Amber's Hangout Event Ending III: An Outrider's Task

(Author's note: The start of the Act will always be the same. But the process will be different and the same goes to the ending.)

Timeskip... Mondstadt, Main street.

Paimon: Phew.. The storm has gone finally.

Lumine: Where have you been all this time?

Paimon: Still by your side, it's just Paimon has to keep away from the battle so Paimon doesn't cause you trouble.

Aether: At least you're okay in the end.

Paimon: Of course Paimon do!

Amber: So! Let me show you around the main street! Starting from the main gate!

Aether: Okay.

She shows them to the blacksmith just on their left side, with Wagner as the blacksmith and his apprentice, Schulz, who is looking out for any customers.

Amber: That is where most of the Favonius weapons are repaired! And the repairs are always free of charge!

She points to the flower shop on the right.

Amber: Right side is the Floral Whisper, Flora's the one who managing the shop!

As they proceed forward, they encounter a receptionist on their right. Amber introduces to them..

Amber: That's Katheryne! She's the receptionist of the Adventurer's guild. Maybe she can recruit you since you both are travelers!

Lumine: Sounds good.

Aether: What does the guild do?

Amber: Well, it's basically Adventurers completing the commissions assigned by the receptionist. Let me introduce you to her!

The Outrider grabs Aether's hand to the receptionist who is waving at them, eagerly to welcome them.

Katheryne: Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild. I believe I'm seeing some new faces. An adventuring one!

Lumine: How can you tell?

Katheryne: Being lookout for great Adventurers is part of my job.

She looks at the Outrider before asking.

Katheryne: Amber, right? The Outrider of the Knights of Favonius.

Amber: Yup! That's me!

Katheryne: I overheard the conversation you're in with the Maid Knight, Noelle.

Amber: Yeah! Both travelers are doing well on the mission! I'm sure you can offer some commissions to them when they got free time.

The receptionist nods with gleeful smile.

Katheryne: That's what I wish to hear. I had my eyes on them as soon as they enter the city for the first time. I can tell they got potential that rivals the great adventurers of legends.

The Outrider adds her praise after Katheryne's sentence.

Amber: Wow.. Even Katheryne can see you got potential!

Lumine: You flattered me..

Katheryne: Nevertheless, to the adventurer, experience is far more precious than potential.

Paimon: So you're saying we're like, official adventurers now?!

Katheryne: Do not worry, the Adventurers' Guild does not charge a membership fee or impose any kind of duties on its members. In short, there are lots of benefits but no drawbacks to becoming a member.

Without hesitation, Aether nods as he agrees to join.

Aether: Alright then.

Lumine: Wait, are you sure about this?

Aether: Well, Katheryne just said there's no drawbacks.

Lumine: What about the requirements?

Katheryne: The guild currently accepts any kind of people from any regions, if they are willingly to join. It's all up to their capabilities whether they can take the challenge or not. And do not worry, we got all kinds of commissions sorted out in difficulty ranks, types from the range of "Doing errands around towns", "Monsters camp clearing in the wild" to "Going expedition to gather information" and "Exploring in a new land". So that way, inexperience adventurer can take on easy task with less risk and dangers while the experts handles the tough one. And also, here's the Adventure handbook.

The receptionist hands over to both of the siblings, Aether and Lumine. He examines the cover of the handbook before flipping the pages over to see the content as Katheryne explains it.

Katheryne: The rules of the guild listed at the first few pages. It has the record of available commission and rewards. And it is also proof of your membership.

Lumine: That means..

Katheryne: Correct! Without further Ado, please allow me to officially welcome you, our new avid adventurers, into the Guild!

The Outrider drops a sweat as she feels this is too sudden.

Amber: Well, that was sudden. But congrats, Aether, Lumine!

Katheryne: Both of you will start on the lowest rank in the guild as where all the starters should be. To ascend your rank, you gain recognition from the guild by completing impressive feats in all sorts of way, not just completing commissions. It can be from defeating high difficulty monsters, exploring ruins, solving ancient puzzles, etc.

Lumine: So when do we start taking commissions?

Katheryne: It'll be tomorrow or day after that. But it's better for you to come visit me to accept once you're getting used and familiarize with the city.

Amber: Come to think of it. I still haven't bring you both to an inn yet for staying.

Katheryne: Well then, that will do for today. We will have plenty of chances to meet again in the future. Ad astra abyssosque, Adventurer! With effort, you shall reach the stars and conquer the abyss!

The Travelers gladfully thank her.

Aether: Thanks, Katheryne!

Lumine: See you then.

They wave their hands at the receptionist before they leave. They walk along the main street as they continue their conversation.

Paimon: Wow.. That was really sudden. One second passed and boom, you both are officially adventurers from the Adventurers' Guild.

Lumine: Since adventurers usually head outside more oftenly as the Outrider. You think we'll be meeting each other most of the times in the wild?

Amber: I hope so! I love to see how you both grow, and I also would like to go on an adventure with you!

Aether: I guess that's a deal then.

The Outrider excited announces it.

Amber: Of course! I'm holding you with that deal when the time comes!

Bringing the "deal" as a subject, Paimon cuts in as she tries to mention it with a hint, with her mouth watering expression.

Paimon: Talk about the deal. Aren't you forgetting something else, Amber?

The Outrider notices the fairy's expression that is drooling with saliva. She immediately knows it was something about food.

Amber: Ah.. Right..! The Sticky Honey Roast!

The group could hear all of their stomach are grumbling. The Outrider feels embarrassed and blushes a bit.

Amber: Ahaha.. I guess we haven't had lunch yet. Let's go to the Good Hunter and visit Sara!

Aether: Sure!

Under the Outrider's tour guide, she leads them to the shop and also an outdoor restaurant named "Good Hunter", managed by the waitress, Sara while the chef are busy inside the kitchen. She waves at them as the group approaches.

Sara: Oh, it's Amber!

Amber: Hey, Sara! How you doing?

Sara: Thanks to the people from the Knights of Favonius and Adventurers' Guild, they managed to put a stop to the Tornadoes. The damages are actually minor.

Then, Sara notices the Travelers.

Sara: Oh! Are you the Travelers who fought against the dragon in the sky!?

The Outrider introduces them.

Amber: Oh, these are new Travelers in Mondstadt. Just got themselves registered to the Knights and also they are adventurers in the Adventurer's Guild. So they will be visiting here a lot.

Sara: Oh, is that so? Then you must try the Mondstadt's delicacy, Sticky Honey Roast! It'll be free of charge for the first time! Since you also helped out saving the city. You can order anything you want!

Paimon: Really!? This isn't a dream, right!?

Aether: Everything you saw is true..

Paimon: Then, one Sticky Honey Roast for Paimon!

After browsing on the menu hanging on top of the Good Hunter's restaurant.

Lumine: Flaming Red Bolognese, Berry & Mint Burst.

Aether: Mushroom Pizza with mushroom cream soup sounds nice.

Amber: Same as Lumine but with coffee instead!

Sara: On it!

Sara yells out for the chef to hear their order. It only took a moment for them for the food to be ready after they all found the seat. As Sara serves up a meat dish in a sweet honey sauce, also with the carrot slices on the bottom of the juicy meat. The sight of it already feel the sweetness for them, especially for Paimon.

Paimon: Wow! Paimon can't wait to dig in!

Aether: Oh Paimon..

Paimon: Ehehe.. Sorry about that!

Amber: Then you both should take a first bite before Paimon gobbles it all!

Lumine: I will try.

She forks up a slice of pork covered with sweet honey sauce along with a carrot slice. She savors it as soon as it's in her mouth. She could feel the sweetness of the sweet honey, tenderness of the pork and the crunchy feeling of the carrot slice.

Lumine: Mhm~ It's pretty sweet!

Amber: Told you! You can taste the fragrance of the pork and its warmness after being cooked thoroughly.

Aether: Really? Let me taste test this!

He forks another piece, same way as Lumine does and savor it. Paimon feels bad as the siblings are taking the lead.

Paimon: Hey! Don't take too much! Paimon won't feel full if you take too much!


After the wonderful meal, Amber brings them to an Inn to stay for the day before resuming back to tour. She opens the door.

Amber: Alright, here's the room for now!

As they look into the room, it was well decorated with elegance lighting and windows. Also with two separate beds, basically fulfill the siblings' requirements. Paimon immediately dives to the bed. Making herself comfy on a soft fabric. Aether just looks around for a bit.

Paimon: Finally~! A bed! We've been camping outside for months! Paimon can get a nice sleep this way.

Aether sweatdrops apologizes to Amber.

Aether: Pardon for Paimon's reaction.

Amber: It's okay! You must've been out there for months. Judging how Paimon said it. You can take a rest for a while if you want, we still got time to do a lot of things!

Lumine: Nah, we're good!

The Outrider shows her concerns about their current stamina after going through mission.

Amber: Are you sure? Don't push yourself if you're really tired.

Lumine: It's okay, we aren't really tired. Besides, I want to glide around Mondstadt to see how the city looks from above!

Hearing Lumine's next activity. The Outrider responds with excitement.

Amber: That's what I'm planning to do next with you two! ^^ But wow.. I've never thought you had the same idea.

Lumine: Yeah.. Me too..

Aether: Uh.. Paimon's asleep already..

Lumine: What!?

The three of them notice the fairy who is already in her deep sleep on one of the bed.

Aether: Should we wake her up?

Lumine: Maybe we can leave Paimon for a while so she can have her nap. She can teleport to us anytime she wants.

Amber: Yeah.. But that sounds pretty creepy that she might suddenly just appear besides you.

Lumine: You're worried she might ruin our moment?

Amber: Probably.. But the more the merrier, right?

Lumine: Yeah.. If you sound it that way..

The girls step outside after Aether closed the door quietly, leaving the sleeping Paimon in the room.

Lumine: Finally, shall we head over to high places to glide?

Amber: Sure.. But.. There's something I almost forgot to tell you.

Aether: Which is...

Amber: In Mondstadt, you must have a gliding license in order to do that.

Lumine: I thought everyone in the city gets to glide around freely.

Amber: Well, the wind sure is the heart and soul of Mondstadt, just as I described before. But the gliding part needs practice and safety always comes first. Also, the bad guys also take the gliding as their advantage.

Aether: I see.. You got a point there.

Despite of that, the Outrider still eagerly to continue the tour with her suggestions.

Amber: But.. Let's not getting disappointed! Our tour hasn't end yet! I still can show you around until tonight! What do you think?

Aether: Sure! Let's enjoy while we can!

Amber: That's the spirit! So you still want to look around Mondstadt or head outside to watch the scenery? I have several places I want to show you, depends on your choice!

Lumine: Hm.. What do you think, Aether?

Aether: Let's walk around the city more.

Amber: Alright! Now let's resume our tour then!

Lumine: But where to this time?

Amber: Hm... The storm just resolved a while ago. I believe the street will be recovering back to a bustling street again with the usual crowd after some times! Or maybe we can spend time helping out the people recovering the damage of the city's properties! What do you two think?

Aether: Sure. We can help out.

Lumine: Since my brother agreed, so do I.

Amber: That's more like it! ^^ And since Sara's the one made the meal free of charge. Maybe this time I'll treat you both with some awesome drinks as a reward this time!

Lumine: I hope Paimon doesn't eavesdrop us..

The Outrider chuckles happily..

Amber: Haha! Relax! Of course I'll buy her a drink as well. Anyway, we should go now. Noelle is doing her best helping out the people. Jean will also glad to see us and the other Knights helping out as well!

Lumine: I hope they all are alright after the storm.

Amber: I believe they are alright, we should go now!

The three of them head outside of the Inn, leaving the sleeping Paimon alone in the room.

Timeskip... Mondstadt, Market district.

Upon arriving, they all witness most of the Knights and the City folks are helping rearrange the properties that has been affected by the tornadoes. Just with their presence alone is already made the district busy.

Aether: Wow.. The district looks lively.

Amber: Of course! Everyone here are eagerly wanting to help out!

Lumine: Let's start asking about what we can do here.

Amber: Good idea!

They try to ask any city folks if the people need their assistance, Amber notices the bartender of the Angel's Share, Charles also came out but struggling on something else. The Outrider approaches him.

Amber: Sir? Do you need a hand?

Charles: Oh! It's the Outrider, Amber! You definitely had come in a right time! Because of the storm, some of the outdoor furnitures had ended up on top of other buildings. The other Knights are currently have their task full on their hands.

Aether: How long the tornadoes had roamed around before the storm resolved?

Charles: It's just a while. The Knights and the Adventurers had done their work flawlessly on the tornadoes. So the furniture should be just nearby around here.

Amber: All right! We're on it! Come on, guys!

Lumine: We definitely need a ladder..

Amber: There's no need for that!

Judging on the Outrider's expression filled with confidence. The siblings already figured out what is she planning to do.

Aether: No way.. We're gonna glide from buildings to buildings?

Amber: Yeah! It'll be much quicker this way!

Lumine: But we both don't have a gliding license...

The Outrider scratches her cheek lightly, just realized that after Lumine mentioned it to her.

Amber: Ahaha...! Yeah.. You got a point there. But I think it's okay if we glide just for today?

Lumine: Uh... You sure?

Aether: If the three of us make it quick. It shouldn't be a problem!

Amber: That's more like it! Let's go to the Upper Area!

Lumine: I don't think that's a bright idea..

Aether: Come on, Lumine! We both need your help as well.

His sister sighs..

Lumine: *sigh* Okay, okay..

The three of them head to the Upper Area where the Cathedral and the Anemo Archon Statue is. The Outrider jumps off from the railing before the Travelers, they all glide their way back to the Market District's rooftops, noticing some furnitures are lying on top of the buildings. They carefully carry the furnitures down to Charles. But shortly after, they got called over by the Knights who noticed them using the Wind Glider.

Otto: Stop right there!

Amber: Oh no!

Huffman: Outrider Amber! You have violated the Mondstadt's gliding rules! And these strange yet respectable Travelers.. Do you have your own gliding license in your possession?

Aether: Uh oh...

Lumine: *sigh* We don't have one..

Huffman: That is forbidden to glide without one as well. We'll bring you to the Acting Grand Master, Jean!

Amber: Sorry, guys!

Timeskip... Knights of Favonius Headquarters..

All three of them are now caught by the Knights, are now reported in front of Acting Grand Master, Jean. The Dandelion Knight's attitude becomes strict as she isn't the first time dealing with Amber's wrongdoing. She glares at Amber with her arm crossed, like a mother who is about to scold her daughter.

Jean: My dear Outrider, Amber.. Didn't I asked you just to show them around Mondstadt? Why's the Wind Glider?

The Outrider panics a bit, knowing that telling her honestly is her only choice.

Amber: Ahaha... We decided to help out the Angel's Share Bartender by bringing down the furnitures from the rooftop because of the storm.

Hearing her intention, Jean reconsiders the punishment.

Jean: I see.. Still, you know the consequences, Amber.

Amber: Aww... I'm gonna get my license revoked again...

Then, an idea just popped up in her mind.

Jean: But since your intention isn't wrong. Perhaps I can give a lighter sentence.

Amber: Huh? That means...

Jean: That means your license won't get revoked, just for this time.

Amber: Really!?

Jean: But you will be in solitary confinement with Klee for 5 hours!

Hearing it alone is already shocked Amber to the core, since she is an outdoorsy kind of girl and hates staying in place for too long.

Amber: Oh no! Solitary confinement!?

The Acting Grand Master then changes her focus at the siblings in her strict manner. Just her glare already sends the chill down to both of their spine.

Jean: Travelers! You two will be the same as Amber as well.

Aether: Aw man..!

Aether felt disappointed while his sister facepalms herself.

Lumine: You shouldn't agree on Amber's idea, Aether..

Aether: Sorry...

The Knights eventually bring the group to the Solitary confinement. After that, Lisa compliments Jean's thoughtful decision for Klee when she overheard their conversation.

Lisa: Oh Jean.. I've never thought you'd be so considerate about Klee. Aren't you worried our cuties might get influenced by Klee's destructive manner?

Jean: I'm sure they won't be, especially under Amber's watch. Grounding Klee in the solitary confinement sure minimize the damage report but I afraid she might gets lonely in there. So that's why I came up this idea.

The Librarian teases the Acting Grand Master..

Lisa: Aww... I hope those cuties have a "blast" with the Spark Knight.

Jean: Please no..


The Knights send the group into the solitary confinement, just right beside Jean's office. As they enter, they all notice a red girl, drawing something on the paper with her crayon. The Spark Knight notices their presence and recognized the Outrider immediately. Happily welcome them to her "room" in a bubbly tone with a sweet hug.

Spark Knight: Oh! It's you, Outrider Amber! Are you here to play with me with your Baron Bunny?

The Outrider chuckles nervously.. But also excited to see her again as well.

Amber: Ahaha...! Yes, Klee! I also brought some new friends here just to play with you today.

The girl jumps happily.

Klee: Yay! New people! Are you perhaps the new Knights in Mondstadt?

Despite getting punishment because of the Outrider's fault. They're still maintaining their optimistic and positive side.

Aether: We're just Travelers.. I'm Aether and this is Lumine.

Lumine waves at her with a smile. Klee then grabs a white stuff doll that hangs on her bag like a keychain. Showing them her best friend.

Klee: I see.. Let me introduce my best friend, Dodoco!

Her introduction for her best friend has already win Lumine's heart.

Lumine: (She's so cute! Kyaa!)

Aether: *Sweatdrops*

The Outrider then apologizes to the siblings with a bow. Chuckling in guilty tone.

Amber: Haha.. Sorry for dragging you into this and stuck for 5 hours. I promised I'll make it up for you one day!

The cuteness of the Spark Knight somehow makes them forgive Amber. Lumine clears her throat before replying back.

Lumine: Ahem... We forgive you!

Amber: Ehh!?

Lumine: Well, I never thought I'd seen someone this cute!

Amber: Y-Yeah..! Klee is the cutest knight in Mondstadt!

As for Aether, he advices her not to glide recklessly again.

Aether: But still, please don't do that again.

Amber: I won't! You have my promise! ^^"

The elf girl invites them..

Klee: Will you play with Klee as well? I can't wait how you both draw my Dodoco and Amber's Baron Bunny playing together! Then, I can teach you both how to make explosives!

Aether and Lumine: Explosives!?

The Outrider immediately stops Klee..

Amber: No, Klee! Jean will be mad if you blow up the solitary confinement!

Klee: Oh.. That's right... Jean can be so scary to Klee when she gets mad. But you guys can still draw my Dodoco and her Baron Bunny!

Aether: *sigh* Okay..

Lumine: Definitely!

In the end, both siblings start drawing while Amber and Klee holding their dolls. having fun in the solitary confinement with the Spark Knight. While Paimon couldn't find them anywhere in Mondstadt after waking up from the inn.

Paimon: Aether! Lumine! Amber! Where are you guys off to!? Paimon's scared without you!

Ending 3: Please don't do that again, Amber...

Like Klee's recklessness on blowing things up. Amber can be reckless too when it comes to gliding.


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