Chapter 4: The Holy Lyre

After the Holy Lyre was stolen by a Fatui Mage, the Assassin nun silently escapes out by herself while the guards are pursuing Aether and Paimon. She begins her hunt as soon as she's out of the Cathedral with the tip of her Favonius Lance shining brightly, thirsty for blood.

Rosaria: You can't run.. Fatui scum..

Besides her Polearm and her throwing blades, the night serves as her weapon, her master and also the time when she shines the most for her "job" as she lurks in the shadow of the Fatui Mage with the Holy Lyre all the way to the Fatui's Hideout.

Meanwhile, Angel's Share Tavern..

After hiding on the second floor in the Angel's Share. The group remain completely silent while the Knights are hunting them down. They notice two Knights enter the tavern but occupied by the owner of the tavern, Diluc who is about to ask around.

Otto: Ah. Master Diluc. Have you seen two thieves around?

Diluc: What happened? Why have you mobilized so many guards?

Miles: Haven't you heard, Master Diluc!? Two thieves were trying to steal the Holy Lyre!

Diluc: Oh? How odd.

Miles: Isn't it? The Holy Lyre is a treasure that was played by the God of Anemo themselves. Such a precious piece of cultural heritage.

Diluc chuckles as it doesn't makes sense for him.

Diluc: Why would one want to steal something they can't sell off? Would pay better to steal from my cellars.

The Knights got confused by his off topic.

Otto: Huh?

Diluc: Sorry, off topic.. Believe they already headed outside the city when I was on my way to the Tavern.

Miles: No, they're already escaped! Ahem..! Understood. Thank you, Master Diluc!

The Knights then exit out the Tavern. Diluc decides to give Charles an early night off.

Diluc: I'll be the one tending the bar tonight. You can take your night off early.

Charles: Thanks, Master Diluc. I'll be going out.

Then, he signals the group with a whistle. They all let out a relief

Venti: Phew... We're out of their sight.

The bard happily walk back downstairs, about to order something cold.

Venti: Today I think I'll have a glass of..

The blade of the Claymore rest onto the bard's shoulder as Diluc warns him about the Holy Lyre he had stolen from.

Diluc: You can put down that "bottle" you stole from behind the "counter".

Venti: ...Something cold. Mind putting your blade down, Master Diluc? ^^"

Diluc: Right, I want answers.

Venti: Let me finish my drink first? I'll pay you with a performance.

Diluc: It's not about the money. And you seem too young to be drinking.

Venti: No need to worry. When I start drinking, you were still-

One of the travelers break Venti's sentence.

Lumine: Ahem!

Venti: Oh? In case you don't know. He is Master Diluc, the boss of.. ah, the owner of this tavern. He's very famous by the way and his dandelion wine is one of my favorites. Though most of the time I can only afford a bottle of two..

The owner swiftly sheathes back his Claymore.

Diluc: I just heard about some thieves from the guards. For the record, I like your guts for trying to steal the Holy Lyre der Himmel. Even if you are fools.. But we don't often get to see people like you.

Aether: Too bad the Holy Lyre isn't with me.

Diluc: Hm?

Lumine: What!? Did you drop it somewhere, Aether!?

Aether: Someone got ahead of me and Paimon. And I can assume it's the Fatui, judging by the mask they wear. Even though it's different. Plus, the people in Mondstadt and even the Knights doesn't wear mask except them.

Lumine: Hm..

As Lumine tries to figure out their purpose on doing with the Holy Lyre. Her mind got interrupted by Diluc.

Diluc: Ahem..! Before you continue, care to introduce yourselves, Outlanders?

Venti: These are the hotshot of the Knights of Favonius. Why would someone so aspiring steal Mondstadt's sacred treasure?

Diluc: Hotshot..? Oh, so it's you two.. So you and the bard are close friends?

Lumine: Only heard him play once.

Diluc: Well.. Despite only being a passing travelers, you still offered your help to Mondstadt in it's time of need. A shame you joined the Knights.

Aether: Huh?

Diluc: The Knights of Favonius... Inefficient right from beginning to end. And towards the Fatui? Weak and conservative.

The group went silent to Diluc's sudden criticism towards the Knights of Favonius.

Aether and Lumine: ...

Diluc: *sigh* Forget it, I don't feel like talking about it..

Venti: Seems you don't really like the Knights of Favonius.

Diluc: Just differences in approach is all. I have my own hopes for this city.

After that, he resumes the conversation back to the topic about the Holy Lyre der Himmel.

Diluc: Now, answers. Why did you steal the Holy Lyre?

Aether: It's because-

The bard cuts off Aether's sentence, assuring him that he can convince Diluc in his way.

Venti: You can relax and let me handle this, Aether! ^^ But before giving the answers, are you sure you want to know? It could implicate you in the affairs of the Knights of Favonius.

The man remained unfazed, looks like he already used to this kind of affairs.

Diluc: That's fine. I somehow always end up implicated in their affairs. Especially that so-called "hard-working" Captain.


When the Cavalry Captain just began his investigation on searching the thieves that stole the Holy Lyre. But the sudden strong wind triggers his sneeze unfortunately.

Kaeya: Achoo!! Tonight's wind sure is strong..

He resumes back on his investigation..

Back to Tavern..

Venti: If I tell you the story with a performance, will you believe me?

Diluc: It depends. I'll make my own judgment.

Venti: Then will I get paid?

Diluc: Your reward will range from anywhere between five Mora and the Holy Lyre. It all depends on your story.

Venti: Very well. Let me put on a show..

Thus, the Bard explains the story about his friend, Dvalin..

Meanwhile.. Mondstadt, Springvale..

During the night in Mondstadt, most of the villagers, hunters and the Kätzlein family in Springvale are already in their sleep. Meaning it's a great opportunity for the Fatui's members to roam around freely. But what they aren't expecting at all is they won't be seeing the light after the night once they're in the Assassin's sight. Rosaria managed to track down the Holy Lyre and knowing where their hideout as well. The cold-blooded nun spins her dagger flawlessly as she is ready to spill the blood of Mondstadt's enemies all over the place, making them ever regret praising for the sun before retrieving the Holy Lyre.

Angel's Share Tavern...

After the bard's performance, Diluc seems to be in shocked upon receiving the information about the Stormterror and the purpose of using the Holy Lyre.

Diluc: What did I just witness...

Venti grins at the Travelers as Diluc genuinely believes him.

Venti: See? A bard's performance rhymes better along with the truth.

The Travelers clap as they genuinely awestruck by Venti's convincing. Without spilling any information, Diluc unsures the reason of Venti letting him know.

Diluc: This is confidential information. Why did you let me know?

Venti: Hm... Perhaps the winds are changing.

Aether: Dvalin has protected Mondstadt for many years. Now it's time for us to save him. Don't you think that's the right way to solve it?

Lumine: *nods proudly*

Diluc: ...

His sister nods in agree, and also praising him for speaking up for Dvalin. Although Diluc remains silent to Aether's words. But deep down, he feels bad for the dragon that once shared the same purpose and hopes as him, Protecting Mondstadt. The owner of the Tavern decided to get some help from others he knew.

Diluc: Give me some time. I'll organize some contacts.

Paimon: Yay! That means more people coming to help!

Diluc: Outlander, as one of the Knights it seems you're not a suspect.

Paimon: How come? They clearly see us when we escaped.

The man points to the wall where the wanted poster is, applied by one of the Knights, Otto. The picture remains with a question mark, but the description is just what Diluc said, only Blonde.

Diluc: As for the bard... It'd be better if you stayed in the Tavern.

Despite being trapped in a Tavern for the time being, Venti actually happy about it.

Venti: No problem! I like taverns.

Diluc: ... *Annoyed sigh* How about the others?

The others shake their head. Then, he begins with the plan as the group have no problem with it as well.

Diluc: Okay, let's meet here first floor tonight after the tavern closes. The night's still a bit young and my work shift still ongoing before it ends.

Lumine: Will you let us know who is it once you found someone to help us?

He crosses his arm, questioning as he looks at her curiosity expression.

Diluc: Why's that, Outlander?

She stutters..

Lumine: Oh.. Uh.. I'm just curious.

Noticing Lumine being a bit intimidated by his tone. He reassures her.

Diluc: Don't worry.. You had gained my trust after listening to this bard's performance.

The bard bargains with him for the performance from before.

Venti: Then can I at least have a dandelion wine as a reward, please?

Diluc: Sorry, the Tavern's closed just now. I'll be heading out..

Venti: Wait!

He sets out from the tavern to get some help. Only the Travelers, Paimon and the Bard are still in the Tavern's first floor. The bard instantly becomes depressed as he didn't get his wine in the end.

Venti: Aww..

Aether: Sorry I didn't get the Lyre in the end, Lumine.

Lumine: Let's hope the Knights won't be back here..

Paimon: The Tavern has been closed for business so there's no way the Knights would barge in.

Lumine: Hm?

Lumine notices the bard secretly grab a bottle of dandelion wine behind the counter. She catches him off guard and repeat the line Master Diluc said.

Lumine: You can put down that bottle you stole from behind the counter, Venti.

Venti: Ehe-! Master Diluc won't suspect any of it and I promised I'll leave the mora here. ^^

Paimon: Can you focus on the matter for now!?

Venti: Can't help it~!

The group wait for the help's arrival from Diluc. Meanwhile in Fatui's Hideout..




The wall of the hideout has painted with the blood of the Fatui Guards she had slaughtered along her way, the commotion had alerted the entire members including the Agent who lead the Fatui in his Hideout. With the skill of her Polearm and her deadly assassination in the dark. She swiftly cuts several guards in half with her Favonius Lance as she travels through the shadow. She grabs the key to the room where the Holy Lyre is stored from one of the guards. She opens the gate with it, wiping off the blood and small guts of her Polearm with her cloth while riding on the elevator platform to the storage room. The Holy Lyre is just resting in front of her, she walks forward in cautious. As she expected, the Holy Lyre is trapped by the cage dropping down around it before she hears an evil taunt.

Fatui Agent: Where did you rat scurry out from...

Rosaria: ...

Without a response from her, the Agent threatens her with one of the Harbingers arrival.

Fatui Agent: Signora is not going to tolerate this kind of interference in our affairs!

She prepares her Polearm, still walking forward to the Agent with cold-blooded tone.

Rosaria: You're not walking out alive..

The Fatui Agent summons fiery rotating blades around him to keep her away from him. Rosaria simply shoots out several blades in one single swing from her hand, deflecting away the rotating blades from the Agent. The Fatui Agent closes in with a few consecutive strike from his Sacrificial Knife. With accuracy of her block, Rosaria flawlessly prevents with her Polearm from the Sacrificial Knife attack. She retaliates during his attack, interrupts with a stomach thrust from the back of her Polearm. Rosaria uppercuts him from below that leaves a huge slash wound on his chest and also launches him up. The Assassin then focuses her whole strength, swinging with her entire Polearm, the impact of her fatal swing launches the Agent forward this time, with a blade shoots out to deal the final blow on the Agent's forehead. Rosaria slowly walks up the dying Agent while the cage opens back up itself.

Fatui Agent: Signora... Is going to end you.. The songs.. That bards sing of your demises will be so.. Terrifying.. The people of Mondstadt will never-!

Rosaria: Lights out...


She splits his head in half with the blade that struck his forehead deep. Blood spurts out like fountain as the brain inside is now visible to her, staining her attire.

Rosaria: Ugh.. What a nuisance..

She wipes off her hand with her cloth before grabbing the Holy Lyre and putting it in her bag. She also took out a beautiful feather pen and a paper. Writing something to apply on the Holy Lyre before submitting to the Knights of Favonius..

Rosaria: You better make it count, Outlanders..

She walks away from the scene. Leaving the hideout filled with dead bodies.

Mondstadt, Knights of Favonius Headquarters..

The Acting Grand Master, Jean who is working in her overtime after receiving a report about the Holy Lyre being stolen. She is now investigating the scene in the Cathedral's basement where the Holy Lyre was enshrined in.

Jean: I see.. Blonde is what the guard saw.. And they're with a green bard. No traces left by them as well.

Miles: That's right! The Knights are already posted the wanted poster all around the city.

Jean: Good. You guys did a great work here. I'll go take care of this for a while..

Adler: Yes, Acting Grand Master!

As the Knight just left, she resumes back on her investigation on her own, looking for clues. Unfortunately, none of the traces were found in her multiple attempts. The Honorary Knights are the one that crosses in her mind first as she tries to figure out the blonde part.

Jean: (It can't be them.. If it is, what are they going to do with the Holy Lyre der Himmel?)

She eventually left the basement and heading back to the Headquarters as she couldn't figure it out. After she's outside from the Cathedral, she eventually notices Diluc is waiting for her at the end of the downstairs.

Jean: Oh? Master Diluc? What are you doing here in the night?

Diluc: I'm not here for a walk. I came looking for you, Jean.

The Acting Grand Master curious about his intention.

Jean: For me?

He crosses his arm, suggests to change location to somewhere secluded.

Diluc: Before that, let's go to somewhere... That can keep our conversation in secret.

Jean: Right.. Let's go behind the Cathedral then.

Diluc: Wherever that suits yourself..

They both head to the backyard of the Cathedral before resuming their conversation.

Jean: So what is it, Master Diluc?

Diluc: Well.. Your "Hotshots" of the Knights of Favonius ended up staying in my Tavern with a.. Minor bard.

Jean: Huh? What are they doing there?

Diluc: That bard has an idea that could cure the Mondstadt's crisis. Also the Stormterror as well.. And the Holy Lyre is the key item to solve this.

Jean: Cure the Stormterror..? Wait, I can't catch up what you're saying, Master Diluc.

Diluc: Dvalin is the Stormterror's real name, after his battle against that wicked dragon to protect Mondstadt in 500 years ago. He was seriously injured and the blood he ingested from that dragon torments him till this day. The Abyss Mage took advantage of it and corrupted his mind. Thinking he was abandoned by us and the God of Anemo when he returns..

Jean: So that's how he became the Stormterror.. But what about the Holy Lyre?

Diluc: The Holy Lyre contains the Anemo power that could purify the Stormterror with its sound and return it to normal. The bard knows what he can do with it.

Jean: I see.. So is the Holy Lyre still with them?

Diluc: No, unfortunately.. One of the Outlanders said he saw a mage with a mask before she disappeared with the Holy Lyre. Assuming it's The Fatui who got ahead of them.

Jean: ...

The Acting Grand Master sighs in frustration. Knowing that The Fatui are always causing trouble for the Knights. Diluc notices her reaction as well.

Diluc: ...

Being helpless is one of his reasons why he criticized the Knights of Favonius a lot. But he couldn't ignore the Acting Grand Master when she's in trouble dealing with The Fatui all the time. He offers an invite for her to help them up.

Diluc: If you need time.. We'll be waiting you at the tavern, Jean.

She nods..

Jean: ...Understood.. I'll be there soon..

Diluc: Who will you be presenting in my Tavern this time?

The woman chuckles innocently.

Jean: What do you think?

The sudden change of her personality signals Diluc that she won't be joining up as the Acting Grand Master, but as Jean herself.

Diluc: Well then.. See you there.

The two of them splits up and head their own way. Jean returns back to her office in the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. Arranging the document of other trivial matters submitted by the citizens of Mondstadt. Before preparing and sheathing her Favonius Sword, she notices a beautiful hand-written note glued to something that is important resting on her chair in the office.

Jean: Is this..!?

Jean can tell who the sender is as she recognizes the penmanship of the writing. She grabs it before leaving out the Headquarters to meet up with Diluc and the others in the Tavern.

Mondstadt, Angel's Share Tavern..

The owner of the Angel's Share Tavern finally returned back to the group.

Venti: You're here.. Master Diluc.

Diluc: Did the bard do anything such as stealing?

Lumine: Nope.

Paimon proudly replies..

Paimon: We keep a good eye on him!

Aether: So who did you called for help?

Diluc: She will be here anytime.

The knocks on the door gains all of their attention. When Jean reveals herself to them, it causes them to be surprised as they didn't expect it will be someone from the Knights of Favonius.

Aether: Jean!?

Lumine: Acting Grand Master?

Diluc: I have to clarify first before you start asking questions. First of all, I contacted more than one person. Secondly, she came here as "Jean" herself, not as the Acting Grand Master. A Jean you would never see, even as Honorary Knights.

Jean: What a surprise. Diluc had told me about the Holy Lyre, but I never suspected it was you two.

Lumine scratches her head..

Lumine: Sorry for not reporting it back to you and Lisa.

She reassures her with a grin.

Jean: It's fine.. I came here as Jean, remember? Lumine?

Lumine: Oh.. Right..

Jean: So back to Stormterror.. The sound of the Holy Lyre can purify Stormterror and return it to normal... Is that true?

Venti: That's right! Your Honorary Knights are putting themselves on the front line to try and resolve this Stormterror issue. Now that's the hotshot of the Knights of Favonius I'm talking about.

Aether: Even though we broke the law?

Venti: As long as it's for Mondstadt's safety. It shouldn't be a problem!

Paimon responds sarcastically.

Paimon: Like it's easy as it sounds like, Venti!

Lumine resumes the topic back in their conversation.

Lumine: But do you believe us, Jean? The bard had told one of the sisters and she didn't even listen to him.

Jean: Is that so?

Diluc: I understand this kind of absurd explanation is hard to believe. But, we can ask the bard to play the song again to try and persuade-

During his sentence, Jean believes their truth.

Jean: I believe you.

Diluc: To persuade our stubborn comman- Wait, what?

Jean: I can't think of any reason for Dvalin's betrayal, given it was once one of The Four Winds. However, if it was poisoned in the battle over Mondstadt all those years ago... And then corrupted by the Abyss Mage after it woke up. We can't really blame it.

Lumine: Will you be telling that to the people the truth?

Jean: ...

She looks away as Lumine's decision is too risky.

Jean: Unfortunately.. I can't.. As Acting Grand Master, I obviously cannot make such a statement publicly.

Lumine: Huh? Why!?

Jean: Diplomatic pressure from The Fatui makes it hard for us to seek a peaceful resolution to the Stormterror issue. People would think I've lost grip on the gravity of the situation. That's why I can only do this in private..

Aether: Those Fatui sure is a major pain to deal with, isn't it? They even got the Holy Lyre with them.

Jean: Oh! About that, Aether.. Actually..

Aether: Huh?

She grabs the Holy Lyre der Himmel from her bag, shocking everyone with it in her possession as she presents it in front of everyone.

Diluc: Is that..!?

Paimon: Wait! How did it...!

Jean: Someone who shared the same ambition as Diluc, hid the Holy Lyre in my office. So that's why it's in my possession now. (Thanks, Rosaria..)

Lumine: That should make this a lot easier!

Venti: Ah! What a miracle turn! With the help of the mysterious person, the Holy Lyre der Himmel has returned to the heroes in the end!

Diluc: That is.. Really unexpected, Jean. Care to let us know who is it?

She shakes her head as she doesn't cause trouble for Rosaria.

Jean: Sorry, I don't know who it is.. But as Acting Grand Master, I will give my thanks to that person one day..

Diluc: Sounds fishy.. But since we have the Holy Lyre lso I don't really mind..

Jean: There's also a note that this person wants to warn us about.

Lumine: What is it?

Jean: "Someone goes by the name "Signora" is coming to Mondstadt. Be aware, Outlanders."

Aether: Signora?

Diluc explains about the Fatui Harbingers.

Diluc: No.8 of the Eleven Harbingers. Goes by the name Signora, just like the note mentioned. The fact the Fatui can run amok across the seven nations like they do is entirely because of the Eleven Harbingers.

Lumine: Why someone that important would be in Mondstadt?

Jean: The Cryo God's Fatui seem to be after the Anemo God's power. Remember, the conflict between Mondstadt and Snezhnaya stems from the conflict between the seven nations and their respective gods.

Venti: Uh...

Aether: So are they going to take over the defense of Mondstadt? And also want to kill Dvalin?

Jean: Right.. If the Knights of Favonius publicly prevented an attempt on Dvalin's head, then the only other way to affect the Anemo God's power is to take the Holy Lyre.

Diluc: The number of Fatui that have come to Mondstadt is far from limited, assuming that is it's because of Signora's arrival.

Venti: Hm... If the Holy Lyre falls in their hand.. I fear it might fall short of their true intentions. I think they intend to use Barbatos' connection to the wind to draw him out. Just like Lisa traced the source of the storm to the temples.

Diluc: The God of Anemo? Hasn't been seen for more than a thousand years. What makes you think that's their intention?

Venti: Oh.. Ah...

The Travelers know what's going on from Venti's stutters as they already knew the answer. Diluc realizes the bard been pressured by his curiosity but still feels strange about him. But he ultimately let it slide for now.

Diluc: Uh.. Forget it, I don't like having to pry. You should focus on what you can do with the Holy Lyre.

Venti: Oh! That's right.

Jean hands over the Holy Lyre der Himmel to the bard, checking its functionality and the design.

Jean: What do you think, Venti? Can you summon Dvalin?

Venti: I could with this Holy Lyre, but I doubt that it's going to work.

Jean: What do you mean?

Venti: As you can see, the Lyre has been through a thousand years of history so its Anemo power has run dry. Without the Anemo powering the Holy Lyre, we won't be able to call Dvalin with it. Which means you're up, Lumine!

Lumine: Me? I don't know how to fix instruments.

The bard reassures her.

Venti: Relax! It's not broken. The Lyre itself is fine. Just the intensity of the string's Anemo power has been greatly diminished. So the Teardrop Crystal should do the trick. You still have them?

Lumine: Ah! Let me give it a try.

She grabs two purified Teardrop Crystals. Lumine drops it on the Lyre's String. The energy of the Teardrop Crystal changes the Lyre's appearance, transforming the Holy Lyre to its former youth.

Venti: It worked, as expected.

Jean: Such youthful glow from the Holy Lyre..

Venti: With the purified crystals provided from these Outlanders, the Holy Lyre won't continue to lose power. That said, its power is far from replenished. It'd be great if we could get more tears.

Aether: We will help.. But how do we do that?

Venti: I can surmise that Dvalin will already be crying.. Suffering alone in some deserted place.

Jean: Dvalin...

Paimon: Poor baby..

Jean: Searching for more Teardrop Crystals is not something that the Honorary Knights can accomplish alone. I will mobilize the rest of the knights to assist. When they get the Teardrop Crystals, please let Aether and Lumine perform the purification process.

The others agree to Jean's idea. Venti admires how dedicated everyone are to save Mondstadt.

Venti: Heroes supporting each other and setting out a journey together.. How exciting! I can come up a song for you after all of this. Or maybe right now if you want.

Paimon crosses her arm as she can tell Venti being carefree all the time despite Mondstadt is in danger.

Paimon: Is that all you're going to do? Just sing?

Venti: Wouldn't be much of a bard if I didn't know, would I?

Venti: Hmph. You're so cheeky.. You deserve an ugly nickname. Oh, Paimon knows! From now on, you'll be known as "Tone-Deaf Bard"!

Lumine: (Is that really necessary?)

Politely letting Paimon finish her sentence, Aether quickly change the collecting topic back to their conversation.

Aether: Anyway, let's go collect more Teardrop Crystals and let me and Lumine do the purification.

Diluc: *nod*

Jean: Right!

The group begin their search on more Teardrop Crystals in the wild.

End of Chapter...

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