Chapter 2: Vacay Island/Meeting Bruce (Spruce)

{Meanwhile with Team Troll}

Blacko was running fast to where Spruce is at as the Trolls are inside his Magic Pack

Then Branch said "Operation Family Harmony is on and poppin'!, *Sees Shakeah Behind Him* What?"

Then Shakeah said to Branch "What? Oh, Nothing. I just... Well. If I didn't know any better, I'd-I''d almost say you were excited~"

Then Branch said with a nervous smile while blushing a little bit "Uh, It has nothing to do with my brothers"

Then everyone all heard the speakers on as they all heard a familiar voice speak through it "All right, All right. Tiny, Branch, Poppy, Elemental Trolls, Hard Rock Trolls, Country Trolls, Funk Trolls, Techno Trolls, Pop Trolls, Reggaeton Trolls, Smooth Jazz Trolls, Yodelling Trolls, K-Pop Trolls and this random dude..."

Then John Dory looked in disbelief as Julia snickered at this

Then the voice through the speakers which actually happens to be Tiny Diamond driving the reins on Blacko kept on talking "On another musical adventure filled with heart, Hilarity and happiness"

Then Poppy said with a smile when she saw Tiny driving the reins on Blacko "Tiny?! What are you doing here?"

Then Tiny said with a smug smile while still driving the reins on Blacko "Well, Aunt Poppy. For your information, I am no longer a baby. I'm a big boy now *Branch Comes Over To See* and I'm on a man-sized rite of passage to learn lessons of life, Courage and maybe love"

Then Poppy said in awe "Aw"

Then Shakeah said to Tiny in confusion "But how did you get in here?"

Then Tiny said "Oh, That! I had some help from 4 teenage Trolls"

Then some of the members of Team Troll all became confused by what Tiny said, Then Sha-Kai said while holding one of the 4 teenage Trolls by the collar of his vest "Looks like Tiny wasn't the only one who snuck in here"

Then John Dory and Julia both recognizes the teenage Troll to be their 15-year-old son, Jayden. Then John Dory said to Jayden while scolding him "I thought I told you and your 3 cousins to wait with Rhonda!?"

Then Jayden said to John Dory with sarcasm while crossing his arms "Oh really, Dad? You can't let your only child from seeing and reuniting with his missing mother?"

Then all of the Elemental Troll members of Team Troll except for Julia all said in surprise and shock "Dad?!"

Then Sonic said to John Dory "Dude, You're a father?! Then that makes Branch an uncle including your 3 other brothers"

Then John Dory said "Yes and yes, 5 years of marriage with Julia and we've had our first and only child. Jayden is 40% like his mother, Quite a stubborn one"

Then Julia said while smirking slyly at John Dory "And the 60% part of Jayden is like his father"

Then John Dory playfully said to Julia "That's not true"

Then Julia said with a seductive smile "It is... Doofus~"

Then John Dory felt his crotch go hard at Julia's seductive smile, Then he gave Julia the 'you deserve a punishment' face

Then Shakeah said "Easy there, Lovebirds"

Then Sha-Kai puts Jayden on the ground

{Small Timeskip to after the meeting with the first-born sons of Spruce/Bruce and Sage/Bianca, Clay and Camilla and Floyd and Fiona}

Then Branch said as Team Troll gathered around him and the clue board he made and Shakeah being in front "We got to find our brothers and fast. But don't worry, Old Branch has got it handled. All we have to do is follow the clues"

Then Shakeah said to Branch while looking at the pictures of Branch as Bitty B in different kinds of outfits with his brothers "Wow, Check out your old outfits. Puffy jackets? Puka shell necklaces? Denim tuxedos?! *With A Lot Of Rising Excitement With Hints Of Fangirl Squealing* Branch, Did you have frosted tips?!"

Then Branch said with a soft smile while looking at the picture "Yeah, It was an era"

Then John Dory said with a sly smile while being behind Shakeah "Uh, Don't forget his perm"

Then Shakeah lept onto John Dory while holding his face up close to her face as she stood on his left knee and said in an excited yet threatening way "No way. Pictures or it didn't happen"

Then John Dory made a picture of Branch when he was still Bitty B with a perm hairstyle that appeared magically in his right hand, Then Shakeah saw it from the left corner of her eye and grabbed it while squealing in excitement and awe when she said to Branch "Aah! Look at you! You were so cute. I love it"

Then Sonic, Ping-Pong, Grey, Jayden, Baxter (Son of Spruce/Bruce and Sage/Bianca, Age: 14), Caleb (Son of Clay and Camilla, Age: 13) and Fabian (Son of Floyd and Fiona, Age: 12) all saw the picture as well and then all started laughing hard at Branch

Then John Dory said with a sly smile "Uh, But we had to pull the plug when he tried to frost his perm"

Then boys who were laughing hard started laughing harder as Poppy joined in

Then Branch said to John Dory with annoyance "It was an era!"

{Timeskip to where Team Troll arrives at Vacay Island to find Spruce since Bianca drove the reins on Blacko and revealed that he was on Vacay Island}

After 10 minutes of travelling on the water since Blacko is also a Water Bender and can run on water, Team Troll made it to Vacay Island after Team Troll travelled through the Vacay Island Forest to where the Vacay Island Building is as Blacko stayed behind at the Vacay Island Forest Beach. They ran into a male Vacay Islander and then they all yelped in fright except for Bianca and Baxter

Then Bianca said with a smile to the male Vacay Islander "Hey, James"

Then James said "Hey Bianca, Baxter. Welcome back, You 2. *To Bruce's And Bianca's 12 Children* Hey guys, Looks like your mother and big brother have returned home"

Then the 12 Children of Bruce and Bianca all cheered excitedly and with happiness when they all heard their mother had finally returned home to Vacay Island

Then Poppy looked down to see them and waved to them while saying "Hi"

Then James said to Team Troll except for Bianca and Baxter "Welcome to Vacay Island, Where every day is a vacay"

Vacay Islanders: *All Sings* When you're on a holiday

You can't find the words to say

On an island in the sun

We'll be playing, Having fun

And it makes me feel so fine

I can't control my brain

Team Troll: *All Looks Up To See 2 Living Bird-Like Beach-Balls After Appearing On The Vacay Island Beach With All Of The 12 Kids Of Bruce And Bianca*

2 Living Bird-Like Beach-Balls: *Both Raps* She call me Mr. Boombastic

Tell me fantastic

*One Of Them Gives Poppy A Drink, Then Poppy Starts Drinking It From The Straw* Touch me on the back, She says I'm Mr Ro-o...

*Spruce/Bruce Appears From Behind A Wave While Surfing* Smooth

Team Troll: *All Of The Male Members Became Surprised While Almost All Of The Female Members Fall Deeply In Awe Of Bruce*

Bianca: *Bites Her Lips Seductively While Watching Her Husband With Now Lust And Desire In Her Eyes*

Spruce/Bruce: *Sings While Still Surfing* Sailing

*Surfs Infront Of The Sunset* Takes me away to where I've always heard it could be~

Shakeah: *Speaks While Looking At A Old Poster Of The Younger Spruce And Identifying Him As The Heartthrob* Heartthrob

Spruce/Bruce: *Continues Singing While Surfing* Just a dream and the wind to carry me

And soon I will be free~

Then Bruce got off his surfboard after reaching shore and walked towards his restaurant

Then Shakeah said with an in-love smile "Oh yeah, We totally see it"

{2 minutes later}

Then Bruce said while walking towards his restaurant and doing the orders "*To His Workers* Running drinks to the back two-top. *To Lenny* Hey, Lenny. Seaweed floats are almost out"

Then Lenny said to Bruce as he drank his ordered drink "Thanks, Boss"

Then John Dory said to Bruce while running and following after him along with Team Troll "Hey, Yo, Spruce! Spruce, Hey!", Then he got a menu thrown onto his face and then held it in confusion

Bianca was hiding behind Julia so Bruce wouldn't see her

Then Bruce said to Team Troll while not looking at them and even noticing them while still doing the orders and still walking towards his restaurant "Specials are on the back. Don't order the clams, Don't ask way". Then he said to a random Vacay Islander "Fricassee squid and one jellyfish slider", Then he wrote in the order

Then Branch said while calling out to Bruce "Spruce, Wait!"

Then Bruce heard his old name being called out to him not knowing it was his baby brother "Huh?", Then he realised that he thought a few people recognized him from BroZone and said after he stopped walking and writing in the order he was doing "Oh no, I knew this would happen one day. *To Team Troll* Listen, I know you recognize me from BroZone and I'm happy to give you an autograph or whatever. *Continues Writing In The Order* But can you please be discreet about it?"

Then Bianca rolled her eyes at Bruce for not recognizing his brothers and not also looking at them

Then Julia elbows John Dory in his right arm and then motions him to get Bruce's attention

Then John Dory said to Bruce "Spruce, It's us. It's your brothers"

Then what John Dory said managed to get Bruce's attention which caused him to stop writing in the order, Bruce said "*Turns Around To See Branch And Team Troll While Throwing His Blue Crayon And Notepad To Both Sides* Whoa, *Runs Past John Dory Towards Branch While Holding Out His Arms To Hug* Bitty B!"

Then John Dory said in disbelief "What?", Then Julia patted John Dory on his head

Then Bruce tossed Branch into the air while Branch said "Whoa", Then Bruce caught him and placed him on the ground before laughing

Then Branch said to Bruce "No tossing, Okay? *Fixes Up His Vest* Too big to be tossed"

Then Bruce said to Branch "The last time I saw you, You were in diapers", Then Bruce did a small laugh

Then Branch said in a bored way "Diapers, Right", Then Bruce yelled out 'Wet willy!' and then gave Branch a wet willy in Branch's right ear

Then Branch groans in disgust and says to Bruce "Stop it. *Wipes His Ear* That's disgusting. *Glares* I am a grown-up"

Then Bruce said to Branch "*In A Playful Way* Oh, Sorry. *Points His Right Finger Up* A wet William", Then he smirked playfully and was about to do it again while walking towards Branch until...

Shakeah said which caught Bruce's attention as Bruce looked at her with a charming smile "Hi, Bruce. I'm Shakeah, Queen of the Elemental Trolls and Branch's girlfriend. Wow, It's like... It's so cool to meet you or whatever. *Introduces The Elemental Trolls That Are With Team Troll* Um, This is some of the Elemental Trolls"

Then the Elemental Council all waved awkwardly and/or nervously at Bruce as the other Elemental Trolls did the same thing as the Elemental Council

Then John Dory said to Bruce "Ok, Listen Bruce. We're here because Floyd needs our...--", Then Bruce said while interrupting John Dory "Actually, No one's called me Spruce in years. I go by Bruce now"

Then John Dory said in confusion "I'm sorry, Did you say 'Bruce'?"

Then Bianca said while being behind Julia accidentally gave her hiding spot away "Yes he did, John Dory", Then she quickly covered her mouth when she realized what she had just done which caught Bruce's attention

Then Bruce snapped his head towards Bianca when Julia moved out of the way for him to see as Bianca smiled nervously at her husband, Then Bruce said with a seductive glare to Bianca after walking up to her "1 year ever since you left and 2 months since Baxter disappeared and now you finally return with our son"

Then Bianca said to Bruce "Listen Bruce, We didn't come here to-- *Gets Cut-off By Bruce As He Kisses Her Passionately*", Then Baxter said to Bruce after appearing next to his parents which caused Bruce to part from his kiss with his wife "Dad, Gross!"

Then Bruce said to Baxter "You are so grounded for 2 weeks for leaving without telling me where you were going, Young man"

Then John Dory said to Bruce "Look Spruce, Got to cut to the chase. We're not here to catch up, We're here because we need to hit the Perfect Family Harmony"

Then Bruce said "*In Annoyance To John Dory* Oh no. You're still going on about that? *To One Of His Workers* Hey. Get these guys their meals to go"

Then Violet rolled her eyes in annoyance at Bruce and said while holding onto his right ear "Listen Heartthrob! It's for your younger brother Floyd and Shakeah's older twin brother Sean, Those 2 are being held captive in a Diamond Prison at Mount Rageous by Superstars Velvet and Veneer", Then she let go of Bruce's right ear

Then Bruce rubbed his right ear and said since he heard the 'Diamond Prison' part "Yeah, You need the Perfect Family Harmony for that"

Then John Dory said to Bruce "Exactly"

Then Bruce said to John Dory "Wait. But how? We've never even come close to pulling it off. You do remember our last show, Don't you?"

Then Bianca walked to the stage with GirlZone and then said to Bruce with a seductive smirk "I bet this will change your mind... Spruce~"

Then Bruce growls seductively at Bianca and says to his wife "You know not to call me by my old name anymore, Bianca. *In Confusion* Also what do you mean?"

Then GirlZone all said to Poppy and Sha-Kai "Hit it!"

Then Poppy and Sha-Kai both started playing the boom box which was playing BroZone music

Bianca: *Starts Rapping While She Starts Dancing First* My boy's like candy, A candy treat

He knocks me right up off my feet

Julia: *Starts Rapping Too While She Starts Dancing Along With Bianca, Camilla And Fiona* He's so fine as can be

Julia and Bianca: *Both Raps While Dancing* It's like a perfect harmony, *Fist-Bumps Each Other*

GirlZone: *All Starts Singing While Dancing* Candy boy, You are my world~

John Dory and Bruce: *Both Had Their Mouths Dropped Wide Open In Surprise*

Branch: *Becomes Happy Since This Is His Second Time He Saw GirlZone Perform*

Vacay Islanders: *All Cheers For GirlZone*

GirlZone: *All Keeps Singing While Dancing* You look so sweet

Come back to me

Shakeah: *Gets Ready To Dance Along And Sing With Her Old Band, GirlZone*

GirlZone: *All Points To Shakeah As They All Kept On Singing And Dancing* All I know

*Drags Shakeah To Dance And Sing With Them* When I'm with you

Elemental Trolls: *All Cheers For Their Queen In Their Speaker Way* Yay/Whoo-hoo/Alright!

GirlZone: *All Sings While Dancing With Shakeah* You got the right stuff


Love the way you turn me on~

Team Troll: *All Sings Along* Oh, Oh, Oh-Oh-Oh

GirlZone: *All Still Sings While Dancing With Shakeah* You got the right stuff


You're the reason why I sing this song~

Shakeah: *Smiles Brightly As She Starts Glowing Including GirlZone As Well, Then She Sings Like A Angel From Heaven While Dancing With GirlZone* You're all I ever wanted~

Shakeah and GirlZone: *All Sings While Dancing* Baby, You're all I ever needed, Yeah~

Poppy: *Speaks Excitedly While Taking A Picture* I can't believe this is really happening!

Shakeah and GirlZone: *All Still Sings While Dancing* So tell me what to do now

When I want you back (I want you back)

*All Harmonising Together*

Shakeah: *Motions Branch, John Dory And Bruce To Join In*

Branch, John Dory and Bruce: *All Gets On Stage With GirlZone*

Branch, John Dory and Bruce: *All Starts Singing* BroZone's back, All right

BroZone and GirlZone: *All Sings While Dancing Together* Whether you're a mother or whether you're a brother

You're stayin' alive, Stayin' alive

Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin'

People stayin' alive, Stayin' alive

Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah (BroZone's really back again)

Stayin' alive, Stayin' alive

*All Harmonising Together*

I want you back~

Then every Vacay Islander cheered excitedly at GirlZone and BroZone

Then John Dory twirls Julia around after they get off the stage and says when he brings her closer to him "You were even better than I imagined when you were still The Leader from GirlZone~"

Then Julia said while giggling "Charmer~, But that still doesn't change me being mad at you for being so bossy"

Then John Dory said to Julia while kissing her neck and wrapping his arms around her waist "Hmm~, Worth a shot"

Then Bruce said to Bianca "You really did manage to steal my heart, Just like 20 years ago~"

Then Bianca said while wrapping her arms around her Husband's neck "I am the Heart-Throbber after all~"

Then Bruce said to Bianca while wrapping his arms around Bianca's waist "I'll forgive you for disappearing for a entire year, But that doesn't change about the punishments you are going to get~", Then Bianca blushed really madly while giggling

Then Branch said to Shakeah "I can't believe I remembered every word and *Does A Tiny Dance* every step"

Then Shakeah said while smirking seductively at Branch "Looks like your band days aren't behind you", Then she does seductive cat growls


Then Bruce said to Shakeah "So how do we find Clay?"

Then Shakeah said "We do have a ride, But try not to scream at his appearance"

Then Bruce became confused by what Shakeah said

Then Shakeah whistles for Blacko

Then Blacko came running and then stopped infront of Team Troll

Then Bruce's eyes widened with surprise and shock while his mouth was wide open at the sight of Blacko and then he said "A B-Black Shuck?"

Then Shakeah and GirlZone all said "Yep"

Then Blacko huffs at Bruce as a way of saying 'hello', Then Blacko spat water out of his mouth at John Dory which caused him to get sokened wet

Then John Dory growled at Blacko while wiping the water off his face, Then he said "I swear that mutt hates me"

Then Team Troll all got into Blacko's Magic Pack and then Blacko started running in Mount Rageous's direction to find Clay on the way there

End of Chapter 2

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