"Rhythm Rivalry" [Part 2]

Tresillo And Wani Say.

Poppy Nods.
"Yep! With You're Therapist......."

Poppy Put On A Suit And Glasses.
"......T H E R A P I S T    P O P S T E R"



Poppy Posed Professionally.

Tresillo And Wani Just Stood There.

"Like My New Jingle? Wrote It Myselfffff"
Poppy Winked.

"And I Produced It 🤜"
D Fist Bumps.

"Boo-Yah! 🤜"
Poppy Fist Bumps Back.

"Yeah, I'm Outta Here"
Wani Turned Around And Left.

"Adíos Therapist"
Tresillo Walked Away.

"Ah Ah Ah, If You Both Leave The Therapy Session, Then I Will Have No Choice But To......Haircuff You Both😈"
Poppy Grins Evily.

"What's That?"
Wani Asked.

"Oh Ho Ho Hooooo, You Do Not Wanna Know"
Poppy Smirked.

"And I Don't Wanna Find Out"
Tresillo Said.

"Then You Both Are Gonna Stay, 😁 C'mon!"
Poppy Walked Into The Therapy Pod.

Both Sigh And Follow Poppy Inside.

"Can't Believe We're Doing This"
Tresillo Said.

"Your Own Fault"
Wani Replied.

"Aye! That Rośquilla Was Mine Fair And Square"
Tresillo Said.

"Yeah Sure Latin Boi, I Had My Sight On It First!"
Wani Said.

Tresillo Scoffs.
"Oh Please, Everyone Around Us Knew I Saw It First. Cause I Grabbed It First!"

"Oh Really? Well I Touched It First!"
Wani Said.

"Oh Yeah? -.-"
Tresillo Said.

"Yeah! -.-"
Wani Replied.

Both Started Arguing In Their Languages.

"Sabes Que Puèdes Ser Tan Duro!"
Tresillo Said.

"나에게 브레이크 트레이스를 줘! 당신은 당신의 엉뚱한 춤 방법으로 얼마나 화려하게 지낼 수 있는지 알고 있습니다"
Wani Said.

"Oh Chica, Te Conoces Y Tu Grupo De Chicas Es Insípido En Tus Habilidades De Baile!"
Tresillo Said.

"당신은 리듬의 K 팝 방식에 질투합니다!"
Wani Agrued.

"Y Simplemente No Se Puede Comparar Con El Flujo Del Ritmo Del Reggaéton!"
Tresillo Argued.

Both Growl At Each Other.

Poppy Got Annoyed.
"Ughhh Would You Both Stop!!"

Tresillo And Wani Shut Up.

"You're Agruing In Ways I Can't Understand! Literally! I CAN'T UNDERSTAND EITHER OF YOU TWOS LANGUAGE!"
Poppy Yelled.

"And That's Our Fault?"
Wani Said.

"Yeah, Trollglish Talker"
Tresillo Said.

"Okay Okay Just Sit In The Chairs And We Can Get Started!"
Poppy Instructed.

Tresillo And Wani Sat In Their Seats.

Becca & Laura And The K-Pop Girls Watched From The Window.

The K-Pop Girls Whisper To Each Other.

"You Think She'll Pull Through?"
Baby-Bun Said.

"I Sure Hope So"
Gomdori Said.

"Oh Please, Señor Tresillo Will Make The Best Of The Therapy Session"
Laura Said.

"Cause Like, He Makes Everything Perfécto 👌"
Becca Added.

Ari Scoffs.
"Pfff- Yeah Right"

"Our Girl Wani Is A Fabulous Slayin' Queen That Can Survive This Better Than Any Reggaeton Could"
Baby-Bun Argued.

"What She Said!"
Kim-Petit Said.

Becca And Laura Cross Their Arms.

Branch Shushed Them.
"Shhh! I'm Tryna Watch This"

The K-Pop Girls Start Giggling.

"Ohhhh Branchhhhh"
Baby-Bun Smirks.

Branch Turned To Them.

Suddenly, The K-Pop Girls Held Up Makeup And Clothes.

Branch Backs Away.
"No No No!"

The Gang Tackled Him.

Branch Yelps.


Poppy Took Out Her Clipboard.
"Okay! Let's Begin!"

Poppy Read The First Thing.
"First, Lets Start This Session On How You Two First Met"

"Ooh! Ooh! I Can Tell You About That!"
Wani Raised Her Hand.

Tresillo Crossed His Arms.
"Oh Dios Mío 😒..."

"Go Ahead Wani"
Poppy Allowed.

Wani Told Her Side.
"Well, It Started Out When Me And My Girls Were Dancing At Our Stylin Mushroom And Singing A Catchy Song! It Goes Something Like..."

Wani Broke Out Into A Mini Song And Dance.

🎤 Zimzalabim, zim-zimzalabim 🎤

🎤 Zim-zimzalabim, zim-zimmm 🎤

🎤 Zimzalabim, zim-zimzalabim 🎤

🎤 Zim-zimzalabim, zim-zimmm! 🎤

Poppy And Tresillo Blink.

🎤 Na-na-na-na,

🎤 Na-na-na-na,

Poppy Interrupts.
"Um, Wani. I Say When You Can Do A Music Cue"

Wani Stops And Sat Back Down.
"Oh, Sorry My Bad"

Tresillo Scoffs.

"Continue The Story"
Poppy Said.

Wani Continues.
"Okay So, Then, We Saw This Cute Little Duckling!!! And Then We Thought, Huh.....We Should Make This Duckling K-POP FABULOUS! And Then We-"

Tresillo Groans.
"Ughhhh Seriaménte?! Where Is This Story Even Going?!"

"Yeahhhh Wani, What Does This Have To Do With Meeting Tresillo?"
Poppy Asked.

"Ohhhh......Nothing. I Just Thought It Would Be A Better Story Than Telling A Story If Meeting A BLAND Dancer Of Rhythm"
Wani Insulted.

Tresillo Got Trigger.
"Really?! You Wanna Go There?! Have You Seen You're Dancing Of Ritmó Lately???"

"Yes I Have, In A Mirror That Shows Me Slaying My Dance Moves"
Wani Winks.

"Oh Boy.."
Poppy Said.

"Dios Mío, Ni Siquiera Sabes Lo Primero Si Bailas Con Ritmo!"
Tresillo Said.

"물론입니다! 의미는 K- 팝이며 레게 톤이 아닙니다! 그래서 하!"
Wani Said.

"¡Mira En El Diccionario De Música Troll! El Ritmo Está Bajo La Definición De reggaeton!. K-Pop Es Molesto Hasta La Médula"
Tresillo Smirked.

Wani Gasps.
"어떻게 감히! 너 .... 너 .... 라티노!"

Tresillo Gasps.

Wani Yelled.

Tresillo Yelled Back.

Suddenly, Music Started To Play With Flashing Muti-Colored Lights.

Tresillo And Wani Look Around Confused.

Poppy Jumped In Front Of Them.
🎵 It's nine on the dot,
And we just talk and we talk🎵

🎵 And I just want it to stop!🎵

🎵 Cause aren't we here for
the music?🎵

🎵 And if you dare just get up outta your chair🎵

🎵 Cause this ain't going nowhere🎵

🎵 We've gotta move or you'll lose it!🎵

Tresillo And Wani Raise Their Eyebrows.

🎵 All I wanna know,
Is when we're letting go🎵

🎵 So we can get this
record to break!🎵

🎵 Why we wasting time?🎵

🎵 We never can rewind🎵

🎵 All I'm really trying to saaaay....🎵

🎵 Shut up and dance, show me what you goooot!🎵

🎵 Shut up and dance. Are you in or noooot?🎵

🎵 You're moving your mouth, C'mon Don't speeeeak!🎵

🎵 Well, shut up and dance if you're feeling itttt~🎵

🎵 'Cause I can't wait no more-🎵

🎵 So get on the floor!🎵

🎵 Don't stop.
Now's our chaaance!🎵

🎵 Just shut up and dance!!!🎵

Poppy Finishes And Poses With Cheerleading Pom-Poms.

Tresillo And Wani Just Stood There.

"Sooooooo, How Bout It Guysss? 😁"
Poppy Smiled Wide.

"...........We're Outta Here!"
Both Say Angrily.

Tresillo And Wani Storm Out The Therapy Pod.

"Wait Wait! No No Guys!"
Poppy Followed.

Tresillo Went To Becca And Laura.
"C'mon Señoritas, Let's Go"

Becca And Laura Follow Tresillo Away.

"Wait No Tresillo!"
Poppy Said.

Wani Went To Her Gang.
"Out We Go Girls!"

"Byeeee Branchhhh~"
The Girls Giggle And Follow Wani.

Poppy Said.

"Sorry Poppy-"
Wani Turned Her Head And Walked Off With The Gang.

Poppy Sighs.

Branch Tapped Poppy On Her Shoulder.

Poppy Turned Around.
"Branch I Can't Belie- AH!"

Branch Had A Makeover With A New Hairdo And Make-Up And A Blue Glitter Dress.

Branch Stared At Her.
"I've Been K-Popped -.-"

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