"I guess not knowing someone
doesn't mean you don't
understand them."
I remember when the announcement went off, Sayaka's body was stabbed. She was slumped over with a piece of paper behind still in her hands.... however there were no words behind her this time.. only a small drawing of a skull....
'Goddamn Sayaka, you couldn't write the killer's name..?'
"Ah! You're awake! Finally! Are you okay?" Aoi leaned over to Makoto—who passed out when he saw the dead body.
Mondo kicked him off the bench, "Now's no time for sleeping. Get your ass up!"
"Huh...? Ow!"
"You were unconscious, dude. I had to carry you back here." Hiro scratched his head, "Y/N couldn't do much to help but if you still have a headache go to them."
"It's no surprise, considering what happened." Sakura hummed.
"What...happened?" Makoto asked softly before getting violent flashbacks.
Hina held onto his shoulder, "H-Hey, are you okay!?"
"So it wasn't a dream? What I saw... It was real...?"
"That's right. It really did happen. Sayaka...is dead." Byakuya crossed his arms. Makoto tried to get up but I held him back. "Hey, where do you think you're going?"
"I have to see for myself! I have to see if Sayaka is--! If Sayaka is...!"
"You can check once, twice, a thousand times. Sayaka is completely and irrevocably dead."
"No! I have to see for myself!"
Mondo groaned loudly next to Chihiro, "Listen to us, man! Whaddya think is gonna happen if you go out there?"
"Well what good is it gonna do just sitting around here!? I mean, why are we all hanging out in the gym at a time like this!? Our friend...Sayaka...she's... She's dead!"
"None of us want to be here right now, either." Kiyoko explained.
"Sh-Shouldn't it be obvious? Monok-kuma...he told us all to c-come here..."
"Well, hold on! Don't talk like that." Taka bit his lips, "We all protested it! I mean, we remember the terrible price Sayaka had to pay... B-But...!"
Kiyoko immediately cut him off, her eyes dug into his. "I'm the one who convinced them to come. Right now, we need to do whatever he says. We're his prisoners, right? It's not a good idea to defy him without reason. We don't need to make any more sacrifices than we already have..."
" ...Why should we listen to anything he has to say? It's obvious he's the one who killed Sayaka!" Makoto shouted. Said bear suddenly showed up, giving Makoto a heart attack.
"I would never do that! If you can believe anything, you can believe that!"
Leon growled. "He's here again..."
"Unless someone violates a school regulation, I absolutely will not interfere. I can promise you, I won't do anything that goes against the purpose of your school life here. I'm famous at safari parks throughout the world for following the 'Bear-Times-One' rule!"
Chihiro asked, he moved closer to me "Then...who did it? Who killed her?"
"You already know the answer! The one who killed her is...one of you!" Monokuma tilted his head to the side, "Hmm? What's the matter? You guys all look like you're about to see a dove get shot up with a Gatling gun! Don't you remember what I told you when this all began? One of you decided to kill Sayaka so that you could graduate! Someone's just following the rules. There's nothing wrong with that!"
Hifumi put a hand in his mouth, "Y-You're lying...right?"
"Of course he's lying! I'm telling you, he killed her!"
"Nope, sorry. One of you is now a bona fide killer. If they wanted to, the one who did it could testify to that little fact." Monokuma immediately combated the ultimate lucky student.
"A-Are you serious...?" Chihiro hugged his arms.
Taka Shook his head, "Someone... Someone killed someone!"
"It is amazing what some people are capable of." Celestia hummed.
"Hey, hold on! Don't just assume he's telling the truth!"
Byakuya cut off Mondo, "That's enough. Before we do anything else, I'd like to confirm something with the stuffed animal here. If one of us really did kill her, that person gets to graduate from the school, right?"
"Don't play dumb! That's what you said, isn't it!? If you kill someone, you get to leave!"
"Puhuhu... Puhuhu! Poohohoho Bwahahahahaha!" Monokuma started to burst out in tears.
"Why are you laughing!?" Leon asked.
"Puhu...it's cuz... Naive... You're just so naive! You think it's really that easy? You can just kill someone and waltz on outta here?" Monokuma winked, "You're super naive! Devilishly naive! HELLISHLY NAIVE! No no no, the real thing has just begun."
"The...real thing?"
"Are you ready!? Allow me to explain the second part of the rule regarding graduation! Just like I explained before, you must kill someone if you want to leave. However...even if you do that, there's still one more part to the agreement you have to upload, remember?"
"Do you mean the class trials?" I asked. "Rule number 6?"
Celestia happily took over, "If you are the 'blackened' that committed the murder, you can't be found out by the other students. That is what you are talking about, is it not?"
"Bingo! It's not enough to just kill someone. You have to actually get away with it! Which naturally means you need a system in place to assess whether or not it's been gotten away with! So, a certain amount of time after a murder has taken place, a class trial will begin! Yup! It'll begin a few hours after the murder! Everyone will gather together, including the blackened who committed the murder. And they and the spotless students will all engage in one big debate showdown!"
Monokuma explained the rules more in debt, out of the corner of my eyes I could see my classmates' faces flush white.
Hifumi asked. "So, um...what exactly is this "punishment" you keep talking about...?"
"Oh! Well, to put it simply...It's execution!"
Chihiro meekly asked, "And by execution, you mean..."
"Execution is...execution. Ex-e-cution! Electric chair, bzzt bzzt! Poison gas, cough cough! Torn apart like a paper place in a hurricane!"
Taka held up his hands. "S-So, to make sure I understand... If we get the culprit right, then only they die." He pointed at all of us, "But if we get it wrong...all the rest of us get...executed?"
" What a smart little chimpanzee you are! Look at you, implying you didn't do it without actually saying it! So it's basically what the outside world calls a "lay judge" system, or an inquisition type thing! Which means you'll be deciding who you think the killer is. But judge carefully, because all your lives are on the line!"
"Good luck..."
Just as monokuma was going to leave the gymnasium, Junko--Sorry, Mukuro, spoke up. "W-Wait, hold on a second! You're freaking insane, you know that!?"
"A class trial? What the hell is that!? I don't want anything to do with it!"
"Why not?" monokuma asked.
"Whaddya mean why not!? Why do I have to waste my time trying to figure out who murdered someone!?"
'Fuck, not again..'
"What!? Are you saying you're not gonna participate in the trial!? Only punishment awaits such blasphemy!"
"What? Punishment?"
"I might...I dunno, throw you in a deep, dark, scary prison or something!"
"Shut the hell up! Say whatever you want, I'm not gonna be part of this!"
"Don't be so selfish!"
"You're the one being selfish! Kill whoever you want, it's got nothing to do with me!"
"The evil standing here before me... I'm trembling with fear...!"
"But I won't give in to such evil! It's my style to stick it out and resist till the very end...! If you really wanna get out of here..."
"You'll have to go through me first!" Before Mukuro could get herself murdered I held onto her shoulders.
"Hold on hold on!"
"Violence against Headmaster Monokuma is not allowed, remember?" I narrowed my eyes down to the bear.
'Why can't I have one moment....'
"So? What is he going to do? Blow up again?"
"I wouldn't test it... this bear is toying with our life. It currently has control over all of us and anything we do to upset it could lead all of us to our deaths.."
"...are you kidding?"
"He can't do anything to me. He's like 3 feet tall.."
"Take a walk or something, just don't give into temptation."
Mukuro shook her shoulders free, mumbling a quick, "whatever..." before leaving us all in the gymnasium. However something deep down told me that my words wouldn't convince her of watching her temper.
Parent Trap.
Petting Zoo
Friendship is magic
Boom Baby
Cooking mama
Are Ya Making Friends Son?
Parent Trap
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