Truth and Shock

Neylei's POV

It's been a while since I last visited Y/n. By now he's probably worried, but I'm more worried something may happen to him if he went into the forest on his own. Consider the danger in the forest.

So I decided to head out and visit Y/n. To be honest, I do miss him too even though he's a human. But he's not like any other human I've met. It's just....different.

Ever since the seed of the sacred tree stopped me, I knew eywa wanted me to spare him. But I don't know what and why. But I do know this, He may be something special than any other humans.

Soon I was then interrupted by someone calling me and I turned only to see the chief Jake Sully.

Jake: "Neylei, a word?"

Neylei: "Um yes?"

Jake enters and sits before speaking.

Jake: "When was the last sign you saw your human friend?"

Neylei: "Only a few days ago. Why?"

Jake: "Because yesterday my son's fought a human wearing a green armored and it's armor protected him from any attacks"

Neylei: "(Shocking.) What?"

Jake: " Do you know about that green man or does your human friend know?"

Neylei: " I don't know. But maybe I can ask him"

Jake: " If you can bring him here, we can I ask to know about the green man."

Neylei: "You want me to bring him here?"

Jake: "We can't be sure if whether your friend is working with him or not. If so, then this could be a threat for our tribe."

Neylei took a moment to think about it until she gets an idea.

Neylei: "Okay, I can ask him. But on one condition."

Jake: " hm?"

Neylei: " You must promise me that you won't harm him. We still trust each other."

Jake: "All right then...

He says it in a sadness tone due to the last time he broke someone trust.

Jake: "But be careful. We don't know much about the green man"

Neylei nods before she left.


Y/n's POV

I was out, back in the forest, ready for anything at this point. Thanks to my lovely A.i friend I was able to get back out there and continue to get better. Thanks to her instead of moping about my sister and past I started to get head straight.

There was a plan for me to meet up with Neylei because we haven't been able to see each other for a while now. And I was starting to miss my tall blue friend.

Y/n: "Can't wait to see Neylei, it's been a while since I seen her, and she will finally get to meet you Cortana"

Cortana: "I'm sure she will be happy to see you but I'm not sure how she will react to me"

I stopped walking and paused for a moment. I sighed because she was right. I don't know what Neylei is going to do.

Y/n: "Hey now don't you worry about that, she will love to meet you, especially since now I have two blue lady friends"

She smiles inside of my helmet.

Cortana: "Thanks Chief"

Y/n: "Anytime, now let's continue with the training session"


After a few hours, it was time to head back to the base, I was going to meet up with Neylei, and then she will get to meet Cortana.

Y/n: "let's head back now"

Cortana: "let's go"

So far I didn't come across anything today which was kinda a bummer because I was in the mood for something to happen. Mostly I just jogged and practicing being stealthy. Also I kept an eye out in case I run into another Thanator again.

Luckily I have not run into any of those and that was a good thing. I have not run into any of those for a while now and that was what made the training sessions boring. I was actually in mood for a challenge! But no, nothing happened this time, and that's what made me bored at times like this.

But it's probably for the best to stay aware of my surroundings. If anything happens I will be ready to fight.

Third Person P.O.V

As the spartan made his way back he had no idea that he was being watched by someone in the trees. This person had plans for the Spartan who did not even know that he was there.

This stalker had a plan to capture the spartan by surprise.

While the Spartan makes his way back, little was he aware that he's being watched by someone from the trees. It wasn't until he heard footsteps thanks to enhance senses of hearing. Believing it's his friend Neylei, he raise his hands up before turning around and speaking.

Y/n: "Okay Neylei, you don't have to stalk me. I know your there. I kinda heard your footsteps."

Everything became silent. Whoever was there, didn't respond at all. So he knew it's definitely not Neylei.

Y/n: "I'm unarmed. There's no need to fight-"

Suddenly an arrow shot him but the armor protected him until he realized that Cortana reminded him about the shield on his suit. Before he could make a run, he sees something is flying down and notice it's na'vi riding on a ikran. He quickly makes a run and thanks to his enhanced body, he can run faster to avoid the arrows and find a way to lose the na'vi.

But little did he know that the rhino like creature appeared in front of him in roars. Realizing that na'vi stranger was luring him to the creature's turf.

Y/n: "WHOA! Hey uh, look I didn't mean to enter your turf. So uh how bout we both walk away and no one has to get hu-"

He was cut off as a charge right towards him.

Y/n: "I was trying to be nice!"

Y/n quickly evade it's charged by jumping away. But before he realizes it, the creature quickly turns its head enough to hit him before Y/n landed at the tree. Thankfully the armor protected him from the impact but it was still strong enough for him to lose consciences.

The hammerhead titanothere roars and victory before it leaves.

Lo'ak POV

I heard a loud roar nearby and head to the source of it. Soon I arrive only to see the green man is down and I landed near but I held my bow aiming at and while approaching it. But just as I got closer, I realize the green armored man didn't moved.

The creature must've knock him out but I'm surprised hes still breathing. Maybe if I bring him to the village, my dad won't grounded me. So I grabbed him by the arm but he was too heavy to drag even for a small human.

I grabbed the rope and tied him up to make it easy to drag him. I then place him on my ikran before getting on and flying off. I just hope dad doesn't find me first.

Neteyam POV

I can't believe my little brother went after the green man without father's permission. If he finds out my brother went on his own, we'll both be in trouble. Giving no choice, I mount on my ikran and search for my brother.

After an hour of search, I found my brother on his ikran and I notice a rope attached to his ikran, the moment I saw the end I realized it's the green armored man tied up. I guickly fly next time and shout.

Neteyam: "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING! If dad finds out about this then-"

Lo'ak: "But brother I have him. If I show this sky person to father then he proud I captured him."

Neteyam: "Fine but let's land now, we can't risk anymore danger in our tribe"

Kiri's POV

I was sleeping at the grass, feeling Eywa's heartbeat until I heard something and see it's Neteyam and Lo'ak on their ikrans with something weird. Out of curiosity when they landed near, I went and check what it is.

Kiri: "What did you do this time you guys?"

Neteyam: "He brought the green armored man."

Lo'ak: "(Correction.) Captured."

Kiri: "That's the sky people you've been talking about?"

Lo'ak: "Yup. And I captured him alone."

Neteyam: "Without father's permission."

I tried to take a look at the armored man but Neteyam stops me from getting closer.

Neteyam: "Don't get closer, we don't know how dangerous he is."

???: "nnnnn.....

We all saw the man sit up and place his hand on his head until Lo'ak knocks him out with a large branch.

Neteyam & Kiri: "LO'AK!"

Lo'ak: "What? He might've attacked us!"

As they begin to argue, they didn't notice their other 2 siblings were watching them.

Tuk: "Do you think that green guy is friendly?"

Spider: "I don't know, I've never seen him before. Never seen the suit at all"

They were confused until tuk and spider decide to jump in and ask the siblings.

Spider: "What's going on?"

Tuk: "And who's that green guy"

Kiri: "Don't get too close."

Lo'ak: "We're just going to tie him up so he won't hurt anyone."

Tuk: "But he doesn't look like a threat."

Neteyam: "Sorry Tuk, but we can't take any chances. I've seen how are arrows did nothing to him"

Tuk: "Who is he?"

Neteyam: "I don't know."

Spider: "Didn't you see his face before?"

Lo'ak: "No. He was wearing a helmet."

Spider: "But then you get it off to see while he's unconscious"

Neteyam & Lo'ak:.....

Spider: (Sigh.) You didn't right?

Neteyam & Lo'ak: "No"

Tuk: "Why not take it off"

Kiri: "I don't think that's a good idea."

Lo'ak: "No, I think this is a good opportunity."

Neteyam: "fine but he stays tied up."

Kiri: "Guys don't."

They ignore her as Lo'ak tries to remove the helmet but it was stuck.

Lo'ak: "It's stuck."

Neteyam: "Let me try."

Neteyam tries to do the same but ends up with the same results.

While they were figuring out what to do, they hear someone near only to reveal Neylei who has just arrived.

Neylei: "What's going on?"

Tuk: "They were trying to figure out what to do with him."

Neylei: "Who?"

Tuk points at the spartan and Neylei was shocked to see him.

Neylei: "How did he get here?"

Kiri: "Lo'ak captured him by himself"

Neteyam: "Without father's permission."

Lo'ak: "Hey!"

Neylei: "You WHAT!"

Neylei became mad to learn that Lo'ak was risking his life only to capture him.

Neylei: "What were you thinking! Going all by yourself without your father's permission nor without him knowing? You could've been in danger.

Lo'ak: "Wait Neylei, there's a good reason why I did it."

Spider: "You had a reason?"

Lo'ak: "Of course I did."

Neteyam & Kiri: "I don't think so."

Lo'ak: "Just hear me out, I did it just to prove him that I can handle this. Which I did"

Neylei: "Did you at least got the sky person's name?"

Neteyam: "We could have if he didn't knock him out with a branch"

Neylei: "You WHAT!?"

Lo'ak: "He was already knocked out before I found him!"

Neylei: "That could be Y/n under that armor!"

Tuk: "Who's Y/n?"

Neylei: "My human friend I've been talking about."

Lo'ak: "What's so special about him? You know what the sky people did to our home!"

Neylei: "Because he's alone and he's not like any other sky people!"

Lo'ak stayed silent after hearing what Neylei said unit Kiri breaks the silent.

Kiri: "The great war is in the pass, We don't want to start a new one."

Spider: "I agree, but we still don't know if he can be a friend or a foe. Heck he could be Y/n."

Neylei: "Have you tried removing his helmet?"

Neteyam: "We've already tried to remove it. But it's stuck as if it doesn't want to leave him.

Neylei: (Sigh.) Let's taken to the tribe. Maybe the human scientist knows about it and figure it out how to remove it."

Lo'ak: "Ok, Let's get him on a ikran-"

Neylei: "No, you two take Kiri, Spider, and Tuk back to the tribe and tell your father everything. I'll stay here with him.

Lo'ak: "Fine, let's go"

As we begin to leave, Neylei Stays behind to keep an eye on the green armored man.

Jake's POV

Jake went to meet up with Max where Norm was in the lab too.

Jake: "Hey Max, Norm, I got a question for you."

Norm: "Yeah, what is it?"

Jake: "Do any of you know any sky people wearing green armor?"

They both stop what they're doing after hearing what he just said.

Norm: "Green armor? I've never seen any on Pandora"

Max: "And Jake. Nobody here with us wears any armor."

Jake: "My sons saw one last night. Saying that arrows doesn't affect him."

This caught Max attention and got interested about the armor.

Jake: "Do you know anything about it Max?"

Max: "Maybe, only heard it from Grace a long time ago before the war."

Jake: "What rumor did she know?"

Max: "Something about advance soldiers. Only she knew about making advanced soldiers in the planet. I thought she shut it down because it kept failing until now."

Jake: "Advance soldiers?"

Norm: "Wait how come I've never heard of it?"

Max: "It was classified from everyone even from me. Like I said, I've only heard a rumor. Only she knows about it. Either way, all that advance soldiers died with her.

Norm: "So what can these advanced soldiers would do?"

Max: "Advanced soldiers are meant to have enhanced strength, speed, senses, and best of all, breathe in Pandora's air because of injection of serum. But each soldier who took it ended up dying since it's highly unstable it rejected a human body."

Jake: "What about the armor?"

Max: "Getting there, the armor is 100% of the rare material. But it became too heavy for a regular soldier to even move an inch."

Now that was something interesting.

Max: "That's all I know. Whoever he is, the serum must've successful with him. Not to mention about the armor too."

While I've tried to fix it together from what max told me. My mate comes in and causes me to lost my focus.

Neytiri: "Jake, the kids are here. I think something is going on."

Jake: "I'll be there."

I headed outside and meet the kids who have just arrived with their ikrans before I approach towards Neteyam and Lo'ak.

Jake: "Talk, now."

Lo'ak: "Before you get mad, there's a good reason why I disobeyed. The green man. I captured him.

Neteyam: "By himself."

Jake: (To Neteyam) And you didn't help him?

Neteyam: "I'm sorry, this is my fault. I should've kept an eye on him."

Tuk: "Wait mom, dad. The green man is with Neylei."

Neytiri: "You left it with Neylei alone!?"

Kiri: "Yes but Lo'ak knocked him out. Ever since that, the green man couldn't move.

Spider: "Like he's in a deep sleep"

Jake took a minute to think and gets an idea.

Jake: "Neteyam, can you take us to Neylei? "

Neteyam: "I remember where."

Jake: "Good. The rest of you stay here."

Lo'ak: "But-"

Jake: "Either you stay or no flying for a week."

Lo'ak: (Sigh.) Fine...

Jake: "Max can you come with us? We need to know more about him."

Max: "I'll get my stuff."

I nod before he left to go get his stuff along with an extra oxygen mask. Max went on the chopper with Norm flying it while the rest of us are each on our ikran. And there we follow Neteyam until we're arrive where Neylei and the green armor man is.

Neylei's POV

While waiting for the chief, I looked around for any predators but no sign before I took a look at the green man. He didn't move an inch which I still don't understand why. But as I look at him, He couldn't be Y/n because he's shorter than this man. Just then I heard ikrans near and I see three of them as well as the sky people vehicle landed near.

3rd Person Pov

As soon they got off of their mount, they approach towards Neylei before Max approached the spartan and scanned him while Norm hold his weapon and looked for any predators near.

Jake: "Everything okay?"

Neylei: "No, nothing's changed. He didn't even move."

Neytiri: "Is this the green man you spoke of Neteyam?"

Neteyam: "Yes."

Neytiri looks at the spartan with a concern look while holding her bow.

Neylei: "I don't think he can do anything at all."

Neteyam: "Whoever he is, he sleeps very deep that I thought."

Max: "Jake, you might want to see this."

Jake walks towards his friend who's still looking at his tablet.

Jake: "What'd you find?"

Max: "I don't think he's a threat. Not in this state at least."

Jake: "What do you mean?"

Max: "Somehow he can't move his body at all. Not even an inch from his finger. It's like his armor automatically locked itself."

Jake: "Neteyam mention they tried to take off his helmet during our way here. It must have lock itself to protect the person wearing it. Is there something you can do?"

Max: "I think I can deactivate the lock mode. I just need a moment."

Jake: "Get right to it."

Max: "There's more. There's some sort of chip behind his helmet."

After a few minutes, Max successfully unlock the lock mode. With it, Jake tilts the head for Max to pull out the chip before showing it to Jake who picks it up."

Jake: "It looks some kind of memory chip?"

Neytiri: "Jake, what are we gonna do with him?"

Jake looks at Neylei with a worried look for the spartan until Jake finally made his decision.

Jake: "We can take him to the chopper. We're not gonna leave him here."

???: "No, you're not...."

A hand grabbed Jake's wrist which alarmed everyone as he gets up.

They see the spartan can finally move as for Neytiri, Neteyam, and Norm aim their weapons at him. This made him let Jake go as he raised his hands up.

Y/n: "Whoa whoa whoa friendly! Friendly!

Both of the na'vi hiss which made him back away.

Y/n: " Can I please have the chip back, it's very important to me."

Jake: "Not until you tell me your name."

Y/n: "Give me your name and I shall give you mine."

Jake: "'s Jake"

Y/n: "Wait, Jake as in Jake Sully? You look different the last time I saw you."

Jake: "Do I know you?"

Y/n removed his helmet to reveal his face as Neylei is shocked to see him wearing the armor.

Y/n: "My name is Y/n Chacon. You've met my sister Trudy."

Jake stands shocked, Not just because Neylei's friend is the spartan but that he's Trudy's brother.

Neylei: "Y/n... How are you tall or now?"

Y/n: "Neylei, I will explain after this-"

Norm: "Wait, you're Trudy's brother?"

Y/n nods, but Jake and Norm was hard time taking all this in.

Norm: "I didn't know she had a brother. She never told me about it."

Max: "Believe it or not-"

Y/n: "Trudy is my sister."

Jake: "There's no way you're Trudy's brother. You're too young to be her brother."

Y/n: "I was in a stasis pod a long time ago. That's the only reason why."

Max: "He's right, He's been on stasis for 5 years. After that, a year before you arrive on Pandora, he was release for training before he got to advanced soldiers program."

Y/n: "Jake, I need to know... did Trudy died during the war...?"

Jake couldn't say anything until Norm got Y/n attention by giving him his sister's dog tag which he grabs it from him.

Y/n: "Oh no...."

Y/n couldn't say anything as he grips the dog tight before he leans up against a tree. Mourning the lost of his sister until Jake spoke up.

Jake: "I'm sorry-"

Y/n: "How...?"

Jake: "What? "

Y/n: "How did she died...?"

Jake: "....Quaritch shot her down when she was in her chopper-"

Y/n immediately punched the tree out of anger, leaving a crack on it. It's hard trying to hold back his tears as long as he can.

Jake: "She...she sacrificed her life to save mine and held off as long as she could. I'm sorry."

Y/n takes a deep breath to let go, still trying to control his anger. She was the only family he had left and now it was taken from him. However, he couldn't be mad at Jake because deep down he knows it wasn't Jake who killed her, it was Quaritch.

But now that he's dead, he doesn't know who he should be angry at to. All he can do now is let it go. Otherwise, what good would it be?

Y/n: "Thank you..."

Without saying more, he didn't make eye contact as he puts his sister's dog tags away. He slowly pick up his helmet and puts back on. Jake then hands him back the chip and Y/n puts it back in the back of his helmet.

Jake: "We should go. There may be predators near."

Everyone agrees as they rode back to the tribe. Y/n was in the chopper as well as Neylei. While Max was looking at his tablet, Neylei notice Y/n stayed silent ever since he learned of his sister's death. So she hold his hand to keep him comfort and Y/n nods as a thank you.

From there, they head back home to home tree.

Thanks to IronDragon19 Help me finish this chapter. This may have been the longest chapter I have ever made for this story. Almost to 5000 words which would be the longest I have ever made.

Hope you all Enjoy.

Peace out...

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