character description of all my troll's oc

name: snapdragon

age: 16 (☠️)

gender: male

Heights: the same height as Poppy

Eye colour: orange

skin colour: red

Hair colour: purple

hair length: shorts

scar: no scar

clothes: pants light red and the tip is light blue and a sweater is green and a belt is light darkish Orange and the pants are darkish Gray and a tip in a straight line with light-ish blue and one sock is purple with blue circles and another one is always with green circles

species: pop trolls

birthday: Feb 8 3994

location: Pop Village

Friends: Rose (formerly best friend) and zozo (pet best friend)

family: Rose (wife) Coco (daughter) fuzzy (daughter) Jack (son) Jackson (son)

enemies: bergens

personality: kind lovable understanding patient cautious responsible loyal

likes:  his wife his daughter painting drawing doing activities with his daughter

dislikes: bergens people not understanding other people's emotions and people forcing other people to feel happy her daughter being hurt or sad

goal: make friends (succeed) get married to (succeed) protect his daughter (succeed)

status: Village (formally) vessel (formally)


name: Rose

age: 17 (in Trolls) 42 (in Trolls world tour)

gender: female

Heights: the same height as Poppy

Eye colour: baby blue

skin colour: orange

Hair colour: purple

hair length: shoulder length

scar: no scar

clothes: two green bowties up to a ponytail and the purple flower gold necklace in the middle purple on the top of the sweater, including the sleeve skirt is in knee-length Pink and the bottom is light pink including the buttons

species: pop trolls

birthday: Feb 8 3994

location: Pop Village

Friends: Rose (formerly best friend) zozo (acquaintance)

family: snapdragon (husband deceased) Coco (formerly daughter) fuzzy (daughter) Jack (son) Jackson (son)

enemies: Bergens (formerly) Crimson King (despise)

personality: cheerful Jolly sweet happy naive

likes: hugging dancing singing cooking sweet pastry

dislikes: people not being happy her daughter not trying hard not to be happy people ruining parties and fun

goal: confess her feelings towards Snapdragon (succeed) make her daughter like the rest of the trolls (succeed) make her daughter take care of her sister and brothers (succeed) protect her daughter from the King of deer trolls (succeed) rescue her daughter from getting married towards the King of deer trolls (fails)

status: Village


name: Coco

age: 25 (in Trolls)

gender: female

Heights: the same height as Poppy

Eye colour: baby blue

skin colour: red

Hair colour: purple

hair length: shoulder length

scar: no scar

clothes: one gray bowtie tied up to a ponytail black headphones and a short black sweater in the tip White the shirt is gray the sleeve tip is dark red Suspender skirt and pocket colour are darkish orange the tip is dark red puffy leg warmers are black and half star yellow and the top is yellow

species: pop trolls

birthday: Dec 1 4007

location: Pop Village

Friends: no Friends

family: snapdragon (father deceased) Rose (mother) fuzzy (sister) Jack (brother) Jackson (brother)

enemies: Rose (despite) fuzzy (dislikes) Jack (dislikes) Jackson (dislikes)

personality: happy joyful sarcastic sassy smart lovable

likes: helping people doing art sculpting relaxing drinking tea plastic flower jasmine watching home books movies sleeping singing and making music treats black gummy bear Gray

dislikes: not being happy not singing Dancing or hugging out many people thinking that she's branch not having other people and not making people happy

goal: Helping Poppy save the snack pack (succeed) try to control the Demonic power in her (ongoing) getting five wedding dresses and giving them to the king of Forestier (succeed) getting in the wedding with a gift and her dress (succeed)

status: Village (formally)


name: fuzzy

age: 18 (in Trolls) 25 (in Trolls world tour)

gender: female

Heights: the same height as Poppy

Eye colour: baby blue

skin colour: orange

Hair colour: purple

hair length: shoulder length

scar: no scar

clothes: two red bowties up to a ponytail a fluffy light green choker with a shape like a light pink cat the sweater is Pink the sleeve tip is black and the sweater has a straight black line in the middle the skirt is baby blue and the bottom of the skirt has two pink lines in between that are blue

species: pop trolls

birthday: Jan 2 4014

location: Pop Village

Friends: Creek (formerly bff) Satin & Chenille Cooper Smidge Biggie Guy Diamond DJ Suki Poppy Branch (formerly bff)

family: snapdragon (father deceased) Rose (mother) Coco (formerly sister) Jack (brother) Jackson (brother)

enemies: Bergens (formerly) Crimson King (despise)

personality: cheerful Jolly sweet happy naive

likes: dancing singing hugging hanging out with friends with friends and siblings playing different kinds of games helping Mom

dislikes: negative thoughts sad music people not being happy her ex-boyfriend kidnapping her his sister not being happy horror sad and murder book movie

goal: help Poppy save the snack pack (succeed) confess her love towards Crimson (succeed) break up with Crimson (succeed) help Poppy with the troll world tour (succeed) try to escape from the black market camps (fails) try to escape from the Crimson Castle (fails) having High Hope that her family rescue her(fails)

status: Village


name: Jack

age: 14 (in Trolls) 21 (in Trolls world tour)

gender: male

Heights: the same height as Poppy

Eye colour: orange and blue 

skin colour: red

Hair colour: purple

hair length: shorts

scar: no scar

clothes: The jacket sweater is dark blue and the bottom black with a cat ear shape and the hoodie is dark blue and black and orange pant

species: pop trolls

birthday: Jan 2 4013

location: Pop Village

Friends: Creek (formerly bff) Satin & Chenille Cooper Smidge Biggie Guy Diamond DJ Suki Poppy Branch (formerly bff)

family: snapdragon (father deceased) Rose (mother) Coco (formerly sister) fuzzy (sister) Jackson (brother)

enemies: Bergens (formerly) Crimson King (despise)

personality: Rowdy silly goofy playful and loyal

likes: singing dancing hugging goofing off picking up with friends up games playing them sweets teasing their sister

dislikes: negative people liars backstabbers family bff getting hurt or killed

goal: help Poppy save the snack pack (succeed) Help Poppy with the troll world tour (succeed) Try to rescue the sibling from the wedding/black market camps (fails) Try to cure the big sister from the curse (fails)

status: Village


name: Jackson

age: 10 (in Trolls) 17 (in Trolls world tour)

gender: male

Heights: the same height as Poppy

skin colour: red

Hair colour: purple

hair length: shorts

scar: no scar

clothes: The jacket sweater is dark blue and the bottom black with a cat ear shape and the hoodie is dark blue and black and orange pant

species: pop trolls

birthday: Jan 3 4018

location: Pop Village

Friends: Creek (formerly bff) Satin & Chenille Cooper Smidge Biggie Guy Diamond DJ Suki Poppy Branch (formerly bff)

family: snapdragon (father deceased) Rose (mother) Coco (formerly sister) fuzzy (sister) Jack (brother)

enemies: Bergens (formerly) Crimson King (despise)

personality: Rowdy silly goofy playful and loyal

likes: singing dancing hugging goofing off picking up with friends up games playing them sweets teasing their sister

dislikes: negative people liars backstabbers family bff getting hurt or killed

goal: help Poppy save the snack pack (succeed) Help Poppy with the troll world tour (succeed) Try to rescue the sibling from the wedding/black market camps (fails) Try to cure the big sister from the curse (fails)

status: Village

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