Chapter 2: Resolving the storm.
Knights of Favonius Headquarters..
After the siblings had successfully defended Mondstadt and fought against the Stormterror, the storm itself hasn't stopped yet and the Knights had brought the Travelers and Paimon to their Headquarters. A woman, who is the Acting Grand Master, unable to wait anymore as she couldn't afford letting the storm to delay any seconds because of the meeting, worrying about the city and the people. The Librarian mage calms her down after finish reading her book.
Librarian: Jean, what's the hurry? I thought we agreed to meet them here.
Jean: We can't afford losing any seconds, Lisa. There have been sightings of Stormterror outside the city. Once we meet, we must-!
The carefree Librarian calms the Acting Grand Master.
Lisa: Relax. I'll lend a hand when the time comes.
They both notice someone's knocking the door before entering.
Lisa: Speak of the devil.. They're here.
The group enters in before Kaeya reports back to the Acting Grand Master.
Kaeya: Jean, I've brought them.
Jean: How's the status of the city, Kaeya?
Kaeya: The Stormterror had retreated for now, the Tornadoes are already been settled down by other Knights. All citizens are been safely escorted to the shelter thanks to Noelle. But the storm itself hasn't resolved yet.
Jean: I see..
Without saying anything, the Acting Grand Master welcomes the Traveling siblings with formal attitude.
Jean: Mondstadt welcomes you, windborne travelers. I am Jean, Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius. This is Lisa, our resident Librarian.
After the introduction for both, the Librarian greets them with serene smile. Yet somewhat charming.
Lisa: Oh~! Are you sweeties here to help us out? You're both so adorable!
Her voice makes both of the siblings blush a bit.
Aether: T-Thanks..
Lumine: Y-You flattered us..! Really..
Jean: Ahem..!
The Acting Grand Master immediately gets to the point as Lisa almost distracts the travelers with her charm.
Jean: The elemental sphere of Mondstadt and the Ley lines flow are currently unstable. That's why the storm hasn't resolved yet.
Lisa: Sadly, the timing of you visiting Mondstadt is regrettable. But the Acting Grand Master and I could really use your help during your time in Mondstadt.
Without having Lisa to make request.. Paimon instantly agree to it.
Paimon: We can help out while we're here! Right guys?
The siblings noted..
Lumine: Sure! I'm okay with that!
Aether: Same with her.
Kaeya: Good. In that case we need a plan.
Jean: With Stormterror now directly attacking Mondstadt, we may have an opportunity to cut this problem off at the source. Lisa has revealed the sources of Stormterror's power with her detection magic.
Kaeya: Is that so?
Lisa: They're located in the abandoned Four Winds' Temples. Stormterror's ability to whip up these kinds of storms can be attributed to it drawing power from the temples.
Jean: Our objective is to deal with three of the four temples. And I trust everyone understands why we are only dealing with three.
Paimon: Paimon doesn't.
Aether: Maybe we will get the reason later, Paimon.
Jean: Thank you for your understanding, Aether.
The Acting Grand Master performs a speech before launching a counter attack.
Jean: Knights of Favonius, time is against us. The storm is rampant. There is no point in maintaining a defensive position. We need to take initiative and act before the situation escalates. Amber, Kaeya, Lisa and Travelers. I trust you all are capable enough to stop the storm in Mondstadt.
Amber: You can count on us! Come on, guys!
Aether: Right!
The Outrider and the Travelers take their leave first before Kaeya and Lisa does. The Librarian compliments their commitment.
Lisa: How active they are~ Don't you think?
The Cavalry Captain replies back before taking his leave on his own.
Kaeya: With two new allies, this is getting interesting..
The Librarian Mage eventually catch up with him.
Lisa: Then, see you later, Jean~
Jean: Be careful out there. May the Anemo Archon protects you.
Meantime... Back to the group..
After just exiting out the Headquarters and is about to head outside Mondstadt for the temples, they notice a girl with a Maid and a Knight mixed-up theme outfit taking care of the people at the main gate entrance. The girl notices their presence and offers her concern.
Maid Knight: Outrider Amber? The storm hasn't cleared out yet, so it's not safe to go outside.
Amber: Oh! It's you, Noelle. And actually, we're out for a mission that is really important right now!
Noelle: A mission? I see.. But may I ask who are these strangely yet respectable travelers?
The Outrider introduces the siblings and the fairy to the Maid.
Amber: Ah! This is Aether, Lumine and Paimon! They will be coming with us for the mission. Kaeya and Lisa will be joining with us as well.
Then, Amber introduces the Maid to the traveling group.
Amber: And this is Noelle, a Maid of the Knights of Favonius! She's the most hardworking Knight in Mondstadt that everyone loves!
The Maid sighs quietly as Amber forgots she hasn't join the Knights officially yet.
Noelle: Apologies.. I've yet to officially join the Knights, Outrider Amber.
Amber: Ah..! Sorry!
Noelle: No, it's okay..
The Maid greets to the siblings with a welcoming smile.
Noelle: Anyway, welcome to Mondstadt. I believe this is your first time here?
Lumine: Yup..
Noelle: I'm sorry for letting you both see such disaster in Mondstadt. But I'll do my best to take care of you once this is over.
Amber: I'm sure they'll understand. Plus, they are the ones who fought against the Stormterror and successfully repel it back. So that's why they're coming with me for the mission assigned by Jean!
Hearing what they did surprises the Maid.
Noelle: Oh? So that was you two who fought the dragon in the sky!?
Paimon: Hey! You forget about Paimon!
Aether: But you didn't help out anything...
Noelle: Oh.. Wow.. I've never thought I would meet with such capable Travelers that even Master Jean would entrust such dangerous mission to you. The people of Mondstadt will definitely be very grateful for your good deeds!
Lumine: Thanks, Noelle!
Amber: With that said, we should get going! We can't afford wasting any seconds.
Noelle: Alright, I should take care the citizens and the Knights. May the Anemo Archon protects you.
Paimon: Be safe in the city. The storm will be over, Paimon promise!
Without continuing their conversation, the group waves their goodbye to the Maid while she beams back with a slight nod and a smile.
Outside of Mondstadt's main gate..
After stepping outside of Mondstadt, Amber takes out her map and spreads it all out, revealing the whole map of the land. With the Outrider's expertise in the wilderness, she immediately marks all three locations of the Domains they need to attack, with names she still clearly recognized with.
Amber: So there are 4 temples of the Four Winds, and we only need to hit three of them. The Temple of the Falcon is the nearest one from our location, just up ahead. The Temple of the Wolf is on the far east and the Temple of the Lion is on the South side of Windrise.
Kaeya: Ahem.. Amber..
The group notices Kaeya and Lisa who just meet up with the group.
Kaeya: Couldn't you at least wait for us before you start briefing?
The Outrider annoyed by the Captain's late.
Amber: Ugh..! You know Jean and the people of Mondstadt are counting on us! So we can't afford losing any seconds!
Lisa: So what's the plan?
Amber: I have marked the location of three temples we need to strike. I'll take on the Temple of the Lion on the South side of Windrise. Kaeya will be taking the Temple of the Wolf on the far east and Lisa will be on the Temple of the Falcon just up ahead of us.
Lisa: Aww~ You're awfully thoughtful, Outrider Amber.
Amber: Well, you spent most of your time in the library so you might not know your way around in the wilderness, Lisa. Plus, there might be some Hilichurl camps set around Windrise.
Kaeya: Hm.. Why am I on the far east? Perhaps it's a punishment because of me being late?
The Outrider pouts cutely at the Cavalry Captain.
Amber: Because I can trust your combat prowess and your way of survival in the wilderness, Captain Kaeya! You should be thankful I'm taking the farthest one!
Kaeya: I'm just saying. Thank you for your kind thoughts. ^^
The Outrider then talks with the Travelers.
Amber: As for you two, which of us you wanna join with?
Aether: Hm..
The siblings immediately made out their decisions with just after a few seconds.
Aether: I'll go with you, Amber.
Lumine: And I'll go with Kaeya.
Kaeya: Oh, that was an unexpected decision coming from you, Lumine..
Amber: Thanks, Aether! Are you fine with the plan, Lisa? You will have to wait for the Travelers to join before storming into the Temple of the Falcon.
Lisa: Of course, being able to fight with two cuties definitely worth the wait~
Amber: Great! And Lumine, be sure to watch over Kaeya so he can't find a way slacking off.
Lumine: Oh.. Sure thing..
Kaeya: Oh Amber.. You don't have to worry about me that much.
Amber: Okay then, Knights of Favonius! Let's move out!
The group splits up in three teams for each temple to storm.
Timeskip... South side of Windrise, in front of Temple of the Lion.
Both of them fight off against the Hilichurls and Dendro Slimes as they travel across Windrise. Amber and Aether eventually reached the domain that leads to the Temple of the Lion, stopping at the front of the ruin.
Amber: So here we are.
Aether: Is this the domain where the Temple of the Lion is?
Amber: Yeah, also it's one of the four winds as well. These temples have been left to waste for years now. The people of Mondstadt almost never come here. There's a chance there's a monster nest or a Hilichurl camp inside. Even Stormterror has given up on its own temple.
Aether starts to notice something.
Aether: Wait, did you just say "its own temple...?"
The Outrider sighs in her response..
Amber: Yes.. I also find it hard to accept, but... Stormterror was once one of The Four Winds that protects Mondstadt with its temple called "Temple of the Dragon". Now it's using the energy of Four Winds' temples to attack Mondstadt itself. Now you understand why we only take down three temples in this mission.
Aether: I see.. We should go cut off its power source..
Amber: Yeah..
Amber takes out her bow with an Arrow on the string in case of ambush attack from the inside as Aether pushes the door open. They both enter the domain with caution.
Deep within the Temple of the Lion...
As they travel deep, opening the gate mechanism. They see no sign of monsters at first, only the Temple ruins far away and some spoils surrounded with spiked vines.
Amber: Wow! I can see so far into the Temple!
Aether: But the way's blocked by the vines.
Amber: And that won't be a problem!
Aether: Huh?
He notices Amber aims up with her bow, her arrow tip starts charging up, imbued with Pyro element after fully charged. She shoots straight to the Vines, igniting the branch with fire to start burning until it opens the way after the flame burns away the vines.
Aether: Wow.. How you do that?
Amber: There are elements reaction, it's a result when both elements combine each other. Combustible objects which has the Dendro Element can be ignited by Pyro. You saw how that works just now?
Aether: Yeah. That was impressive.
Amber: You just need the right element for the right job! I'll show you more about what a Pyro vision can do!
Letting the flame burns the vines is much easier than cutting it with his sword. The Outrider clears out the vines on the way with her Pyro infused arrow while Aether gathers the spoils that might be useful in combat. After that, Amber scouts the area that has monsters just down below them. Identifying what they are..
Amber: Several Hilichurls with wooden shield.
Aether: You can light up their shields.
Amber: But not all of them at once. Hm?
She just remembers Aether is a wielder of Anemo power. So she had a solution.
Amber: Oh! Maybe your Anemo can help me out!
Aether: How?
Amber: If Anemo mixed up with Cryo, Pyro, Dendro or Hydro. It can cause Swirl reaction! Which is spreading out the element from the affected monster to the others. I'll light up one of their shields and you spread the fire! Got it?
Aether: Sounds like a plan.
Amber ready up her bow, fully charged her arrow before releasing it to one of the Hilichurl fighter's shield. Before alerting the rest, Aether jumps down and rushing straight to the affected Hilichurl who is struggling shaking off the burning flame from its wooden shield. The other Hilichurls chases him, but Aether casts a Vortex that absorbs the element and also pulls towards his palm, result burning them before exploding them away. Defeating them in one go. Amber joins with him after jumping down.
Amber: Nicely done, Aether!
Aether: Thanks to your plan!
They both hear a viking war horn being blown from a distance, knowing they have alerted the rest.
Amber: That horn! The fighting must have got them riled up! Good thing I've prepared my secret weapon!
Aether: Huh?
Amber: It's called "Explosive puppet: Baron Bunny!"
The Outrider suddenly tosses out a bunny doll version of herself. Aether confused about how it's gonna work.
Aether: Uh...
The Hilichurls who joins in the fight, somehow targeting the Bunny doll while it dances out somewhat that is taunting them. Amber calculates her aims as she points her bow straight up in the sky, unleashing a blazing fiery arrow from her string, as it reaches the sky, the projectile splits itself into 40 arrows, forming an arrow rain on the Hilichurls who are attacking the Baron Bunny. One of the arrows hits the Baron Bunny that triggers its explosion. Defeating the Hilichurls. Aether immediately questions her bunny doll.
Aether: How'd you do that?
Amber: The Spark Knight sure knows how when it comes to make explosive!
Aether: And how did they fell for that?
Amber: Well.. The prey always a target for the predator. Especially this bunny with this cute. But no one knows what hit them when they mess with the Baron Bunny!
The Traveler felt a bit intimidated by her "weapon". Imagining if it was explodes near him.
Aether: Sounds logical.. *Sweatdropped*
Amber: Come on! At least it worked out perfectly! Maybe I can make a safe plushie for you as a souvenir!
The Traveler immediately realized they're still on a mission.
Aether: Let's just keep going..
Amber: Oh! Yeah, you're right! Sorry for distracting you with the Baron Bunny stuff.
As they advance to the door that is just opened. They stumble across a group of Hilichurls in a room, with some red barrel contained with Pyro Slime.
Amber: Wait..
Aether: Hm?
Amber: Explosive barrels up ahead. Let me blow it up!
He stays off from her line of fire when she starts aiming.
Aether: Okay.
Amber shoots an arrow, the projectile hits the barrel, instantly blows up nearby Hilichurls. With Pyro element applied from the explosion, Aether clears out the rest with his Palm Vortex in one go as well.
Amber: Very effective, right?
Aether: Yeah.
They both exit out the building, noticing the temple's location is just up ahead, on top of the ruin building on the other side. Aether looks at the gap between the ruin buildings.
Aether: Too far, we can't get over there..
Amber: Check out the Monument! You see the Pyro symbol on it?
He examines the monument Amber is talking about.
Aether: Yeah.. That means you need to hit it with your Pyro attack?
Amber: Yeah, and you will encounter these a lot in the wilderness too. Most of these provide wind current that assists you on high places you can't normally reach.
Aether: I see..
Amber: Well, we can talk about that later. Let's go, Aether!
After lighting up the Monument with Pyro energy and the monument provides a strong wind current upwards.
Amber: Come on~!
She grabs Aether's hand as she is looking forward to glide with him for the first time. Her action surprises Aether that he almost trips.
Aether: Wait!
As soon as they jump up from the ground, both of them spread out their Wind Glider. The wind current sends them upwards to the other building. The Outrider seems to be more excited when she's holding Aether's hand while riding the wind. As for him, this is also his first time flying with someone besides his sister, Lumine.
Aether: Amber...
Brushing away his curiosity, Aether enjoys with the Outrider in the wind before safely landing on top of the building. Amber notices something that is powered by the Anemo while they're in the air.
Amber: Is that...? Dragon's breath?
He notices where the Outrider is staring at.
Aether: Dragon's breath?
Amber: That's the power source we need to cut off!
Knowing their objective, Aether decides to take it out by himself.
Aether: Let me fly on top of it.
Amber: Okay! Be sure to smash it completely.
As soon the boy reaches on top of it, he dives down with his sword, smashing the dragon's breath during his plunge attack. The power of the dragon's breath dissolve into thin air.
Amber: Phew... I'm tired..
Aether: I wonder how the other's doing.
Amber: They will be okay! At least, we've helped Jean out.
Aether: We should go now. Lisa is waiting for us.
Amber: Yeah!
As Aether continues forward to exit the domain, he notices Amber seems to be lost in her thoughts.
Aether: Amber? What's wrong?
Amber: Oh! Sorry! I'm.. Worried about Mondstadt's future..
Aether: Why's that?
Amber: In the past, we were at least able to defend the city and keep it safe. And this, of course, is mostly thanks to Jean.
Aether: But now with its protector, Stormterror directly attacking the city itself.. Right?
Amber: Mhm.. That means "The winds change, so too should our tactics."
Aether: Sounds deep..
Amber: It's what Lisa likes to say...
Aether: There's must be some misunderstanding.. Right?
Amber: Huh? What do you mean?
Aether: But why would the protector destroying something they are supposed to protect in the first place?
Amber: Hm.. The Knights currently have no clue of what causes it to attack Mondstadt. But the Knights of Favonius will continue our investigation once the storm is over, I can also show you around the city during my free time!
Aether: Thanks, Amber.
After successfully distracted her away from losing hopes by the Traveler, the Outrider holds the Traveler's hand, exiting the domain together.
Amber: Come on! Let's go back to Lisa!
Meanwhile... Temple of the Wolf.
Kaeya: Freeze!
His Favonius Sword shoots out ice that freezes Hilichurls affected with Hydro by the environment by the water they're standing on.
Lumine: Haa!!
Utilizing her Anemo power, her Palm Vortex absorbs and spreads out Kaeya's Cryo element to the rest of Hilichurls. Freezing them entirely and completely vulnerable. The Vortex explosion shatters the ice statue of the frozen Hilichurls.
Lumine: Done!
Kaeya: Nice work. The Temple shouldn't be far from here..
Lumine: When was the last time that people of Mondstadt visited this temple?
Kaeya: Not sure, the Knights of Favonius has lost count of it. No one makes offerings to the Four Winds anymore, yet the old winds never vanish.
Lumine: Now it became a base for those monsters.
Kaeya: Indeed true.. The old ally has become a new storm. Now the strangely yet respectable travelers are now joining in mission with the Knights as our new allies. Quite interesting..
Lumine goes silent as a reply to his mumbling..
Lumine: ...
The Captain immediately apologizes.
Kaeya: Oh! I apologize for my bad habit. Let's keep going, shall we?
Lumine: Yeah.. Lisa is waiting for us. Amber and Aether are probably already finished.
Kaeya: But there's one thing I don't understand.. Lumine..
Lumine: Hm?
Kaeya: Unless I'm mistaken, you don't seem to have a Vision.
Lumine: Vision?
The Cavalry Captain shows a gem-like pendant with the Element of Cryo symbol on it.
Kaeya: This is the Vision granted by the god as a gift. Amber, Lisa, Jean and the others are capable to wield out element because of the Visions.
Lumine: I see..
Kaeya: So how exactly is it that you're able to channel elemental energy without one?
Lumine: Uh..
She struggles on his question due to everything happens so fast, especially since she and her brother just stumble across the Statue and Mondstadt, then they're here because of the storm.
Lumine: It was.. Something I couldn't even know how to explain. We received the Anemo power as a response from the god when we touched the Statue of the Seven.
Kaeya: So that's how it is.. Huh?
Lumine already can tell the suspicious from his tone.
Lumine: You're not trying anything, are you?
Hearing from Lumine's serious tone, he simply chuckles innocently.
Kaeya: Why would you say that, Lumine? I already got my Vision blessed by the gods so there's no point needing another element. Greediness has no place for the Knights of Favonius.
Lumine: Sorry, it's just..
Kaeya: Oh, don't take it in mind. We barely known each other well.
Lumine: Let's just keep going..
Kaeya: Sure..
After the fight and reaching higher platform with their Wind Glider supported by the wind current, Kaeya makes an ice bridge on the surface of the gap filled with underwater spikes. Both crossing the Kaeya's ice bridge before Lumine extends it further by using Anemo. It was just a piece of cake with them working together as they easily made it to the Dragon's breath.
Lumine: This must be the thing Stormterror is using to gain its power..
Kaeya: Seems probable, let's deal with it. Lumine?
She teases him a bit..
Lumine: Well, I should let the Knights handle it. I'm just a Traveler.
Kaeya: Oh~! There's no need to be so formal. ^^ You helped out take care of the temples. That means a lot for the Knights and especially Jean who entrusted this mission to us.
Lumine: Alright, alright..
She slashes the Dragon's breath in one go. Destroying the power source for good. Kaeya gives an applause to her performance.
Kaeya: Now I had witnessed your bladework from a foreign land. You are, to my surprise, a well-trained knight.
Lumine: It was.. Really nothing to boast about..
Kaeya: Haha, I see you already have the knightly virtue of modesty. Stories of your heroic deeds to save Mondstadt from destruction shall be known throughout the City of Freedom, well into the future.
She scratches her head as she feels a bit embarrassed..
Lumine: Geez.. Aether and I just doing the right thing..
Kaeya: Alright, I will stop.. You should meet up with Lisa now. I can take care of the rest here. You go take care of other things while I'm at it.
Lumine: Oh, sure.. Don't take too long, or else Amber might get upset.
He chuckles to her concern.
Kaeya: Don't worry about it.
Lumine: See you later..
The girl walks away from the Temple, leaving Kaeya alone. The Cavalry Captain resumes to his analyze when he already felt it fishy from the start.
Kaeya: There's no way Hilichurls organized an ambush like this themselves.. Not with their limited mental capacity.
The man senses a Hydro Element presence around him. Noticing a floating, non-human entity reveals itself. Kaeya immediately can guees who is behind the ambush.
Kaeya: Why am I not surprised..? That YOU were behind this.
Abyss Hydro Mage: Gohus, Chiso Vonph!
Before the mage could cast its spell, a fierce flame dashes out towards the Mage, thus another man reveals himself, grabs its face and ruthlessly smashes it down the ground and throws it forward. The man dashes pass Kaeya who is standing still, unfazed as the man unsheathes his Claymore, striking the mage with heavy attacks in the air with massive Pyro energy. Result defeating it in one hit. The man complains with grudge behind his breath.
Darknight Hero: Knights of Favonius... Always so inefficient.
Kaeya, who is standing still, applausing to the man's performance.
Kaeya: Agree to disagree. But, your involvement in this just made things a whole lot of interesting.
Darknight Hero: I never expect you'd involved the innocent Travelers in your mission.. Or even rely on their help.
Kaeya: Oh, don't need to say it like that. And also, don't underestimate them.. They're capable enough to take the Dragon head on not too long ago. That's all I can say.. I guess I'll see you later, Darknight Hero.
Darknight Hero: ...
The Captain leaves the domain this time. Leaving the man behind and catches up with Lumine who is waiting him outside.
Timeskip... In front of Temple of the Falcon..
Kaeya and Lumine just meet up with the rest at the front of the domain.
Lumine: Did we took too long?
Lisa: Nope, don't worry about it. Instead, I'm excited having you two to help me out.
Amber: Since we're all here, we should cut off the last power source quick.
Before heading into the domain.. The Librarian stops the Outrider.
Lisa: Wait, Amber.
Amber: What's wrong?
Lisa: Since both travelers are here. You and Kaeya should return back to Headquarters and report to Jean. Telling her we will finish the last one. I'm sure she has other tasks to assign to you both.
Amber: Oh.. Sure.. What's the sudden decision?
Lisa: They're the ones who battled the Stormterror. This piques my interest that I just want to see the way of their bladework.
The Captain chuckles.
Kaeya: I can guarantee you will enjoy the show, Lisa.
His comments raises her curiosity.
Lisa: Oh~ Is that so? I will then.
Amber: Then, I'll leave the last one to you and the Travelers. Be careful! May the Anemo Archon protects you!
The Outrider and The Captain heads back to Mondstadt. Lisa happily asks them if the siblings are ready.
Lisa: So, cuties~ If you need anything before going in, don't hesitate to ask me.
Her charm makes them stutter a bit.
Aether: Uh..! No!
Lumine: We-! We're good with what we have right now!
Lisa: Hehe! I think I would never get bored of this. Let's get in, shall we?
The siblings push the door to the temple open, ready to take out the last Dragon's Breath.
Deep within the Temple of the Falcon..
As a powerful mage, Lisa easily senses where the power source is, which is just up ahead of the Temple.
Lisa: Just as I expected, there is a strong elemental energy coming from deep within this temple.
Aether: This should be quick.
The Librarian grins innocently.
Lisa: Well~ Let's ride on that wind current, shall we?
Lumine: Sure.
The three of them ride onto the wind current, land and proceed forward. They encounter a Pyro Slime just wandering around the corridor, also in their way as well.
Lisa: Leave this one to me.
The mage unleashes a spark of purple lightning just from her palm, zapping the Pyro Slime from a distance. The target got sent back flying due to overload reaction from the Pyro and Electro combination.
Lisa: A Pyro type added with a little bit of electricity should cause an explosion. It's fun watching them get sent flying away.
Aether: You think there's more up ahead?
Lisa: Who knows? Let's go so we can find out, sweeties.
They proceed further up to the room, a group of Hilichurls are guarding in scatter. All standing on water.
Lisa: Mind helping me rounding all of them up? If you're capable enough.
Lumine: Sure! Let's go, Aether!
Both siblings dashes to both side, alerting the Hilichurls fighters and shooters. Aether and Lumine dodges a few arrows, both unleash a vortex from their palm, sucking all Hilichurls and stagger them continuously. The Anemo explosion pushes all Hilichurls together. Leaving the mage to do the rest.
Lisa: It's better for you two to stay away.
Aether: Huh?
Lumine: Aether! Stay out of water!
Aether: !!
The siblings dodges away. Lisa's Lightning strikes the Hilichurls all simultaneously, also set off chain lightning between Electro-charged.
Lumine: You almost shocked us!
Lisa: Oh come on~ This friction of the electrical discharge is nothing compared to love at first sight.
Aether: *Nervous sweating*
Lisa: Anyway, let's keep going.
They ride onto another wind current with their Wind Glider. Sending them up onto higher platform. After landing, Aether activates the ruin mechanism, all the floating platforms forms a bridge all the way straight to the Dragon's Breath. Lumine curiously asks her about vision as she notices an Electro vision hanging on her while they proceed.
Lumine: So are you a vision bearer as well? Like Kaeya?
Aether: Vision bearer?
Lisa: Hm? You mean this gem?
Lumine: Yes. Kaeya said we don't have a vision but we somehow can wield elemental power. You know something about this?
Lisa: Wielding elemental power without a vision. That's.. Very interesting but..
Lumine: Hm?
Lisa: I've never seen such case like this before. But I can explain what a vision is.. If you want to hear.
Lumine: Sure.
Lisa: Visions are used by the chosen to draw on elemental power.
Aether: And those who has Vision are chosen by...?
Lisa: The Seven, yes. Each Vision bearers has different types of elements. Like you saw how Amber syncs her archer skill with her Pyro energy when you're with her, Aether?
Aether: I see..
Lisa: I'm surprised that you two never seen a Vision. Just where exactly are you from...?
Lumine: Uh... Me and my brother are from very far away.
Lisa: Hm.. Sounds fishy tho.. At least that clears my doubt thinking that you're Hilichurls with some level of reasonable intelligence.
Lumine: Thank you for understanding.
Lisa: But you'd more or less qualify to be a magister's apprentice.
Aether: ...
Lisa: Just kidding! Maybe you're suitable to be my assistant. If that's what you want~
Aether: Let's just keep going..
Eventually reaching the Temple, Aether breaks the last Dragon's Breath. Cutting off its power source. Lisa yawns but excited as she finally gets back home and the thought of putting her feet up to relax also makes her fired up.
Lisa: Now the last one has been destroyed, let's head back to Mondstadt, shall we?
Aether: The city should be safe for now, right?
Lisa: Don't worry, we still have to register you two with the Knights so you can stay in the inn. Your efforts of defending the city will surely be rewarded handsomely by the Knights.
Lumine: If the storm happens again...
Lisa: Maybe you can help out the Knights once again and we appreciate your assistance. And while you're in Mondstadt, maybe you can learn more about the history and the Vision.
Lumine: Okay.
Lisa: Let's get out of here, shall we?
They all exit the Temple of the Falcon. As soon they're outside, the sky has returned back to normal and the storm has disappeared already. Everyone in the city are able to see the clear blue sky again. Noelle let out a sigh of relief when she finally sees the blue sky.
Noelle: They really did it..
The barrier she casted on everyone has finally wear off after they all are out of danger. The storm reminds her about the laundry.
Noelle: Oh my..! I should deal with the laundry now! I hope it doesn't get blown away!
Timeskip... Knights of Favonius Headquarters..
After successfully cutting off the power source and resolving the storm. The Acting Grand Master, Jean rewards the Travelers in a formally and sincerely while the Outrider is still staying with them.
Jean: The storm has resolved and we successfully averted the Mondstadt's crisis. I can't thank you enough for your hard work. As for the travelers..
She rewards them with their identification papers and a bank cheque worth of 5,000 Mora.
Jean: The Knights of Favonius has registered you both officially, you are welcome to stay in the city as much as you want.
Lumine: Thanks, Acting Grand Master!
Jean: The Knights of Favonius might need your assistance in the future.
Aether replies back with humble tone as a repay for their kindness for accepting them.
Aether: We'll do our best to help out!
Jean: Thanks, Aether.. Amber?
The Outrider responds immediately with a salute.
Amber: Yes, Acting Grand Master?
Jean: You can show them around the city, take it as a task for the Outrider.
She accepts it joyfully..
Amber: It'll be my pleasure, of course!
Lumine: We'll be leaving then.
The Acting Grand Master nods before they leave the Headquarters. They exit out the Headquarters.
End of Chapter...
(Author's Note: Sorry for Chapter 2 being a short one with just 5528 words. For some reasons, I accidentally made a Hangout event for Amber as she introduces Mondstadt to the siblings. For this case, I don't mind making Hangout event for any characters. The problem is the endings, should I just post one ending in one chapter or multiple endings in multiple chapters in the same hangout event? What do you guys think?)
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