Scout/Pyro/Soldier Oc

Real Name: Justin Sonow Arambulo aka SONOW0409
Nationality: Filipino but it's the biggest patriot the United States have ever met for some reason
Ethiny: Asian/White
Mental Conditions: None diagnosed but has the personality of a golden retriever
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Straight

Classes, Emblems and Mercenary Outfits:




Combined Class Name: Goodboy

Powers, Abilities, Skills and Hax:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics

Weapon Mastery (Expert Marksman and Bat Wielder)


Blessed (Scout is God's gift to women, after finding out that no women had slept with him, God contemplated punishing humanity by sending a plague, a flood, or just blowing up the Earth)

Damage Boost (Can deal Critical Hits at random)

Limited Flight (Can jump once in mid-air)

Resistance to Radiation Manipulation (Can regularly drink cans of Bonk! Atomic punch with no adverse effects, which contains radiation)

Enhanced Limited Flight (Can jump twice in mid-air with the Atomizer and five times with the Soda Popper)

Statistics Amplification (Can temporarily increase his stats with certain weapons)

Afterimage Creation (with Bonk! which grants afterimages while Scout is running)

Status Effect Inducement (The Fan O'War marks opponents for death on hit. The Sandman temporarily slows foes on hit. The Boston Basher/Three-Rune Blade causes foes to bleed for 5 seconds on hit)

Energy Projection (The C.A.P.P.E.R shoots out lasers)

Healing (Damage dealt to those drenched in the Mad Milk converts 60% of that damage dealt into the attacking player's health. The Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol heals Scout for 3 HP for each hit)

Resistance to Fire Manipulation (With Sun on a Stick)

Fear Manipulation (The Saxton Hale Mask and the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head give immunity to the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Boo Taunt)

(Via Magic Spells)

Fire Manipulation (Via Fireball which shoots a ball of fire that sets enemies on fire in a large radius and Meteor Shower which summons several fiery meteors above the targeted area)

Teleportation (Shadow Leap fires a dark smoke-like ball that teleports the spell-caster to wherever it lands when it comes in contact with a surface)

Invisibility (Stealth temporarily cloaks the spell-caster for 8 seconds)

Explosion Manipulation (Pumpkin MIRV throws a bomb that produces a ring of small team-colored pumpkin bombs once it hits something; if it hits a player, it immediately explodes)

Summoning (Skeleton Horde Fires a skull at the area which Upon impact, explodes into several team-colored Skeletons which begin to attack enemies. Summon Monoculus Fires a skull at the area which upon impact, summons a ghostly team-colored MONOCULUS that floats upwards a fixed height and attacks enemies)

Electricity Manipulation (Ball O' Lightning fires a wave of electricity that continuously deals 20 damage to enemies it touches and sucks them in)

Invulnerability and Healing (Overheal Übercharges the spell-caster and all allies within 275 Hammer units and quickly refills their health up to an overhealed amount of up to twice their maximum health)

Self-Healing (Shadow leap, Blast Jump, Overheal, Stealth and all heal the user and others)

XRegeneration (Regeneration, Vampire, and King all grant regeneration effects)

Damage Transferal (With Reflect, 80% of the damage dealt is reflected to the attacker)

Disease Manipulation and Regeneration Negation (The Plague power up infects other players and block's the King powerup's regeneration)

Status Effect Inducement (Supernova stuns all nearby players)

Damage Reduction (Many power ups grant a damage resistance)

Disease Manipulation (With Resistance)

Damage Transferal (Resistance and Vampire give immunity to Reflect powerup)

Damage Transferal (Resistance and Vampire give immunity to Reflect powerup)

Weapon Mastery (Expert marksman withh a rocket launcher and is self-taught in the use of various firearms, shovels, swords and trench warfare equipment)

(With his rocket launcher)

Self-Destruction (Via grenades)

Damage Boost (Can deal Critical Hits at random)

Immortality (Type 4), Empowerment and Resurrection (Stated that he cannot die, and will simply come back stronger)

Enhanced SensesExtrasensory Perception and Non-Physical Interaction (Can see, talk and interact with the souls of both Redmond and Blutarch Mann)

Limited Healing (Can repair broken bones)

High mobility via rocket jumping

Resistance to Pain

Statistics Amplification or Statistics Reduction (With various weaponry)

(Via the Buff Banner, Battalion's Backup, and Concheror)

Rage Power (With the Battalion's Backup)

Regeneration (Mid-Low; with Concheror)

Self-Healing (With Black Box)

Enhanced Air Mobility (With Mantreads)

Energy ProjectionFire ManipulationEnergy Manipulation and Durability Negation (With Cow Mangler 5000 and Bison)

Self-Curse ManipulationSelf-Death Manipulation and Healing (With Half-Zatoichi)

Limited Empowerment (the Equalizer increases soldier's strength as his health gets lower while the Escape Plan increases his speed instead, however it only applies when he has these weapons active)

Superhuman Physical Characteristics

Weapon Mastery (Expert Pyrotechnician, skilled with firearms and axes)

Damage Boost (Can deal Critical Hits at random)

Enhanced Senses

Assisted Healing (Upon extinguishing burning teammates, Pyro can restore 20 HP of their health)

Fire Manipulation (With Flamethrower. Can shoot a fireball out of their hands, Pyro has also shown several other feats of pyrokinesis)

Air Manipulation and Attack Reflection (Can deflect projectiles with an airblast)

Resistance to Fire Manipulation (They wear an asbestos-lined suit that nullifies the afterburn of other Pyros and all flame-related weaponry, although it does not provide any resistance to direct fire damage)

Matter Manipulation (Can cut at the molecular level with the Third Degree)

Explosion Manipulation (Via the Detonator and Scorch Shot)

Limited Flight (With the Thermal Thruster Pyro can fly a short distance upwards)

Limited Invulnerability (Becomes invulnerable while taunting during the activation of the Phlogistinator's crits)

Damage Boost (The Backburner guarantees to deal critical damage when attacking from behind, Phlogistinator guarantees critical damage after initiating Mmmph)

Fire Resistance Negation (With the Gas Passer, Pyros set aflame after being covered in it will burn despite their resistance)

His Voice:

His Themes:


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