The Unexpected

Kiri POV

I laid down in the water just staring at the sand. Enjoying the peace of the water in the ocean and everything around me. But then I heard someone approach me.

Kiri: "Huh? What you say?"

It was Aonung and a few of his friends standing above me.

Aonung: "Are you some kind of freak?"

Rotxo: "He asked if you are a freak?"

Slowly I rise up in the water. I couldn't believe what these guys were saying and it caused me to roll my eyes.

Kiri: "No..."

I tried to walk away but they kept following me and asking me the same thing.

Aonung: "Are you sure? I mean you're not even real na'vi"

I kept ignoring them and tried to walk away as much quicker as it could but Aonung began to try to grab my hands.

Aonung: "Look at these hands."

He kept trying to grab my hands but I kept pulling away.

Aonung: "I mean look at them."

Him and his friends were laughing as they were beginning to pick on me.

???: "HEY!"

We all look over to see who yelled to find my brother approaching us.

Lo'ak: "Back off fishlips."

Aonung: "Oh another four finger freak."

Lo'ak began to walk up into his face then Rotxo grabs his tail.

Rotxo: "Look at this little baby tail."

Lo'ak quickly turns around and pushes him and Aonung. They began to make fun of his tail and us.

Lo'ak: "Don't touch me!"

Aonung: "Baby Tail."

Kiri: "Leave us alone!"

They began grabbing his arms now and laughing more. That was until Neteyam our big brother approached and grabbed Aonung by his shoulder and forcely turns him around.

Neteyam: "You heard what she said, leave them alone."

He used his deep voice and pointed a hand at Aonung chest. One of his friends slowly walks up to him.

Friend 1: "Oh Big brother coming in-"

He was stopped by Aonung who put his hand up causing him to stop. Neteyam points his finger at Aonung who had a smug look on his face.

Neteyam: "Back off... Now!"

Use his finger and shoved him lightly. From a moment they had to stare down before Aonung puts his hands up and slowly backs up.

Neteyam: "Smart choice and from now on I need you to respect my sister."

Aonung's friend hiss at him but Aonung put his hand up to him and he stopped. I stuck my tongue out at them with sarcasm.

Neteyam: "Let's go..."

We all began to walk away from Aonung and his friends.

Aonung: "Bye!"

Waved his fingers at us but I know what he was trying to do. He was making fun of us for having extra fingers.

Lo'ak walks back to Aonung and show some something with his finger before punching him in the face. And then he punched him in the face again causing him to fall down on his ass.

Lo'ak: "It's called a punch bitch! Don't you ever touch my sister yet"

Aonung angry gets up and tackles Lo'ak into the water.

The boys began to fight and I tried my hardest to hold in my laughter. They kept on fighting until my father and Tonowari came out and broke up the fight.

Third Person POV

Jake: "What was the one thing I asked? The one thing?"

Lo'ak: "Stay out of trouble."

Jake: "Stay out of trouble. Right."

Neteyam: "It was my fault."

Jake: "Yeah, I don't think so. You've got to stop taking the heat for this knucklehead."

Lo'ak: "Look, Dad, Aonung was picking Kiri. He called her a freak."

Jake's face visibly softened up upon hearing this.

Jake: "Go apologize to Aonung."

Lo'ak: "What?"

Jake: "he is the chief's son. Do you understand? I don't care how you do it. Just go make peace. Just go."

Lo'ak walks off to make peace with Aonung, once he's out of earshot, Jake's stops Neteyam to speak with him privately.

Jake: "Hey, so what did the other guys look like?"

Neteyam: "Worse."

Jake: "That's good."

Neteyam: "A lot worse."

Jake: "Get outta here."

Neteyam walks off and Jake sighs heavily.

???: "You know he takes it from you right?"

Jake turned around only to see Y/n leaning against the mauri entrance.

Jake: "What?"

Y/n: "Lo'ak, he takes it from you."

Jake: "What are you talking about?"

Y/n sighs in disappointment before he faces Jake.

Y/n: "I'll make it simple. Look back at who you were and look back at your son, doesn't he act familiar? Disobey orders, does something reckless, makes friends with a huge creature, and tries to be reasonable to everyone to understand. No who else did that?"

Jake: "Who?"

Y/n: "You."

Jake realized what he meant, his son was like him when he arrived to Pandora. Y/n can tell he's thinking through it before he confronts him.

Y/n: "I may not be a dad, but I know what it's like to be abused and neglect. And your son, he may be sometimes annoying and I'll admit it, but right now he needs a father and he needs to know he's not the only one who's been struggling like this. Demon or not, you know I'm right."

Before Jake could say anything, Neylei enters looking extremely mad, alongside Kiri and Cortana.

Neylei: "Is it true?"

Y/n: "Is what true?"

Neylei: "Your father."

Y/n: "W-What?"

She looks even more mad.

Y/n: "how do you know?"

She then points to the AI in Kiri's hands.

Neylei: "She told me everything."


Neylei, Tsirya, Cortana, and Kiri we're hanging out by the ocean after what just happened with the boys.

Kiri: "Those boys can be so stubborn sometimes and it always gets them in trouble."

The young girl was completely annoyed which caused the Metkayina girl and the other Navi girl to laugh.

Cortana: "They're just boys. Boys will be boys."

Neylei: "And they don't know how to stay out of trouble all the time."

Tsirya: "At least one of them wasn't involve in the fight earlier."

Kiri: "Who Spider?"

Tsirya: "No the one in green."

Kiri was confused but had a feeling about what she was trying to say or who she was trying to say.

Cortana: "She's talking about Y/n."

Both Kiri and Neylei nodded. It's true that the Spartan wasn't in the fight or there when it happened not even spider was there. And for good reason mainly it was trying to avoid getting into trouble.

Cortana: "Smart choice of them including chief."

Neylei: "At least those two weren't involved and used their brains."

The girls began to laugh at what she said.

Kiri: "Lo'ak acts the way my dad used to be."

Cortana: "I'm glad that my Spartan is not like his father."

Neylei: "What about his father?"

Cortana: "Did he not tell you?"

Kiri: "Tell her what?"

The A.i. looked at kiri before looking at Neylei who was very curious on what she was about to say.

Cortana: "Y/n had a father that work for the RDA. He taught him and his Trudy ways of the military."

This completely shocked everyone including Tsirya who barely knew anything about the Spartan.

Cortana: "His father was an RDA Commander and he worked alongside Colonel Quaritch."

The young na'vi girl didn't respond to her instead she spoke to herself.

Neylei: "He lied to me..."

Flashback Ended

Neylei: "You lied to me..."

Y/n: "Neylei..."

Neylei: "DON'T!"

The Spartan steps back. Jake looked surprised by this but kept his mouth shut and watched.

Neylei: "I thought you said you trust me... My mistake."

She was about to leave but Y/n tried to stop her.

Y/n: "I do trust you, I just don't want you to know."

The Spartan realized the mistake he just made.

She looks at him with disgust before she turns around and stomps her way out of the mauri.

The Spartan looks down as if he just lost his best friend.

Cortana: "Chief I'm sorry..."

Y/n: "No your FUCKING NOT!"

This outburst causes Cortana to flinch from his outburst. Jake and Kiri were also shocked by this response. They had never seen this side of him before.

Y/n: "I told you a while back not to say anything and yet you do!"

The A.i looked down in shame.

Y/n: "I didn't want her to know and now she does! Thanks to you!"

Jake was about to say something until the Spartan grabs his helmet before he walked out of the mauri pissed.

Kiri: "This is bad."

Jake: "This ain't good..."

To be continued...

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