N Just Got Boied

A/N: Sorry, no Contest special. :(


Bianca has updated her status~ wHaT iS LiFe?


Cheren: life [līf] noun,
1) the ability of living organisms to grow and reproduce; 2) the period between birth and death

Bianca: No, it's the title of the sixth chapter of this book

Cheren: -_-

Hilda: I'm amused

N: I'm confused, what book?

Bianca: nvm

N: What?

Cheren: Bianca, you're confusing him even more

Bianca: So, does it look like he's my problem?

N: I'm a problem?

Hilda: Oh good God

Hilda: How could you say that, Bianca!?

Cheren: Because he's your problem

Bianca: Audino

Cheren: ....

Bianca: ....

Wild Audino: Sup

Hilda: Scratch that, I am very amused

N: Btw, I totally understood what you guys meant. I was just being extra.

Cheren: BbbbooOOoIiii

Rosa: ...I'm not saying anything

Cheren: ....

Cheren: Sh*t


Hilbert has updated his status~ All the sh*ts go down, when Cheren's in town


Cheren: Nobody cares


Hilda has updated her status~ Cheren is being salty


Bianca: And a savage

N: He's a salty savage

Cheren: Why are you guys my friends?

Hilda: Because you love us

Cheren: I wish I didn't

Bianca: Well that's a little harsh

Hilbert: Well what can we expect? He's a salty savage

N: Ikr?

Hilda: N, honey, stop using slang. You're scaring me

Rosa: I still can't get over the fact that Cheren, of all people, would "boi" N! XD

Cheren: Ugh, such bothers

Bianca: We love you too, Cheri

Cheren: Bothers

N: BOi

Hilda: Revenge achievement unlocked!

Cheren: Stop this

Bianca: Over my dead body

Hilda: Damn

Hilbert: The savagery


Prof. Ivy has tagged Snivy and Ivysaur in her status~ WORK! Work, I say my Brock replacements!


Brock: Now that's just cold


Ash has tagged Brock in his status~ What even happened between you and Professor Ivy, anyway?


Brock: If I tell you, will you promise me you won't tell anyone, even Misty and Ember?

Ash: I don't know... Misty doesn't like to be kept from things...

Teari: HA! You, Brock, should know exactly what he means

Misty: F**k off, I don't want to talk about this, but yes, you should've told me that, Brock

Brock: I know, Misty, and I'm still sorry about that

Misty: Good


<Private Messenger ~ Brock & Ash>

Brock: Okay, now promise me that you won't tell anyone

Ash: Promise

Brock: And promise that you won't laugh at me

Ash: ...Sure

Brock: Promise?

Ash: Promise

Brock: Okay... Prof. Ivy.... She- ... She...

Brock: ...Prof. Ivy is gay

Ash: ....

Brock: Ash?


Ash: That's it!

Ash: Why couldn't you have told us, Brock?

Brock: Because she humiliated me and made me feel like an idiot...

Brock: I couldn't face myself...

Brock: So I fled...

Brock: To your mom's house...

Brock: Only to get walked over by her and Mimey...

Ash: Oh...

Brock: And she is apparently twice my age

Brock: Which I didn't even REALIZE at the time!

Brock: How could I have been so stupid!

Ash: It's okay, Brocko! You have Ember now.

Ash: Who even needs Professor Ivy anyway?

Brock: Her assistants

Brock: Her lab

Brock: The Pokémon

Brock: Her girlfriend

Ash: Oh...

Ash: Well you get the point

Brock: Yes, of her gunpoint


Green has tagged Blue in her status~ If I'm "all yours" then why are you too chicken to make a move?

~Red has agreed with this status


Blue: I'm waiting for the right opportunity God damn it!

Yellow: Yeah, and I'm just waiting for Red to make up his mind
~Red has liked this comment

Leaf: You did realize that The Author is probably going to throw in a plot twist, and have him crush on Blue
~Red has actually agreed and liked this comment

Yellow: ...CRAP
~Red has also liked and agreed with this comment

Blue: Wishy washy Red
~Red has liked this comment

Blue: F**king h***


Bonnie has tagged Serena and Clemont in her status~ I SHIP IT


Serena/Clemont: *sigh* We know, Bonnie...


Iris has updated her status~ I don't really know why I have a Facebook. I don't really have much to say on here anyway.


Cilan: Same

Iris: It's like whatever I'd have to say would be washed out by all the propaganda and sh*t that Pokéticians complain about

Cilan: I know right?

Iris: Yeah, and all I've really done is roast people on here!

Iris: That's all I ever do!

Iris: And I'm pretty sure I didn't just sign up for Facebook just to be a bada**

Cilan: And I didn't just sign up for Facebook only to leave a pitiful 8 f**kin comments nobody gives a sh*t about

Nobody: How dare you! I read everybody's comments and I give tons of sh*ts!

Iris: Nobody cares!


Iris: *face palm*

Cilan: You signed yourself up for that one

Iris: I've noticed...


~Kristina Gotcha has joined Facebook~
~Rita has joined Facebook~


~Alive Gotcha has joined Facebook~
~Eve has joined Facebook~
~Zorro has joined Facebook~
~Tails has joined Facebook~


Alive has updated her status~ It's Throwback Thursday!


Teari: Today's Wednesday...

Alive: Who are you?

Teari: No, the more important question is who are you?

Alive: Alive Gotcha, childhood best friend of Ash and Tracey, daughter of Alexandria Gotcha, the youngest female Champion of the Indigo League, and daughter of Carlos Gotcha, a well known adventurer and traveler from across the regions.

Teari: ...Nope, doesn't ring a bell, and I should know because I've known Tracey ever since we were very little.

Alive: That's not possible! We lived in Pallet Town together for as long as I can remember before he had to move to the Orange Islands!

Teari: WHAT!? Tray has lived in the Orange Islands all his life!! We had to separate when I had to move to Pallet Town!!

Alive: ....

Teari: ....

Alive: ....

Teari: *turns to Lilly*

Lilly: Don't look at me

Alive: .... Teari was my replacement... wasn't she?

Kristina: *faint laughter*

Lilly: Welll.... ^^^


Alive has tagged Lilly in her status~ So I was replaced twice!


Lilly: Yup

Alive: Well f**k you too

Kristina: The salt


Ash has updated his status~ Should we all tell each other pickup lines? I'm kinda bored and I'm in the mood


Misty: Idk, whatever works out for you


Drew has tagged May in his status~ The reason why you can't see the stars in the night sky, is because they're all in your eyes


May: I could be a butt and point out that it's daytime and that you can only not see stars when you're near a city, but I get the point. So thank you <33

Drew: Drew - 1, Ash - 0


Tracey: Ahem

Brock: *clears throat*

Drew: Drew - 1, Ash - 0, Tracey—

Drew: Wait! You don't have a girlfriend!

Brock: Teari may as well be his girlfriend

Drew: ...Fine


Ash has tagged Misty in his status~ Are you a Pikachu? Cause you're shockingly beautiful


Misty: You copied that straight from Sylveon12's "If The Pokémon Characters Had Facebook"


Rose: Lilly, can I hold the score card plz???

Lilly: Sure, knock yourself out

Rose: Yee!


Rose has updated her status~
Drew Hayden ~ 1
Ash Ketchum ~ -1
Tracey Sketchit ~ 0
Brock Harrison ~ 0


Ash: fffrrrIIIIIckkk

Rose: ^^^ Why do I find that hilarious?

Teari: Cause you're Rose
~Harley and Solidad have liked this comment

Rose: You do realize that you're in this too

Teari: Yeah, that doesn't change the fact that I can still tease you

Rose: Says the one that got caught almost kissing their childhood best friend in 7 Minutes in Heaven

Lilly: Says the one that will give me back my phone at the simple mention of a name

Rose: ....

Rose: Don't you dare bring him into this

Lilly: ....


(A/N: I have 0 idea of what just happened)


Tracey has tagged Teari in his status~ Um.. This is kind of new to me... I've never been the one to start the flirting so... yeah this is awkward. But um...

Even though the Lycanroc howl their calls,
And the Shuppet taunt the winds like dolls,
Your eyes are still ever radiant in the night,
They are truly quite the sight.

...I know I failed :(


Drew: ....

Ash: ....

Brock: ....


Teari: Aww! Tracey! <33

Rose: 10 points for Gryffindor

Baylakynn: *shows up* GOD DAMMIT, ROSE! NOBODY NEEDS A POTTERHEAD! *exits*

Lilly: ....


Ash has tagged Misty in his status~ Out of all the fish in the sea, I'd choose you as my bride to be


Misty: Are you saying I'm a fish?

Ash: FFffrrRRiiiiCCKK

May: Wow, Ash is soooo good at this

Ash: Shut up, May!

Cilan: ...What's a fish?


Brock has tagged Ember in his status~ If I had to choose between Joy or Jennie,
I'd have to flee,
For you're the only one for me


Drew: Whelp, we suck

Ash: Can't beat that

Tracey: Yup, time to throw in the towel

Iris: Woah woah woah, hold up

Iris: You're giving up

Iris: Just like that!

Cilan: *gasp*


Iris: Well f**k you too, Ash

Ash: Ew! No!

Misty: Stay away! He's mine

Gary: As in he's yours to f**k or...?

Misty: ....

Gary: ....

Misty: ....

Gary: ....

Misty: ....

Gary: ....

Ash: Does no one else question the fact that she didn't insult Cilan like she normally does?

Ash: Cause I find that much more worthwhile than questioning what Misty and I do in our free time

Gary/Misty: *turns to Iris*

Cilan: *causally sips tea*

(A/N: Idefk anymore...)

Iris: ....Um


Cilan: *spits out tea*

Iris: Wtf!?


Ember has tagged Brock in her status~ That's Taurosh*t. You were just flirting with the Nurse Joy from Viridian City the other day when she came outside to return someone's Pokémon


Brock: ....

Drew: Sooo faithful of you Brocko

Brock: Shut up!


Rose has updated her status~
Drew Hayden ~ 1
Ash Ketchum ~ -2
Tracey Sketchit ~ 1
Brock Harrison ~ -1


Rose: Wait. Tracey! Drew! It's a tie!

Drew: K

Tracey: Working on it


Tracey has tagged Teari in his status~ Do you know why I love you?


Teari: No

Tracey: Do you know why people call pickup lines, "pickup lines"?

Teari: ...No

Tracey: Me neither

Teari: ?

Tracey: Do you know why I missed you?

Teari: Because I'm a part of you

Teari: Like a Remoraid on a Mantine

Teari: You can't get rid of me

Teari: No matter what you do

Teari: I'll always be there

Teari: And

Teari: You

Teari: Can't

Teari: Stop

Teari: Me


Because I need you,
You are my light,
My happiness,
And my Love.

I am but weak without the warmth of your flickering love,
I am not strong without you by my side,
And I have never been happy to not call you mine.

Teari: ....Give him a point


Tracey has updated his status~ That moment when you're expecting the girl of your dreams to finally kiss you after chasing around town just to find you, but you get a hug instead


Teari: ....

Teari: Challenge accepted


Drew has tagged May in his status~ Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
If you were a Pokémon,
I'd choose you.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Love is too adored,
To leave you bored.

Red are the roses,
Blue are the violets,
But whenever I'm with you,
The love could never be more true.


May: Eeee! <333

Tracey: You're trying too hard...

Drew: Like you aren't

Tracey: I'm not...

Drew: You mean it didn't take you an hour too come up with those poems for Teari!?

Tracey: Of course not

Drew: Damn it

Rose: Hey

Rose: You there

Rose: Watch

Rose: Yo

Rose: Profanity


Tracey has updated his status~ Teari's lips are soft

~Teari, Misty, May, and 6 others have liked this status


Teari: Tracey knows how to show emotion while he kisses

Ember: Like what?

Teari: Happiness... And others

Ember: -_-

Ember: *looks to Tracey*

Tracey: hehehe

Teari: And did I mention passion?

Teari: Like damn

Teari: That passion thou

Ember: ___

Tracey: Hehe... I love her?

Brock: You better, or you'll get what's coming to ya

Tracey: Thanks Brock

Tracey: That clearly relaxes my nerves

Teari: Would another kiss help ease your nerves? ;)

Tracey: ....

Tracey: I dunno but... I WANT IT

Iris: The way this couple works shall always remain a mystery...

Dawn: You said it

Cilan: Yes, it's hard to evaluate...

Iris: *face palm*


Rose has updated her status~
Drew Hayden ~ 2
Ash Ketchum ~ -2
Tracey Sketchit ~ 2
Brock Harrison ~ -1


Brock: @AshKetchum HA!

Ash: S

Ash: H

Ash: U

Ash: T

Ash: U

Ash: P

Brock: No



What did I just write?

Oh well

If you're wondering who Kristina is, she isn't in any stories yet so don't look for her :/

HaVe A nIcE dAy

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