The Last Mastering part 3

The Harmony Notes went to Lonesome Flats for a private meeting, away from Aggie's parents for a while. Though Lonesome Flats don't have a meeting room, they used the courthouse for a meeting room. But they won't use it often now there is going to be one member that will be out of the group for a long while.

Delta sat behind the judge's bench as she hammered the gravel on the mallet, and wiped away her tears, "Ah now cahwl our last evher Harmony Notes meetin' t' order. Fuhrst item awf business... CRY!"

Cooper and Prince D began to cry as their parents comforted them. Poppy cried as well as Branch rubbed her back, and gave her a hug. Barb tried not to cry, but she has a tear shedding from her eye, and she quickly wiped it away. Trollzart also cried. He may be old, but he still has a kid at heart. Trollex and Aggie cried harder than anyone in the room as they both hugged each other while hugging Beat between them, who also cried with them.

Aggie slowly pulled away from the hug as she spoke while crying, "You can't let the Trolls down just 'cause I'm gone. You got to keep ruling the kingdoms without me."

"How?! We cannot just rule without the Master of All Music!" Trollzart sniffed.

Aggie sobbed and looked away, "Maybe you can find a replacement for me."

"No, we can't! You're the only... you!" Trollex refused he cried louder.

"Nothing's gonna be the same!" Prince D said tearfully, "Who's gonna teach everything about Magic Music Trolls or Harmonious Land?

Poppy then added, still crying, "Or... Or play music with us? Or teach us about true friendships and stuff? Or just hang out with us?!"

"Well, it's worse for me! I have to say goodbye to all of—!" Aggie threw her arms around her friends.

Suddenly, they were interrupted when someone opened the doors. It as a blue K-Pop Troll, Wani, "Sorry to interrupt, Your Majesties, but I just got front-row tickets to our K-Pop concert next week, and we can't practice without you, Aggie girl!" When she showed the tickets, she only got crying responds from the younger leaders and Aggie, while the older leaders just made sad faces while comforting the younger ones. Wani then hid the tickets behind her, "Uh, that is not the reaction I was expecting."

"Thanks for the tickets and the offer of joining your gang, Wani. But I can't go," Aggie sniffed.

"Her parents are making her move back to Harmonious Land," Essence wiped away her own tears.

"What?! Jeoldae andwaeyo! Aggie belongs here! With us!" Wani protested.

"And now we'll probably never see her again! It's hopeless!" Cooper cried once again.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I cannot believe you're giving up so easily. You guys rule all six kingdoms. The leaders of all six main tribes. Solving tough problems is what you do," the blue K-Pop Troll reminded the leaders who they truly are.

Aggie then sniffed and smiled, "We are pretty good to solve problems for a troll in need."

"That's right. And the trolls in need are us!" Barb added.

"Ah kay-yun't believe we didn't thihnk awf it befo-wr. Daisy thang this is a court room, which means also a meetin' room for us," Delta walked back to the judge's bench, and started discussing, "Ferst quesshun – why do Aggie's parents wan-ta mowve ta Glowing Forest?

"That's where their new job is. It's above Harmonious Land," Aggie answered.

"What if we get them a job here instead? In any of our six kingdoms?" Trollex suggested.

"Yeah! They like plants and creatures that can give inspiration to music, right? We got to have some of those around here. Like, uh, Humworms or Songbirds!" Poppy showed a scrapbook of plants and animals.

"Dad knows all about those. And Jazz Birds, Snuggle Squids, Carol Corals and Giggle Fruit trees. They only study super rare creatures," the Magic Musical Troll responded.

Branch then had an idea, "Then maybe we need to give them an animal no one's ever heard of!"

"Uh, then how would we hear about it?" Delta asked.

"Because we're making it up! Come on!" Branch as he and the rest ran out of the courtroom, leaving Wani standing alone.

"Sooooo... you want these tickets, or...?" The blue K-Pop Troll didn't know what to do next while holding the tickets.


When Aggie convinced her parents to follow her, she led them to Pop Troll Forest. A set of clawed footprints leading in from the vicinity of Pop Village. Aggie hopped out from a clump of bushes, followed by her parents with Quincy, Essence, Poppy, Branch, Barb, Delta and Trollzart escorted them along, and Aggie pointed along the trail.

"This is what I wanted to show you," She showed her parents unique footprints on the ground in front of them, "The tracks of the mysterious Troll Forest banshee beast!"

"Hmmm..." Bernadette arched an eyebrow, "They're like nothing I've ever seen."

"Legend says it has eight legs, five pair of wings and three horns," Aggie continued, "And it's s dangerous if you get close. But when they are safe from danger, they can make music, like the beats of Techno music. If only someone could prove it exists." She looked at her parents as she was referring to them to discover this "mysterious" beast.

"Hmmm... Easy enough," Leo smiled confidentially, "We'll follow the spoor."

He and Bernadette advanced, now both hunkered down. But Aggie quickly stood in front of them before they could discover there are no more tracks to follow. The parents were headed off by one shuddery, slightly panicked daughter

"I think I heard something this way," Aggie grinned hastily, pointing to one.

The tracks veered off the main trail and into a stand of moss-grown trees and shrubs. A tall, scrawny, vaguely reptilian shape loped into view. Leo took a picture of it with his camera, and Bernadette took out a notepad to write down a record of this new creature. The couple then decided to follow the beast.

Before Leo and Bernadette arrives, the "beast" Aggie referred to is just a costume as Trollex, Beat, Cooper and Prince D dressed up as the beast. Trollex tried to keep the head of the beast up, while Cooper and Prince D controlled the rest of the body

"So the plan is we let them get a picture, play some Techno beats then we hide again. Right?" Trollex recalled the plan as Prince D nodded, who was below the Techno Troll. Then, he turned to his best friend, "Okay, I'll just drop some light beats, okay, Beat?"

"Sure, buddy," Beat nodded.

Trollex squeezed beat a little to make beat sounds that attracted Leo and Bernadette's attention. A rustle of leaves was heard in the distance; The Magic Rock and Magic Classical Troll couple leaps out of a bush toward their quarry.

"I think that's enough beats we need," Trollex stopped making beats from the Beat Drop Button fish.

"So, what now?" Cooper asked.

When Prince D peeked fearfully out through a loose seam as Aggie's parents moved in, "Run!"

He and Cooper did so while Trollex held Beat closer when they were dragged by the Funk princes, making good time along the trail until they tried to veer around a tree in opposite directions. The body caught on the trunk, elongated to an absurd extent as if it were made of rubber, and finally ripped in half. Three yelling Trolls and a Beat Drop Button fish, and a rain of textile scraps wind up in an undignified mess on the forest floor. They groaned in pain and grinned nervously as Leo and Bernadette arrived. Leo was clearly not amused by the amateurish deception, and Bernadette's expression mirrored his.

An embarrassed little chuckle from Aggie drew their eyes on her with the rest of the leaders behind her, also grinning sheepishly, "Guess you solved the mystery."

"We'd better get back to Pop Village," Bernadette hid her notebook back in her pocket as she and Leo were heading out of the forest, "There's a lot to get ready before we go to other kingdoms to get your stuff."

Aggie les her head droop with a downhearted moan.

Barb then glared at the Funk twins, Trollex and Beat, "You guys... are not good at this."


The next day, the Trolls were in Volcano Rock City as Aggie marked her calendar, ending one day, in her room.

"Don't worry, Aggie. We have a new plan to keep you in Troll Kingdom," Branch said.

"We just got to show your parents you are meant to be with us. Then they'll have to let you stay here with us," Quincy then snapped a picture from the camera.

In the other room, Leo was about to pack few of Aggie's stuff that she left all over the place, until he noticed 7 photographs on the table. One is her daughter, and the other six are the leaders, prompting a bit of puzzlement followed by a smile as something clicked in Leo's mind.

When Aggie put some stuff in the box, Leo then came in the room with the pictures,

"Ags, are these yours?" He stepped in, and spread them across the box top.

"Yeah. Thanks, Dad," Aggie smiled, "We're sending them to the Book of Records in Harmonious Land."

"Aggie is thuh ownlee Magic Musical Troll that kay-yun puh-lay, not jus' one, but all kahnds awf music. Awf course, accordin' t' her cuhlor, her main genres awf music ahr Pop, Rock, Classical, Country, Funk an Techno," Delta pointed out.

"And it wasn't about choosing all these kinds of music, it was our friendship for her and for each other," Poppy added

"The chances of that for a Magic Musical Troll are so rare. It means we belong together." Trollzart said.

"Yes, I can see that," Leo rubbed his chin, and agreed, "But since Agatha got her colors from all of you because of friendship, her colors can still remind her of you. I think it means you'll stay best friends no matter where you go, and that's really special."

"But... we..." Aggie tried to argue, but sighed in defeat, "How do you argue with that?"

When he saw Aggie hung her head down, Beat has another idea to convince Aggie's father to let her stay as he hovered in front of Leo's face

"Hey, I hate to break this down to you, Sir. But..." Beat hovered between Trollex and Aggie as he made them hold their hands together, "My best friend, King Trollex of the Techno Trolls, and your daughter are a thing now. They're in a relationship. They're dating. Boyfriend and girlfriend. So that means you can't separate these two."

Trollex and Aggie cringed and blushed when Beat exposed their relationship to Leo himself.

Leo then stared in shock as he asked his daughter, "Is this true, Aggie?"

Aggie sighed and nodded, "Yeah, Dad. King Trollex and I are a couple now. And I'm very happy with him, Dad."

"Well, as a father, I can't take away your happiness," Leo admitted. The Harmony Notes changed their mood to excitement as they hoped this relationship can make Aggie stay, "But you can still be boyfriend and girlfriend, even if you are far away from each other. It's called Long Distance relationship. You two can even send each other gifts through mail or something. Your mother and I have this one when we were your age," He then turned to the King of Techno as he patted his shoulder, "You're very lucky, Your Highness."

When Leo left the room, the Harmony Notes still sighed in defeat.

"I was supposed to keep our relationship a secret from my parents, but it's not a secret anymore," Aggie confessed before removing her hand from Trollex.

"Nice going, Beat," Trollex scowled

"Just trying to help," Beat said, but admitted it wasn't worth it.

"We can't give up yet!" Poppy exclaimed, "Aggie, can I borrow the books you brought?"

Aggie raised an eyebrow in confusion as she wondered why Poppy wants to borrow one of her books.


The next day, the Trolls then moved to Symphonyville as they were in Aggie's room in Trollzart's home. Aggie and the Trolls stared at the photos of Aggie's good moments in all of the six kingdoms. She voiced a heavy sigh as the Harmony Notes, except Poppy, looked on, not sure how to offer consolation

Suddenly, Poppy burst in from the doors with determination in every particle of her bearing as she carried Aggie's book a small bottle of pink liquid, "All right, guys! Time to take things up a notch!" She set the bottle on the floor, and all 11 Trolls and a beat Drop Button fish clustered in around it.

"With strawberry juice?" Barb observed the color of the liquid, thinking it's strawberry juice.

"It's a potion I mixed up from one of Aggie's book. Strawberry is only one of the ingredients," said Poppy.

"Huh, I guess I brought one of the magic books by accident," Aggie confessed.

"What's it do?" Quincy inquired.

Poppy flipped few pages from the book and read, "'On this potion, please depend. Any separation, mend. Friends together 'til the end.'" She then explained to the other Trolls, "We just got to dab a little on our hands. Sounds perfect, right?"

"Better than perfect!" Aggie exclaimed excitingly

When the Trolls stretched their arm on the middle, Poppy dispensed one drop each onto their hands, and put the bottle down as the overall situation remains unchanged.

"Is something supposed to happen?" Essence asked.

The Queen of Funk got her answer when the ten daubed troll hands vibrated wildly of their own accord like crazed tuning forks and puledl in toward each other. A glowing pink rope materialized and wrapped itself around the wrists, cinching them together and forcing the Trolls into extremely close quarters.

"Is this the something that is supposed to happen?!" Trollzart screamed, almost getting himself squeezed between Quincy and Delta when their wrists were tied together.

"The book didn't really say," Poppy replied.

"Whoa... W-Whoa... Whoa!" The Trolls tried to move around, but they ended up tripping down.

"Thanks for trying, Popster. But I might as well face it. I'm going to leave," Aggie said sadly as he tried to get up, but their wrists still tied up together.

"Maybe we'd better find something to fix this first," Barb suggested.


Another day came as Aggie marked her calendar again to crossed out a day that was ended. The Trolls and Beat moved back to Pop Village to announced about Aggie unexpected leave. Some of the troll crowds are the rest of the Snack Pack, Coral Blush and his parents, King Peppy, King Thrash, Riff, the Bounty Hunters and the other civilians in other kingdoms.

"What?! You're leaving?!" Biggie gasped.

"But you can't leave, we have lot of plans for you!" Guy Diamond told Aggie.

"Yeah, you promise you're going to be our model for our show in three days," Satin reminded.

"You're supposed to babysit Coral Blush for us," Coral Blush's mother held her son towards Aggie's face as the young Techno Troll whimpered.

"You're also going to fix my turntable," One of the Funk Trolls showed his broken-strapped turntable.

"And my drums too," Riff recalled about that promise when two of his drums were broken.

"Who's gonna be our sixth member?" Gomdori inquired.

"Who's gonna be our fourth member?" Marimba stated.

"Who's gonna torture me everytime I play my music?" Chaz queried.

This made the other Trolls looked at the Smooth Jazz Troll in confusion.

"Seriously? You like that?!" Dickory exclaimed.

"I'm going to miss that if she leaves," Chaz admitted. He and Aggie don't see eye-to-eye, but they respected each other's taste of Jazz music.

"I'm gonna torture you instead," Kim-Petit raised her hand.

"It's not the same as hers," Chaz pointed his palm to the Master of All Music herself.

"I guess something unexpected change the plans," Aggie replied sadly.

"But do you want to leave?" Former King Peppy asked.

The Magic Musical Troll shook her head, "No, King Peppy. I thought I want to go home now I have my True Colors, but... I grew fond with all of you guys. It's been so much fun hanging out with you guys; playing music, celebrating holidays, knowing you guys better. I don't have any good friends back home. I don't want to leave just yet."

The other trolls couldn't help but feel sad for Aggie. They all also grew fond of her because she was so closed to the leaders, visited and stayed each of the six kingdoms every day, and she had fun playing music with them. She also taught them the values of music and friendships, and she's part of stopping the Siren Trolls from putting them all under their spell. The Trolls don't want her to leave so soon

Just then, Leo and Bernadette appeared behind Aggie and the leaders with a big cart of all of their daughter's stuff.

"Agatha, I know you're having fun with your friends, but we need to get all our things to our Cater Bus," Bernadette declared.

"And we just sold all of your houses in each kingdom, Ags," Leo added. "I know this is hard to accept, but just—"

"IT'S MORE THAN HARD! IT'S NOT FAIR!" Aggie snapped as she stomped her only hoof on the ground. She didn't care if she made a scene in front of the other Trolls. It wasn't worth of hiding, "You're making me pick between my family and my friends!"

"Oh, Sweetheart. Moving away won't stop you all from caring about each other," Bernadette held her daughter's chin gently to make her look up, "Why don't you sleep over with King Quincy and Queen Essence tonight? It'll give you a chance to say a real goodbye."

"But I DON'T WANT TO SAY GOODBYE!" Aggie yelled again as she slapped her mother's hand away from her chin, "You're changing my whole life WITHOUT EVEN ASKING HOW I FEEL!"

Aggie began to cry loudly as she hid her face and ran away. Poppy, Branch, Trollex, Beat, Barb, Quincy, Essence, Trollzart, Delta, and the Funk Twins ran off to follow the crying Magic Musical Troll.


Well, this is my 3rd story. I still got some reference from the same episode of MLP. I hope you like it!

I also dedicate this story to Veronika1930, who became one of my new best friends :)

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