Chapter 3: Dragon's Tears
Next day after Amber's Hangout Event... Mondstadt, near Goth Grand Hotel.
After their tour in Mondstadt city, the siblings decide to show what they had found before meeting with Amber for the first time. As they are on their way to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. They hear the familiar voice from a far.
Lumine: Wait! Aether. I heard something..
Aether: Huh?
As they look further, they notice the Acting Grand Master who is now talking with another person. Lumine pulls her brother's arm to stop so they don't disturb them.
Paimon: Isn't that Jean?
Lumine: Yes.. Obviously.
Paimon: Let's let her finish, then go say hi?
Aether: Sure.. But who is she?
Paimon: Hm..
They all look at the person Jean is talking to.. A woman with unfamiliar outfit and a masquerade mask.
Aether: She looks suspicious at first sight. Don't you think?
Lumine: Not sure.. Looks like she isn't from Mondstadt.
Feeling a bit unease, they decided to eavesdrop them in the middle of their conversation from a distance behind the wall.
Anastasia: ...Which is what has brought us to this point in the first place. If you unable to promptly deal with the Stormterror threat, then leave the defense of Mondstadt to the Fatui. All we need to do is bring that monster to the-
The Acting Grand Master cuts off her sentence. Annoyed by how she described the Stormterror, but still maintaining her professional side.
Jean: "Monster"?
The unfamiliar woman rolls her eyes. Knowing that Jean will retaliates back with her words.
Anastasia: Yes. What's your point?
Jean crosses her arms.
Jean: I expect a more professional attitude from your diplomats. Yet here you are saying you want to "put an end" to one of The Four Winds of Mondstadt? I won't have any of this nonsense in front of Knights of Favonius.
The woman scoffs casually.
Anastasia: It's not as crazy as you make it sound. But fine, that's enough negotiation for today. At this stage it's simply... An amicable exchange of constructive opinion, no? I'll be sure to make... Thorough notes..
The woman then return back to the Goth Grand Hotel, guarded by someone with similar outfit as the woman. The siblings then show up to the Acting Grand Master.
Jean: Oh.. You're back.
Aether: Is something wrong? You look worried.
The Dandelion Knight sighs..
Jean: *sigh* The pressure from the delegation has become to big to be ignored.
Paimon: Delegation? From Liyue Harbor or Inazuma City?
Jean: Snezhnaya. They choose to follow the God of Cryo. Their envoys go by a particular name: The Fatui. Heard of them?
The siblings shake their head honestly. Then, Paimon explains it to them.
Paimon: The Fatui is an organization from the region called "Snezhnaya". They are not only super famous, but also infamous for all other 6 nations.
Aether: Sounds dangerous..
Lumine: ...
Jean: Anyway, I don't think killing one of the protectors is the right course of action.
Aether: Same goes for us and Paimon.
Jean: But not for everyone, sadly.. The Cryo God's Fatui have always coveted the Anemo God's power.
Lumine: I see.. But before that, we have something to show you.
Noticing there's a Fatui diplomat guarding the hotel. She stops Lumine in case of the guard eavesdrop their conversation.
Jean: Wait, let's head back to the Headquarters then. We shouldn't discuss this out in the open.
Aether: Right...
Aether changes the subject as they walk their way to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters.
Aether: So with the Cryo God craves the Anemo God's power is what caused the delegation going on in Mondstadt?
Jean: Yes.. And I believe they don't take Mondstadt as their best interests at heart.
Lumine: I wonder what Snezhnaya will be like..
Jean: Snezhnaya is considered as the same status as Mondstadt. Both nation are independent. But despite Mondstadt being referred as a city, it is also a nation as well. Snezhnaya's Fatui are known to be most aggressive diplomats in Teyvat..
Paimon: Makes sense, given the tone of that woman just now.. So rude!
Jean: For Travelers, you guys be careful with them in the future.
Lumine: Noted that.
They eventually reach the Headquarters, greeted by the Knights who is guarding the entrance. After entering the Acting Grand Master's office, Lisa was waiting for them in the office.
Lisa: Oh Jean, you're back early this time?
Jean: *sigh* It's pointless to negotiate with them if their attitude remains the same.
The Librarian smiles at their presence.
Lisa: And looks like our cuties are back as well.
Jean: So what is it you guys want to inform me?
Lumine: This.
Lumine grabs a crimson, tear drop shaped crystal. She lets it float on the air, glowing brightly with some of kind of energy as Lumine explains everything they encountered.
Lumine: This is what the Stormterror left before it flew away.
Jean: Something related to the Stormterror.. Lisa, are you able to analyze it?
Lisa: Let me take a look with my elemental sight.
She closes her eyes for a while. Her pupils change after the blink. Analyzing the crystal..
Lisa: Hm... I can see impurities of the crystal, but upon further inspection. I need some time to make a proper analysis at the moment. I'll also look through the library's restricted section.
Jean: Right. I'll leave the research to you then, Lisa.
Lisa: Understood, I'll notify you all if I make any progress. Though I wouldn't go getting your hopes up, they are incredibly ancient texts. So let me just take this..
As her hand reaches the crystal, the energy within it zaps with unpleasant shock to her palm. Retracting her hand.
Lisa: Ouch! It hurts!
Jean: What's wrong!?
Lisa: The impurities of the crystal, it hurts when I get close.
Jean: Perhaps..
Noticing both of the Travelers doesn't have a vision and was able to hold it with them all the time. Lisa immediately realizes what was wrong just now.
Lisa: I see... It appears to react to Visions. The impurities and the elemental energy we embody repel each other.
Jean: I remember you said Aether and Lumine doesn't have a Vision but has elemental abilities as well.
Lisa: Yes.. And they don't seem to be affected in the same way because they don't have one.
Paimon: So what should we do with the crystal?
Lisa: Sadly but anyway, the crystal would be better left in the hands of our cuties. It will be just a pain if left with us... Both literally and metaphorically.
Aether: Sure.
This time, Aether keeps the crystal.
Jean: Fascinating.. Do you know anything about what makes you special?
Lumine: ...
As Lumine ponders about this, Aether ultimately shakes his head as the siblings couldn't figure it out.
Lumine: We don't know the answer yet.. Sorry..
The Acting Grand Master replies back formally.
Jean: No need to apologize.. Lumine.. And I do not know what to make of it either. Besides, the Knights of Favonius are thankful for your help to stabilize the elemental flow. So after the discussion with other Knights about your deeds. The Knights of Favonius have another favor to ask of you.
Aether and Lumine: ?
Jean: Please accept the title of Honorary Knight... And the gratitude of the Acting Grand Master.
Hearing Jean's request to them as the Acting Grand Master. Both of them are shocked by this unexpected reward. The Librarian chuckles and teases their reaction.
Lisa: What? You think Stormterror strikes back again?
Paimon: Paimon almost did..
Lisa: Aww.. Your sense of justice is what makes you both adorable!
Aether: Honorary Knight..
Lumine: Of Favonius!?
The Acting Grand Master clears her throat before letting out a speech.
Jean: We ask for your continued assistance in finding some answers. Stormterror's rage.. And the strange crystals.. I know Mondstadt's peace hangs in the balance. May the wind open your eyes to the truth. We'll meet back here if you find anything.
Paimon: We're on it!
Lumine: We'll do our best to solve this.
Aether nods in reply.
Jean: Great.. Be careful on your investigation.
The newly, Honorary Knights of Favonius exit out the Headquarters. Starting their investigation as soon as they step out of the office. Paimon just remembers something else.
Paimon: Wait! There's something you didn't tell them yet.. The dragon and the crystals weren't the only things you saw..
Aether: About that green guy?
Paimon: So you do remember him! But why?
Lumine: From what we saw, he was communicating with the dragon somehow.. Maybe he's the key to this case?
Her brother compliments..
Aether: Already a detective huh, Lumine?
Lumine: I just repeat from what we saw yesterday. But we can't jump to conclusion yet, Aether..
Aether: Then, we should find him immediately and get some answers.
Lumine: Right..
Paimon: Speaking of him, Paimon saw someone looked just like the green guy down there!
Aether: Really?
The siblings rushes to the railing, seeing someone with Green outfit, similar to what Paimon describes.
Paimon: There!
Lumine: That's the same guy!
Without hesitation, she boosted herself up into the air with her Anemo power, catching up with the Green guy that Paimon noticed. Aether catches with her and saw the same guy as well. Unfortunately, his presence disappears from their sights as soon as the guy run downstairs.
Lumine: I lost him!
Paimon: Use your elemental sights! You can see the traces he left out!
They both activate their elemental sights, lines of footprints with Anemo elemental energy left by the green guy are now visible for them. They inspects the footprint and its energy left behind by the guy while continue their pursuit.
Aether: This is.. Anemo energy..
Lumine: The guy we're after has an Anemo Vision.
Paimon: I sense a big fight after this. Be careful.
The siblings continue to follow the footprints, until the clue leads to the wall that is thrice of their height. Regardless, they use their Anemo power to boost their jump height as well. Able to grip onto the railing firmly before pulling themselves up. As they climbed up, they both notice a crowd gathered in front of the large statue.
Paimon: Huh? What's going on there? Did you see him, Aether? Lumine?
Lumine: Just up ahead to the crowd.
Aether: Let's go then.
The group head towards the crowd as where the footprint lead them as well. They could hear a lyre being played out well and nicely. It was a boy dressed with green bard outfit, also with an Anemo Vision hanging on top of his pant. Lumine points out to the green guy Paimon was talking about.
Lumine: I think that's the guy.
He grabs his sister's arm, stopping her as they don't want to ruin the performance that the crowd is focusing into.
Aether: Wait, Lumine! Maybe let him finish his performance. Ruining it won't do us well.
Lumine: Oh.. Okay.
They wait for the guy's performance to be ended soon. The bard plays out with his lyre, along with his poem.
What is to be sung transpired in days of yore
When the divine archons still walked the earth
A dragon cast his curious gaze on the world below
As he parted from the heavens that gave his birth
The dragon sought truth amongst common folk
But mortal trifles only fogged his mind
The windborne bard strummed his stringd dolce
And the Holy Lyre answered his question kind
The dragon was but a child full of wonder
And soared the heavens free from care
The bard's songs invited him to sing along
For he yearned to let all perceive him fair
Enchanting legends the bard and dragon were
But the tides of despair soon engulfed the land
The lion fang perished and the falcon flag slept
As a vile dragon approached Mondstadt in lone stand
Over the Cathedral loomed death and his friends
Of the people's agony the bard soon sang
The soaring dragon heeded his grave calls
And amidst the windstorms a brutal war sprang
Blood of venom sent the sky dragon into slumber
Only to awake to be expelled in abhor
"Why do people in this age loathe me so?"
But the Holy Lyre replied no more
Wrath and woe, vigor and venom
Poured from the dragon's bitter eyes
The dragon's curse sprawled in silence
But the Lyre could no longer soothe his cries
After the poem ends, the green guy returns back to carefree and playful side.
Green guy: That's the end of my performance! Thank you for listening! Hm?
The bard noticed the group as soon as the crowd dispersed.
Green guy: Oh? You guys are-
It only took a second for him to recognize them.
Green guy: Oh, that's right! You're the ones that scared Dvalin away in the forest.
Paimon: Dvalin? Who's that?
Green guy: Of course it's the dragon's name!
Paimon shocked upon hearing someone called Stormterror with a different name. Aether and Lumine felt more curious about the dragon.
Paimon: What!?
Lumine: Aren't you with us at the Library last night?
Paimon: Uh.. I didn't focus enough..
Green guy: Why are you look surprised after knowing his name? This... Mascot?
Paimon: Hey! I'm not a Mascot!
Aether: People around here usually called it "Stormterror".
Paimon: But why do you call him that... Are you two meant to be close or something?
Green guy: Oh! Very close..
Paimon: Uh... Guys, Paimon thinks this guy has a screw loose..
Lumine: That would be wrong, Paimon...
Paimon: Huh?
Aether: It actually makes a bit of sense since he was able to get that close without being harm until we arrived and accidentally scared him off.
His sister nods in agreement.
Lumine: That's what I thought.
Green guy: Thanks for understanding! For that friendly response, I shall introduce to you. I'm Venti the bard. Three-time winner of the "Most Popular Bard of Mondstadt." to be precise. So, what do you need from me?
Aether: About that Stormterror... You knew what he did to Mondstadt, right?
Venti: Hm..
The bard starts wondering about it..
Venti: I'm sorry.. What do you guys call him again?
The siblings collapse as the bard playing dumb, Paimon yells at him in annoyed tone.
Paimon: Hey! Cut it with the amnesia act! Show him the crystal you found!
Aether: Here.
He grabs the crystal from his pocket. But instead of a red crystal filled with impurities, this time it's a blue crystal with purified energy and no sign of impurities at all. The three of them shocked by the sight of it while Venti immediately recognizes the teardrop crystal.
Venti: Oh! Isn't this.. A purified teardrop crystal?
Aether: Wait what!?
Paimon: When did the crystal got purified!?
Lumine: We didn't even done anything with it yet..
Venti: This crystal was once the Dvalin's tears before the crystalization. The anguish Dvalin feels... Has brought him to tears..
Paimon: Tears...?
The siblings facepalm themselves as Paimon didn't get it. Venti seems didn't care as he worries about his friend, Dvalin.
Venti: Dvalin was once such a gentle child. Now so full of rage and suffering..
Lumine: So that poem you performed just now..
Aether: It's all true?
The bard nods in depressed tone..
Venti: I also came across a Teardrop Crystal. Can you purify it?
Lumine: ...
Upon showing what he picked up is a teardrop crystals filled with impurities. She begins to raise her suspicious towards the bard secretly. But still agreed to purify it on her own this time.
Lumine: Sure...
Aether: How are you gonna do with it?
Lumine: I'll try my best with it..
Floating from the hand of the Bard's to Lumine's, the crystal reacts to her energy and starts purifying itself somehow.. Changing the glowing red back to blue, same as Aether's one.
Aether: So that's how it got purified.
Venti: I can't tell what's the process of the purification. But you really do have some wonderful abilities.
Lumine: ...
Venti: Looks like you had no idea about the purification as well.. But, someone like you both are going to end up getting written into a bard's poem.
Lumine: For example?
Venti: "Oh, the heroes so bright, should they stand in the light. Though stand in the shade, and you'll be met by a blade." But it's really not the time to compose a melody for you at this moment. Even if Dvalin is not taken down, his life will still wither away in the breeze. He'll burn himself out in the flames of anger...
Aether: Is there anything we can do to help?
Venti: Purifying these crystals has helped me greatly. It was hard to find other way to do so. But I've already come to devise my own plan.
Paimon: And what plan would that be?
Without revealing the plan, he explains it with his usual rhyme in a carefree tone. Just as usual...
Venti: Seeing this tear has brought to mind a friend so dear.
Paimon: Friend?
He chuckles in his playful tone.
Venti: One must be going..
Lumine: Wait, at least tell us where to?
The bard gave them a hint..
Venti: To the "Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero." Bye-bye!
The group watched him running off from their sight. Lumine asks her brother if he feels the same way or not.
Lumine: You know something's wrong about him, right?
Aether: Yeah... I don't believe that at first but.. He's clearly not an ordinary bard..
Lumine: Anyway, where's the "Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero" he mentioned about just now?
Paimon: Oh! Paimon knows this one. It's that huge tree in Windrise! You guys can't miss it as soon as you're at the main entrance.
Lumine: Let's head over there then!
The group sprint their way to catch up the bard to Windrise.
Evening.. Mondstadt, Windrise..
While on their way, Aether asks Lumine if it's recommended to report to the Knights.
Aether: Shouldn't we report to Jean that we purified these crystals?
Lumine: Hm...
She ponders about it.. A part of her feels it isn't a good time to do that.
Lumine: I don't know.. I doubt Jean or even Lisa can do anything with it even though we managed to purify it somehow, but Venti seems to know Dvalin so well and maybe he can do something with the purified crystals? Plus, isn't his voice sounds so familiar? Like it was just yesterday?
Paimon: Voice? Paimon didn't hear that.
Her brother then remembers the voice from yesterday, realized it matches to the bard's voice.
Aether: That must be the voice when we were fighting the Stormterror!
Lumine: I believe that's true. In conclusion, I don't think he's the bad guy.
Aether grips onto his chin..
Aether: Same goes for me.. Still, there are so many unknowns about him that has yet to be cleared.
Lumine: Yeah...
The siblings set aside their suspicion towards the bard first as they almost reach the huge tree in Windrise. Noticing Venti is standing in front of the "Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero*.
Lumine: Venti?
The bard notices their presence and curious about their intention.
Venti: Oh? What are you guys doing here? Though I was just wondering if you would happen to follow me.
Aether: So what's your plan with the crystals?
Venti: Ah..! Straight to the point. But before that, I want to know is how everyone sees Stormterror? I'm quite curious.
Lumine: Uh... (How should I say...? We're literally been in Mondstadt for like one day and we already got ourselves involved in this..)
Struggling to answer... Venti advices them not to rush searching for reply.
Venti: It's okay. There's no need to rush. I have not been back in a while, it seems there are a few who are unhappy with my arrival.
Aether: Huh?
The siblings turn around, seeing a floating Anemo orb beings wandering in front of them. Venti assumes about the wind.
Venti: Seems the dragon wasn't the only thing affected by the change in the wind.. Now then, how does everyone see Stormterror?
Lumine: Lisa told us about the dragon's past and saying it is because of hatred.
Venti: Is that so? Quite the scholar I must say, that Lisa.
Aether: But what reasons that ignited his hatred towards Mondstadt in the first place?
Venti: I can reassure you that it did not arise from the people not making tribute to The Four Winds. Nor was it born from his own nature, but instead came about as a product of degradation.
Paimon: Degra.. dation?
Venti: The black blood that flows through his heart has been torturing him for years.
Aether: So he was corrupted from the start?
The bard nods..
Venti: That's what has allowed him to be led astray by the lies of the Abyss Mage.
Lumine: That's new to us..
Venti: They are from Abyss Order, an organization comprised of non-human beings. They despise mankind. And many Hilichurls out in the wild take orders from them and act as their weapons. That's what I know so far..
Aether: I see...
Venti: Before arriving here, I too was like Dvalin, cursed and left to waste. But now, before us stands the Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero, the place from which Mondstadt rose.
Lumine curiously replies..
Lumine: Really?
Venti: Yes. The wind amongst the branches is good, I love the way it smells.. Being here with you beneath this great tree feels like when the tear was purified earlier. Like the poison is leaving my body..
Aether: Wait, when did you get poisoned?
Venti: Ahh... That would be because I tried to communicate with Dvalin earlier, but was... Interrupted... As a result, not only did I not manage to help Dvalin break his curse, but instead, was also infected myself!
Knowing they're the one that interrupts their communication and also caused the dragon to attack Mondstadt itself in the first place. Lumine looks away while Aether scratches his hair as they are guilty as charged.
Aether: Oh.. Uh.. Sorry...
Lumine: Sorry..! We didn't mean to..! ><"
Hearing their apologies was part of Venti's plan. Knowing they'll do anything to make up for him. The bard utilizes it.
Venti: So to make up for it! You all coming with me to the Cathedral!
Aether: Mondstadt Cathedral?
Paimon: To do what exactly?
Venti: To claim a certain "Holy Lyre der Himmel."
Lumine: Sounds like Antique. Care to explain?
Venti: Well..
The Anemo orb beings got alerted by their presence.
Venti: Maybe later, now's really not the time..!
Paimon: Eek! Let's run!
The group flee from the mob's attack. Eventually arrived back at Mondstadt in night time.. They continue their conversation as they're in front of the entrance to the Cathedral in the city.
Paimon: So this "Holy Lyre der Himmel" is...
Venti: It's one of the most treasured items in Mondstadt. It's the lyre that Barbatos used to play. With it, perhaps I can help Dvalin draw his gentle nature back out of this nightmare he's going through.
Paimon: Will it really stop Stormterror from causing more damage?
Lumine: Purifying it instead of killing it probably the best way in our option so far. I just hope you can somehow tame the dragon, Venti.
Venti: Of course, I'm the best bard in the world. There's not a single song I do not know, no matter if it's from the past, present or future. Look me in the eyes. Do you not find me trustworthy?
Looking at him brimming with confidence. Both siblings drop a sweat as they just known him for like an hour..
Aether and Lumine: Uh...
Paimon: That's.. Uh.. We don't know what to say about those eyes of yours..
He chuckles awkwardly..
Venti: I see.. I totally forgot we only just known each other for such a short while! ^^"
Lumine: Anyway! So how can we get the Holy Lyre?
Venti: It's said that it's enshrined deep within the Cathedral, somewhere safe. I'll go take a look around. You can come if you want. But not too close or else the sister knows you're with me.
Aether: Sure..
They all enter the Cathedral, the siblings and Paimon wait at the door as Venti goes forward and greet one of the sister of the Church of Favonius. Meanwhile, the Assassin nun just doing her scheduled church duties during her work time.
Assassin: (Again with the overtime church duties... All because of the Stormterror's attack. I'll leave the rest to other sisters once my work time is up.) Huh?
The Assassin nun notices the presence of an unfamiliar bard walking in, about to chat with one of the sisters while she's doing her scheduled church duties. His presence somehow piques her interest, thus decided to keep an eye on him in the dark.
Venti: Hello there, Sister!
The sister greets back with formal tone.
Gotelinde: May the Anemo God bless you. Young bard. How can I help you?
Venti: Actually, I know a secret that can save Mondstadt from its current predicament.
6 seconds later...
The siblings, who are waiting for Venti outside the Cathedral noticed Venti just got out with a smile that tells the Travelers he succeeded.
Lumine: Venti? Did you managed to get the Holy Lyre!?
Venti: Actually..
They are waiting for him to show the lyre he was talking about.. But instead...
Venti: I failed...
Including Paimon, they all went dumbfounded..
Venti: Well.. She didn't even bat an eyelid when I revealed I'm the God of Anemo, Barbatos.
Lumine: Huh!?
Aether: That explains something else!
Venti: Something else?
Lumine: Well..
Lumine explains how the crystal reacts to Lisa when she has the Vision. Also clear out the suspicion towards the bard as well.
Venti: So the impurities of the crystal react to the one with Vision? That was when that Lisa tried to grab it, for example.. And me who has the Anemo Vision as well, wasn't affected by it at all like you guys?
The siblings nod as the bard got it right.
Aether: Yes.
Paimon: Wait, Paimon didn't realized that!
Lumine: So the impurities didn't affect you because you're a god?
Venti: Ah, yes.. But let's save that after we help out Dvalin, shall we? I have at least learned what I wanted to know.
Paimon crosses her arm with an annoyed look.
Paimon: Which is?
Venti: She didn't deny that the Cathedral is enshrining the Holy Lyre.
Lumine: What's the next move?
Venti: Now Aether, Lumine. Since you two are the hotshot of the Knights of Favonius...
Aether: We know... Let's go, Lumine..
Lumine: Wait for us here, Venti.
This time, the siblings enter the Cathedral.. They approach to the same sister that Venti had asked with.
Gotelinde: *sigh* Rosaria has disappeared again as soon as her work time is up, as always..
The sister notices the siblings presence. Instantly recognized them as they held the Honorary Knights of Favonius title.
Gotelinde: Oh! It's you both! May Barbatos bless you.
Lumine: Hello. We're-
The sister gladfully replies.
Gotelinde: No need for the introduction. I know you both saved Mondstadt that day with the Crimson Knight, Amber. So what brings you here? Tasks from the Acting Grand Master?
Aether: Acting Grand Master assigned both of us in an investigation about the Stormterror.
Lumine: So we would like to borrow the Holy Lyre.
Gotelinde: Is that so?
Lumine: Yes. Is there any problem?
Gotelinde: No. Not that I don't trust you. It's just that a suspicious bard came along looking to borrow the Holy Lyre as well.
Lumine: What did he said?
Gotelinde: He's full of nonsense and even called himself Barbatos. He must be up to something.
Aether and Lumine: Uh... *Sweatdropped* (Wow.. He just claiming he's a god without proving anything!?)
Gotelinde: Anyway, there are regulations in place for the use of the Holy Lyre. Currently, it's only used in Ludi Harpastum. Signed documents from the Grand Master, Seneschal, and Community Representative are all required. So, may I see the document from the Knights of Favonius?
Aether: The Acting Grand Master didn't mention it...
Gotelinde: That's unfortunate.. A signed document is required. Without it, there's not much I can do.
Lumine: ...
Gotelinde: Now, if you'll excuse me. I really am quite busy as of late.
Lumine: Sorry..
The Travelers left the Cathedral.. Meeting up with Venti again.
Venti: So how did it go?
Aether: It didn't work..
Venti: Aha! I knew it.
Lumine: Then why even the attempt?
Venti: I just wanted to know how influential the hotshot of the Knights of the Favonius is.
Aether: It doesn't work that way, Venti.. What makes you think that?
The bard chuckles in confidence.
Venti: You see, the best warrior should always be presented with the best sword, and yet here we are... Does the story not make for a fitting ballad?
Lumine: It doesn't help getting us what we need.. Venti..
Venti: All right. I'll stop. ^^
The bard sighs before resuming back to his playful tone.
Venti: Well, looks like borrowing it is not going to be possible. We're simply going to have to steal it. So any suggestions on how we steal it?
The Travelers went silent on the bard's bold idea.
Aether and Lumine: ...
The fairy stares at them as she has no clue at all.. Venti explains it to them.
Venti: Come now, speak up. That's what free will is for.
The Traveler remained silent.. Until Lumine agrees with Paimon.
Lumine: Paimon, maybe you were right about the screw loose part.
Paimon: Paimon told you..
Venti: Uh... Looks like you two don't agree that way?
Aether: I rather report this back to Acting Grand Master and get the document we need to get the Holy Lyre.
Lumine: Yeah.. We don't want to steal anything.
Venti chuckles playfully as he teases them.
Venti: Sidetracked from the start already. But seriously, you're more suitable for the job than I. Aside from singing, I don't really have any other talents. Besides, if I was caught, I'd have no-one to right the grave injustice of my arrest. But things are different for you. You are the superstar of the Knights of Favonius and made contribution to Mondstadt. So you would easily to talk your way out of it.
Lumine: ...I doubt it.. But we can't waste any time.
Aether: We need a plan then. I will go get the Holy Lyre on my own while Venti and Lumine wait outside for me. Paimon should stay outside with them as well.
Paimon: Paimon can scout the area for guards.
Aether: Just don't let them see you..
Venti: Well, the guards are already off duty in this night. It should be smooth sailing from here.
Aether: Wish me luck then..
Aether and Paimon enter back to the Cathedral while Venti and Lumine wait outside for them. The Assassin nun spies them in the dark. Figuring what they are up to..
Assassin: (Using the Holy Lyre der Himmel to solve the crisis..? The bard also claimed himself as the God of Anemo.. I should check the Holy Lyre first before them.)
She heads to where the Holy Lyre is enshrined in with alternate route to the Cathedral's basement.
Mondstadt, Cathedral's basement..
After going downstairs and reach the basement, Aether watches several Knights are guarding the Holy Lyre which located on the other side. He asks Paimon to silent since their voice can be echoed throughout the basement and alert the guards in result. Aether then starts his attempt to sneak past them. Meantime at the outside of the Cathedral.
Lumine: So if Aether got found out. Where would be our escape route?
Venti: Isn't that obvious? That would be the Angel's Share Tavern! I mean there's no other place better than that. ^^
Lumine: That's where all the Knights hang out during night. You sure that's a good idea?
The bard scratches his head.
Venti: Let's just pray to other gods that it won't happen. ^^"
Lumine: But you're the God of Anemo, Venti!
Venti starts nervously sweating..
Venti: I believe they won't recognize us once they are drunk. Let's not jinx ourselves by bringing all kinds of possibilities that wouldn't happen.
The girl sighs in disappointed and shaking her head.
Lumine: I hope Aether and Paimon are okay...
Back to Aether and Paimon.
After sneaking past the guards undetected and almost reach the Holy Lyre, a mysterious mage swiftly snatches the Holy Lyre in front of them.
Aether: !!
Paimon: Who're you!?
With a finger on her lips, the woman disappears without a word. But Aether notices the mask she's wearing, awfully similar to the one Jean had negotiation with before.
Aether: (It's The Fatui!)
The echo of Paimon's voice alerts the whole guards.
Guard: Freeze! What are you doing here!?
Aether covers his face, blowing the guard away with Palm Vortex using his other hand. He immediately grabs Paimon and rushes his way back up to the Chapel and also rushes outside. Meeting with Lumine and Venti.
Aether: Run!
Without a word, Venti leads them..
Venti: Follow me!
All of them deploy their Wind Glider as soon as they on the air. Venti casts his Anemo energy to generate the Wind Current, boosting them away from the Cathedral. Lumine notices several guards are onto them.
Lumine: They're onto us!
Venti: Let's hide in the buildings!
With the help of Venti's Wind Current, they are much far away from the Knights who are pursuing them, giving the group some time to blend into the buildings of the Market district before sneaking their way to the Tavern. As the group enter the Tavern, the bard immediately greet and ask for seat to the Bartender, Charles who is reporting weekly accounts to the owner of the Tavern, Master Diluc.
Venti: Hi, we'd like a seat at your... Least conspicuous table.
The owner feels surprised by Venti's sudden request. Recommending him to stay on second floor.
Diluc: Umm.. The second floor has fewer customers, you'd be less conspicuous up there... But aren't you a bard? Why not sit front and center?
The bard chuckles nervously..
Venti: Let's save the paid performance for next time. We'll be heading up now, see you in a bit!
The Travelers follow the bard up to second floor. Diluc already senses something wrong with the bard bringing two strangers along with him and also the bard's weird request. The owner orders the Bartender to keep an eye on them.
Diluc: Hey, keep an eye on them. There's something strange about that bard. I'll go ask around.
Charles: Ask who exactly?
Diluc: The "Protectors" of Mondstadt...
The Bartender nods back as the Owner exits out the Tavern for information collecting.
End of Chapter...
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