Okay, big shot, since you know everything, what am I thinking?" Aggie asked Neon.
"All right," he had his finger on the right side of his head before saying, "You're... worried about your normy friends."
"Aggie, it's okay. We all know what it's like when your friends think you're a freak," Carlita held Aggie's Classical hand.
"Well, actually, they think you all are the freaks," the Master of All Music confessed.
"That is so normy, but that's how they see us, and that's why we have to stick together," Neon said.
"I guess you're right," Aggie nodded in agreement.
"It's for the best. Come on, Bello's making nachos," Darna said as Bellow was making tiny explosions on the cheese and nachos.
Just then, Neon decided to walk towards the door, "Oh, I'll get it," he already knew someone was outside as the doorbell rang.
When he opened the door, he saw Val, Holly, Lownote, Synth and Dante with their guilty faces.
"Uh, we come in peace," Dante stated.
"Oh boy," Neon mumbled.
"Yeah, we want to know what's going on here," Lownote said.
"Ayn' we're nahwt a-leavin' here till we get some..." Before Holly could finish, she smelled something delicious, "Ooh! Nachos! that's what I'm a-talkin' about!" she galloped, and got a handful of nachos.
"What are you guys doing here?" Aggie asked, still feeling angry at them
"Aggie, we really need to talk to you," Val said.
"Uh, Aggie, Dr. Quisenberry doesn't like visitors during research hours," Darna stated while glaring sharply at the five ambassadors.
"Research? You guys are melting cheese!" Synth pointed.
"I'll handle this," Aggie said as she dragged the five to a private area of the room "Are you guys here to see the freak show?""
"Look, Aggie, we're really sorry, We shouldn't have said that," the Techno ambassador admitted, still feeling guilty about calling Aggie or her new friends 'freaks'.
"Yeah, Aggie, come on. We came to apologize and we really want to work things out," Val admitted.
"If these are y'all's friends, then they're our friends too. We fawgot what that's like," Holly confessed.
"Yeah, baby!" Lownote nodded.
"Really?" Aggie formed a smile on her. "You mean it?"
"Excuse me?" Neon called as the six turned around to see all psychic MMTs crossed their arms, "Who said we want to be friends with you?"
"But, excuse me. What's that supposed to mean?" Dante asked.
"It's time to leave," Darna said.
"What if we don't want to?" Synth inquired.
Darna used her invisible telekinesis to throw a donut on Dante
"Good shot, Carly," Robin chuckled.
"Oh, come on. So what? so, ya ken throw ayy lousy donut at Dante with y'all's maand. Whoo! so cool!" Holly mocked, until Darna threw more donuts on Dante again, almost losing his balance to fly, "That there were kaand av cool, but, ay bet y'all can't do that there with ayy chauurr."
But still, Darna lifted a chair,
"Holly!" the other four ambassadors shouted at Holly for not encouraging the Magic Pop Troll to throw a chair on any of them.
"Will you stop it?! These are my friends you're telepelting!" Aggie glared at the psychic Magic Musical Trolls.
"WE'RE your friends!" Carlita exclaimed
"Not if you can't accept them," Aggie pointed.
"Yeah, come on, Aggie, we're leaving," Synth held Aggie's hand, and pulled her away.
But then, Aggie felt she couldn't move, "Uh, yeah, I can't," she then turned to the Magic Pop Troll, Darna!"
"Please, Aggie, don't go! You have an amazing gift, and you were making such progress here!" Robin insisted.
"Hey, if our friend wants ta leave, she's a-leavin'!" Holly snapped at them as the other ambassadors pulled Aggie
"Guys, some help here!" Darna called as all of the psychic Magic Musical Trolls all have invisible telekinesis, and used them to pull Aggie form the ambassadors.
Aggie's legs were lifted from the ground with the ambassadors held her hands tightly, not wanting to let her go. She was then been pulled by a strong force as the ambassadors to hold as long as they can, but they couldn't, and Aggie was released into the air
"AAAAAHHHH! Who turned off the gravity?!" she yelled.
Holly then took out her rope, and lassoed Aggie around her body to pull Aggie away. Val, Lownote, Synth, and Dante held on the rope to pull her down.
"Let her go! She belongs with us!" Darna yelled.
"She belongs with us!" Val shouted.
"I belong on the ground!" Aggie growled, "Let me go!"
When the ambassadors lost their grip again, the psychic MMTs lost control of their invisible telekinesis, and made Aggie floating around the room and bouncing on the walls and the machines. Aggie was screaming around, trying to put herself down.
Just then, the leaders came in to warn Aggie about their visions.
"Aggie! You're gonna...!" Poppy was about to warn her about their vision, but they saw they were too late.
"What is going on here?!" Quincy asked loudly, catching every Troll's attention.
"Your Majesties!" The psychic Magic Musical Trolls gasped that they saw the leaders of the Normal Trolls in person for the first time. Even they didn't see it coming.
Their reaction caused their invisible telekinesis to shut down as Aggie was about to fall towards the oscillator.
Quisenberry arrived just in time from his study room, "Not the oscillator!" He held his hand to invisible telekinetically move Aggie down back on the ground, "I'm still making payments."
Poppy, Branch, and Trollex rushed to Aggie's aid to see if she's okay.
"How did you guys know I'm here and know that I was in trouble?" Aggie asked.
"We'll tell you about that later," Branch replied.
"Aggie, are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Dante asked.
"Us? You're the one that let go!" Darna yelled.
"That's what happens when you let the normys in," Neon yelled.
"I'd rather be a normy than a freak!" Val was about to charge to attack.
But Aggie stood between the psychic Magic Musical Trolls and the 5 Normal Troll ambassadors, "Will you guys stop it?! It's my turn! You're not a normy, and you're not a freak! We are all just Trolls! We hang out, we go to school, we play music! We may be different, but we're also the same! The point is...I'm psychic, yes, but that's not all I am, and that's not all you are either. We can all choose what we want to be, and who we want to be friends with, different or the same, the most important thing if we care one another, no matter what. Let's not make the same mistakes our ancestors did just because we're too different from each other."
"Aggie was right," Barb cut in, "We don't need to live with our own kind just to be happy. Sometimes, we just have to accept each other."
Both the Normal Troll ambassadors and the psychic MMTs looked down in guilt, realizing that they were too focused on being different, they didn't see the similarities between them as Trolls. They almost started a war between regulars/normals and the psychics, and that they never wanted to happen.
Aggie then turned to the Magic Classical doctor, "Dr. Quisenberry, thank you for all of your help, but I think it's time for me to go."
"I am sorry to hear that, Aggie, but our door's always open for you."
"Thank you, Robin's great-grandfather," Quisenberry smiled at Robin for letting her great-grandfather help as the female Magic Rock Troll nodded. Quisenberry then said, "That's gonna be the phone."
The phone suddenly rang, which shocked the Normal Trolls that Quisenberry can predict the future.
Aggie then turned to the psychic Magic Musical Trolls, "Goodbye, everybody."
"Wait, Aggie, I just want to say...." Neon walked towards Aggie, with only her fellow psychics following him from behind, "Okay guys, guys don't think all at once!" He told them before turning back to Aggie, "We just want to say that we're sorry."
"Hey, we're sorry too," Synth admitted as the rest of the ambassadors murmured apologetically.
"Well, we have another thing in common," Clarita said, "We all made mistakes. I guess we're not as different as we thought.
The other psychics nodded in agreement.
Aggie then turned to the leaders, "So, can you tell me how exactly you found out I was in trouble?"
"Well, first, we traced you on the tracker app, because I love you so much," Trollex grinned while showing his phone and the app that he used to track down his girlfriend.
"Aaaaaawwwwwww!" the psychic MMTs cooed, making the King of Techno and the Master of All Music blush.
"Yeah, and secondly... we have visions," Trollex continued.
Aggie's face dropped to a shocking expression, "What?"
"Yeah, we can see the future... like you did," Barb explained.
"Each of us... kept that a secret, until we accidentally found out we all have the same vision," the Country leader added.
"But how did that happen? I mean, when did that happen?" Aggie asked.
"For mine and Q, we had it when you got arrested," Essence answered first.
"Ay done had it on my ferst day at wawk," Delta replied.
"When I took charge of Trollex's job," Poppy confessed.
"When you, Synth, and Val were under that potion spell," Barb responded.
"When I helped your aunt with her symphony," Trollzart said.
"I lost mine, but I had it back after the party at your uncle's restaurant," Trollex declared.
"I just got mine today," Branch admitted lastly.
"Maybe we can help," Darna spoke, "We can do some research on how you got psychic abilities all of a sudden."
The leaders then glanced at each other if they all agreed to this suggestion, but they might have the same thoughts and reasons about this.
"Thank you for the offer, but the reason we kept our new psychic visions a secret is we want to find answers for ourselves," Essence explained.
"Ah, Yes, finding yourselves first is the most important part of being psychics," Quisenberry stated after finishing his phone call from his study room.
"I guess we can keep in touch, just in case we need your help," Poppy suggested.
"We'd be delighted to," Neon nodded.
"Oh, and Dante...," Darna looked up to the Classical ambassador, "Yes I'll go out with you."
"But how did you..." Dante was about to ask, but finally understood, "Oh, you got skills, my dear. I like you."
Behind him, Bello secretly snuck on Dante's back, and created a small explosion at the bottom back of Dante's cloak, creating fire.
"Is something burning?" Dante smelled
"Yes, Dante, it's y'all!" Holly screamed.
"Aah! My bottom is burning!" Dante yelled in distress.
Trollex created a small ball of water, and splashed it behind Dante to put off the fire.
"Bello, we talked about this!" Darna yelled at Bello before explaining to Dante, "Oh, we used to date! He's not quite over it."
"Well, it-it looks like you exploded his heart," Synth joked and chuckled until a donut hit his nose, "Ow, Darna!"
"Ooh, I'm sorry, bro, that was me," Aggie chuckled.
"You know, Aggie, you're very lucky that you have norm... Normal Troll friends like them," Darna said, "They really cared for you, no matter what you are."
"And that's why I cared for them too," Aggie gathered all her Normal Troll friends for a group hug, which they accepted.
Yes! I finally did it! This is my new chapter.
This chapter is completely based on That's So Raven: Saving Psychic Raven, and I added some extra scenes.
Special thanks to MasterClass60 for helping me with the scripts
So, this is the chapter where the leaders revealed they have psychic visions, but they still kept them a secret from the delegates until they searched for answers themselves. So far, only Aggie, the ambassadors, and the members of Quisenberry's Center for Psychic Research were the only ones who knew. This is also the chapter where Branch got his first vision. And this is the first time the leaders had the same vision. The scene where the leaders have the same vision were based on Raven's Home where Raven and Booker have the same vision of Raven got fired.
There were 12 psychic Magic Musical Trolls in the group that Aggie made friends with, but some were remained unnamed for now
Aggie saw Holly broke a nail on her pinky
All leaders of the Normal Trolls saw Aggie floating uncontrollably around a room
I hope you like this chapter very much!
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