I got this job basically as soon as I started college last year, and this has been the longest and toughest day of work ever. And it's been so boring because of the lack of customers coming in.
All day, I've been stood up instead of sat on my little stool because Karen kept coming to check on me, and my feet kill. I don't know if it's because she heard Ethan tell me 'to save my energy' but she's made sure I was on my feet; wiping tables and doing everything I technically should be doing. I know that's my job, but it gets done at the end of the day, does it not? I swear, I am late once, and she's watching me like I've stole ten grand out of the till.
Now, I'm just waiting for Ethan to pick me up as I wipe down the tables. He's not late, I'm just counting the seconds down until three because today has been hell.
Suddenly the bell above the door rings, and I spin around, expecting Ethan, but no, no it's Felix standing in the entrance way, his hands tucked into his pockets.
"Frankie, Frank. How are you doing, gorgeous?" He muses, striding towards the table I'm at, his lip piercing glistening from the sun spilling through the shop windows. I always seem to forget Felix and Ethan aren't biologically related, and because of that, I question how they look nothing alike, but then I do remember. A mop of black hair on his head, and skin color much lighter than Ethan's – some would argue he looks vampire like. He would make a great vampire in a tv show or movie, I'm not going to lie. He also has many tattoos - more than Ethan - littering his skin. Of what I can see of them, his arms are covered in several pieces of ink, the masterpieces leading up to his neck where sits a red rose. I'm only assuming he's got more passed his collar bone.
"I'm good, tired but good. How come you're here?" I don't want to come across rude or anything, but I did expect Ethan, and I'm genuinely curious. I pick up the rag I used to wipe down the tables, and make my way over to the counter, him following me.
"Well, Ethan's phone died and he apparently doesn't trust me enough to go charge his phone and text you, leaving my mind wondering obviously. Anyway that is beside the point, Felix get your head straight. He forgot about a PT session he had, so he couldn't let you know that he would be a little late, so I offered since he was such a bitch about the whole privacy thing." He mutters off, rolling his eyes and I smile, knowing that Ethan has kept our private conversations to himself. "I drove his car, but he mentioned how you need to drive yourself, so here's the keys malady."
He drops the keys in the palm of my hand, and I stare at the man in front of me, digesting the information.
"Wait, so he's working right now?" I ask, not wanting to disturb him and his client.
"He should be done now, but the drive is ten minutes away and he didn't want to keep you waiting." He informs me.
"Oh, okay. I'll just finish up here, and we'll get going. Sorry that you had to come out of your way, just for me drive us back. I'm a pest, I know." I say smiling gently, feeling the need to apologize because I'm sure he had better things to do.
"Nah, it's okay. Ethan didn't tell me why, but it's no one's business anyway, and honestly you don't really want to see my driving skills – in fact, I'm surprised he even let me take his car. And trust me, all I was about to do was mop the floor. I gladly jumped at this opportunity to get out of that." He says and I laugh, not at all blaming him, I mean, I would rather do this than mop.
"Okay, I'm ready." I say, grabbing my stuff from under the till, before stopping in my tracks. "Karen, I'm leaving!"
I hope she hears because I don't waste a second before leaving out of the door with Felix. Well, if she doesn't, it's not my fault, I was loud and very clear.
The drive was easy, easier than I expected considering I was with a partially total stranger. Felix is hilarious though, and filled every single awkward silence, cracking a joke or embarrassing Ethan.
When we walk through the front entrance to the gym, I always expect it to be empty since most of the time Ethan and I trained together, no one was here, but to my surprise it was fairly busy which is obviously great for business.
"Ethan's done for the day, so he's probably in the shower. You can wait here... or you can-" He says and I cut him off.
"I'll go see him." I say and he nods, a smirk appearing. I've never been one to be honest about my intentions, but even if I made up an excuse, he would see right through it. I've only met twice but he's already like a brother to me, and I like that company.
"It's down there." He points to the end of the hallway, just past the treadmills.
Walking past the equipment, some being used but not many, I run my fingers over the white painted walls, an anxious feeling falling over me when I open the male changing room door. I'm unsure if there's anyone else but Ethan in here, so I quickly have a look around before peeping my head into the large open shower.
He's totally alone.
Running his hands through his wet hair, his back muscles move and tense. His ass, Jesus, his ass is perfect, how the fuck is that fair? His back is to me, so he can't see me standing here, staring at him like the Greek God that he is, so I quickly duck out before going back to the door, locking it.
Quietly, I walk over to the changing room it looking exactly how I imagined a schools locker room to look like, putting my bag down on a bench. I'm so glad the shower is on so he can't hear me. I briefly glance over in the shower's direction and sigh, picking up the courage for this.
Firstly, I shrug of my light jacket I'm wearing, then kick off my trainers and I feel somewhat nervous. I don't know what kind of aneurysm has possessed me to be this confident, but I'm taking it in my stride. After going to the bathroom an hour into my shift this morning and coming to the realization I'm no longer bleeding, I'm jumping at this chance.
I lift the t-shirt up and above my head, my upper half becoming bare and my nipples tighten at the harsh coldness in here. I didn't realize how cold it was until now, my poor nipples.
Reaching for my button, I stop myself to think rationally, but I find no sanity left before I undo them and pull them down my legs, goosebumps arising. It really is cold in here. I then shimmy my black cotton thong I had decided on this morning too. Some would call me stupid for wearing this kind of underwear whilst I'm on my period, but I knew I was finishing anyway, and honestly I don't own any other kind of underwear – I literally steal Matt's boxers if I need to.
I'm more than just a little nervous standing here totally naked in a males changing room, only socks on my body – don't judge me, but I do not know what is on that shower floor. Yeah, I may look stupid but I don't want to catch anything.
Taking small steps, so I'm unheard, I make my way into the shower. The wet floor warmer that I expected, and I smile shyly as I approach him from behind, gently wrapping my arms around his waist.
"What the fu- Francesca?" He asks sounding hopeful and I giggle, pressing my lips to his back. "What are you doing in here, you're gonna get wet?"
"I hope so, I'm actually kinda counting on it." I whisper, and he spins around, his face morphing into shock when he sees me, but he soon covers it up with a sense of lust. My handsome one.
"You're honestly going to give me a heart attack and kill me one day, woman." He mutters, running his hands carefully down my sides and I let out a shaky breath.
"Ethan, fuck me." I say in a hushed tone, the nerves and anxiety spiraling at the very forward demand.
"I'm not objecting, but can we?" He asks.
"Yeah, we can." I say, and a smile takes of his face.
"People may walk in, you are aware of the place we're currently in?" He asks and I laugh, nodding. I don't know where my confidence has come from, I've never had sex in a public place like this before.
"I locked the door, but who knows how long that'll last." I shrug.
"You have a death wish, baby girl." He murmurs, and before I can contemplate the new nickname, his hand wraps around my neck and a smile makes its way onto my face. He turns us around, slamming me against the shower wall before he crashes his lips on mine, a gasp leaving my mouth when the water hits me.
His lips are on mine, his hand around my neck and my head enters the void; a place of escape from all of my other thoughts.
My legs threaten to give way and I wonder if I've really thought this through, but honestly, my sanity was left in that car and never entered this building.
My core, it's throbbing, pulsing, it needing attention that only Ethan can give.
He drops his hand from my neck and effortlessly picks me up from under my thighs, his fingers digging into the flesh of my ass, and I squeal in surprise, wrapping my legs around his hips, the length of him brushing my clit and I gasp at the feeling.
"I've missed you." He tells me, and I smile as he moves my wet hair from out of my face. "I've missed you, this body. God, I want to be buried deep inside of you."
His words come out rough, and that alone makes me want to get on my knees for him. His dirty words making me weak, and I'm surprised there isn't a puddle on the floor yet.
Reaching between us, he runs his middle finger over my heat, and we both sigh at the contact.
"You're soaking; so ready for me." He murmurs and I whine in response, I need something, throw me a bone here. Like the mind reader he is, his finger slips into me and I raise my hips in response. "You're needy today."
His teasing words do nothing but frustrate me more, I whimper when the knuckle of his thumb brushes against my clit. He's really teasing the fuck out of me right now, and I can't stand it.
"Words, darling, use them to tell me what you want." He taunts, and I open my eyes, glaring at him when I see the amused smile on his face.
"I want you." I whisper, gasping again when the slow strokes inside me become a little faster.
"Good girl, but I need more than that." He says, and I bite on my lip with anger. Dickhead.
"I want you to fuck me... hard." I say, ignoring the heat in my cheeks.
"Well, why didn't you just say?" He rolls his eyes and I don't find any amusement in this. "Fuck, shit, oh fuck my life."
"What?" I look at him, surprised by his outburst.
"I don't have a condom." He says, and my heart sinks. Being comfortable with him and what we have, I totally forgot that we need condoms to have sex... I'm so stupid. My brain being the stupid brain it is, I just blanked the reality that I aren't on birth control – and haven't been for two years nearly – because my initial thought was that I was because we're together. I really need some sleep it seems.
"Can you, um, this is embarrassing, but can you buy me plan b?" I ask awkwardly, knowing I do not have the money for that shit.
"Why's that embarrassing?" He asks.
"Because I can't pay for it myself." I say shyly.
"Don't worry about that, Jesus, you have nothing to worry about." He cups my face, and I smile at this too-good-for-me man. "But, I mean, are you sure? I haven't done it without one before."
His answer alone assures me more than he probably thinks.
"I have with, well you know, but I got tested when, um, we broke up, but that was the only person I've ever done it with." I say awkwardly, not wanting to bring up my ex since I know he hates him, and that we're in the middle of something. "I promise, I'm totally clean, but I aren't on birth control so we will definitely have to get this pill or we are both screwed."
"No sexier words have ever been spoken." He says with a chuckle, lowering his lips to my collar bone and I sigh. A simple yet very effective kiss.
"Well, you know me, full of them." I say, gasping when he starts to suck and nibble at the flesh of my neck. "Fuck, Ethan."
"Hearing you pant my name like that drives me crazy. You drive me insane." He murmurs, moving his kissing up my jaw line, most likely leaving hickeys on my neck. If I weren't totally out of my mind, I would swat him away because I know my roommates will mess with me about it.
"I need you." I whimper breathlessly, slightly begging for him to fuck me right now this second. He pulls away only briefly, looking me in my eyes before he glances down between us.
He tightens his hold of the flesh of my ass with his right hand when he pulls the left one way, and he grabs his length in his hand. I don't think I've seen such a sight. Running my left hand through the back of his hair, I bring my right hand down and wrap around him, coating my finger with pre-cum as I pump him a few times.
"Jesus." He mutters, and I look through my lashes at him.
"That's not my name." I murmur, and he curses under his breath as I tighten the hold I have on him slightly, swirling the top of my thumb at the tip as pre-cum leaks from him. "You feel so good, baby."
He blinks in surprise at the nickname, and I smile as his lips come to mine. I immediately open my mouth for his tongue, and he laps it over mine and I moan into the kiss, the stir in my belly becoming stormy.
"I wonder what you taste like." I whisper, and he groans deeply, a rumble in his throat.
"Not today, not now." He tells me, but I can't wait. I bring my coated thumb to my lips, sucking it off and his face washes over with pleasure, and his taste dances on my tongue; salty yet sweet, warm. His hands grip my hips and having enough with my teasing, he lines himself up before pushing into me, harder than I expected, not waiting for me to adjust.
"Oh my God." My jaw slackens, my mouth falling agape, my eyes closing as he pulls out and then back in, slower this time.
"So tight, so fucking warm." He mutters, and I moan loudly when he slams into me, my legs becoming limp around his hips. "You feel so fucking good."
"So- Oh my god, so do you." I manage to just about say, whilst a noise between a moan and a whimper leave my mouth too. He makes his movements more powerful, slamming into me, and my eyes roll shut at the pleasure.
Never have I ever felt this much pleasure from penetration alone; I never thought it was possible. My vagina feels like I'm his dicks own personal punching bag, but I'm not at all complaining, it doesn't exactly hurt at all as he delves deeper with every thrust, just pleasures me. Like the mind reader he is, his hand comes between us and his thumb brushes my clit simultaneously before he starts circling it.
"Open those beautiful eyes, look at me." His voice is demanding yet not intimidating in the slightest.
So, I do. His emerald eyes soaking into my mossy green ones, and I jolt as a spark of pleasure fly's through me.
"I wish I could take a picture of this and keep it in my wallet, you look so beautiful." He grunts out, and I roll my head back, my eyes closing with it. "Open them."
"Ethan, I- Ah!" The words leave my mouth louder than I intended them to when he hits g-spot, and he covers my hand immediately, shushing me. This bitch really be over here shushing me after he gave me pleasure, the audacity.
"Quiet, there's people out there." He chuckles breathlessly, and I open my eyes again.
"You didn't care about that this morning." I tell him, knowing why he did that, but I want to hear him say it.
"These are people I don't want to hear your sweet moans, darling." He mutters.
"And Jack and Wes are?" That's what does it for him, he thrusts deep inside me and I lower my mouth to his shoulder, muffling the sounds and ungodly words that escape me.
Jealous bastard.
From the moment he arrived yesterday evening and saw the guys, his demeanor changed. His arm constantly protectively around me, and he never left my side for the whole night. He got along with everyone else but then, and around an hour into the night, I understood very clearly what was happening.
"I'm yours, Ethan. No one else's." I whisper close to his ear, my breath very heavy and full, and his movements become less harsh, more... loving; sultry and sweet.
"I'm yours too, Francesca Salatino." He says and I pull back, our eyes meeting. The way he says my name drives me crazy, like it's so foreign and unfamiliar, like he's testing it out on his tongue for the first time, every time. "All yours."
"Put me down, and fuck me properly." I whisper and he instantly captures my lips, dropping his hands from my waist and ass, cupping my face with both. I unwrap my legs from his waist, dropping my feet down to the ground and I stumble slightly, my legs jelly trying to find my bearings.
"Your demand is my wish." He says and I can't help the laughter bubble up. He kisses me once more, softly and short before grabbing hold of my hips, turning me around.
Parting my legs, I bend over slightly, pressing my hands against the shower wall, and as soon as I do, he lines himself up and pushes back in me. His grip on my hip tightens slightly, not painful as such since the pleasure I'm feeling is overriding it, but still there and I'm not exactly complaining at the sensation.
"Ethan, harder." I whimper, the sound of our wet skin slapping together hitting my ears as he reaches further depth. I swear he's going to hit my cervix. Feeling him, like really feeling him this deep inside of me, reaching parts I never knew someone was able to reach, is indescribable. "Fuck me. Christ."
"You feel so good. So tight, so wet." He murmurs and I whine, holding back the familiar tornado like stir in my lower belly. I'm so close, so torturously close to this orgasm, and his sultry words do not help but make it stronger. My insides are so tight, begging for me to let go, and I don't think I can hold no longer, but for my own dignity, I do, trying to push it down. It's too soon, embarrassingly soon. "Don't you fucking dare."
His voice is hard, demeaning, and that alone makes my insides tighten further. The pressure becoming unbearable.
Ethan's hand grabs my wet hair, twirling it around his hand before he pulls me up by it, and I wince slightly before sighing as my back hits his chest, his cock still buried into me. He palms my breasts, my nipples hardening further, and he rolls my right one between his fingers before pinching it, and I whine at the feeling.
"Cum for me right now, Francesca, or else." He demands, and before I can fight him on the repercussion, he slams his hips into me, pushing me over the edge. His hand immediately fly's to my mouth, muffling the noise that I can only describe as a mixed moan, whimper and small scream. "Shh."
Such a beautiful euphoria; a pleasure that consumes me fully.
My breathing is all over the place, escaping the gaps in Ethan's fingers heavily, so much so that I'm sure I'm going to pass out, my chest heaving.
"I can't breathe." I gasp with a little giggle, and he moves his hand, tipping my chin up to him. His face is so beautiful, God really does have favorites, doesn't he?
"Inhale." He murmurs and I do as he says, intertwining our fingers together. "Exhale."
In other words, breathing like a normal person.
My eyes flutter closes, feeling somewhat tired as my breathing steadies. In our little bubble whilst I calm down, I almost forget that his dick is still buried inside of me, that is until it twitches and pulses, making my core throb at the strange yet familiar feeling of him bare inside of me.
"Quoting your words Ethan; cum for me." I smile up at him, biting down on my lip and he lets out a shaky laugh, his jaw ticking slightly. He's close. Usually he lasts way longer than this, with us going a few rounds before he finally does orgasm, but I can tell he's hanging on for dear life. It's the first time him having sex without a condom on, so I'm not at all surprised... and there's also the fact we haven't slept together in a week and aside from the occasional makeout session, he's had nothing from me.
"Bend over." He instructs of me, and I do, my legs incredibly numb and shaky. I don't have a clue how I'm still capable of standing.
His thrusts start slow, easing me back into it because I'm very sensitive right now from the mind-blowing orgasm I just had, but they soon get faster, still careful and caring though.
My moans combined with his, echo, bouncing from wall to wall, the water hitting the floor masking them somewhat. I know I'm not going to finish with him or even close, but the familiar stir awakens and I clench around him out of impulse.
"Fuck, Francesca. Fuck, Jesus fucking Christ." He curses, dropping his head in the crook of my neck and I moan as his length twitches yet again, only this time his warm seed follows with it. His body goes rigid behind me as his thrusts become sloppy. Feeling him finish inside of me feels different, a good different nonetheless and everything I thought it wouldn't be – messy and somewhat disgusting like it used to be with Chris. Jeez, how that man basically ruined my whole perception on sex as a whole.
Without a doubt it's messy, that just pure logic – he came inside of me, of course it's messy, but since we're in the shower anyway, I don't really mind it. But not disgusting like I want to wash my whole body down suddenly.
"You're so amazing." He murmurs, pulling me back up to his chest when he slips out me, and I let out a little noise at the sudden empty feeling. I instantly feel the trickle down my legs – yeah, I haven't missed that. Immediately he walks up back under the shower and spins me around, and we both smile at each other. "I don't think you know how much I like you, Francesca."
I swear my heart momentarily stops, or I stop to breathe. I blink at the guy in front of me, the one whom of which I am punching so much above my weight for. His sudden revelation of adoration makes me want to get on my knees right here, right now, not caring about the floor of this shower, showing how much I share that same opinion.
"I think I do." I whisper, raising my hand to his jaw, gently stroking his cheek with my thumb. "You know why?"
"I don't know, how about you tell me?" He asks, a smile appearing on his face.
"Because I share the same feeling, Ethan. Every time I look at you, my heart somewhat stops for a second, and I've never really felt that before. It's all very new to me, but I know that I like you more than you think I do." I tell him, a brief moment of bravery coming over me in the moment, but I soon become shy when I realize what I just said.
I thought I loved Chris, but now, I don't really know if I did. What I feel with Ethan, consumes me totally, I can't think straight around him and he makes me feel like me. In that relationship, I changed into a totally different girl to what I were, listening to Chris and abiding by his wishes by changing my persona, what I wore, how I acted with my friends. With Ethan, I don't have to change and he's not tried to either, he just accepts me for me. He makes me feel safe and protected, I feel at peace with him, like home. I'm not in love with him, I don't think I am anyway, but I know I feel more for Ethan than I ever did the whole two years when I was with Chris.
"It's a little scary." He mutters, the smile still on his face but he seems deep in thought, just like I was.
"I know it is, trust me, but I'm not going anywhere." I assure him, letting the water soak my hair as I lean back, before I cup some water into my hands and wash the cum from my thighs. Messy clean up.
"When do you need to take the pill?" He asks, looking at me. I've only taken it once before, when I forgot to take my birth control, and I hated taking it because I hate taking medication in general, but the birth control had more side effects than that. I realize it sounds stupid considering I take drugs, some I'm unaware of the actual deadly substance, but I hate taking medication with a passion.
Plan B isn't always effective, but I'm counting my blessings and hope to all the Gods out there, that they like me and don't fuck my life up even more with a spawn.
"Anytime in the next seventy-two hours, so if you ever feel like doing that again, we can but honestly we should be more careful." I inform him.
"We'll get you it on the way back to your dorm." He says and I smile, nodding. "You look so beautiful."
"Shut up, I'm so tired, I probably look like death." I say, dismissing the very nice compliment.
"Death, really?" He scrunches his nose up, and his brows pull together. I wish I had a camera right now to take a photo of his face because he looks adorable.
"Karen had me on my feet all day, I feel like collapsing in your arms and going to bed, if I'm totally honest with you. I hardly slept last night because when you fell asleep, my mind wouldn't shut off. I'm just tired though, I'll be fine." I say, closing my eyes as I lean my head back again, liking the feel of the hot water beating down on my scalp. The pressure in this shower is surprisingly amazing.
"Come to bed with me. Sleep here, I have some clothes you can borrow if you want them. I've finished work already, and we can always get you in the ring with me another day." He says, and I open my eyes, seeing him in a state of concern and care.
"Are you sure?" I ask, hoping I'm not stepping on people's toes. It's not just his place, it's also six other people's.
"Yeah, let's get dressed and we'll go up. You need some sleep, and food – what've you ate today?" he asks, and I hate myself for not eating yet again.
"Toast this morning." I say sheepishly and he sighs. "I don't have anything wrong with me though, I assure you, I can eat for the whole of America. I just forget to all the time, and I was busy with work."
"I'll get Maria to make up an extra plate for dinner tonight, but when we get in, I'll make you a sandwich." He tells me, and I can't be more grateful.
"Thank you." I whisper.
"Do you need some more time in here because someone will soon want to come in." He says and I giggle, nodding.
"Yeah, no, I'm good. I need to use the toilet though, where is it?" I ask.
"Just wait and use my bathroom, I don't even use these." He says honestly, and I just hope I don't get a UTI. That would suck worse than rain on the Fourth Of July.
We dress, quickly as we can before he unlocks the door and we leave like nothing ever happened, the soreness between my legs assuring me that it did and I didn't dream that or make it up. I really hope no one heard us, or tried to come in here for that matter, or I may actually die from embarrassment.
With my past sexual relationships they were nothing like this. Chris, my high school boyfriend whom I lost my virginity to, we never had sex out of the bedroom. I was always on top, and we never did it anywhere beside on the bed. He never had the impulse to throw me around, or pin me up against a wall and fuck me until I couldn't stand no longer. Apparently he saved that for all the girls he were fucking behind my back. I walked in on him fucking some blonde from behind, in his bedroom against the dresser that held a framed photo of him and I. Massive prick, I don't know why I went back to him after that, I really don't.
I've more one-night-stands than I'd prefer, most I hate and regret, but again, my sex life has always been kind of dire.
I had a little relationship at the start of college which ended as soon as it began, you could say it was a rebound, the first one after Chris. Evan; he was better, not great but in comparison to Chris he was, but I don't think he even knew what a clitoris was. He became very obsessed with me, and told me he loved me ten days into knowing me – the guy that loved me, but I didn't love back.
What even is love though because I don't honestly know at this point?
Ethan; he's different, he seems to care about the pleasure I receive, making sure I'm looked after before his own personal needs. He cares and is careful with me, but he's also not afraid to wrap his hand around my neck and slam me against the shower wall. It's never consistent with Ethan, we're always changing positions, finding which one is better at that moment in time. His movements can be rushes, hard and rough, but at the same time he can be kissing me tenderly, cupping my face making me fall into ecstasy.
It's everything I thought only happened in movies and novels.
I figured Ethan would tell someone than we were leaving since we were gonna hang with Felix, but apparently not, he just walks with me, his hand in mine, to the door that leads to the apartment upstairs.
"What about Felix?" I have to ask.
"I'll send him a quick text." He tells me, and I nod slowly, closing my eyes briefly as a wave of tiredness hits me. "Woah, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Tired and worn out – you wore me out." I say, and he pulls me into his chest, leaving a hasty kiss on my forehead.
"You're going to get into bed, and I'll bring you food, and then you can sleep. Do your nightmares happen all the time?" He asks wearily.
"Sometimes, but mostly at night when I'm deep in sleep, well actually most of the time, but when I'm with you, I feel comforted and safe like you're protecting me. They're either less worse or they don't happen at all." I say, and he hums looking deep in thought as he opens the apartment door.
"I wish you didn't have them at all." He murmurs under his breath, very quietly, so quiet I hardly caught it, but I did and I sigh. Me too, Ethan, me too.
"I'm fine, really, it's okay." I say, wishing it was the truth, and not just words to assure him.
We walk into the apartment, it deadly silent and I wonder where all the chaos is. It's Saturday.
"Maria is at the store with the kids. Scar is downstairs in his office. Felix is, well, somewhere. We're alone for the time being. What do you want on your sandwich?" He asks, filling me in on my thoughts. I swear he's a literal mind reader, I know I've said that a few times already, but I'm starting to believe it, or that my face is easy to read.
"What are the options?" I ask.
"Well, I don't even know what's in because as I said Maria is at the store, so follow me and you will find out." He tells me.
"Uh, can I use your bathroom?" I ask, knowing and needing to go.
"Yeah, of course, it's down there on the left." He points to the door at the very end of the apartment. I may have spent Thanksgiving here, but I never left Ethan's side, we never even went into his bedroom, so I have no clue whose is what room.
The apartment is mostly open plan, the kitchen on my left as you walk through the door, the living room taking up most of the space in the middle, and doors somewhat scatter the walls – three on the left, four on the right. Weird layout, but I really like it.
After doing my business in the bathroom, I walk out seeing Ethan in the kitchen, and it's a sight I could really get used to. I snake my arms around his waist, tucking my chin slightly as I lean my head against his back and sigh.
"Do you like cheese?" He asks, his chest somewhat vibrating slightly.
"Do birds fly?" I retort, and he chuckles at my answer picking the cheese. He really got out all of my options, he's a sweetheart.
"I've been trying to wrap my head around what we just did down there since it happened, and it still makes no sense why you walked into the male's showers." He mutters. "What came over you?"
"I missed you – I know we, well I did that this morning, but I've missed you, and I felt like it. I also never did anything like that before and I guess I was feeling brave. That's okay right?" I whisper, hoping it is because we kind of just jumped to it and never had the time to think. I guess sometimes that's a good thing.
"More than okay." He takes my arms, unhooking them from around my waist and pulling me around to the front of him. "It was the best sex I've ever had."
"Seriously?" I blurt out, blinking at him and he frowns at me. I'm not special at all, I'm not that great in bed and well, I just assumed all the girls before were better than me.
"Was it not good? Did I hurt you?" He asks, and my heart drops at what he's insinuating.
"No, no, Jesus, no. It was amazing, the best ever, but I just thought you may have had better experiences than me. We haven't really spoken about our sexual past, but I guess I assumed you were with a lot of other girls." I mumble, slightly hesitant and embarrassed having to say that because I don't want him to think I judge him or anything because I certainly aren't the person to.
"I was, but they were nothing compared to you. I promise they were just a quick release, whereas you are not, you're everything and more. The sex itself was mind blowing but it being with you made it a whole lot better." He tells me, and my heart aches at his words. "Are you sure it was good for you?"
"Yeah, it really was. I'm a little sore, but that's a good sign for good sex." I whisper and he chuckles, lowering his lips to mine, smirking against them. I delicately kiss him back, and I whine against them when my stomach rumbles, indicating I need food.
"You need to eat, here's your sandwich, come with me, you can eat in my room." He says, putting the sandwich in my left hand and he takes my other, leading me to I'm guessing is his room.
I know it's just a bedroom, but seeing his bedroom makes me feel all kinds of unfamiliar feelings because this is where he sleeps. I'm weird, I know, but this isn't just a dorm room, this is where he actually lives. I have trust issues, we've established this I think, so this means more to me than he probably thinks.
"Woah." It's not what I expect.
Everything is black, like everything – the carpets, the walls, the bed, the furniture, the sheets, even down to the light shade. Why does it fit so well? I spin around to see him, a smile on his face.
"Welcome to my humble abode." He gestures to the room.
"I- Wow, um. I love it." I say, and he blinks at me in surprise.
"You love my dark cave I call my room, well thanks." He muses, and I gently sit down at the bottom of his bed before lying back. It's so big and comfy, I've really missed being in a big bed where I can spread out and get comfortable.
"I had dark grey walls in my old bedroom, my parents refused to let me paint my bedroom black how I wanted to. It's my favorite color. This is so aesthetically pleasing." I say and he laughs, shaking his head as he towers over me.
"You comfortable?" He asks.
"Very. I'm going to eat this sandwich, and then sleep because I'm so tired, I feel like my eyes are going to drop out of my sockets." I say, immediately grimacing at the thought of it actually happening.
"Well, you don't want that." He murmurs, drawing little circles on my jean covered shin. "I'll get you a change of clothes."
"Or, wait, here me out. You don't." I smile at him as I sit back up, and he shakes his head at me.
"I don't know what I'm going to do with you." He tells me.
"Let me sleep?" I guess.
"After that... you're all mine." He says, and my lower belly flips as he captures his lips with mine.
I'm going to need Jesus and all the God's above to make sure I come out of this relationship alive.
This was the longest chapter i've ever wrote, what the fuck!
We're going to ignore the fact I wrote this in the same room as my nanna. I don't know how my brain does it sometimes, but here it is.
This was pretty much just a chapter full of smut, so you're welcome, I guess? I don't even know if it's any good, I really don't. I could make it more smutty, I could, but I try to keep it a little less detailed to fit with the story because I need it to flow throughout if that makes sense.
Life update: I'm starting work next Thursday, and I'm really not excited about it. England has been in a lockdown since the beginning of January, so I haven't been to work since before Christmas, and I don't know how I'm going to cope after being isolated away from that for a while, but my boss is really nice and she said she'd supervise me until I feel more comfortable.
I have realized my sleep schedule is fucked for life... screenshot attached below! I don't know what's wrong with me honestly.
Question of the chapter:
Who is your favorite music artist?
HARRY STYLES, taylor swift & the 1975 despite how much I hate Matty Healy.
I hope this chapter was okay.
Thank you for reading! Please comment your thoughts, vote by pressing the little star, and if you want, you can follow me too. Xx
6676 words!
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