Quiet Night

The Tribe

Neylei return to her village to speak to her tribal leaders about The last human on their planet that they've been slowly investing in. They didn't know about her and the human yet, until one of the other hunts and villagers seen him in the forest. One of the villagers was carrying a basket of berries with a huntress with her when she spotted the human from far distance. The hunter with her was going to kill him until Neylei saw what she was going to do, so she stopped her from doing it. This led to her tribe knowing about it. Her leader was one of the humans but change side with our people and became our new tribe after Tsu'tey and his father died. Now Our new clan leader Jake Sully wants to speak with me, not even he knew about the human being here.

As Neylei approached her leader he was already there waiting for her, ready to speak with her as soon as she arrived. "So care to tell us more about this human that you have been seeing" he spoken. I was shock to hear that he has now know about the little man she has been seeing for the past few days. Her people started to gather around them as they spoke to each other, a lot were surprised that there was still a human here, others angered, disgusted, and sad about knowing.

Neylei: "well. . . he did say he wasn't planning anything against us, and he did say that he was trapped here with us" she gives him all her information that she had got from Y/n. There wasn't much that she could tell him.

The person that Neylei was speaking to was her tribe leader Jake Sully. He was asking her about the human she was investigating in and what she has learned about him. She only been with him for a few day, learning more new things about him everyday.

When she came back from her talking to Y/n her leader asked her what she had found. Her tribe started to ask her a lot questions about the human she was seeing. She just told them what she Had learned about the human and why he was still here on their planet. They asked her how he survived here after their war with the sky people.

"hmm strange, anything else?" one of 2 females by Jake asked. She thought back for a moment before speaking once again, trying to think of something she give, something she had been told by Y/n, something that she make them not to kill her human friend. As she was thinking a thought past her mind. She remember something Y/n told on the first day they first met.

Neylei: "he did say he was genetically enhanced, so that he can breathe in our air" she gave out the most interesting part of information she had. This had to work.

They were shocked at this. Their faces were full of complete shock, everyone around them were shocked as well. Jake Sully was the most shock from this, learning something new that he didn't know that was impossible. He was with them once, but he didn't know they could do this. As Neylei finish speaking, Jake approached her "I want you to keep an eye him for now just in case he tries anything and I mean it" The leader was being very serious about this.

Neylei: "understood Jake Sully" she said before walked away from her leader. Upon leaving her village she got looks from her people, she ignored them while walking though them. After her and Jake spoke she left to go back to see Y/n again. She has been spending a lot of time with him, knowing more about him, his life was full of surprises to her.

He's not like the sky people, he's different from them in many ways. He was something way more than the sky people but her people don't believe her and still they don't trust humans. Soon they will have to understand that he isn't like the sky people.


Night had already fallen, the sky was now mixed with all different types of blue. You could even see another larger planet in the sky and a few other planets that close to each other, but they were smaller ones than the big one.

It was almost like you can see the whole universe in front of your face all at once and it's something you can't refuse to look up at. Anyone from Earth would admired this scene for days at a time. It was one the most beautiful thing that Y/n has ever seen.

This was one of the things he likes here better than Earth.

(This is what you are seeing right now)

Y/n sat outside, waiting for Neylei to come back, so that they could hangout again. It was nice to finally have somebody to talk to after being alone for months. For the past couple of days, Y/n has been talking to Neylei, she was so full of questions every time she learned something new about him, and his life back home on earth. But she doesn't know everything about him and his past life on Earth, his life on Earth wasn't great at young age after his mother died from being sick his father started beating and taking his anger out on him and his older sister.

He started to become an alcoholic, drinking more than feeding his own children. His father gave him the most beating than his older sister. His sister started to hate their father from that day.

The beating went on for 3 years until his sister couldn't take it anymore, she save him by running away from our father so that he wouldn't hurt us anymore. Soon she began to work for RDA, She is the main reason why he is here in the first place, she brought him because there was she wouldn't leave him on Earth all by himself.

She didn't want him to be alone, especially if their father was looking for them. His sister was a pilot who toke him on a couple of flying trips but after the war he hasn't seen her again, Later he find out that she died from missal fired at her. When he found out that she died it broke him, he almost committed suicide because of it but he couldn't bring himself to do it. She was the last person she had, he that she would have want to keep on living so he can keep on fighting to live on his new home.

Y/n Pov

The sky was just beautiful tonight. Most nights I don't even go outside, a lot of time I would stay up all night then go outside. This was my first time being outside at night in a good while and I really miss it because it helps take my mind of things. I really needed to start doing this more often, as I was focus on the sky that I didn't realize that somebody was walking up behind me, I didn't move because I knew who it was.

It was not that hard to find out because it was the same that has been seeing him for the past few days. "Lovely night isn't it" I said still not removing my eyes from the sky as Neylei sat down right next to me. We didn't say anything though as we were watching the sky and listening to everything around us.

The silence between us went on for a few good 10 minutes. I shifted my gaze to the female na'vi lady staring at the sky. She was pretty as the sky can be, her blue skin with darker blue strips all around her body. It's something that I can not explain, or even describe because of how beautiful she is to look at. She's probably way older me, I could tell pretty easily by just looking at her. "it is very beautiful" The Na'vi female says while looking at me for a few moments be looking back the sky. I stared back into her yellow eyes, smiling to myself by just looking into her gorgeous eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes you know" I said still looking into her eyes, she smiles before we both went back to staring at the sky. Slowing I lean my head on her shoulder with no regret at all what so ever.

I could tell she was smiling from this and it made my heart warmed a little bit. "Thank You" I heard her whispered before she lays her head on top of mine.

We only have known each other for like a few weeks, but it felt like we knew each other forever and I do really miss this feeling.

Y/n: "Neylei, thank you for not killing me."

I felt her pulling me closer to her, even though we were right next to each other.

Neylei: "You are welcome."

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