Love and justice will win the day!
Is she out of her fucking mind?
"We shouldn't take the vote now, i haven't gotten a chance to defend myself--" I argued. This can't be how this story ends, I put blood sweat and tears into friendships and relationships only for it to bite me in the ass..
"Let's hear this, I grant you five minutes!" She held out a hand.
"Five minutes is far too short for me to actually express all that I feel... I'll try to summ it up, but I'm not really great with words..." I sighed, finally looking up at all of my 'classmates' --no, friends. "We've been together through thick and thin. Whenever there was something wrong, I tried my best to help you guys. When you were upset, I tried my best to be there for you--a shoulder to cry on." I took my time looking into everyone's eyes. Some darted away and others held my glance. "Please... Please, listen to my words guys... Within the five or six weeks of knowing each other, I have never once asked for anything in return... Not even for your guys' comfort when I was upset... All I ask of you guys is to believe in me.."
"Believe... in you?" Aoi asked.
"Just to believe in me, that's all I've ever wanted from you guys. Not money, not fame, not to save my own ass... just that you guys can trust me."
Byakuya scoffed, "Oh, please. What do we even get out of believing in you?"
"Really? That's your big promise?! What's the difference between me voting for you right now and just watching you cry?"
"It's the truth." My hands shook, god i was going to throw up. I held onto the podium for support. "You guys get nothing out of not voting for me, but you lose everything for voting for her. You lose yourselves if you vote for the true viliness in the story..."
" ridiculous."
"Just...grant me this one thing? I'll never ask for anything again..." My shoulders shook as I tried to keep my breakfast down. Even while collecting my breath, the ground looked like it was going to collapse.
How selfish...could the human race truly be?
" that it?" Junko looked at me, she racked through her brain what emotion to display. "I would shed a tear, but frankly I'm too tired for all of this bullcrap ppp. God, this is so boring. Stubborn till the very end, huh? Well, that's fine. Then let's just hurry up and get it over with. It's time for the final vote. Everything will come to an end. Your stupid hope... And your stupid life!"
The final vote... This is it, I almost couldn't believe it... The ultimate confrontation... I have to show everyone... I just have to make them remember! I have to convince them not to give up. To live in despair... God this was making me sick. I looked as if I were going to faint at any moment...
I dug my nails so deep into the podium that I'm sure at least five splinters jammed into my fingers. Junko had taken away my voting screen and all I could do was watch my classmates choose.
Some were quick with it, Like Chihiro and Toko.
Others like Byakuya and Yachiru needed time to truly decide what the right decision was.
Vote by vote, one by one, I watched them all put in a vote.
We watched the room flash with lights as a big screen displayed behind me. We quickly turned around and watched the results load on in. My legs were shaking, I could barely hold myself up.
One for junko
One for me...
Two for me...
Three for me...
Two for Junko..
Three for Junko wait,--four! Five! Six!...What, Seven?
"Oh my god--" I felt my feet fall to the ground.
"The hell...? I've lost?! Who voted for the garden fairy to win and not me?!" Junko pushed past everyone to get closer to the board. She recounted all of the votes and looked back at us. "Who the hell messed with the votes?! That's it, confess right now!"
Chihiro quickly shouted, "I-I don't know what you mean by that but if you want to know my vote, i voted once for you!"
"I voted once for you too!" Mondo shouted louder.
"As I did it." Celestia hummed, Kyoko and Makoto chimed in that they had not voted for me. My heart pounded out of my chest. Was there really an error? Did I lose?
"I..voted for Y/N." Toko confessed, someone gasped and she shouted "D-Don't give me that look! I followed after my master!"
Byakya scoffed, "You should really learn to think for yourself, I voted for Junko."
"I... also voted for them..." Aoi confessed.
"To be fair I closed my eyes and did inni mini mani mo to figure out who to vote for--" Everyone shouted at Yoshihiro for blindly guessing.
"This is b..bullshit! Someone voted twice. Confess, who was it? I-I'll kill Y/N right here and right now." The blonde rushed to my booth and almost broke it down. She yanked me up by my arm, a knife was held in her other hand. Everyone immediately jumped to a defensive position as it was forcibly placed against my neck.
The cold blade threatened to dig deeper into my neck. It almost did until another blade knocked it out of her hand. We all slowly looked to where Junko once stood. There stood mukuro. Her hand shook as she had another dagger in her hand.
"What are you doing?"
She looked at "I-I...I voted for you, sister." The room quickly went silent. The betrayal of not one, but both of the each other. To themselves as family... "You've lost, Junko...we've lost.."
"I...lost? Me...? N-No way... " She looked up at the board and back at Mukuro. She dropped me and walked over to her stand. Chihiro and Mondo rushed to my side.
Kyoko scoffed, "You still don't accept it...?"
"Wow...Even the Ultimate Despair herself is vulnerable to the onslaught of despair, it would seem. Well that's juuuust...! Totally the best!"
Junko grinned at Makotos question. "This...this is despair...! We came to this school two years ago, and created our incredibly detailed plan... I even killed my own sister for it...And she stabbed me back here! To come this far, and fail at the very end...!It's the most ultimate despair!"
"-What are you talking about...?" Celestia deadpanned.
"Don't you see? I was so hopelessly desperate! I was bored of the world the moment I was born! That's why I've been looking forward to this so desperately. This once-in-a-lifetime experience... It is my first and last colossal despair, here at the moment of death! To have the chance to taste the highest grade despair--the utter failure of my dreams! Ahhh! I am so hopelessly happy right now!"
"Wait, is she...enjoying this?" Mondo shouted.
I hushed him, "I've learned not to ask..."
"Anyway, so are you prepared to admit defeat?" Kyoko asked.
"Haha...hahahahaaahahaaa! You think I care whether I won or lost? Either way, it doesn't change a thing! Outside is only despair, inside is only despair! No matter where you go, despair awaits you! You chose Y/N over me, honestly I'm still a little surprised... who would've known." She stared down at me, "Fine, let me just say one last thing... If you guys wanna get all hung up on the word hope, that's no skin off my nose... But just be warned... From this point on, one despair after another will stand in your way. No matter where you run, no matter where you hide... Maybe you'll find some hope, but there is a very fine line dividing that hope from bitter despair. Knowing that, you still plan to cling to your hope?"
"Of course! Because we--"
She shouted at Yoshihiro. "Shut up, shut up! That was a rhetorical question. You interrupted my monologue! Besides, you voted for despair anyways?!"
"I wasn't looking?!"
"I'm almost done though, so whatever..."
"Because it's almost punishment time, right!?" Makoto asked.
"God! Will you all stop interrupting me?! I can't even remember anymore, bummer!"
I finally stood up, our eyes met "Do you really intend to go through with this?"
"That was the agreement, right?"
"You don't actually... have to go through with this, you know?" I asked her, slowly abandoning my position and inching closer to the blonde. "You could come out with us, live permanently and peacefully with your sister, with us, with the world...."
"The world?"
"Think about it, why don't you come with us? You don't have to die here in this school!" I held out a hand to her, 'maybe...just maybe i could change her opinion...'
"And go with you guys...?" She looked around at all of us and finally came back to mukuro. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop as we all awaited her answer. Could I change the future of all the games? If I convince her to come with us, nobody will have to suffer? Right...right?
Kyoko asked, now intrigued. "Well...? What do you say?"
"Yes....ill...ill go with you guys..." Her eyes drained its color before filling quickly back up, a smile cracked at her lips. "That's what I would say if I were a pussy! What do I look like? Your friend? Please, I'm not like Tsumugi in the other story! How many times do I have to tell you!? The act of living brings me no hope at all! All I want now is to taste that despair of death that you only get once in life. So...Don't get in my fucking way!"
' Tsumugi?'
She crackled like crazy walking over to the red button, carefully caressing it. Mukuro quickly followed behind the sister, I grabbed onto her forearm and halted her to a slow stop. "What about you...? Won't you stay with us?"
"I...would, I could be my own person and be with you all...." She gave me a slight smile--no scratch that, a real smile. "But, I have to follow my younger sister...I am the oldest of course, I have to keep watch over here. I won't forget the kindness you've given me, even when you knew I wasn't the real Junko... you liked me, for me. I can't repay you for that..."
She slightly squeezed my hand before trailing to her sister, not standing behind her--but next to her. "Puhuhu... Puhuhuhu! So this is how the despair of death feels... Ahh, it's so wonderful! Even a tenth of this despair... Even a hundredth...! I want every last soul on this planet to taste such despair! I want the entire world to die with that despair in its mouth! I've reserved an extra special punishment for last! Let's give it everything we've got! It's...PUNISHMENT TIME!"
And for the last time, I watched the punishment unfold between the two. I couldn't look away, I couldn't help this feeling I had inside of me...I felt like I just completed a huge level in a game...
When their bodies were crushed, nobody could move. I walked ahead and placed a hand on the box. Letting out a small chuckle, I faced the crowd.
"Y-Y/N?" Chiro asked. I could feel their hearts skip a beat as I looked back at them, my facial expression darkened.
"You're a bunch of fools. You really trusted me?"
"N-No...this can't be!?" Makoto shouted.
"I'm just joking." I sighed and patted his back, "Just goes to show, fuck you guys when i need your help. Did you guys seriously doubt me when i really broke my back in order to sav---"
Mondo sighed and covered my mouth with his hand, sofly hustling me off the ground. My feelings dangled as he turned around, "--And I think that's enough of you, let's just find the exit."
As we stood in front of the big vault, I tightened my grip on Mondo and Chihiros hands. This really will be the last i see of any of them, god i'm going to cry. Maybe I shed a few tears as the gate to freedom opened up. Some of them looked at me confused as to why I was crying, of could they know? They're just fictional characters in a video game...
"We know, Y/N..." Kyoko broke the silence. "We don't understand well.... But we do understand what little information was left for us."
"We won't forget you, so please don't forget us..." Makoto grinned as we took a huge step onto the threshold.
Chihiro whispered as I felt my body slowly go numb,"Hopefully we meet again..."
And that's how everything came to an end...
The final class trial... Mukuro Ikusaba..., Junko Enoshima, the Ultimate Despair... Life at Hope's Peak Academy...
It was all over.
Welcome back...
Finalized Dangan-Trust Stats
Makoto Naegi — (Science lab partners)
Kyoko Kirigiri — (Partners in crime)
Byakuya Togami — (Acquaintances)
'Junko Enoshima' — (Deceased)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru — (finally put to rest)
Leon Kuwata — (Deceased)
Chihiro Fujisaki — (Happily married)
Mondo Owada — (Happily married)
Aoi Asahina — (Friendly)
Sakura Ogami - (Backstabber...)
Hifumi Yamada - (Deceased)
Toko Fukawa - (Gay)
Yasuhiro Hagakure - (friendly)
Sayaka Maizono - (Deceased)
Celestia Ludenberg - (Babysitter)
F/N L/N - (freed)
Author - (Loved)
All Achievements:
Petting Zoo
Friendship is magic
Boom Baby
Cooking mama
Are Ya Making Friends Son?
Parent Trap
Ace Attorney
Minecraft sparkling noises
Bounded together?
Fortune Teller
Angsty teen
Bakugou was here
Dirt Eater
Batman Kyoko
Open eye
Welcome back...
Total achievements:
My heart actually hurts, i don't know why. I think somewhere deep down within me, I feel as if I know this will be the last Danganronpa fanfic I will post...forever. Not that the fandom hasnt done me well, i just think i need to let it go...i've been here ever since freshman year of high school with that god awful x reader....then v2 and finally v1.
I cherish all of you here, honestly i couldn't have done it without all of your support and all of your kindness and crackhead ass comments. To be honest, I get motivation through all of your comments and excitement, this book is yours just as much as mine. I think i might make a danganronpa x reader for the second game if i could find the transcript---
I really will miss all of you guys, I hope you can stay with me through this very very long guys have grown up with me, I feel so proud. Please continue to support me with my other books like my OHSHC and TPN x readers...
I do need a break from this fandom--and im glad when i took my horrendous long breaks, you guys were still here and ready to read... i couldn't thank you all enough. You have no idea how badly i'm sobbing right now, i can't even think straight ---which is why a lot of these sentences don't make sense or a long run on. I can't think anymore, I can barely see my keyboard...
For the last time, i'm signing off as your crackhead ass writer,
I love all of you guys
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