B.B.B. (Best Button Buddy) (Part 1)
"Chapter 10 of The Techno Troll-cyclopedia : Techno Beat Drop Buttons: These buttons are very crucial to the lifestyle of Techno Trolls because dropping the beat is the most important part of a Techno song. They always stay by the side of the leader of the Techno Trolls because dropping the beat is the leader's most important job. Fun fact: The Techno Beat Drop Button has practically the same lifespan as a Techno Troll, so when the leader retires, so does the Button. However, there's always an opportunity to choose the next Button. This opportunity usually comes up after the heir to the throne turns 10. A whole herd of them comes by Techno Reef and the heir has to swim inside the herd and make one of the biggest decisions of their lives."
King Trollex, accompanied by TBDB, Poppy, Barb, and every other ruler of Trollstopia, was telling the story to the young Trolls.
A young Funk Troll raised his hand, "How many Buttons do you have to choose from?"
Trollex answered, "Oh, at least 1,000."
Then, the young Pop Troll raised his, "Then, how do you know if you've made the right decision?"
Trollex chuckled, "It actually works kind of the same way you Pop Trolls choose their pillow: You just know. You just feel a really strong connection with the right one. I know I did."
A young Techno Troll raised his hand, "Tell us about your decision!"
Everyone else in the room also asked to hear that story.
Trollex was more than happy to, "Alright, I tell it. My time came about one week after my 10th birthday. It might've been a long time ago, but I remember it like it was just yesterday."
*Flashback to a 10-year-old Trollex with his parents, King Coral and Queen Marine.*
A herd of Buttons came to a field of seaweed near Techno Reef.
Every Techno Troll in the reef knew it was once again time for a very special occasion.
King Coral spoke to his son, "Trollex, when I retire, you will become the King of Techno and you will need your own Beat Drop Button to do the most important royal duty of all; dropping the beat. Today is the day you will choose that Button, and that Button will stand by your side throughout your rule."
Trollex looked at the Buttons and saw their was a lot to choose from, "But, that's a lot of Buttons. How will I know which one is-"
Queen Marine stopped him and said, "You'll know. Now go."
Trollex did what he was told and swam towards the herd. Once he went inside the herd, he swam around looking at the other Buttons.
There were big Buttons, little Buttons, elder Buttons, really young Buttons, and many other kinds of Buttons, but Trollex didn't feel like he'd found the right one yet.
But, then, there he was; the perfect Button.
At first, they didn't even notice each other and Trollex swam right past him.
But, Trollex and TBDB felt something unusual. Trollex looked down and saw that his heart was glowing brighter than usual. The brightness of the heart changed whenever he swam to or away from TBDB.
Everyone saw and gasped with astonishment.
Trollex looked around and saw TDBD, glowing brighter than the other Buttons.
They started swimming towards each other, with Trollex's parents watching with proud looks on their faces.
As they got closer to each other, TBDB and Trollex's heart got brighter and the feeling they had got stronger.
And once Trollex held TBDB in his hands, his heart and TBDB glowed so brightly, it practically lit up the whole ocean.
Once the glowing had stopped, every Techno Troll cheered as their next King had chosen his Button.
TBDB ended the story, "And we've been best friends ever since."
TBDB went over to Trollex and nuzzled his cheek.
Everyone, especially Poppy, was moved by their story, "Awwwww!"
Poppy asked, "That is such a sweet story! How long ago was this?"
Trollex answered, "Actually, it happened in about three days about 15 years ago."
Poppy then got excited, "Get out! We should do something to celebrate it! *Gasp* I know! We'll have a special party in honor of your long lasting friendship!"
Queen Essence said, "Oh, that's a wonderful idea! What do you guys think?"
Trollex and TBDB clearly loved the idea, "Sounds great!"
Delta came up with an idea, "How about we hold the party in the same seaweed field where they met?"
Poppy replied, "Great idea, Delta! We'll get right on it! The party will happen in three days."
Everyone said their goodbyes and left for their own kingdoms to get ready for the party.
In Volcano Rock City, Barb was wondering what food to bring for the party.
Barb asked Riff, "How about some fish sticks?"
Riff simply answered, "Fish sticks? At a party with fish Trolls?"
In Vibe City, the Funk family wanted to help with the decorations.
King Quincy was looking at the different colored decorations, "Hey, what color do you think they'd like?"
Essence answered, "I don't think it matters, but the Techno Trolls are all about neon colors, so try and find something that glows in the dark."
Prince D added, "And let's remember to make sure the décor is waterproof."
In Lonesome Flats, Delta Dawn was being reminded that with their bottom halves, they weren't exactly good swimmers.
Delta Dawn reassured them, "I'm sure that Queen Poppy will find a way for us to party without worry underwater."
In Symphony Ville, the Classical Trolls were hoping to play some Classical music at the party.
Trollzart was thinking about which instruments to bring, "Cello? Violin? Flute? Which ones?"
Pennywhistle assured him, "I'm sure that they'll love the music you make with whichever instruments you choose."
Finally, in Pop Village, Poppy and Branch had gotten word that everything was ready to start getting ready for the party.
"Branch, have we got everything to make sure the party goes without a hitch?"
Branch replied, "Yep, I've made enough helmets and floaties so everyone, including the Country Trolls, can enjoy the underwater party. And Tug Duluth has gotten enough submarines to make sure we can all get to Techno Reef safely."
Poppy was sure everything would go perfectly.
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