Chapter 1: New World, New Adventure.

Two months later after awakened...

At the shores right next to Starsnatch Cliff...

*Sound of ocean waves*






A boy with a blonde long braid hears a little girl's voice shouts out during his awake.

"Hey! Wake up, Aether! It's morning already!"

Aether: Huh?

The boy opens his eyes, the ocean blue sky is the first thing he sees along with the blazing sun in his view. Then, he could feel someone is shaking him to wake him up. He sees a girl with blonde medium bob with bangs and two long strands in the front, also with white flowers on her hair. The girl is his sister, Lumine who offers a hand to him after his eyes make another blink.

Lumine: Come on, Aether. It's rise and shine.

He gladly accepts her offer, Lumine pulls him up while the floating little girl pushes him up, Aether yawns out while doing his stretches.

Aether: *Yawn* Sorry.. I just had a good sleep.

Paimon: Geez! You still need more sleep after been in slumber for how many years you don't even know!?

Lumine: Well, we don't know how many years has passed during our slumber exactly. But it's a good thing that we first met you two months ago.

Paimon: Yeah.. Paimon really owes you for that. Otherwise Paimon likely would've drown. So Paimon will do her best to be a great guide!

Aether: Yeah, you have our thanks, Paimon!

The floating fairy feels flustered by their thanks.

Paimon: Aww! Don't mention it! So how is your progress about learning the Teyvat Language that Paimon have been teaching you two in these past two months?

Aether replies back with confidence.

Aether: Don't worry, I'm sure Lumine and I already got the grasp of it.

Lumine: Yeah, same with Aether.

Paimon: Great! So right now, we should keep moving! Be sure to follow Paimon so you won't get lost!

Lumine replies back with an innocent grin.

Lumine: Lead the way then.

The floating little girl flies ahead of them first before they both start following her lead. The siblings start to have a conversation as they walk.

Aether: Hey, Lumine..

Lumine: Hm? What is it?

Aether: I wonder how different this world is compared to ours. Do you think we can find a place in this world for us comfortable enough to be called "home"?

His sister crosses her arm, with her hand gripping her chin while trying to answer Aether's question.

Lumine: I'm not so sure.. That hasn't crossed my mind yet.. We just learnt about this Teyvat Language that Paimon had taught us with. This is only just the beginning and we only seen just a very small fraction of it that this world has offered us so far. I can't imagine how hard it is since we both had lost our powers from our very long slumber. But I do hope this world would accept us somehow. Looking on the bright side, at least we're not alone here, we got Paimon as our travel guide! So don't lose your faith, brother.

Aether: Yeah, I trust my feelings saying you're right.. Thanks, Lumine.

Lumine: You're welcome..

The siblings help each other up as they climb up the ledges on the rocky terrain until they reach the top where they uncover the vast land of Teyvat before their eyes.

Aether and Lumine: Wow...

The siblings amaze by the view they haven't seen before for their first time.

Paimon: Hey! Look at that!

Paimon points out to the statue that shoots out the red beam to the sky. Located at the center of the lake surrounded by the mountains.

Paimon: That's one of the Statue of the Seven!

Lumine: Which is..?

Paimon: These Statues show the protection over the world. And there are a few scattered across the land as well.

Aether: So the land we're stepping in is protected by "The Seven"..?

Paimon: Yep! The Seven means there are Seven gods! The land we're in is protected by one of the Seven gods. And it is the Anemo god! The god who controls the wind!

The girl points out a city powered up by several windmills that is further up from their location.

Lumine: And the city up ahead is..?

Paimon: Oh! That's Mondstadt! That's where the Anemo god's place is! Also, it is the number one place you both definitely should check it out for a good reason!

Lumine: I see...

The floating fairy adds in with excitement.

Paimon: Well, what are we waiting for!? Let's go! Paimon can't wait!

The boy gladly sprints forward with Paimon.

Aether: Race you there!

Lumine: Wait! Hold on!

She catches up with him, the three of us sprints their way along the path to check out the Statue of the Seven first before heading to the destinated city. Paimon picks up several yellow berries for snacks during their way. Aether slows down his sprinting to walking just for Lumine to catch up with him. To enjoy the scenery of the nature's wonder.

Aether: So Paimon, mind if you explain the reason you mentioned about just now?

Paimon: Well, as we all know, Mondstadt is the city of wind, with people worship the God of Anemo. And also, Mondstadt is the city of freedom too, Paimon sures you get what Paimon means!

Lumine: The City of Freedom... Huh? Sounds like a great place.

Paimon: Paimon bet it will be!

The siblings follow down the trails and swim through the lake to the island with Statue of the Seven that Paimon was talking about earlier. Lumine helps Aether up to the shore, they both then curiously stare at the Statue of the Seven that looks like a hooded person with wings holding a sphere, standing on top of the large chess piece structure. They both touch the golden plate of the statue, it reacts back with glowing celeste light. The siblings back away a bit to watch the glow filling all the way up to the sphere. Then, an Anemo energy orb flies out and powers the Travelers.

Aether and Lumine: !!

They both immediately recognizes this familiar power, but they can't remember what their power actually is. Paimon amazes from what she just witnessed.

Paimon: Ooh! Did you just feel the elements of the world?

Aether: Yeah..

Paimon: Seems all you had to do was just touch the statue and you got the power of Anemo!

Lumine: Does this happen to anyone who touches it?

Paimon: No, not at all. It's not that easy to get a hold of powers like this by anyone else except you two so far.

Aether: Hm... I take it as a good sign.

Paimon: That's right! The elements responded to your prayers and Paimon also thinks that's good sign too!

Lumine: Now, I guess our next stop is the City of Freedom? Mondstadt, right?

Paimon: Yep! Just keep heading west then through the forest and we will eventually reach there!

Lumine: All right! Let's go, Aether!

Aether: Wait, something just popped up behind us.

Lumine: Hm?

The siblings turns around, notice several liquid beings bounce towards them from the water. Paimon quickly explains as she recognizes the slimes are a threat for them.

Paimon: These are slimes! They must've sensed the elemental energy you received just now! Quick, take them out with your Anemo power!

Lumine raises her hand, held with her other supportive hand. A concentrated of Anemo energy starts forming a vortex on Lumine's palm that it sucks the slimes in. The orb continuously expands as more energy being concentrated.

Lumine: Windblade!

Then the energy's overload explodes the slimes off to the air. While Aether slashes a few slimes in one hit with a dull blade. Then, he forms a hurricane as he floats up to the air before sending off the tornado forward.

Aether: Disappear!

As the tornado launches out, the slimes got sucked in by it and it drives them away from the siblings.

Lumine: Okay, we should head through the woods now!

Aether: Right!

They jump back down to the lake and swim forward up where the forest is to the shore to get away from the Slimes. After successfully escape from the Slimes attack, they both let out a relief when they are safe and continue their journey. Before entering the woods.. Suddenly, they see a giant shadow overwhelms theirs and hear a roar from above. As they look up.. A blue dragon, supported with 6 large wings just flies pass above them, also heading same direction as the siblings as it flies straight to the woods. They both immediately raise their caution back as soon as they see the dragon.

Aether: !!

Lumine: A dragon!?

Paimon: It's heading towards the heart of the forest! We must proceed with caution.

They both highly believe it'll pose a threat to anyone who witnesses its presence. But since their only way to the city is through the forests. They got no choice but to enter.

Whispering Woods..

As they travel through the woods, the siblings hear a growling from a distance. Paimon points out to the dragon.

Paimon: Look at that!

They both hide behind a tree as soon as they got a visual on the dragon. The three of them take a peek on the dragon, also noticing there is someone interact with the dragon.

Aether: Is he talking.. To a dragon?

The boy offers his both hands in front of the dragon.

Lumine: Looks like he is.. You see it flying around here often, Paimon?

Paimon: No.. This is the first time Paimon have seen something this big.

The Anemo power the siblings just got suddenly reacts on its own.

Aether and Lumine: !!

The dragon senses its power and responds back with a panic roar at the boy.

Mysterious bard: !!

The boy backsteps away from the dragon's claw attack. Also senses someone is spying on him in the forest.

Mysterious bard: Who's there!?

Paimon: Eep! They found us!

The siblings reveal themselves after the reaction of their recently received Anemo power had blown their covers. The boy who just interacts with the dragon disappears in plain sight. The dragon is now aware of the siblings presence as they try to balance themselves from its roar's soundwave. Then, the dragon takes flight and flies away from them until it disappears from their sight.

Aether: What was that?

Lumine: I'm not sure.. Are you alright, Paimon?

The fairy releases her grip from Aether's braid hair.

Paimon: Yeah, luckily Paimon grabbed Aether's hair so Paimon doesn't get blown away! Thanks.

Aether: I thought we were about to be attacked by it...

Lumine: It has something to do with that guy who was just talked to the dragon.

Paimon: It's gotta be it!

Aether: But is talking to dragon normal for you, Paimon?

Paimon: Of course not.

Lumine: There's something up on the rock.

Paimon: Hm?

A glowing red rock is floating on a rock just up ahead of them. Out of curiosity, the siblings head to the rock to examine the tear drop shaped crystal.

Paimon: It looks dangerous just by the looks of it.

Aether: You know something about this, Paimon?

Paimon shook her head as she is clueless about it.

Paimon: No.. Paimon's never seen a stone like this so Paimon can't tell what it is.

Lumine: Should we take it with us for now?

Paimon: It's the best way Paimon could think of.. Leaving it here might cause troubles to other people who comes across.

Lumine: So it's a yes.

The girl decides to keep the crystal with her.

Paimon: Okay, we've got it! Let's get out of this forest. Some people in Mondstadt might know about this stone hopefully.

Aether: Let's go.

Eventually, they continue back with their journey..


After finally getting out from the forest without countering any slimes so far. Then, another girl's voice alerts them.

???: Hey! Stop right there!

A girl with a red bunny bow catches up to the Travelers from the woods. Hops up from the rock platform and does a front roll to break her fall, she lands perfectly balanced from her roll before facing the Travelers.

???: May the Anemo god protect you, strangers!

Then, she does her usual salute while she introduces herself formally first before the strict questioning.

Amber: I am Amber, Outrider for the Knights of Favonius. You two don't look like citizens of Mondstadt. Explain yourselves.

Paimon nervous a bit as she wanted to clear the misunderstanding.

Paimon: We're not looking for troubles!

Amber: That's what all the troublemakers say.

The travelers gladly introduces as they can tell Amber actually means no harm to them.

Lumine: Hello, I'm Lumine.

Aether: I'm Aether. Nice to meet you!

Amber: Hm...

She can tell their outfits isn't match from any region and their names also isn't match with all the names she had knew with.

Amber: You both don't sound or look like a local to me..

Then, she examines Paimon carefully as she looks at her.

Amber: And this... Mascot, what's the deal with it?

Aether: She's our friend. And our traveling guide.

Paimon: Well, we've been traveling partners only for two months but.. We're already become the best of friends!

Amber: So to sum it up, you're just traveling partners, right?

Paimon: Mhm! That's right!

Amber: Well look, there's been a large dragon sighted around Mondstadt recently. Best you get inside the city as soon as possible. It's not far from here but I'll escort you there.

Lumine: I think me and my brother can look after ourselves. Thanks.

Amber: No, can't do! Although you likely aren't involved with the dragon. But I'm still not sure if I can trust you two just yet!

Aether: Why so suspicious?

Just knowing that she's already suspecting them without any evidence. She reflects and apologize on her action.

Amber: Oh, ahh.. I'm sorry. That probably not something I should say as a Knight. I give you my apologies, uh... Strange yet... Respectable travelers.

Paimon: That sounded so fake.

Amber: Do you have something against the type of Language usage prescribed by the Knights of Favonius Handbook!?

Paimon: Uhh.. No!

Amber: Never mind. Let's get you to the city first!

Paimon: Thanks!

Paimon and the Travelers follow with Outrider's lead as she escorts them to Mondstadt. But she stops her walk as soon as she sees a masked creature guarding around the area near them.

Amber: Ah...

Aether: What's wrong?

Amber: I have some other stuff to finish first before bringing you guys in.

Paimon: What exactly is it you need to finish doing first?

Amber: It's simple, you'll understand a bit. You see that one over there?

Paimon: Huh?

The group look at the masked creature guarding the post near Mondstadt. Paimon recognizes it quickly.

Paimon: Ah! A hilichurl! What is it doing near Mondstadt?

Amber: No time for that! I'll take it out first!

The Outrider raises her bow up, aiming with her sight. The tip of the arrow starts charging up with sparking flame. She let go of its string, releases a flaming arrow that shot the hilichurl on the head from a distance. The impact knocks it out of its consciousness. The Outrider rushes there to examine it while the travelers follow up to her. Amber explains her task and the Hilichurl to the Travelers.

Amber: These monsters have been getting too close to the city recently.

Aether: How many of them?

Amber: Not too many.. But I think with this Hilichurl spotted in this area, that means there's must be a camp set up by them just near from us here. Clearing out their camp is my current task at this time.

The Outrider proceeds further until she spots a Hilichurl with a crossbow standing on top of the sniper tower set up in their camp.

Amber: There!

She takes a cover from a rock to minimum the chances of her being spotted by the Hilichurl shooter. She raises her bow up, charging up her shot to the max then she releases the string. Launching a flame arrow that knocks the Hilichurl off the tower. Then, the siblings begin to assault the camp with their dull blades on their own.

Amber: Wait! It's dangerous!

Paimon: Don't worry! They are also fighters too you know!

Amber: Huh?

After the sniper fell from the tower, the rest of the Hilichurls are alerted by the attack and start to counter back at the siblings who are charging at them. Aether swings out the first strike of his consecutive normal attack. Second strike with another swing, then with a vortex that pulls the Hilichurls in. Lumine extends his brother's combo with her 2 rapid sword strikes that launches them away before she hops onto of her brother's vortex, the explosion of the vortex's overload launches Lumine to the air before she plunges down with her sword on the ground, defeating the Hilichurls in one fell sweep. Amber and Paimon both amazed after watching the siblings' performance.

Amber: Wow... You guys surprised me a bit with your moves there.. But thanks for the backup, how'd it feel?

Aether: Barely broke a sweat.

Lumine: So that should finish your task at least?

Amber: Hm... Not really..

Paimon: Now that you mention it, how is it the Hilichurls ended up here? They don't seem like the type to set up camp so close to cities like this.

Amber: Exactly. It's more normal for them to be much further out in the wilderness.

Aether: Maybe there's a leader behind this?

Amber: This possibility is unlikely to be the right answer. Because the Hilichurl doesn't have the intelligence to be as the leader. But them setting camp this close to Mondstadt isn't the biggest issue and yet still can't be ignored at this moment.

Lumine: Why?

Amber: The reason is because the dragon "Stormterror" has been around a lot more recently, our orchards have been destroyed and the local market has been affected as well. When the storms hit, we usually end up with at least a few injuries, so the Knights of Favonius have been tied up doing the best they can to defend the area.

Paimon: So these annoying creatures have been getting closer and closer to the city?

Amber: Exactly! That said, clearing this camp helped make the area a little bit safer for travelers like you three. Right now as a responsible knight, I must make sure to see you to the city safely. So come with me!

Paimon replies back gladfully.

Paimon: We'll be right behind you!

The traveling siblings and Paimon follow Amber's lead who is escorting them to Mondstadt. A flock of birds fly away as they walk across the bridge to the city. The Outrider greets with a salute and also reports about the Travelers to the Knights, Swan and Lawrence who are guarding the city's main entrance. The Knights both responds back with their salute as the group finally reach the City of Freedom, Mondstadt.

After a few of looking around on the lively city is enough to satisfy the Traveler's view.

Aether and Lumine: Whoa..

Amber: Let me officially introduce the city of wind, dandelions and freedom! Travelers under the protection of the Knights of Favonius. Welcome to Mondstadt!

Paimon: Finally, no more having to camp outdoors! But..

Despite the city is in lively state, the activities of the citizens around Mondstadt speak otherwise as the Travelers look at the people. Some of them are currently being assisted by a Knight with an outfit that looks like Maid, dealing trivia issue such as carrying goods. A bartender lady who are just taking care of the cats by bringing them inside so she can keep them safe. Also, they see two alchemists are discussing about their findings about the Stormterror.

Aether: The city folk don't look too cheery..

Lumine: The dragon must've affected everyone's lives drastically.

Amber: Exactly, everyone's been put out of place by Stormterror recently. But everything will turn out fine as long as Jean's with us!

Paimon: Jean?

Amber: Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, Jean. Also the Defender of Mondstadt. With her by our side, surely even the vicious Stormterror will be no match for us.

Lumine: I hope so..

Amber: Before I take you guys to the Knights of Favonius headquarters for registration, I have a present for you both. It's a reward for helping me clear out that Hilichurl camp.

Paimon: Hey! Why doesn't Paimon get a reward?

Amber: Because this reward is useless to you, Paimon. But I can treat you to a traditional Mondstadt delicacy "Sticky Honey Roast" later. Sounds good?

Paimon: Yay! Sticky Honey Roast!

Amber: But right now! We'll head to the city's high ground. Just head upstairs till you see the Statue!

Lumine: Sure!

The siblings, curious about the reward Amber was talking about. But also feel a bit empty as they notice not many people are hanging around the main street right now. Amber explains out the situation in the city.

Amber: In case you wonder.. This used to be a bustling street... But with so many Stormterror attacks recently, the usual crowd are nowhere to be seen.

Aether: How long has the dragon been doing the attacks on the city?

Amber: Hm.. How long was it..? I can guess it's been several weeks. All Knights have been busy protecting the citizens and clearing out the monsters.

Lumine: Maybe we can help out dealing with the tasks.

Amber: That would be right after the registration! You know you two still haven't got out of suspicion from me yet.

Paimon: Don't you worry! They both are the good guys. You can trust Paimon for that!

Amber: Hm...

Through the main street, they all forward and upstairs till they reach the place where the statue is located in front of the Cathedral.

Near the Cathedral..

Paimon: So is this the place?

Amber: Yup! The present I want to give you is...

She reveals two small gadgets from her palm and excitedly showing it to the Travelers.

Amber: Ta-da! Wing Gliders!

Lumine: Wing Glider?

Amber: Outriders use them to ride the wind and the people of Mondstadt love using them too. That's why I brought you here to give it to you so you can experience it right away!

The siblings examine the Gadget.

Paimon: You're really excited about these Wind Gliders, huh!

Amber: It's because the wind is the heart and soul of Mondstadt! Let me show you how it works!

Lumine: That explains a lot.

Amber simply and firmly attaches the gadget onto the back of both Traveler's neck.

Amber: Alright then! Let's give it a whirl!

Aether: So how do we activate this?

Amber: Relax! It's easy to use, but you still need to pay attention to my instructions so you won't get hurt. Let me show you how it works!

The Outrider jumps on the stone railing, then as she jumps off from the railing to the airborne. A black bird-like wings spread out from her gadget. Helping her glide all the way back to the Main Street they just visited just now ago. The siblings watches her demonstration from the railing.

Paimon: Looks fun!

Aether: Aren't you able to fly all the time?

Paimon: Uh.. Paimon means it looks fun for you guys. Besides, Paimon would get blown away if Paimon flies too high.

Lumine: Let's try it out! I missed being in the air!

Lumine hops onto the railing as a boost for her to jump to the air. Then, the wing spreads out from her back and glide across the same route that Amber took just now.

Aether: Wait up!

He hops up to the railing, jumps off and glides with the wind after spreading his wind glider out. Following his sister lead.

Aether: Maybe you're right! I sure do missed being in the air!

Lumine: I told you! I know you would think the same way!

As the siblings are on their route gliding their way to Amber's location as their finish line. Suddenly, the once clear blue sky turns cloudy immediately while wind starts acting up like a roving gale that affects their gliding. Hinting them that something dangerous is coming.

Lumine: The wind!

As Lumine is blocking the wind with her arms, Aether notices Amber is telling them something else.

Amber: Look out!

Aether: Huh!?

He looks up to the sky, seeing the presence of the Stormterror launching its attack by summoning three tornados on the city. One of them is driving towarda the sibling's direction.

Aether: Lumine! Watch out!

Lumine: !?

She turns around in the air, seeing a tornado is about to absorb his brother in.

Lumine: Aether!!

Once she lands on ground, Lumine uses her Anemo power by creating Vortex's explosion jump to launch her back to the air and towards her brother's direction. She tries to grab his hand but both got suck in by the tornado, Amber terrified by what happened to the Travelers. Meanwhile, with her Geo power, the Maid Knight grants a barrier on herself, the citizens and other Knights so they can safely arrive to the shelter without getting caught by the storm. The barrier also casted on the Outrider before the Maid brings her away from the storm.

Maid Knight: You need to go, Outrider Amber! It's too dangerous to stay here!

Amber: Wait! The storm got the Travelers!

Maid Knight: Leave it all to me!

The Maid brings the Outrider to safety. Meanwhile, once they reach the top of the tornado, the siblings got launched out in the sky with both of their Wind Gliders still activated, helplessly watching three huge tornadoes rampaging the city.

Aether: It's attacking the city again!

Lumine: Watch out!

Aether: Huh?

The Stormterror reveals itself from the cloud, now it's flying straight towards the Travelers! The siblings back flips away from the dragon's tackle, stabilizing their air control. Somehow, their Anemo power starts glowing strongly, as it was fused by a mysterious power.

Lumine: Is this..!?

Aether: I feel powerful..!

Paimon: Are you two okay!?

Lumine: Yeah! We're somehow floating on the air! Just like you, Paimon!

Paimon: With just a Wind Glider!?

With so much going on for them, they receive mysterious voice.

Mysterious Voice: I'm preventing your fall with the power of a thousand winds!

Lumine: Who are you?

Mysterious Voice: Someone you will meet soon.. Now, concentrate. See yourself grasping the winds. Harness its energy!

Aether: ...

Lumine: No time to think, we need to stop it, Aether!

Aether: Right!

Utilizing the energy, they both gain the ability to flight, both siblings are now pursuing the dragon that causes the destruction of Mondstadt. In the meantime, while the tornadoes are still roaming around the city, destroying the properties of the city as it comes close. The idol sister of Mondstadt shows up bravely to one of the Tornadoes.

Idol: Let's dance!

She wields out the element of Hydro, using the advantage of Elemental Reaction's rule. The idol's hydro element successfully infused into the tornado's Anemo element. Then..

Assassin: Lights out...

An Ice-powered Lance of Termination shot out straight to the ground where the Hydro-infused tornado is. With Cryo and Hydro combination, the tornado starts freezing gradually from the ground up to the entire tornado.

Idol: Huh?

Then, an Assassin dashes towards the already frozen tornado. Forming a drilling attack through the tornado, the damage results shattering the frozen tornado into million pieces as the Assassin swings her Polearm before sheathing it back.

Assassin: Don't overdo it.. Sister.

The idol sister happily replies back..

Idol: Thank you for your help! That was amazing!

Assassin: Hmph.


As for another tornado, an Astrologist who is just happens to be outdoor, unleashing her Hydro element in front of the tornado.

Astrologist: Written in the stars, decided by destiny!

Summoning a sparkling wave that showers both of the two remaining tornadoes. Applying Hydro to the Tornado. Then..

Spindrift Knight: Eye for an eye!

The Spindrift Knight of Favonius, swings her Cryo-infused Claymore in her graceful dance. Applying the Cryo element on the tornado, using the same element combination to perform the frozen reaction. Additionally, her Grimheart automatically shoots itself towards the tornado, freezing both Hydro-infused tornadoes applied by the Astrologer instantly forms into Frozen Tornado. The Spindrift Knight simply but gracefully swings her Claymore to shatter one of the Tornadoes into millions of pieces.


Pieces rains down on them like snowflakes, the Knight elegantly does a finishing pose before confronting the Astrologist.

Spindrift Knight: Hmph! Are you trying to steal a Knight's duty?

Astrologist: The storm caused by that monstrosity has clouded my vision to the stars. Such things like this should be dealt by the Great Astrologist.

The Knight retorts back in a strict manner..

Spindrift Knight: Such vile action will not be left unnoticed! For this, you must pay after all the storm!

Astrologist: I will take that as your way of saying "Thanks."

As for the last Frozen Tornado, an Adventurer with hot-blooded personality approaches the Tornado. Decided to take it out for good.

Adventurer: Let's light it up!

He squats down a bit, charging up and channeling his Pyro energy to his sword, performing two swift flame strikes before landing a passion explosion that melts the Frozen Tornado completely. Also... Launches him back away as usual. He celebrates his victory with glee.

Adventurer: Now that's what I call victo-! Ahh!!

The gushing water from the melting Frozen Tornado floods up and washes him away.

Adventurer: I can't afford any more bandages!

Both Alchemists, one is the Chief Alchemist, also the Captain of the Investigation Team. Another one is his assistant. The Chief hears a loud splashing sound that is coming in like a wave.

Chief Alchemist: Watch out!

Assistant: H-Huh?

The Chief summons a Geo Construct, he pulls his assistant close to her that causes her to be flustered and nervous.

Assistant: Sir!?

The accumulated Geo power of the Geo Construct created by the Chief Alchemist, managed to form a crystallized platform just in the nick of time to lift both of the Alchemists away from the flooding water.

Assistant: A flood!? D-Did the storm damaged the water tunnel system!?

Then, they both see an Adventurer got washed away by the flood.

Adventurer: Help me!! I need a hand!!

Chief Alchemist: Huh.. I see the reason now..

Assistant: Wh-What do you mean by that?

He points at the Adventurer that got washed away by the flood, all the way to the main gate entrance of Mondstadt.

Assistant: Oh, I-I see...

A purple shadow bird flashes through the flood, managed to get the Adventurer out from danger successfully and land to nearby shelter. The Adventurer opens his eyes, seeing someone in front of him.

Adventurer: Huh?

A girl with an eye-patched, blonde hair, light green eyes, and a petite build with fair skin, standing before him. (Author's note: Producing her line probably the hardest one because of the way she speaks during her roleplay.)

Prinzessin: Worry not, the Prinzessin's presence grants thee protection in this harsh realm!

Night-Raven: She means "You should be safe from the storm.. And the flood that just caught you recently."

Adventurer: O-Oh! Thanks!

The Electro energy that is sparking from the Night-Raven, suddenly zapping the Adventurer's whole body due to his Hydro element still intact after being affected by the flood's element. Causing Electro-charged in the end as the sparks jump all over the Adventurer's body.

Night-Raven: Adventurer! Are you alright!?

Prinzessin: *sigh* My lightning judgement has come just right in the nick of time but on a wrong mortal..

Night-Raven: My apologies, mein Fräulein.

The Prinzessin and the Night-Raven drags the fainted Adventurer to the nearby hay stack for him to rest at.

Back to the siblings..

*Sword clashing*

The Outlanders, who are now in a heat of battle with the Stormterror. Lumine continuously shoots out energy projectiles at the dragon, successfully dodges away its tackle attack and slash it when it is near her.

Stormterror: *Painful roars*

On the other siblings, Aether unleashes a charged shot from his palm, shoots out a very fast ball projectile that is formed by Anemo energy. It hits straight on the dragon's head, like a punch pushing from the side of the face. The siblings already can tell they weaken the Stormterror.

Aether: Let's finish this!

Lumine: Same!

They both combine their attack together, forming a lunging attack straight to the Stormterror. The dragon senses the danger and unleash its violent gust wind strong enough to disrupt their attacks and makes them cover with their arms before it flies away, instantly disappeared from the sight as it dive back into the clouds. The siblings uncovers, knowing that the Stormterror has escaped this time.

Lumine: It got away!

Aether: Let's head back to Amber! You okay, Paimon?

The fairy teleports next to them.

Paimon: Phew.. Paimon's okay!

Lumine: Great! No one's hurt. Let's get back to Mondstadt.

Their Anemo energy has returned back to normal as they feel they are back to gliding, they fly all the way down back to Mondstadt.

Timeskip... Mondstadt, near the Statue.

The siblings managed to land back down to where they meet up before the gliding lesson. Amber immediately checks on the wound as soon as she reaches them to their aid.

Amber: A-Are you hurt!?

Both siblings shook their head. Stating they are fine from the battle.

Lumine: What about you?

Amber: Oh! Don't worry about me! The Knights are way tougher than they look! As for the citizens, some of them are badly injured this time.. But the idol sister is patching them back up!

Paimon: That's good to hear!

Lumine: As for the damages..

Paimon: Oh...

Aether: Uh...

The Outrider maintains on her positive and optimistic side.

Amber: Don't lose your faith yet, the damages can still be restored! As long as the citizens are fine, Mondstadt will always be the same!

Paimon: Such optimistic..

Amber: Hey, it's bad to have your mood being down on a time like this.. So wipe off that gloomy face of yours and stay positive!

Aether finally grins a bit by her cheerfulness. Lumine felt the same eventually..

Aether: Thanks, Amber...

Lumine: Yeah, thanks..

Amber: Aww! You know I still haven't treat you guys with Sticky Honey Roast yet!

Hearing the name of Mondstadt delicacy, Paimon instantly becomes into her positive mood.

Paimon: Yay!!! Paimon's now happy! Thanks!

Aether and Lumine: *Sweatdropped*

Then, several hand claps has attract their attentions. As the group turn around, they notice a man with an eye-patched gradually walking up to them, seems like congratulating them or something.

???: Fascinating.. You actually got the power to go up against the dragon.. Are you a new ally.. Or a new storm..?

The siblings chooses to be silent on the question as they feel unease by the man's tone. Amber breaks off the questioning as she feels shocked by the Stormterror's attack.

Amber: I still can't believe it.. This is the first time that the Stormterror attacked Mondstadt itself! Kaeya, you've come at the right time. We must-!

Kaeya: Hold on, Amber. Are you perhaps forgetting to introduce us?

Amber: Oh.. Right! This is Kaeya, our Cavalry Captain! And these groups are Travelers from afar, Aether, Lumine and Paimon.

The man looks at them, their outfits and their names definitely can tell Amber is speaking the truth. But it is only the information he gets.

Amber: Long story short... I happened to meet them in Whispering Woods when I was scouting out for Hilichurl camp near the city. They said they are Travelers from afar and that's all I know so far. I have still yet to take them to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters.

After hearing the Outrider's story, the man politely welcomes them.

Kaeya: I see.. Welcome to Mondstadt.. Though you haven't arrived at the best of times. I'm afraid. But I still hasn't confirm where your origin at.

Paimon: Uh...

The man chuckles by Paimon's stuttering..

Kaeya: Relax, I won't press you for more.

The siblings let out a very small sigh after the tension is released.

Kaeya: First and Foremost, on behalf of the Knights of Favonius, I would like to extend our thanks to you for your help just now.

Lumine: Well, we're just doing what's right or not.

Kaeya: Still you should have our thanks. From the Knights and the Citizens as well.

Amber: Which is...?

Kaeya: That's right. Their fights to defend the city against the dragon just now was witnessed by no small number of Citizens and the Knights. The Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius is also very interested in meeting you two, and formally invites you both to our headquarters.

Amber: Well, I was about bringing them to the Headquarters as well. We should go now.

Paimon: Wait! What about the Tornadoes?

Kaeya: The others are already took care of it, flawlessly I would say.

Amber and Kaeya escort the Travelers as the five of them head back to the Headquarters for the meeting with the Acting Grand Master.

End of Chapter...

(Author's Note: For those who is a fan of Genshin Impact and played it a lot, I expect you already knew their character's actual name just by their dialogues or their Nickname. I want to give them the "screentime" in the very first chapter but I can't introduce them yet because it is too early and they haven't known the Travelers yet. So yeah, please comment down if I got their personalities wrong. I'll continue this with more wholesome chapters! See ya!)

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