Chapter 1: Wedding Opening Melody/Meeting... Branch's Eldest Brother?!

{21 years later}

A lot has happened ever since BroZone splitted up. But right now after a entire year, GirlZone finally reunited with Shakeah. And also in the now right now, There was a wedding happening today. Not just any wedding (Definitely not Branch and Shakeah's... yet), It was the wedding between Gristle and Bridget and all of the Trolls of Trollstopia were invited there also. But what will happen if a 'certain someone' shows up unexpectedly, But Branch actually somehow happens to know him... Anyways on to the story.

Shakeah was walking to Branch's Grandmother's Pod to show him her beautiful purple floral bridesmaid's dress (Just imagine what it looks like) where he is right now listening to some of BroZone's old records

Branch was listening to some BroZone songs while he sadly looks at the cover of a BroZone record album that was left here in his Grandma's Pod for 20 years and while thinking about his 'certain past', Unknowing to him that Shakeah entered the Pod since he wasn't looking

Then Shakeah dusted her purple floral bridesmaid dress a tiny bit before seeing Branch in his current state right now, Then she softly smiles at her boyfriend. Then she clears her throat to get Branch's attention, Then she said "Branch?"

Then Branch said after hearing Shakeah's voice and while quickly turning of the music and putting the disk back in it's record album and dropping it behind him on the floor as he hides his current feelings with a fake smile "What? *Sees Shakeah* Oh, Hey"

Then Shakeah said after taking a few steps towards him "Are you okay? You're smiling and crying at the same time. It kind of looks like it's hurting your face"

Then Branch said while losing his fake smile and rubbing his cheeks with his hands "It does hurt my face", Then he said after he stopped rubbing his face and while giving his usual frown and starting to put the record disk back into its album when he turned towards it "I guess I'm just missing my, Um... *Clears His Throat And Crosses His Arms* Grandma. *Uncrosses His Arms, Then Puts The Record Disk Back Into It's Record Album Case* I was just listening to some of her old records."

Then Shakeah saw the record album's cover which happens to be BroZone and her face became really excited as she said "BroZone?! No way!, *Snatches The BroZone Album Out Of Branch's Hands After He Putted The Record Disk Back Inside Of It, Then Looks At It With A Lot Of Excitement* I love BroZone!"

Then Branch said with happy widened eyes before clearing his throat and tries to act cool "Really? *Quickly Clears His Throat And Starts Acting Cool* I mean... Really?"

Then Shakeah said "Let's say... my favourite BroZone singer is Bitty B, He was so cute and adorable"

Then Branch secretly smiles happily when he heard those words from his girlfriend

Then Shakeah said to Branch before tossing the BroZone Album back to Branch which he quickly caught "I didn't know you liked them too."

Then Branch said after quickly catching it and then holding the BroZone Album in his arms "I don't, I'm actually hate-listening. It's a new thing, My Grandma had very questionable taste. I mean, Just look at how she decorated this place. I'm sorry, But there are some things that just shouldn't be macraméd. Am I right?", Then he puts the BroZone Album away

Then Shakeah said while looking at Branch and having a sly yet teasing smirk "Kind of seems like there's something you're not telling me~"

Then Branch said while hesitating and lying and while blushing madly "What? *Fakes Scoffs* Don't be silly, No"

Then Shakeah said "*Lifts Branch's Up For Him To Look At Her As Branch Looks Deep Into His Girlfriend's Eyes* Branch, Hey... look at me. I need you to be real with me, *Holds Both Of Branch's Hands While Caressing Them With Her Thumbs* It's seems more than a macramé issue. If you're having feelings, You can talk about them with me"

Then Branch said after taking a deep breath "Okay, Your right... *Looks At Shakeah, Then Starts Thinking About A Excuse To Change The Subject And Then He Saw What Shakeah Was Wearing For The Wedding* Whoa"

Then Shakeah noticed him looking down as in her purple floral bridesmaid dress, Then she remembered why she came here for. Then she said "Oh! Do you like it?, *Twirls A Bit* I made it myself"

Then Branch said while smirking seductively and wrapping his arms around Shakeah's waist as Shakeah wrapped her arms around his neck "You look beautiful as always~"

Then Shakeah giggled at that, Then she felt Branch kissing her passionately and then she fell deeply for it as she closes her eyes and started moaning softly in pleasure in the kiss

Then Branch parted from the kiss as he smirks at Shakeah

Then Shakeah used her hair to brush against his nose as her hair contains some of her scent, Then she said while smirking slyly "Coming handsome~?"

Then Branch smirks and then started chasing Shakeah

Then the 'Let's Get Married Opening Melody' (I'm making it in my own way, Thank you) started playing in the background as both Branch and Shakeah started riding Flying Glow Bugs with their feet while standing

[Verse 1]

Shakeah and Branch: *Both Sings Together As Shakeah Grabs Branch By His Hands And They Both Started Dance Like Spinning Around* Oh, yeah~

Keep it comin', love

Keep it comin', love

Don't stop it, I won't stop it, no

We don't stop it, girl, don't stop

Keep it comin', love

Chorus: *Sings* We are family

Shakeah and Branch: *Both Still Sings Together As Violet, GirlZone And The Trolls Of Trollstopia Including The Troll Couple Started Dancing And Singing Along Including The Bergens* Keep it comin', love

Don't stop it, I won't stop it, no

Chorus: *Sings* All my brothers and my sisters with me

Shakeah and Branch: *Both Still Sings Together* We don't stop it, girl, don't stop

[Verse 2]

Branch: *Sings As He Dances With Shakeah* Everyone can see we're together

As we walk on by

Shakeah: *Sings Like A Angel From Heaven While Dancing With Branch* And we fly just like birds of a feather

I won't tell no lies~

Branch: *Sings* All of the people

Chorus: *Sings* We are family

Branch: *Keeps Singing* About is, they say

*With Shakeah* "Can they be that close?"

*On His Own* Just let me state for the record

Chorus: *Sings* We are family

Branch: *Sings With Shakeah* We're giving love in a family dose

[Verse 3]

Prince D: *Sings While Helping Gristle Get Ready For His Wedding With Cooper, King Peppy And Cloud Guy* Push it

Get it, get it

Ooh, baby, baby

Baby, baby

Brush it (Brush it)

Wax it (Wax it)

Shave it (Shave it)

P-Push it real good

Get up on

[Verse 4]

Meanwhile with Bridget, Poppy and Sha-Kai

Bridget: *Sings* I do my hair toss, Check my nails

Poppy: *Sings As She Is On Bridget's Left Shoulder* Baby, How you feelin'?

Chorus: *Sings* Feelin' good as—

Bridget: *Keeps Singing* I do my hair toss, Check my nails

Sha-Kai: *Sings As She Was On Bridget's Right Shoulder* Baby, How you feelin'?

Bridget: *Sings* Feelin' good as hello

It's me he's looking for

I can see it in his eyes

Chorus: *Sings* Ooh-ooh

[Verse 5]

Meanwhile back at the Wedding Ceremony

Tiny Diamond: *Sings* Everybody treats me like I'm just a little baby (Yeah, yeah)

But I'm walkin' and I'm talkin' on the daily (Sheesh)

I roll the dice, drinkin' cola gettin' wild

Daddy, I'm a man now, not a little child

Sonic: *Rushes By While Speaking* Come on guys, It's time!

[Verse 6]

Everyone at the Wedding: *All Sings While Dancing* We are family

GirlZone: *All Sings* Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Everyone at the Wedding: *All Still Sings While Dancing* I got all my sisters with me

Violet: *Sings While Dancing* Oh-Oh, Oh-Oh, Yeah~

Everyone at the Wedding: *All Still Sings While Dancing* We are family

Prince D: *Sings* Uh, Uh

Everyone at the Wedding: *All Still Sings While Dancing As Branch Dances With Shakeah* Get up, Everybody and sing

Prince D: *Sings* Get up, Get up, Get up

Everyone at the Wedding: *All Still Sings While Dancing* We are family

Violet: *Sings While Dancing* Hey, Yeah

Everyone at the Wedding: *All Still Sings While Dancing* I got all my sisters with me

Chorus: *Sings* Feelin' good as hell

Everybody at the Wedding: *All Still Sings While Dancing As Some Of The Female Elemental Trolls Were Catapulted Into The Air By The Bergens And Were Caught Bridal Style By Their Boyfriends/Husbands* We are family

Get up, Everybody and sing

Bridget: *Sings As She Was Shown In A White Balloon Like Dress* Sing it to me, Sing it to me, Sing it to me~

{Song Ends}

Then Gristle shudders in excitement and happiness as he said "Oh"

Then Bridget smiles at Gristle while blushing slightly

Then Sha-Kai jumped onto the white balloon like dress as Bridget saw her, Then Sha-Kai said "Bridget"

Then Bridget said while looking down at Sha-Kai "Sha-Kai"

Then Sha-Kai said to Bridget "You look so beautiful"

Then Bridget said to Sha-Kai "Thank you, Poppy, Shakeah, Violet and GirlZone so much for being my maids of honour. *Starts Getting Teary* I couldn't have done this without you guys"

Then Sha-Kai said "Of course, Bridget. Now go get him girl, Before Poppy does", Then Sha-Kai popped the white balloon like dress with a pin as it explodes with glitter to reveal a white wedding like jumpsuit which Bridget was really wearing and Sha-Kai appearing next to her girlfriend Queen Poppy of the Pop Trolls

Then Gristle said with awe and while shuddering in excitement "Like a beautiful angel sent from Heaven", Then he sniffles as he started getting a tiny bit teary

Then Bridget started skating towards the alter as Shakeah rested her head on Branch's right shoulder while holding his hand and Shakeah being so proud for Bridget, Then Bridget carefully climbed up the stairs on her roller-skate tippy toes and then she skated to Gristle's side as she and Gristle both started holding hands

Then Gristle's aunt named Smead called out to Bridget "Hey Bridget, You still have time to run for it", Then she started laughing

Then Gristle said to his aunt with annoyance after fake laughing "Very funny, Aunt Smead. I'm uh... so glad you could make it", Then he looks at Bridget with a smile

Then the priest started the wedding by saying "Dearly beloved, We are gathered here today to celebrate the sweet, sweet love of Bridget.. *To Bridget* Hey girl.. *To The Guests While Being Next To Gristle* and Mr. Yummy-Tummy himself, King Gristle. Now, Falling in love is easy. We've all done it. I've done it a hundred times. Thousands even, If you count that semester I spent abroad"

Then Branch and Shakeah looked at each other with confusion as they hear what the priest was saying until...

A certain unknown voice yelled out "Stop the wedding!!"

Then everyone gasped including Branch as goes infront of Shakeah to protect her and as they all turned to see who it is as that male troll figure was standing on top of a building roof doing a hero pose infront of the sunlight, But they all couldn't make out who he is

Then Gristle said to Bridget with confusion and concern while pointing at him "Uh Bridget, Do you know this guy?"

Then Bridget said to Gristle "I can't remember all of my suitors, Grissy."

Then the male Troll figure jumped down from the roof and out of the sun as he yells while coming down as he goes when he slides on a rope with his feet and then jumping down from the rope he was sliding on

Then both Branch and Julia tried to figure out who he is while looking at him

Then the male Troll figure used his hair to swing on a banner holder, Then he catapulted himself forward. Then grabbed onto a pinkish-red heart shaped balloon as he floated down to the ground almost near the wedding alter with the help of the balloon, Then he let go of the balloon and then landed on his feet on the ground

Then the male Troll figure said walking forward a bit "Sorry. *Lifts His Goggles Up To His Forehead To Reveal Himself To Be... John Dory* Is this bad timing?"

Then Branch and Julia both softly gasped when they both saw John Dory while they both recognised him as Julia started hiding behind Bianca so she doesn't get spotted by John Dory

Then John Dory said to the people "I'm just trying to find 2 Trolls named..., *Sees Branch With Shakeah Behind Him, Then Gasps Excitedly As He Goes Over To Him And Climbs Up To The Seat Branch Was On As He Smiles Excitedly At Branch* Whoo! Baby Branch!"

Then Branch said to John Dory while pretending that he doesn't know him "Uh you're making a mistake, *Crosses His Arms* Stranger that looks similar to me. *Gives His Eldest Brother The 'Zip It' Sign* There's no Branch here"

Then John Dory said to Branch "Look at you, You got so big. *Climbs Up, Then Walks Towards Branch* You're not a branch anymore, You're more like a trunk. Junk in the trunk", Then he slaps Branch's butt

Then Branch said while rubbing his slapped butt as Shakeah did a shocked face "Ow"

Then John Dory said to Branch with a smirk "I bet you I can still pick you up. *Starts Picking Branch Up* Come on. *Starts Losing Balance As Branch Was Now Moving Around On His Head* Ooh, You got heavy. *Feels His Back Hurt As Branch Tries To Push Him Away* Aah! There goes my back. *Holds His Back With His Right Hand* Oh, Charley horse. *Then Branch Lands On His Head As His Left Hand Holds The Other Side Of His Back* Oh, God. Aah! 2 charley horses"

Then Shakeah yelled out to John Dory which caught his attention when looked at her as he stopped his losing balance "Hey! Stop right there, You put my boyfriend down. *Really Sternly* Tell us who you are and what you want!"

Then John Dory puts Branch down as Branch said "Ow", Then John Dory said to Shakeah while fixing himself up "Hey, What up? You're right, Totally rude of me. Didn't introduce myself, *Holds His Hand Out To Shake Shakeah's Hand* I'm Branch's brother"

Then Shakeah said in shock while gasping loudly in surprise "What?!!!!"

Then everyone else all gasped loudly in surprise at what they are all hearing from John Dory

Then Shakeah has a shocked look on her face as she looks at John Dory and her mouth was left wide open

Then Branch said from behind Shakeah to John Dory "Correction: Used to be my brother. Not anymore", Then he turned to the opposite direction of his sighting of John Dory as he crossed his arms and angrily frowns

Then Shakeah said to Branch while turning to him "Hey um... r-remember earlier when I said you should open up to me and be real?"

Then Branch said while starting his sentence "Well...--", Then he got interrupted by Shakeah when she grabbed him by his colour and getting into his face

Then Shakeah said while shaking him by his collar "You could've started by telling me you had a secret brother!!"

Then Branch said to Shakeah while making her let go of him by holding her hands "Former brother"

Then Shakeah said "*To Branch* That's not how DNA works! *To King Kerchak While Putting Her Fists On Her Hips* Dad, Did you know about this?"

Then King Kerchak gulped nervously and started making a excuse by saying to Shakeah "What would I know about secret family members?", Then he chuckled nervously as he hides his hands behind his back while looking away from Shakeah

Then Shakeah realised something and said to John Dory while introducing herself "Oh, My gosh. I was being so rude, I've never met anyone from Branch's family before. I'm Shakeah, Queen of the Elemental Trolls and Branch's girlfriend. Should we hug, Fist-Bump, Smile and wave for now and see where the night takes us?"

Then John Dory said "All the above", Then he chuckled

Then Shakeah said "*To John Dory* Wait a minute, I know you. You're one of the guys from BroZone! *To The Elemental Trolls With Excitement* We were just listening to them!"

Then some of the Elemental Trolls cheered excitedly about this

Then Shakeah said to John Dory "Oh, Wait. Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait. Don't tell me. *Starts Thinking About Who John Dory Is* Um ok, Well you're not the Heartthrob"

Then when John Dory was about to say something before Shakeah kept on thinking about who John Dory is from BroZone, They were both interrupted by Julia when she said after coming out from behind Bianca "He is John Dory, 'The Leader' of BroZone!"

Then both Shakeah and John Dory turned towards Julia who has a angry face on her while she crossed her arms and glaring at John Dory

Then John Dory said to Julia with a lot of relief "There you are, Julia! I've been looking everywhere for you"

Then Julia said to John Dory angrily "Save it, John!"

Then Gristle said to Julia "Uh, Julia? Do you know him?"

Then Julia said angrily "Of course I do! He's my husband!"

Then everyone all gasped at what Julia said except for Shakeah and GirlZone

Then Shakeah said to John Dory to release all of the tension "So, If-If your Branch's bro... then that means that all the other BroZone bros are Branch's bros too"

Then Shakeah gasped excitedly at Branch when she turned to face him and said to him "Branch, How come you never told me?!"

Then Branch said while he was still doing what he has been doing "Because it's complicated"

Then Shakeah said to Branch while patting his back softly and awkwardly "Oh, Sweetie. 'Cause you weren't in the band"

Then John Dory said after chuckling a little bit "Branch was in the band all right"

Then Shakeah said excitedly to John Dory when she turned to him "What? No way. Which one was he?"

Then John Dory said with a smug grin on his face "Bitty B"

Then Shakeah said excitedly "Bitty B?! No way, I love Bitty B! But no, That's impossible. Bitty B had glasses"

Then John Dory said while mentioning "Oh, And a diaper"

Then Branch said after turning to them "*In A Singing Way* And...*In His Normal Voice* a falsetto made of gold, Not that anyone cared. * But that's all in the past, Because they stopped being my brothers the day they walked out on me and never came back"

{Timeskip to where John Dory finishes explaining everything about the situation he got word of from Floyd including telling Shakeah that Sean is alive}

Shakeah was breathing heavily after hearing the news of her older twin brother is alive and looked like she was about to faint as Branch held her steadily by her waist

Then Violet became really scared and nervous after John Dory mentioned Mount Rageous and Velvet and Veneer

Then Poppy said to John Dory "So you came here to get the band back together and sing the Perfect Family Harmony?"

Then John Dory said with a smile "Yeah"

Then Branch said rudely and sarcastically to John Dory "Oh yeah, So we can attempt to sing something we've only tried once and failed so miserably at that we broke up and never talked to each other again"

Then Shakeah said with determination and bravery after regaining her self-consciousness "We are in!"

Then Branch said "*To Shakeah* What? *To John Dory* Uh, Could you give us a second? *To Shakeah While Turning Towards Her* Okay, What are you doing?"

Then Shakeah said "This is your second chance with your brothers, Branch"

Then Branch said to Shakeah after sighing "It's not the easy with having 4 older brothers, Okay? You don't get it, You only have 1 older brother"

Then Shakeah said "I know. But after hearing that he is alive, I want to do what ever it takes to be reunited with him again. Besides you can't do this alone with your brother and you are like my bodyguard, So I'm coming with you with some others"

Then Branch said in confusion "Others?"

Then the Trolls Couples all stepped forward to Branch including Violet and GirlZone to show him what Shakeah ment

Then Branch said to Shakeah in defeat "Fine, It's just because I love you"

Then Shakeah hugs Branch as Branch returns her hug

Then John Dory said with happiness "Works for me!"

Then Julia said "*To John Dory* Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah. *Whistles For Blacko*"

Then Blacko appeared while wearing his magic pack on his back and them stopped infront of Team Troll

Then John Dory yelped in fear at Blacko and said "B-Black Shuck?"

Then Julia said with a smirk "He is a big sweetheart, You big baby"

Soon everyone in Team Troll all got into Blacko's magic pack after saying their farewells and Gristle and Bridget being officially married now and were all off on their journey to find Spruce (Bruce) and Clay and rescue both Floyd and Sean before it's too late

End of Chapter 1

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