Chapter 7: Freedom.

Brightcrown Mountains, Stormterror's Lair.

After undo the storm barrier that surrounds the ancient tower, Decarabian. The group rush straight towards the tower via the bridge to the front gate. Paimon assumes the Stormterror must be on top of the tower but also confused how a dragon get in.

Paimon: So how does Dvalin gets in there with body that huge?

Venti: Well, he flies in actually.

Paimon: Oh. You got a point there.

Noticing a wall of wind barrier formed around the tower.

Paimon: It's block...

The bard copies her word, also mimics her voice.

Venti: "It's block~"

Paimon frowns at Venti.

Paimon: Why the copy?

Her brother interrupts Paimon's question. Enable Venti to escape from the conversation.

Aether: Check out the hole on that roof! Maybe we get in from above?

The rest of the group look at where Aether points at.

Venti: Hmm.. I suppose we could make use of the wind current.

Paimon: Let's make a detour then. Heading up!

Venti: "Let's make a detour then. Heading up!"

The Dawn Winery owner and the Acting Grand Master both drop their sweat after knowing how carefree Venti is.

Jean: (Is this the Anemo Archon's usual way of tackling the threat?)

Diluc: (*sigh* His personality makes me believe he stole some wine before we head out.

Lumine leads the way she could find accessible to the top of the tower.

Lumine: Let's go to the right, up the stairs.

Aether: Do you think there will be Abyss Mages hiding in the ruins?

Paimon: Judging how the siblings and Master Diluc deal with them. It'll be easy job for them.

Diluc: Don't underestimate them just because we had beaten them before. Not to be exaggerating, there is more to the Abyss Order than a few mages.

The bard adds in..

Venti: Correct! That's why I tagged along, after all. Well, that and also for your safety.

Then, the bard starts question himself.

Venti: Ah, why am I so diligent? Too diligent for a poet, in fact!

Lumine disagrees to his "effort".

Lumine: I beg to differ.. I don't think you had done much besides just staying with us all along.

Paimon: Yep! Totally agreed.

Aether: Let's not pinning faults onto each other for now, you two..

In the meantime, Mondstadt.

During the curfew is in its effect on Mondstadt, the Knights are able to focus on fending off the threat of Hilichurls and Abyss Order's invasion. With Amber's overwatch, Noelle's protection and Eula's counterattack against the enemies, the Knights managed to defend for several waves.

Noelle: The enemies are getting fewer!

Amber: That's definitely Eula's doing! She's really going all out!

Noelle: I hope she's okay. I'll try to treat her injuries along with Barbara's help.

Amber: I believe she will be okay! Don't tell me you're liking her already! ^^

The maid blushes a bit and looks away.

Noelle: I'm-! I'm just doing what I can to assist her. And what about the Travelers?

Amber: The siblings.. They're with Jean, right? And Diluc!

Back to Stormterror's Lair..

Gathering her Anemo energy before unleashing Gale Blade, Jean is able to shoot out multiple wind bullets from her quick sword thrusts, causing small AoE that knocks the Hilichurls off the platform to save the group some times. After fighting their way to the top of the Decarabian tower which is the Stormterror's hideout, the group encounter an issue.

Aether: It's block in this path too. Can you undo the barrier again?

Diluc: I don't think that would be necessary.. Let's just ride on the wind current to get over and around until we arrive at the top.

They all deployed out their Wind Gliders. The wind current supports and elevates them up above until the the wind current sends them to the top of the ruin tower. While on the air, they all noticed several Hilichurls gliding around with wooden mechanical wings on their back. Some equipped with crossbows or carrying a slime.

Jean: Incoming!

Paimon: They can glide as well!?

Lumine summons an Anemo vortex in her palm, throwing it at the gliding Hilichurls, dealing AoE Anemo Damage. The explosion blows the enemies away and mislead the rest due to blast. Jean shoots a few Anemo bullets with her sword thrusts.

Jean: Good work, Lumine!

Lumine: I guess they are no match for us after all.

They hurry themselves to the top of the tower while checking out for any danger they might encounter. Eventually, the group reach the top.

Diluc: Finally, we're on top..

Jean: But Dvalin isn't here.. Did we came in a wrong time?

Venti: I wouldn't say that, Acting Grand Master..

Jean: Meaning?

Venti: There's an ancient seal in this tower that blocks our advance to Dvalin.

The bard stares at the stormy sky with dark clouds roaming in circle.

Venti: And he is probably beyond the seal.. Waiting for us.

Paimon: Is this the work of Dvalin?

Venti: No. These ruins were once part of ancient city. Dvalin just happens to be nesting in these ruins for now. This ruins even predate the existence of The Four Winds. Mondstadt is a city without a ruler. However, before it was. It was rules by a tyrant. I'll sing you that story when we have a chance in the future. So what do you find in here?

Aether points out to an uncomplete mechanism.

Aether: I see an unknown mechanism around here. Don't know how it works.

Diluc: If my archaeological knowledge is not mistaken. I believe judging on the markings on the seal.. It appears to be a Light Actuator.

Lumine: Light Actuator?

Diluc: It's basically a mechanism that offers trials to the warriors. Completing it will break the seals that bars our way in.

Jean picks up the lost part that is supposed to insert in the mechanism, hands it to Aether to try for himself.

Jean: We should get it working by putting the last part back and see.

Aether: Okay.

The boy grabs the floating part. Inserting it into the empty hole to complete the ceremony. But now, the actuator points out to the other three scattered around Stormterror's Lair.

Venti: Looks like we are right. There are three more halos circling the tower.

Jean: Which means, there are three more corresponding light actuators to activate. I can see one from here. The rest must be scattered within the ruins.

Diluc: And means we have to split up if we wish to complete it within a short time.

Jean: Master Diluc and I will go to the northwest one. You two should get the southwest one working.

Lumine: Sure. Sounds like a plan.

Paimon frowns as they forgot about Venti..

Paimon: And the bard?

Venti: Of course, I'll activate the northeast one.

Jean: Are you sure, Venti? We could get the last one after we finish ours.

Despite Acting Grand Master's concern, Venti soothes her worries as he reminds her about how capable he actually is on his own.

Venti: If you had heard of my poem talent. I can reassure you the same goes for my skill with a bow.

Paimon: Don't worry, Jean. He's the Anemo god. Plus, he should put some effort and this is right time for him!

Jean: Great, going alone always yield no good odds. Let's rendezvous back here once we activate all the Light Actuators.

They all spread their Wind Gliders and fly out from the tower but split into three groups. Paimon curiously asks as she follows the Travelers.

Paimon: Why did Dvalin pick a place filled with puzzles and seals as his lair? Doesn't he get annoyed every time he comes back home?

Aether: He doesn't walk in, he flies in.

Paimon: Oh.. You do have a point.

They fly in southwest direction of Stormterror's Lair, where one of the Light Actuators that are needed to complete its trial. As the siblings approach the Actuator. Wind barrier surrounds them in a circle, trapping them within the area.

Pyro Abyss Mage: How foolish you humans are? Simply walk into my trap!

The Abyss Mage summons two Hydro Samachurls. The siblings draws out their Dull Blades.

Lumine: Let's go, Aether!

Aether: After you!

Two Samachurls recite a spell with energy gather in their staffs that creates a splashing attack from below, the siblings dodge away easily, attacking the Pyro Abyss Mage's barrier from the front and behind at the same time. Then, the Samachurls summons a healing cloud that rains on its allies. But the combination between Pyro and Hydro creates Vaparize effect. The raindrops from healing rain cloud simply removes the Pyro Abyss Mage's barrier. Render the mage vulnerable. (Genshin's logic unfortunately.)

Pyro Abyss Mage: You fool! Hydro vaporizes the Pyro!

Both Samachurls curse out under their breath as they just realize their grave mistakes.

Hydro Samachurls: Biat... (Curse...)

Aether and Lumine quickly summons a palm vortex. Absorbing all three enemies from both sides until they unleash the explosion in the end.


All three of them got defeated by the siblings's combined Anemo vortex, dropping three Actuators parts that requires to insert into the mechanism, in order to complete the trial successfully.

Lumine: Well, never thought it would be this easy.

Aether: Let's head back!

They turn around, realize that they have to climb all the way back to the top of the ancient tower.

Paimon: Erm.. Paimon thinks we should go find Venti for his Wind Current first.. We can go check how is he doing as well.

Lumine: Well.. Not to be rude but..

Aether: He's already back on top on his own.

Paimon: Ah.. You're probably- Is he!?

Paimon looks at the hole of the ancient tower where Aether is pointing at, just noticing Venti is now waving at them from the top.

Lumine: He's a god after all..

Paimon: *sigh* You're right... Paimon thought we could use his Anemo power to boost us up back to the top.

Meanwhile... Jean and Diluc at northwest of Stormterror's Lair.

Searching for three Actuator parts, one of them is located at the Hilichurl camp at the north, spotted by Diluc.

Diluc: I see one among the crates at the camp.

Jean: Let's make a quick snatch.

Diluc draws his Favonius Claymore.

Diluc: Agree.

Diluc rushes in first before Jean, he breaks the crate in a single, heavy smash. Then Jean grabs the Actuator part as soon as she spotted it. The Hilichurls are alerted to the commotion but Diluc covers Jean as she escapes.

Diluc: Burn!

Massive Pyro energy gathers on Diluc's Claymore. Forming a flaming phoenix before unleashing with a full swing to push the enemies away. They both successfully escape from Hilichurls pursuit before resuming back on searching two more parts. Diluc finds one hidden inside the breakable rock while Jean boosts her jump height with Anemo support, hop over the Wind Barrier to get the third one. Soon, they managed to gather all three and inserts into Light Actuator to complete their trial.

Diluc: Now we did our part.. Let's head back..

Jean: I hope the others are okay.


Stormterror's Lair, top of the tower..

After the Dandelion Knight and Angel's Share owner returned to the top. They noticed the traveling siblings and the bard are already there.

Jean: Oh? You guys are already done activating the Actuators?

Aether: It was a short battle.. But Venti got here first before us..

Lumine: Now I believe they are no match for the Anemo god.

Venti: Actually..

The bard scratches his head. Paimon got curious to what he wants to say.

Paimon: What's wrong?

Venti: Well, when I got there.. There's actually no enemies around. So I was just picking all the parts litter around for Actuator.

Paimon: What!? So you didn't do any fighting!?

The bard teases Paimon as the fairy already know the answer.

Venti: Ehe~ ^^

Knowing the bard got the easiest route, Paimon got frustrated by Venti's little smug.

Paimon: Ehe te Nandayo!!!

Venti: Why are you so frustrated? I did my part in the end. But I've never encountered such annoying historical relics as these.

Diluc sighs before Jean adds in.

Diluc: ...

Jean: We're all back here in one piece.

Venti: I'm thinking about turning these adventures into songs after we're done. This idea comes in my mind while waiting for you all.

Lumine: We certainly have gone through a lot recently.

Venti nods in agreement.

Venti: Hopefully, this song will be sung for years to come by the people of Mondstadt, just like The Legend of Vennessa. Everyone will acknowledge your effort.

Jean: I have loved that song since I was small. So how are you feeling today, Honorary Knights? I'm completely prepared and fully confident that we can do this.

Aether: Me too. Lumine and I are prepared.

Paimon: Even Diluc accompanied with us in the end. Despite only being an accidentally involved.. Bystander.

Diluc: You shared your secret with me, and I only returned your trust to the same extent.

Lumine: What about Venti?

Venti: It's "freedom".

Paimon: "Freedom"?

She pouts a bit at Paimon..

Lumine: Mondstadt is the City of Freedom. Amber told us that in the beginning.

Paimon: Oh.. It seems Paimon forgot that.. Sorry.. Tone-deaf bard.

Venti: Hahaha... She really is a child of freedom! Remember, Mondstadt is a romantic city, without the reign of a king. And its citizens enjoy the most freedom amongst the seven nations.

His voice slowly changes as depressing tone escape from his words

Venti: I hope the dragon that once protected Mondstadt will soon be free too.. No one should deceived him by telling him that Mondstadt betrayed him. And no one should have told him that it was his eternal duty to protect the city. He has the right and freedom to choose his own way of life.

Paimon: Venti..

Venti: Well then, before we step into the battle.. Lumine, Aether.. May the thousands of years of wind that have blown through Mondstadt go with you.

After his blessing quote, Anemo energy surface up from Venti's palm, forming an orb as he channels his Anemo power.

Venti: But this time, I shall channel my Anemo energy for you all. Please make a good use of it.

Jean: Thanks, Venti.

Diluc: To be blessed by the Anemo god.. This is indeed a very rare occasion.

Lumine: Will you be okay?

Venti: I can take care of myself while supporting you all. Why's that?

Aether: Since you said you're the weakest archon among The Seven.

He replies with a smile..

Venti: Haha.. Thank you for your concern. Oh yeah, one more thing..

Wind surrounds the bard gently, and slowly lifts Venti up in the air.

Venti: You might want to equip your Wind Glider.

His Anemo power spreads out and infused the whole group. Blessing them with the flight ability for a long while. They all can feel the power surging inside them.

Diluc: Is this..?

Jean: The power of the Anemo god?

Then, he sends them up to the sky with a large, steong wind current.

Venti: Now, ride the winds and free Dvalin from his eternal pain!

Diluc, Jean and the Traveling siblings fly up to the sky, following Venti's lead and challenging the Stormterror once again as they encounter the Dvalin who reveals itself from the cloud, roaring out loud in the sky.

Jean: There's Dvalin!

Lumine: Be careful! He sees us too!

Since they had mastered the gliding skill, controlling their flight and dodging Dvalin's head tackle aren't much of obstacles for them. They balance themselves in their floating stance. Then, they all could Venti's call in their minds.

Venti: Look! There are two shiny spots on Dvalin's back!

Lumine: Are they not part of Dvalin's body originally?

Venti: No, it's blood clots from the corrupted dragon that coagulated on his wounds.. The Abyss Order must have cursed the wounds. That's what's corrupting Dvalin's mind.

Aether: I know what you want us to do..

Diluc: Destroy the blood clots and we will be able to save him.

After confirming from Venti, the Acting Grand Master commands the group.

Jean: Aim for those blood clots!

The siblings first shoots out a stream of arrows from both of their palms. Aiming at the blood clot at the middle of Dvalin's back. But one single miss hit could cause Dvalin to shake and speeds away from them, making the siblings harder to aim.

Lumine: We can't aim without hurting him!

Diluc: This will boost you with a ride!

Aether: Huh?

Gathering another massive Pyro energy, Diluc throws out a huge flaming Phoenix for the siblings to ride on. Both Travelers manage to grab its wings as it flies pass them. Thanks to its speed, the Phoenix is able to catch up to Dvalin. Aether instructs Lumine to get onto its back.

Aether: Grab onto its back!

Lumine heeds his advise, the siblings grab onto the Dvalin's back with one hand, struggle to look up for the blood clot before resume back removing the blood clot. The siblings gather their Anemo energy once again, launching out a vortex orb to the blood clot. Intense explosion destroys the blood clot on its back completely. The process breaks the corruption chain that binds Dvalin's mind but it results an enormous pain to Dvalin's body that it shakes both Travelers off. Aether and Lumine balance themselves in the air. Diluc, Jean and Venti catch up to them with their Wind Gliders.

Jean: Nice work! One more to go and we will free Dvalin for sure!

Venti: We better be quick, I can't keep supporting you all like this for a long time.

Jean: I see something to land! Let's head over there!

The Acting Grand Master point at the floating platforms arranged in a circle, along with floating debris in the air. With clouds form as a huge whirlpool under the platforms.

Diluc: I assume we will be fighting Dvalin on those platforms.

The group fly their way to the platforms, all close their wind Gliders and land with a roll to break the fall, also lost the Anemo power that was temporarily given by Venti. They check for Dvalin's current whereabouts now.

Jean: Where's Dvalin?

Venti: !!

They look around for a while.. Until the tyrant of the sky appears in front of them with a storming approach. Roaring at them fiercely. Dvalin launches with a tackle, the group separate and dodge away.

Venti: Now we can fight Dvalin on equal grounds.

Lumine: You think we will have a chance to win?

The bard transforms his Lyre into a Skyward Harp.

Venti: Worry not! The grandest bard is here to help!

With decades of Archery experience, Venti shoots out three arrows at a time with no problem. But Dvalin dodges away from the projectiles and retaliates with two dragon's roaring wind meteor. Jean hops up to destroy one of the meteor with her Gale Blade, then Diluc follows up with his Searing Onslaught to neutralize another one. Aether and Lumine power jump with their Vortex explosion, attempt to knock Dvalin unconscious by hitting on its head so they can break the last blood clot on its neck. But Dvalin swings its head, with enough momentum to knock both Travelers away.

Aether/Lumine: Ugh!

They both balance back in the air before landing back on the platform.

Lumine: We have to knock it down first before removing the blood clot!

The Stormterror throws out a few claw slashes. The group are aware that they couldn't block the claws at all, so they all dodge away before it escapes from their sight, disappears as it blends into the stormy cloud.

Aether: Is he escaping!?

The bard shakes his head while still in high alert.

Venti: I don't think so.. He'll be back.

Lumine: It's going to charge at us!

Then, that was when Diluc had an idea for countering that.

Diluc: Jean! I have an idea!

The Acting Grand Master look at Master Diluc who is now focusing his Pyro energy to form a Phoenix. Jean immediately knows what his idea is and nods back.

Jean: Got it!

As Diluc is charging his Phoenix, the Acting Grand Master focus her mind and channels her Anemo power to her Favonius sword. Both Travelers are curious about Diluc's idea.

Aether: Is this..?

Venti: Ah! I suggest you just sit back and watch.

Lumine: What do you mean?

A roar can be heard from a far, signalling that Dvalin has come back, charging at them in full speed.

Diluc: Now!

Jean hops in the air before Diluc launches his flaming Phoenix. As soon as Diluc unleashes it, Jean lands onto Phoenix, riding it towards the charging Dvalin. Then, she hops away in the air again. Like an uppercut to someone's neck, the Phoenix hits from the bottom of Dvalin's head. Successfully interrupt Dvalin's charging attack. Then, Jean takes her opportunity as she is now on top of Dvalin's head. With her gathered Anemo power on her blade, she launches a powerful thrust that lands a heavy blow on Dvalin's head, knocking it in temporary unconscious and crashes on the platform where the group are. Jean lands on top of Dvalin's head after gliding back.

Aether: Whoa!

Jean: Now! Free Dvalin!

The three of them  jump onto Dvalin's head, Venti charges up his Wind's Grand Ode while Aether and Lumine forms their own Gust Surge tornado.

Venti: (I'm sorry if this hurts you, Dvalin!)

Soon, Venti fires off an arrow made of countless coalesced winds, creating a huge Stormeye. As both Travelers unleash their Gust Surge, both tornadoes result powering the Stormeye strong enough to explode, dissolve the Blood clot out from its neck completely.

Lumine: We did it!

Dvalin falls down from the platform while it still in its unconscious state. Aether goes to confirm it.

Aether: Did we..?

The sound of ground breaking and unstable footing alerts the group that the platform may collapse at anytime.

Lumine: This place is gonna collapse!

As the platform breaks into debris, everyone struggles to grab onto something but inevitably fall down from the sky. As they thought they are falling to their inevitable death. They all land onto something else.

Aether: Huh?

The group are now on board of dragon's back as Dvalin just regained its consciousness, managed to save them from the fall and flies away from the storm.

Diluc: We landed on.. Dvalin?

Lumine: That means he has fully recovered!

Jean: That's a great news.

As the group let out a sigh of relief after the fierce battle with the corrupted Stormterror. Venti shows his concern as he mentions the memories he had with Dvalin.

Venti: It's been a while since we flew like this together.. Huh, Dvalin?

The dragon repsonds back softly..

Dvalin: Just now.. Why...? Why did you not ask me to protect you like the last time?

Venti: ...

The bars silents, letting everyone to enjoy the breezing wind, but he confesses what he had stored in his mind to his friend for a long time.

Venti: Me not wanting you to listen to the Abyss Order. Doesn't mean that you have to listen to me.

Dvalin: But what's the purpose of this?

Venti creates a soothing wind, passing it into Dvalin's body, curing the wound that is previously occupied by the corrupted blood clot.

Venti: Freedom, if demanded of you by an archon. Is really no freedom at all.

The energy of the soothing wind brought back Dvalin's power and cleanse the corruption inside its body once and for all. Dvalin still recognizes the power from Venti.

Dvalin: Is this.. The power of the Anemo Archon? But.. I am no longer part of the Four Winds.

Knowing Dvalin will have a lot of questions, the bard smiles regardlessly as he pats its back gently.

Venti: Even if that's so.. You still protected us regardless...

Dvalin: Barbatos...

Venti: You're free and you're not alone now.. Dvalin.. Spread your wings of freedom and go with my blessing!

The once corrupted dragon is now freely soaring in the sky without any restraint from anyone.

Dvalin: (Thank you.. Barbatos..)

After solving the Stormterror's crisis, Aether asks about how they are going to tell the citizens.

Aether: So how are we gonna explain? After the Stormterror threat is now cleared?

Jean: I'll clarify the misunderstanding to the citizens of Mondstadt.. And let them know that they are safe.

Diluc: To them.. It seems Stormterror attacked Mondstadt out of nowhere. And then vanished just as quickly. They must be finding this whole ordeal very confusing.

Venti chimes in..

Venti: However, winds change their course. Someday, they will blow towards a brighter future. Thanks to your help, Travelers..

Then, a fairy just appeared out besides Aether...

Paimon: Phew..! Paimon almost got blew away during the fight.

Aether: Paimon! Are you hurt? I thought you got separated from us.

Paimon: Paimon's A-okay! Turns out holding onto your braid really works wonder.

Lumine: We are just glad everything is okay in the end.


Returning to Mondstadt from Stormterror's Lair, Dvalin lands at Windrise, the group get off from Dvalin except Venti..

Jean: You're not coming with us, Venti?

Venti: Hm.. Not yet. I decided to accompany Dvalin a bit more. After being in the dark for too long, he must have a lot of questions and things he desperates to say from his mind. As well healing the wounds he had suffered for a long time. You guys really aren't hesitating when you attack.

Lumine: Did we hit that hard? Sorry if it is..

The bard appreciates their apologize.

Venti: No, no! It's fine..! You guys did what you can. And now..

Dvalin spread its wings once again, ready to depart from Windrise as it rises up.

Venti: Now, we shall meet again tomorrow!

The group watch the dragon flies away with the Anemo Archon.

Jean: Let's head back to Mondstadt. I hope Amber and other Knights are doing well. As for Master Diluc..

Diluc: I'll be heading back to Dawn Winery.. I won't boast about what we had just been through.

Jean: Thank you, Master Diluc..

Jean turns her eyes to the Travelers and Paimon.

Jean: As for Honorary Knights..

Aether answers back with his back of his head rest against his palms.

Aether: Sure!

Lumine: Let's head back!

Jean chuckles happily as peace has been restored back to Mondstadt. The Acting Grand Master and the Honorary Knights are heading back to Mondstadt.

End of Chapter...

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